
Fitness Motivation Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"If you're going to get bigger, you've got to get stronger."
"It takes a lot of mental toughness to get your workout clothes on, set the time aside, and show up to give it your all."
"It's better to be prepared and just go out there for a run."
"Exercise is irreplaceable. Get it done and learn to love the grind."
"Fitness for such a long time is not about the way it looks. It's about the way it makes you feel."
"You really are an inspiration, role model, and a huge reason why I started training again after not touching a weight for seven years."
"Health is wealth, you can look as good as you want on the outside but you need to go to the gym, you need to sweat."
"Let's just get in there and get a freaky leg pump."
"Fitness is extremely important, it will boost your confidence. Do it, do it, get into fitness, it's the real deal."
"Helps with morale as well you drop a ton of fat in the first few weeks you're like [ __ ] yeah I'll keep pushing if even if it does suck a little bit."
"Remember, the real workout starts when you want to quit."
"Your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won't move if your brain doesn't tell it to."
"I think everyone can get more muscular, everyone can get fitter, everyone can get better physically. It's just a matter of how much work you want to put in." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"A win for me is a win for the Israelite community, a win for the black community."
"If your workout can be play, you're gonna be in shape, gonna want to play all the time."
"Seriously, I feel like the two things that make me most excited to get into the gym is a cute workout outfit and some fun new tech product that I can play with in the gym."
"No pain, no gain. If you're training, your body goes through some discomfort in order to get to that next stage."
"Every rep, every set adds up to progress. I'm wired for the gym, an unstoppable force."
"If you usually have trouble reaching your 10,000 steps quota, then that could be a thing of the past by laying down roots in the Paro Valley in Bhutan."
"I love seeing people in the gym and I love seeing people just like working on themselves."
"Investing in a good pair of sneakers that are comfortable and well-fitted to you is crucial for preventing injury and eliminating excuses to not work out."
"My biggest fitness motivation is feeling capable."
"We didn't want to just be going to the gym and do the elliptical for an easy 20 minutes. We wanted to be pushed to the limit."
"Fitness is about health, fitness, motivation. It's making you be your best version."
"Stay consistent, stay balanced, stay positive, and see results in your fitness and in your life."
"My goal was to inspire them to train in the gym, to chase their goals."
"Your body will achieve what your mind believes."
"You have all the control in the world in your hand; believe that you can push yourself that extra rep."
"You will never regret the burn the next day."
"Never miss a chance to walk up stairs... keep physically active and your bones will stay strong."
"I don't go to the gym for muscles, I go to find my answers in the pain zone."
"I want to be a good example for them and motivate them and want them to work out take care of themselves blah blah."
"Finding the exercise that truly brings you joy."
"Nice plyometric move, ending plyo's gonna require a jump, all right! Engage that core, come on!"
"When you feel cute in the gym, you lift heavier weights."
"Anyone can lose weight, feel their best, get into shape, be fit, and yeah, you know, let me be an example that no matter how far you feel like you've sunken into that hole, you can climb your way out, okay?"
"You'll never regret a workout... unless you seriously injure yourself."
"You're never going to regret a workout, unless you've got a barbell dropped on your head."
"I know if they get results, how I felt afterwards, how I looked afterwards. So that, I want to share with you, my honest opinion."
"I'm just here to set the example as you see me working out with you this whole time."
"I definitely recommend leaving start workout reminders."
"I think this video will help a tremendous amount of people who've been going to the gym spinning their wheels and not seeing any results."
"This is the weekend to join that gym... you have not just the discipline but the willpower and energy to make that happen."
"Once I started to see results, it was like the first time I ever felt confident in my body."
"I want all my followers to make me look like a noob in the gym. I want the people that listen to me to look better than me."
"If you don't have as much visceral fat, you get much more benefit from exercise."
"Exercise like a real bad ass for maximum intensity."
"Think about it in terms of gratitude; thank you for this workout that's pushing me to my limits."
"I'm gonna make up a goal, say you wanna run a marathon."
"Remember guys, it's about enjoying your training and being consistent. That's what's gonna get you the best results."
"I work out for three reasons: to drink beer, eat tacos, and not die earlier than I should."
"Magical things will happen if you download the app. You'll get more jacked and shit will make sense when you're training."
"You will never regret going to the gym or working out."
"Get fit because health and not being gassed out matters."
"This is how you take a simple exercise and turn it into something even greater."
"It's not body shaming to tell people to get into shape."
"Persistence and consistency... lift heavy for the booty."
"I do appreciate you guys following I do appreciate you guys commenting and tell me tell me what why you train like what time you train."
"Make discipline automatic. Lay your gym clothes out next to your bed the night before."
"Train like a beast, probably going to look like a beast eventually."
