
Sign Language Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"This is a great time to introduce baby sign language because this is the stage where they're starting to explore some of their independence."
"Learning sign language has much more meaning than simply the knowledge of another language."
"He learned sign language so that he could communicate with handicapped teens."
"People learning sign language became stronger, better, more effective communicators in their life outside of it."
"I wish I knew sign language, I think it's one of the most beautiful languages."
"Coco instantly connected with Robin, using over 1,000 signs to share her feelings and thoughts."
"We're going to be able to detect different sign language poses in real time."
"We are so excited didn't you do too much baby sign language play go baby go."
"An octopus that knows sign language – not the most dangerous or extraordinary anomaly the Foundation has ever discovered, but still, this anomaly could not remain out of containment."
"Teaching sign language to first graders, yay yay!"
"So now if you know a deaf person is communicating with someone that doesn't know sign, that person can just literally hold a regular conversation with them."
"I want to use the money specifically to pay for classes to take an American sign language course."
"She was actually taught sign language, so she was able to communicate with different people about what was going on in her mind."
"Sign language. We could use this to communicate."
"I was impressed, you know what Johnny said? He said, 'If every school in the world taught each other sign language, then everyone in the world would be able to communicate.'"
"You can express just as much feeling with sign language as you can with your voice."
"If all the schools in every across the world taught sign language everyone could speak to each other."
"Putting actual sign language into the anime and then following it up with that horribly devastated look."
"Including sign language into what we have to say and do, it requires your full attention of your body, of your emotional capacity. Signs don't really exist without facial expression and without the emotion behind it."
"Well, I hope this video helps you open your mind to thinking a little more about signing, about why it's laid and where it's laid and how to react to it."
"They know the sign language already, the international sign for 'we need to challenge that one.'"
"Ape language studies, it's such an interesting concept I can't not talk about it. Basically, there is a bunch of apes, there's kind of Coco the gorilla who's famous for being able to use sign language."
"Learning sign language is really fun too."
"That's the sign for friend. Robbie is saying that you are his friend."
"Having them actually speak in sign language was an interesting choice."
"It's very interesting that penguins use sign language to communicate."
"It's precious, and I love sign language."
"He did sign language saying 'I love you,' and then he brought out the ring."
"Our main aim is to encourage and empower deaf people to get involved in the community and also to get sign language out there to hearing people."
"I hope to be a qualified sign language interpreter when I grow up."
"I actually loved the idea of them using sign language."
"Getting to work with Cadbury fingers again means we will be reminding you regularly to keep learning a little BSL."
"He actually can communicate in sign language."
"In Sign Language, this means 'I love you'."
"Laconia, how do you say 'I love you' in sign language?"
"I agree with this statement, I wish my family learned ASL when I was growing up."
"It's such a disservice to your child to not teach them ASL or not try to adapt for them."
"Using baby sign language with your child before they are verbal is incredibly helpful."
"She responded with a video of her discretely making the gesture in ASL that asks, do you know sign?"
"All languages travel at the speed of sound, but sign language travels at the speed of light."
"Growing up with hard of hearing parents forced me to be the interpreter of the family, which is okay; I love to sign, I think it's beautiful."
"Sign language is the best way for us to get the kids to understand or get us to understand them."
"Hello my dear signing friends, it's Alisa here with thoughtful creativity."
"It was great learning to sign for you, I really enjoyed my course and I will go for more lessons and I will improve."
"Sign language does not delay speaking skills; it actually gives children a tool to use to communicate before they can say words."
"That's amazing, I love it, so that's what they really taught each other to sign."
"I use hand gestures and/or writing for deaf co-workers. This helps with basic communication that most hearing people don't bother with and it's normally appreciated that I do this."
"Water, y'all know the story of Helen Keller. Her very first word that she learned to write using her sign language was water."
"What's Robbie doing with his fingers? That's sign language; some deaf people use their hands to talk."
"It's not like a translation of English to some sort of American Sign Language... it's literally its own language."
"Humans all across the world utilize sign language to communicate."
"I think sign language is just one of the most beautiful forms of communication."
"Show patience and kindness to your signers."
"These children will not generally be fluent in speech at all, however, they will be able to sign in most cases."
"Many children are able to communicate through signing and with extensive and proper therapy, patients can often attain the developmental and social skills of a five or six-year-old."
"I taught myself how to sign basic sign language."
"The sister communicated through sign language that she would always protect her."
"Gloves that can translate sign language."
"They say like home, home, which is actually the sign language for home."
"I want to learn sign language, I want to continue my activism."
"John Rail even said in his interview that he wants to learn sign language so he could talk to David."
"I'm glad I know sign language, it's handy."
"In today's video, we're going to be building our very own real-time sign language detector using TensorFlow.js and React."
"Thank you, she said, touching the fingertips of one hand to her lips, then held them out towards Geneva."
"It looked almost as if she were throwing a kiss; that is a sign for thank you."
"Geneva smiled, 'You're welcome,' she said, and also signed it."
"Sign language was my first language."
"That town would be for all sign language users, a fully integrated, accessible and bilingual... for all."
"I'm deaf obviously and I sign. I use my hands and I would like to be representation for that kind of community."
"I love seeing sign language used more in cartoons; animation is a very visual medium, so sign language is a very good way to do that."
"She signed during the announcement that she would be the first deaf character in the MCU, and it was just so beautiful."
"I would urge anybody who's struggling to get their children to communicate to put them on sign language."
"I love deaf jazz hands; they're the best thing in the world when you're feeling bad."