
UFO Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"The UFO is emerging as a major topic of global importance."
"The UFO phenomenon represents a manifestation of a reality that transcends our current understanding of physics."
"Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee actually verified Ed Walters' photos as legitimate."
"Having a really great wife makes life so much better."
"The movement of hip-hop, peace, love, unity, having fun, it comes out of the civil rights movement, the continuation of that struggle to get free."
"Close allies like the U.S. and Japan openly speaking about the UFO issue."
"This is a UFO but it was something under controlled flight under intelligent control."
"I think they really did see something quite real, the Farmington Armada."
"It was almost perfectly round, 180 feet in diameter, and it looked like a UFO."
"The star map was a big deal because many years after all this occurred it was the closest thing to evidence that Betty and Barney Hill had of that night that was actually extraterrestrial."
"This is something that's not explained, definitely a UFO or something out of this world."
"If there is an alien presence here, and there's no question in my mind when you look at the quantity of excellent UFO accounts that come out to this very day, the vast number of them, someone is operating here with a large infrastructure."
"Widespread publicity was generated by the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case of 1961."
"What's presented here is genuine UFO/UAP footage."
"Commander Chad Underwood he's the man that actually filmed the Tic Tac UFO."
"The Tic Tac case the Nimitz whatever whatever label you want to give it is the most important UFO case of all."
"I think the Tic Tac case is the most important UFO case of all because it was so well documented."
"Orbs, a mysterious string of lights, and a massive V-shaped object that appears to undulate are all reported over Phoenix in March 1997."
"If a UFO actually crashed then it had to be something that is solid material."
"The photo shows a mysterious diamond-shaped flying object... a fighter jet could be spotted in the background."
"71% of people think that this is a UFO... other possibilities 29%."
"There's the UFO element but there's also the paranormal unexplained high strangeness element."
"A sighting in 1986 that involved a Japanese jumbo jet over Alaska... The pilot was grounded for several years afterwards."
"The Belgian Air Force has no idea what it was that they had witnessed but they thankfully did acknowledge that some sort of unknown activity had taken place instead of just trying to sweep it under the rug and pretend like nothing ever happened."
"Just when Gorman thought he had the UFO caught, it fired vertically upwards and disappeared."
"UFO witnesses don't get much more credible than that."
"The events were also validated by the international UFO museum."
"The Roswell incident has since ignited a decades-long debate, conspiracy theories, and a search for answers about the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet."
"The Belgian UFO wave marked the start of numerous UFO reports."
"This may be the clearest UFO film I've ever seen."
"UFO Abduction, if it indeed exists, can easily be tied into missing persons cases."
"It's absolutely gobsmacking that it's being kept as a secret, there's a massive UFO."
"When Fravor dipped his Super Hornet down to take a closer look, the tic-tac mirrored his movements to maintain separation."
"The footage appears to show a UFO flying over the base and recorded by base personnel."
"A Navy pilot named David Fravor... 'We've encountered the so-called Tic Tac UFO.'"
"I saw the bodies... it was in a desert area, and I'm almost positive it was in 1953." - Pilot witness
"Keep your eyes on the skies everybody, we're not alone."
"It was like flowing electricity, it was not even 75 feet up. I could have hit this thing with a rock."
"What's most astonishing about these videos taken by a Turkish security guard of multiple UFOs, is how clear the footage is."
"The tic tac UFO encounter is one of the most famous unexplained aerial phenomena to be caught on camera."
"The government released a UFO description, yes they did, ladies and gentlemen, yes they did."
"Scotland has its fair share of UFO sightings, but none more mysterious than the Deckman Woods encounter of 1979."
"Bringing the UFO phenomena into the light of day."
"If you saw this thing hovering over you, you'd know without a shadow of a doubt that shit just got supernatural up in this joint."
"The Pentagon has just confirmed that the footage is real."
"So you've got the U.S. Navy seeing these crazy things, coordinating with Project Blue Book, the government's official UFO program, to investigate what they saw because they don't know."
"We're looking at legitimate unknown phenomenon until we find out what it is, it's a UFO guys."
"If it were just that encounter that's one thing... but it's the Princeton observing these contacts."
"UFO occupants have also been with us throughout history."
"You've got to start up your engines, you've got to raise your sails."
"If there was ever an experimental aircraft that could easily be mistaken for a UFO, then the Avro car is surely it."
"The truth remains elusive. No one can say with absolute certainty whether the original video showcases an authentic UFO or if it's merely a crafted ploy for views."
"The tic-tac UFO case of 2004 is very, very important. It's an object that is well-attested by US Navy personnel, doing things that just are not supposed to be possible."