"David puts his amazing form down to practicing krav maga to stay in shape."
"I appreciate all of you joining from around the world. Let's keep moving and stay healthy!"
"If you don't make time to be fit, make time to get old, make time to be sick."
"If you don't have the motivation nor the discipline, don't eat or exercise intuitively. Force yourself to go to the gym."
"I love when people tell me they lost weight because of me, they started martial arts because of me, even though I'm not a martial artist."
"Essentially I want this to act as a gateway drug, right? A stepping stone towards a life of lifting and fitness and generally getting massive like me. I'm not massive, I'm small."
"Why do you guys think she works out 60 minutes a day? So she can master the hair whip."
"That's what gets me fired up, chasing that extra two and a half pounds or that extra rep."
"Thank you guys for watching my videos, subscribing to my channel and also working out with me over the years."
"The numbers do the talking, and I'll bury 99 percent of the open guys in the gym."
"I hate not working out or just not the feeling of not progressing."
"Working out is so much more enjoyable if you look cute."
"It's nice to see you working out this way" - Ashley Mova
"All the workouts, the peak of the workout comes at the drop of the music."
"Grab your water and your sweat towel as well. We're gonna jump right into the warm-up because I know you're here and you are ready. If you're not, get your mind right. We've got this. Three, two, one, come on!"
"It’s moments like this that make Ring Fit Adventure something special."
"Super cute if you've been working out this summer."
"Thanks so much for joining me for this awesome and uplifting workout today."
"Thank you so much for joining us and working out with us today, it has been our privilege."
"Our goal here is to get you to feel this so that you enjoy working out you feel better you look better than making all the mental progress and physical progress as you go through this of your journey."
"Remember why you started, and I guarantee that even if you do have bad days or weeks, you'll never actually fall out of fitness."
"It's almost a little bit of a challenge. I've decided to start a six-week fitness challenge today to just motivate myself to have a goal, you know?"
"There's no secret exercise... it's motivation, discipline, and the same tools that we have access to." - Harley Pasternak
"Don't just keep the weight if it's not challenging you."
"Another great thing about working out is that you get to wear cute as hell clothes."
"You know the last few reps of a set are grow time."
"Don't settle for a weak, atrophied body. No way, no time of your life. Don't settle."
"You made it through the workout. I'm so happy you guys joined me today."
"The beauty of doing 100 push-ups a day is you get to decide how hard you make it."
"We wanted to help you create the mind and muscle connection so you can fuck shit up."
"Change in the body doesn't happen until your body's taken outside of its comfort zone."
"The next three months are going to be amazing. You're going to get in the shape of your life and win loads of free stuff."
"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, so get in shape now."
"Staying lean, being anabolic, living an active lifestyle, feeling great in your own skin—this is not difficult."
"Overall, it's just like a really phenomenal workout so we are going to do four times ten of these trust me feels like a lot but you can do it."
"Train harder than last time...train hard, train harder...stop being like a pansy in the gym and not pushing." - Coach Craig
"Remember to join me at my online gym, Human 2.0 Fitness."
"Never been a better time to get back in shape."
"Love your body enough to do something about it, like Thor did."
"Let's get into it. We're gonna burn those shoulders out today. I'm excited. Are you excited Claudia? I am. Get it going!"
"Find a cheap hobby like hiking or free workout videos on YouTube."
"Right now you're gonna visualize how the set should go, you're gonna visualize each and every rep that you're gonna hit."
"Let's keep crushing those health and fitness goals together."
"You're two super sets away from crushing a 60-minute full body workout, that's a big deal, okay? Be proud of yourself, you're this far into the workout, it's too soon to stop, we're in it together!"
"Press those hands out and those feet in the opposite direction."
"If you don't enjoy your training, you're not going to go. So if you don't like it, flip the routine."
"Exercise sucks. You’re intentionally leaving your comfort zone so you can stretch that zone a little wider, week by week."
"Every extra rep you get, that's the ones that are really going to count."
"You're doing great, one rep into the next, every rep's getting you just that much closer to your goal."
"The reason that I love running is one to improve but also to have fun and what Runner has given me over the last four weeks is enjoyment in the gym never thought that was going to happen."
"Muscles have everything to do with real strength, hit the gym. Like actually hit the gym."
"Become a weightlifter, become a beast."
"Don't quit now, don't hit that pause button, don't set your weights down, do not give up on us because we are not giving up on you."
"There's seriously no better way to motivate yourself to go to the gym than treating yourself to a new workout set."
"You know what's better than 100 push-ups? 200."
"If you want to look good naked, this is your shit."
"If your classes disappeared and that means you stopped working out, there's a problem."
