
Winners Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Every competition has its winners, and it must, by definition, have its losers as well."
"Happy mistakes are welcome, and dare to suck."
"Justine is keeping it clean and she won Love Island 2020!"
"Here's your winner tonight on dark elevation: Emmy Sakura."
"But right here I feel like we got some absolute winners."
"The winners are nice and loud, telling everyone how lucky they were."
"After many trials and some tribulations, some truly spirited competition, we have our winners."
"Putting all of it into consideration, in my opinion, it makes sense why Katya and Alaska won."
"Winners don't do things differently, they do different things."
"I think Senna is going to be the biggest winner of the patch."
"We've got a player that is a supreme winner."
"Week number two winner here for the general's cup bur keen eight to six and second-place BC to 82 with Blaney in third."
"Losers [ __ ] sit there and celebrate; winners just move on."
"Fear is for the scared... courage is for the winners."
"We're the winner, the audience is the winner."
"Rafael Marcello and Timor Bogoslavski, the winners for Jacamole Twin Console Upper Linen Charlotte."
"That's what the winners do usually, typically."
"Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first."
"Winners see a bad situation as temporary."
"It's the victors who write the history books."
"The winners will be found the fittest on Earth."
"It's a good year when the true winners of the Super Bowl are Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Cynthia Erivo."
"We're going to have four different winners from four different rounds, four different manufacturers."
"Winners and people who really care about nothing but winning can cause these issues sometimes."
"Winners get the girls, losers please themselves."
"The winners outright of the 2e's 1000 for 1991, Jim Richards and Mark Skaife."
"The winners are usually us, people, through hydropower generation, protection from flooding, irrigation for farming, and a stable water supply for populated areas."
"Mitch wins this and I think Austin comes second."
"The squid game will be fought between our last two players, Stewie and Bertram."
"The winner of this squid game is Stewie Griffin."
"...the only true winners are usually the lawyers."
"Congratulations, team winners and top two individuals. Enjoy it."
"The cash cow is in as we have four big winners all on board right now."
"I really think that the Bears and Vikings were the biggest winners of this draft."
"Winners don't quit, losers quit when they are tired. Winners quit when the job is done."
"I loved a lot of the winners and how there were a lot of callbacks to previous Seasons how the show really glorified these people for being there they respected the history they honored them for their personas."
"Two cards, but out of all of it, third place, Bren. In second place, Blake Samson, and in first place with the winning, Bren. Thank you very much for watching."
"I'm gonna be giving away every single card out of today's video. So in total, there's going to be 13 winners."
"A lot of winners on this particular team, and this kid's one of them."
"Both these players looking to win the world pool Masters for the first time a reminder there of some of the players who' have done so in the past seems to be a tournament that throws up multiple winners."
"Winners write the story. Lex Luger is one I feel is written out of History."
"The real winner? Oh, absolutely, the kids."
"The winners laugh and tell jokes and the losers they deal the cards."
"You know who the real winners are?"
"True winners are built for the fight. They're built for the battle. You can fail, but you can never give up. There's too many people relying on you."
"Winners focus on winning and haters focus on winners."
"Winners take action. They get up and they do what needs to be done, no matter what."
"It's harder than you think to predict which will be the winners and which will be the losers and those who tell you that they know the answer are usually either self-delusional or snake oil salesman."
"Who are the real winners in life?"
"The people who listen to this program are winners."
"I think a Legends better than winners, because I feel like the winners are hit or miss."
"In second place with 26 points, it's Jonathan Ross and Jamie Oliver, which means the winners are with 28 points, David and Eddie!"
"There are no losers in this dojo."
"All three rounds, our winners were Edric, Hunter, and... Who won the first round? I already forgot."
"The biggest winner from this fight aside from me is probably Erin Blanchfield."
"Whoever wins Live UK next year, there's still only been two winners of that event."
"With every winner, there's a loser."
"Only one of these two players can take that money home. The other will leave with nothing."
"For the losers, the day ends here. But for the winners, there's no time to celebrate. They have to hustle back to the starting line."
"The winner of the standing high jump is PARK GUN WOOK."
"Eventually, we need to have an All Winners where all of the seasons of the All Winners then compete to see who's the winner of all the winners."
"One of these men, we're looking at one of them, are going to win the last stand."
"Study past big winners and you'll buy future ones."
"If you're scared, don't come around me. Please don't. It does no good. I just want winners, all winners around me."