"We need to understand this is a worldwide, very widespread phenomenon."
"The 2006 O'Hare International Airport UFO sighting occurred when 12 United Airlines employees and several witnesses reported seeing a metallic saucer-shaped craft."
"The implication is you know there was a UFO and we shot it down."
"Whether or not they actually shot down a UFO and if it was a UFO they shot down it was probably one of ours."
"Clearly, Gulf Breeze, Florida, is a hot spot for UFO and Uso activity and has been for the past 22 years."
"The UFO file shows Guy Bannister proposes security matter X for UFO reports."
"X-Protect and X-Share: groups maintaining UFO file secrecy and pushing knowledge."
"I think we're Way Beyond the crash retrieval stage and cobbling together a crude UFO."
"The Pentagon confirmed that video of another UFO is real and accurate."
"UFOs are real; they've been real for decades."
"If the United States were involved in shooting down a UFO... implies we have knowledge."
"A UFO sighting even took place on the property in the 1960s."
"The ancient Egyptians were way ahead of their time."
"The unidentified flying object had appeared on both Federal Aviation Administration and Military radar screens."
"I think what I saw was probably a real UFO."
"Lazar's story has been acknowledged by NASA and the US Congress, who seem more curious about delving into the UFO mystery."
"Yes, it was a UFO. Me and my buddy standing there, I thought we were going to be abducted."
"I think this is the real deal. I really believe this could be a real UFO."
"It was a white orb, rather large, and it shot straight into my line of vision, then moved in a few circles and shot away."
"I was just gazing out, looking up at the sky when I saw what appeared to be an unidentified flying object."
"The UFO was going to be hiding behind the trail of this comet."
"We are 72% sure that we saw a UFO."
"6 Skinwalker Ranch. Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, is a property located on approximately 1.9 km2 southeast of Ballard, Utah that is allegedly the site of paranormal and UFO-related activities."
"He described it just as a black or dark gray cube inside of a clear translucent sphere."
"Does 'UFO' have a dirty connotation to it, is it tainted because of so many crazy people talking about UFOs?"
"It was about 10 feet off the ground, about 10 feetin diameter."
"It was bright and bobbed back and forth, changing from a yellowish color to a transparent green hue."
"I think we have to contemplate the probability that this planet has been visited by nhi non-human intelligences for millennia and we are slowly becoming aware of them."
"The unidentified flying object is said to have hovered for 10 minutes in the air before it suddenly vanished without any trace."
"What's interesting about all this is not that the UFO was trying to blend in rather seemed to be feeling left out during an air show."
"On the night of October 4, '67, a UFO was seen to hover over the waters of Shag Harbor, tilted to a 45-degree angle, and descended rapidly to the water's surface producing a flash and the sound of an explosion."
"Have UFOs visited our planet? Or are they already here?"
"But as this recent incident plays out in Norway, locals are more inclined to think UFO, especially given the strange color, shape, and pattern of these lights."
"This is like one of the most documented cases of UFO sightings in the world."
"To me, I've heard enough to drop the U from UFO. This is an FO to me."
"We may have real UFO footage, whoa."
"One of the most credible witnesses in the history of somebody who's witnessed a UFO, literally an identified flying object."
"Let's get after it shortly after we detonated the first atomic bomb there was a craft that came down in that area that we retrieved."
"I believe it's till 1951 up in the mountains going Way Northwest of Roswell up in the mountains in New Mexico One Survivor that we captured it lived about four years in captivity."
"Before they can leave, the car starts shaking, and they see a colossal mothership approach."
"Alien hunters recently discovered the alleged wreckage of a UFO in a remote Polish forest."
"It's even been suggested that the clear evidence of a UFO crash and a cover-up by the US military was in fact a flying saucer developed by the US, hence the huge cover-up."
"I'm not exactly sure what it is that's being said in this video all I know is that the video was aired on Swedish television and it appears that this object seems to be following a boat and at a certain moment you can see the object make a u-turn."
"You see people deeply involved in the occult and trying to gain these supernatural powers. That's where you see a very high incidence of UFO events."
"The UFO conjures images of interstellar journeys and extraterrestrial encounters."
"He saw a UFO and he had no reason to fabricate that story."
"If you don't understand, you need to watch Missing 4-1-1: The UFO Connection available on Amazon."
"Hundreds of people reported an enormous object or objects in the night sky. It's the most confounding UFO report in 50 years."
"There's just no way any man-made vehicle could have performed those Maneuvers that that UFO did."
"I need to lock in. What I need is to lock eyes on a UFO. And I need that UFO to stand there for a while and allow me to take a mental picture."
"...it's not every day someone from the military is confirming a UFO sighting."