"Do exercises you enjoy. Fitness is not 'I want to lose weight in 6 weeks,' so you've got to find exercises that you actually wake up and you're excited about doing."
"Enjoy your running, keep on getting it done."
"No pain, no gain. Push your body. Don't forget to keep hydrating."
"Just because we're wearing a shirt and tie doesn't mean we should ignore our health and our fitness."
"You can't get fitter if you're a quitter."
"You showed up for this workout, that is all that matters."
"Just pick your class, climb the leaderboard, cheer each other on, and give it your all."
"I'm gonna put on a workout set, we're gonna get a good walk in, and just enjoy the morning."
"The Peloton content and any sort of interactive content has proven to be more beneficial in helping people continue to use their equipment."
"As long as you go hard on every set, you'll be alright, you'll make some gains."
"And the best way or the easiest way to be consistent is to have fun."
"Be happy and I do want to say I love that you showed up for leg day."
"Join me for my monthly fitness calendar and so much more, and I would love to have you with us in sharing the message of movement as medicine with the planet."
"Stay fit and stay positive no matter what challenges you face."
"The simplest thing is go to the gym; you'll look good in a $5 shirt, I'll guarantee you that."
"Whether you're working out at home newly or you've been working at home for a while, that's work that's gonna be great for you."
"I love walking, and now that I use Job Spotter, I love it even more since I get paid to walk."
"One of the hallmarks of somebody actually enjoying their workouts is that they do it consistently."
"This is a game to motivate exercise during a lockdown."
"RunKeeper lets you set goals and watch your progress to stay motivated."
"I love you so much, and I want to thank you for working out with me. Have an awesome one."
"Thank you guys, great job today. Thank you so much for digging so deep and working so hard with me today during this hip mash-up routine."
"What it is that motivates you, what brought you here to this workout."
"If all else fails, just get in shape—something good's going to happen."
"We want to wake those quads up, let them know who's boss. We are!"
"This is the heart, right? This is why people buy the app because they want to track their exercises."
"Don't be so hard on yourself if you wake up and you don't want to work out at all."
"Strava does the best job of gamifying your workouts and kind of socializing them as well."
"Friendly reminder to get in the gym."
"Great job, keep up the good work."
"That's the name of the game, just show up and move your body."
"Our job here is to help you continue being the awesome person you are and helping other people in their health, in their journey of fitness and happiness and health."
"I do want people to get fit and healthy."
"I'm really on a mission to get people moving all over the world and feeling strong, healthy, and happy."
"Just until it feels special, until something wakes up in those abdominals."
"Earn the rest, challenge your heart rate because you know that recovery is coming."
"Hey there, good looking. Are you looking to get the heart rate up, burn some calories, and be done in under 25 minutes?"
"Don't think I'm going to the gym so that I can look hot, look sexy, or have that specific body. It's about having some strength and feeling good."
"Are you ready to go five pounds down and get some slim summer abs? Well, that's what we're doing today with no equipment needed. Let's go!"
"Start by making progress towards your fitness goals today."
"It really helps me stay motivated and maintain a level of fitness."
"You can train like a fighter and turn your sweat into results."
"The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you burn throughout the day."
"Remember how strong those legs and glutes are getting, how sculpted, lifted, and toned."
"Let's start getting fit; let's start going crazy."
"They look really pretty, they look really clean, and for anybody that's really into fitness like me, you know, the way things look affects the way you feel when you train."
"Every move is mighty, every workout's a winner."
"If you want to burn fat and lose weight, you need to be here right now."
"It's time for leg day, don't grab your squat rack, call on the powers of Saquon Barkley."
"Maybe y'all want to start on a fitness journey, not just for fitness but for some mental toughness."
"It's time to get strong, lift those weights, never skip leg day."
"It's a great day to get a good pump."
"I can't wait to start working out again."
"I think that if you're struggling with staying consistent in the gym, you need to find something that is just deeper than wanting to change the way your body looks."
"Release your abs, unleash your potential."
"Imagine your fat just melting off."
"We're gonna get you in shape, we're gonna get you your life started in the right direction, we're gonna get you moving every single day."
"It was about using the platform of Everest to inspire people to get fit and to get active and to live healthier, happier, more meaningful lives."
"Thanks so much for joining me. I hope you felt the burn and I hope you liked the elevation."
"All fitness levels are welcome, we just want you to succeed, work a little outside of your comfort zone, you will find success."
"Remember, your butt is burning at home, and as it should be. Push through it to make the gains that you want."
"I feel like looking cute in cute athleisure always makes me want to work out more."
"Get that heart rate up, this is where you push yourself, this is where you challenge yourself, this is where the hard work comes in."
"If you're goal-oriented and you like seeing your fitness go up, then a power meter will add value."