"You know what's very interesting about this is, first of all, only one of these folks won their season, right? Everyone else is a runner-up. These are all some of the icons that we think about as some of the all-time greats honestly from Drag Race fully."
"Let's bring the names so we are these are the winners."
"Among the winners, there is no room for the weak."
"If they are great recipes, if we deem them winners, we share them with you."
"It's full of winners, not just the players."
"Congratulations again to the people that won the two thousand dollar giveaway and Kayla congratulations."
"Ottawa picks and all the Ducks also win the lottery here and get to move up an extra spot into that two slot, so Ottawa and the Ducks are your winners here today."
"That means that 10 people, 10 people right, 10 people, is gonna win a thousand dollars each one."
"Winners shouldn't need rationalizations or excuses."
"So, you're saying that only first place will win money? Yeah, and everyone else is a bunch of losers. Yes, our losers, alright, go ahead and show losers. Second place is the same thing as last place."
"The two winners are now just on the run for the rest of their life."
"It is sort of a bit of a caricature of capitalism, that it’s always this zero-sum game where you have winners and losers."
"The winners don't take care of themselves you have to manage them."
"A few big winners take the market."
"It makes winners and not quitters."
"Some absolute Legends have won this tournament."
"Now here are your winners and the first WSC hardcore tag-team champs."
"You know who the real winners are? Friendship!"
"Hold on to winners, I can't emphasize this enough. Hold on to winners and cut the laggards. If something is a winning coin, add to that position. Even though, of course, you're going to be raising your average entry into that coin."
"Everybody looks like a winner at the beginning of the race until the gun is shot or the whistle is blown."
"We need different winners in football to remind us of why we love this game."
"Liverpool, the seven-time winners, 5. Havant & Waterlooville 2."
"Teamwork makes winners be all you can be."
"You are the official winners of The Amazing Race!"
"The winners are the ones who get to write the history."
"Everybody, everybody, we winners regardless, right? Yeah."
"There will be winners and losers and we will see The Savvy investors really start to emerge."
"Winners are disciplined. Discipline is doing what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it."
"Whoever wins the war gets to write history."
"The objective winner is the Toyota RAV4."
"Congratulations to all our winners."
"If we avoid the losers, the winners take care of themselves."
"Look at the winners, not the losers."
"The winners of the education system will become their prime supporters and somehow the people who are left below in the education will feel gradually abandoned."
"The definite three winners here are aluminum acetate, aluminum sodium acetate, and alum."
"Winners hit the gym first thing out the gate. Period. End of story."
"Leopards are probably the winners in hide-and-seek."
"Every single person on this list won more than once."
"Winners are people that have had challenges and they overcome the challenges."
"Winners are not allowed to let losers rewrite history."
"Winners in life with high expectations expect to win and do what's necessary and they get indorphine."
"It's one of those moments where it's like you could justify Raja winning, you could justify Kylie winning, you could justify Ginger winning."
"Two different winners and we have lots more to come."
"Without question, the 39th winner in CART history, and the name is Juan Montoya."
"If there's one oscar category that rarely gives us a big surprise it's best actor but adrian brodie shocking win for the pianist in 2003 was one of those beautiful exceptions to the rule"
"The winners pull it off, and you don't pay the losers. It's a pure meritocracy prize."
"Losers dwell on the penalty of failure and winners dwell on the reward of success."
"The number has produced four winners, that's a lot."
"There's your winners for 2020, 2021, 2022, the Kiki Kings!"
"I am speed. One winner, 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast."
"Congratulations to Sean Is Damp and Future Trunks, you each won a thousand dollars."
"This is where winners become winners. This is where losers become losers."
"Kaleb Badun, I think, you know, of course, that's one of the winners."
"The perspective is written by the winners, of course."
"You are all winners already, but today the winner is... the sausage plate."
"It's what the winners wear everywhere."
"Dragons are not the sort of creatures to back a loser."
"Winners cannot let the losers change the narrative, change the story, change what is true."
"The only difference between both of them is one won the tournament, the other didn't."
"I love first-time winners. It's everything we love about elite sport."
"We'll announce the winners two days after this video is up."
"Most cryptos will eventually go to zero but there'll be a handful of winners just like the internet."
"That's the difference to me between winners and losers."
"Winners take all. It is not a question mark, it is a statement. There should be an exclamation point."
"Adam Munch holding on to that lead and race three will go to Adam Munch followed by Katie Swift."