"a remote Pine Forest in Suffolk was the scene of the most significant UFO sighting on British soil"
"This thing just disappeared. Next thing you know it was directly behind us mid-sky and it shot directly upward back up into the sky."
"I swear, I saw one, like, I was completely sober, riding down the road, and I saw something that looked really odd. I mean, I'm not gonna say that I thought it was a UFO, but it... The way it moved was not like something that I'd ever seen move in the sky before."
"The ranch has been nicknamed the UFO Ranch because of its 50-year history of odd events."
"Muhammad Ali claimed to have seen 16 unidentified flying objects in his book."
"The Falcon Lake incident, probably the most documented and investigated UFO case in North America."
"So are we looking at a shape-shifting UFO here or could it be some kind of secret craft developed by a nation here on Earth?"
"That's a good place for a UFO to land."
"There's only a law in America that says if you touch a UFO, you're going to get done."
"The latest UFO files have been released by the government."
"That ties it, that was no weather balloon."
"A UFO has crashed into the wharf, their goal to conduct experiments upon you to prepare to invade Earth."
"Well, for me it began back in 1973. I actually had two, very close, broad daylight UFO sightings here in Los Angeles."
"Whatever it is we call it a UFO, an unidentified flying object."
"As the mystery surrounding Taylor's involvement with the UAP UFO task force deepens, so too does the mystery surrounding the broader implications of his work."
"Most of the time the UFO kind of stuff is just some natural thing."
"The UFO phenomenon is more likely inter-dimensional in nature, meaning that whatever this phenomenon is, it doesn't just come from other planets but from other planes of existence, other dimensions beyond this physical universe."
"In August of 1979, a deputy by the name of Val Johnson suffered an attack from what he claims was a UFO. So this Deputy was in the Marshall County when he saw a strange light on the road ahead of him."
"The zamfreda UFO incident is considered one of the most peculiar and intriguing Alien Encounter stories ever."
"If my dad did hoax this... then he was an absolute genius... this is the best UFO encounter ever documented, like ever."
"I saw a UFO in my backyard on Christmas Eve in 1988. I was nine years old. Sleepover gone wrong."
"These visitors had interfered with US and Soviet nuclear weapons according to a UFO researcher Robert Hastings."
"Calvin Parker would later describe this object as being oval shaped, approximately 30 ft wide by 8 ft high."
"Hixon and Parker would both later describe feeling an eerie sense of calm as this took place, almost as if they had been drugged through the overwhelming euphoria they were now experiencing."
"When Hixon and Parker regained consciousness, they discovered they were now lying back on the wooden surface of the pier with no sign of the strange craft or its occupants."
"In comparison, Calvin Parker remained largely silent about what had allegedly taken place up until a point roughly 20 years later when he decided to release a book describing the encounter."
"A lot of skeptics say that she just called a bunch of her contacts through MUFON and had them come, and it had so much, they all looked so credible that if they were vouching that aliens were seen here, the story just kind of blew up that this UFO report was real."
"I say it was for observation, it was tilted a little bit, ground, I'd say, but maybe 30 ft, and the configuration, the shape, what would that be? Just like a saucer, like two pie pans on top of each other."
"I think they're getting ready to disclose something big. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I think it's gonna come in the form of an image, a video that is undeniable proof of a UFO, potentially alien life."
"Oh, man. Okay, just you, okay? Come on, come on. Oh, hey, look. I think that's a UFO."
"'The US federal government is running a top-secret UFO detection and recovery program.'"
"What a Foo Fighter really is is super cool right like a World War Two UFO the fighter pilots saw."
"Not classic UFO, but pretty strong."
"One of the most remarkable occurred on December 26, 1980, at Bentwaters, an American airbase in England."
"The possibilities of encounters with extraterrestrial beings and UFO sightings has long fascinated people."
"The story of Betty and Barney Hill is captivating to say the least."
"The pentagon has now authenticated the UFO phenomenon, and they said that there's zero evidence that these UFO craft are terrestrial craft by terrestrial intelligence, they've come from somewhere else."
"The fact that we've had so much UFO [ __ ] in real life recently where where's your head at with that."
"What do the letters UFO stand for? Unidentified Flying Objects is right."
"If I were to find something like that or a UFO or something, what do you do? I would be scared. You'd be like, I don't know what, yeah, because I don't want to call anyone."
"UFO disclosure seems closer than ever"
"Another camper told us there were flying winged pitch black objects bigger than cars."
"If I were to make up a story about seeing a UFO a black silent triangle is probably the last thing I would have come up with."
"I saw a UFO flying over Vegas, the Grand Canyon area."