"Number 28, we actually continue the streak of recent winners."
"Number 25, we're on to a winner that at one point Jeff Probst called him the most boring winner in the history of the show."
"I think at the end of the day again that legacy of him being the first winner and everything I think Jeff Probst just really hammers that home to the point where like I find it tough to see him ranked outside of the top 10."
"...the definitive top seven winners of all time every single list he has ever done involving winners or top players has involved these six players plus also of somewhat more recent player..."
"May God bless you to be among the winners."
"There ain't no victims out here, there's only winners."
"...the Mariners have been the big winner of this deal."
"Most often when you talk about winners, you talk about the moves they made that worked."
"Every winner on this list has won despite their flaws."
"Winner from Mini GT... LB Super Silhouette Nissan S15 Sylvia."
"Winners move with speed and certainty."
"If you pick the winners yeah you do better than the index."
"It's time for the drawing. Congratulations to all the winners, that was awesome."
"Eurovision winning acts: Bucks Fizz, Brotherhood of Man, Abba, Katrina and the Waves."
"Morality is a judgment made by the winners long after the battle is over."
"The winners today were really deserved."
"We have had three more winners of pricing games in this half of our show."
"Committed to memory: Losers put in the amount of effort they think is required... Winners put in the amount of effort that will make failure impossible."
"Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers."
"The decisive mark of insurance is that no one knows in advance who the winners will be."
"People have a schizophrenic relationship with winners. They like to root for the underdog because the underdog makes for a great story, but if you're up for too long, you better grab a helmet."
"Pep Riley, Sasha Sparks, and Coach Campanelli are the winners!"
"The All American Girls are your winners!"
"History is written by the winners, a lot of [__] a lot of nation states were created through all sorts of horrible acts of violence against subjugated Native people that were there first."
"Every game has a winner, but ultimately, every winner is a loser."
"...it's just too hard to like care about everything yeah 1 million per. and also like you never okay here's the thing right history is written by the winners right everyone knows that right you know you you know that like you'll never really have the true version of History..."
"All three on the podium were really winners in different ways today."
"The losers are actually the winners today."
"We are not quitters. We are champions. We are winners."
"How do the good guys always [ __ ] win dude? 'Cause they write the story after true true."
"You always want to get back in your big winners and pyramid up."
"For me they're all winners. Because they tried. And they have shown willpower… and courage."
"We're all winners, seriously though."
"They say the winners write history."
"We're going to pick four winners."
"Winners with their positive self-dimension, most importantly, have a keen awareness of the value of time which once spent is gone from their lives forever."
"Winners project success without flaunting it."
"The winners are you, oh wow and you and you."
"Congratulations to all you winners, we're about to announce your names now."
"These positive stories of big winners are just as memorable as the most controversial Lottery wins of all time."
"I think the Celtics get a dub there with Robert Williams. So that's my winners and losers."
"Massive congratulations once again to all of our winners."
"Winners exist because of the losers."
"We don't need to make any excuses because we proved time and time again that we are winners."
"I can't wait to see this year's winners."
"We always have great winners every single time; it's always super exciting."
"Winners everybody always remember winners."
"Congratulations to all the winners here at the 2023 Psycho Nitro Blast."
"It's now five races, five different winners."
"You know they got a name for the winners in the world. I want a name when I lose."
"It's time to announce our worthy winners."
"It's an example of history being written by the winners."
"You are by far the biggest game show winners of all time."
"In the name of different strokes for different folks, we have winners in two of the categories."
"I think there are some clear winners there."
"Five winners, each a thousand dollars."
"Are we ready to try and make some weekend winners?"
"So instead of picking five winners, we ended up picking six winners."
"In any competition, we have winners and we have losers."
"I think the viewers are the biggest winners."
"I always do a little happy dance when prize winners contact me."
"Three people are about to win something big."
"Winners do the opposite; winners the moment they are self-aware that something is wrong, something is incongruent in their life, they literally start taking action that moment."
"This has been a year of first-time winners."
"Congratulations to all the lucky winners, get in touch if you haven't already."
"Are you ready to pick some winners? I'm excited, are you excited?"
"Check your emails, we did pick the winners."
"Hey, let's hear it for our winners."
"We're going to discuss the winners and losers of 2023."
"Congratulations to those winners, just reach out to us at the email address down below."
"I think Earl is someone that out of all the winners that weren't on Survivor 40, I think he's one of the few that I could see coming back at some point."