"The object looked like it was engulfed in some orangish reddish plasma, almost like what the surface of the sun looks like close up from space."
"He went into more detail and described it like a large black triangle craft that kind of hovered over the park and then just faded out, as in it just went translucent and disappeared."
"As I laid there trying to sleep, but being overcome with these strange sensations, I saw outside my window from the sky above, these bright lights lowering and slowly approaching the ground."
"...a crashed flying disc was retrieved by the United States military, the crash was 100 ft in diameter and was made of a light metal resembling aluminum and contained ET bodies, a large number of human body parts were also found on board that craft..."
"That's no crane, bro. That's a UFO."
"The crew claimed they saw a UFO hovering and that Walton was struck by a beam of light from the craft before disappearing."
"...a colossal craft... hovered in the air a short distance away."
"...reports from residents in the area saying that they had seen a strange object in the skies at around the same time that the event occurred."
"UFO enthusiasts are pretty similar in many ways in the Venn diagram it's a very big oval in the middle with conspiracy theorists."
"Westall is still one of the biggest unexplained UFO cases in Australia and it's Australia's largest mass UFO sighting to date, that's what it is."
"That's probably the most interesting thing yet it was a flying saucer."
"We are deeply entrenched in UFO hunting. We are believers."
"Jimmy Carter saw a UFO, did he? Yeah, and he did admit it, way later in life."
"The many rumors regarding the flying disk became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Squadron was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disk through the cooperation of a local rancher."
"For those who have witnessed the mysterious objects in the sky over Mexico, seeing is believing."
"A respected police officer has a UFO encounter that has even the skeptics convinced."
"Lonni Zamora would soon find himself at the center of the best documented UFO sighting on record."
"Oh, you got the UFO, the one in the middle!"
"Jimmy Carter, the first U.S. presidential candidate to openly admit that he'd seen a UFO."
"What was so tantalizing about Shag Harbor was that there was no denial that the authorities believed that this was a genuine UFO incident."
"The grass in the area for 10 meters around where the UFO was reported to have been sighted was visibly flattened."
"A huge triangular object, like one seen over the United States."
"An epidemic of UFO sightings covers the British map."
"It's looking increasingly like we have to look for another explanation, and that explanation might very well be it's a UFO."
"It's a very sophisticated formation, where they're not just hovering together, but they're rotating en masse as one object."
"As the story goes, in that summer of 1947, some mysterious objects were seen in the sky."
"He was stunned, he said, by looking not only out of the aircraft and seeing one light but then two and three and ultimately all the way up to ten lights in the sky."
"Twinkle twinkle UFO, how I wonder what is so. Up above our world so high, shining jewels in the sky."
"That Valley has had UFO sightings forever."
"The US Department of Defense announced that in 2022 alone, they received and tracked over 400 reports of UFO sightings."
"The case of Barney and Betty Hill quickly gained attention and became a focal point in discussions of UFO abductions."
"These unidentified objects appeared to be flying in restricted airspace over the nation's capital, a zone normally off-limits to unauthorized aircraft."
"An unusual orange light moving fast across the sky maneuvered in ways that defied simple explanation."
"The Phoenix Lights continue sparking discussion over whether unconventional aircraft occasionally traverse our skies."
"The disc-shaped metallic craft is visible, emitting rays of light towards the ground where a man and his dog are gazing up at the luminous object."
"The Pentagon released video footage taken by United States Naval aviators of strange objects hurling through the sky."
"Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot, reported seeing nine strange crescent-shaped objects flying in a V formation."
"Is there a connection to today's UFO sightings?"
"The fact that we have the depiction of UFOs in artworks going back through the epochs strongly suggests E.T. and UFO visitation throughout the centuries."
"Here we had possibly the most significant UFO event ever to have taken place on British soil."
"Richard Dolan is a very level-headed and skeptical UFO researcher."
"The real tragedy about all of this is that there are genuine UFO and alien researchers."
"That's the best UFO footage I've ever seen."
"Holy, what the hell is that? That's a UFO!"
"It's like seeing a UFO, right? Once you see one, you never stop looking up."
"That's the strength of MUFON as an organization, being really the truth-seekers of the UFO field."
"The Pentagon has recovered crashed vehicles and biological remains believed to be of non-human origin."
"There was silence when it came past us. I developed the most peaceful, easy feeling I think I've ever had in my life."
"It looks like there is a dark object floating... some suspect that it's a UFO."
"Nobody has been able to prove that the painting features a UFO, but the possibility also hasn't been ruled out."
"Yes, that was an alien spacecraft. What you saw was actually a hot air balloon."
"Dad and I saw a UFO or something... there was a huge, very bright light blinking off and on in the sky."