
Time Of Day Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Good afternoon, because it's not yet the evening, and it's not the morning."
"Good morning everybody, or good afternoon, or good night, whenever you're watching this."
"I hope you all enjoyed. I do hope that you all are having a great day, a great morning, a great afternoon, or great evening wherever you are wherever you might be."
"I just feel really good at 11 o'clock, let's say 12 o'clock, and I just feel really, really good. I'm not hungry. I feel very mentally alert."
"Love you guys, stay safe, good night, good afternoon, good morning, whatever the [ __ ] it is, whoever's birthday was January 28th, we legends."
"I hope you guys are having a lovely morning or an evening."
"Part of life, part of life. Both, oh my god, both, but preferably night because the morning time everybody, you know, you just waking up."
"Yay! Have a wonderful day or night or evening or afternoon or whatever time it is for you!"
"My brain kind of just disappears at this time of night."
"Let's go down to the beach area... it's still 9:00 a.m. this is cool."
"Do you have to ride early in the morning or into the evening? You can actually have the world to yourself, a world that looks but it's absolutely no surprising there's so many pictures indecent inspiration features sunrises or sunsets."
"Whether it's your morning, evening, afternoon, night, I hope you're having a good one."
"Golden hour is by far my favorite."
"It's a beautiful time of day in a cool part of the city."
"This time of day is just beautiful."
"What an incredible day. This is actually my favorite time of the day, I think."
"This is definitely an evening fragrance."
"Hey y'all, sorry I literally cannot see anything, it's um, golden hour."
"I love the mornings. They're my favorite time of the day."
"I hope you have a good day or afternoon or evening wherever you might be."
"I've always noticed my waterbending is stronger at night."
"It's a better part of the day that's for sure."
"I hope you have a wonderful day or night whenever you're watching this."
"Have a very nice day, or maybe an afternoon, or maybe even a morning, wherever you're watching from."
"I hope you have a good morning or afternoon or night whenever you're watching this."
"Good morning! It's still morning, it's almost afternoon."
"Good morning, besties! I don't know if it's morning for you, but it's currently morning for me."
"Good morning, or good afternoon I should say."
"Nothing beats the colors you get in the afternoon."
"Have an amazing morning, afternoon, or night."
"I love this time of day, it's awesome."
"I love this time of the day, my favorite time of the day is definitely Sunset."
"Have a wonderful afternoon if it's in the afternoon, have a wonderful morning if it's your morning."
"Good night, good morning, good evening, whatever it is for you."
"Anyway, that's all I got for you this afternoon, have a good rest of your evening, morning, whatever it is where you are."
"Hello people, a very beautiful morning, beautiful afternoon, and beautiful evening to every one of you."
"I hope you all have a great morning, day, evening, or night, whatever the time of day it is that you're watching this."
"Oh wow, Madurai in the morning is beautiful, much prefer it at this time in the morning than in the afternoon when it's hot and hectic."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. Welcome back."
"Good afternoon, good evening, and of course, good morning."
"Have an amazing night, have an amazing morning."
"I hope you have a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, whatever time it is when you're watching this."
"If it's first thing in the morning, it might feel a little stiff; if it's last thing in the evening, you might feel a little looser."
"Understanding how the time of day impacts your glucose levels... will make a tremendous difference in your confidence level."
"It's the golden hour here in the Golden State."
"If your shadow is shorter than you are, that means the rays are more intense."
"Peace to all la familia. I hope you guys have a great rest of your morning, afternoon, or night."
"I hope you are having a wonderful morning, noon, day, or night wherever you are."
"Namaste, have a great afternoon, evening, and morning."
"Look how beautiful the sea looks. Oh, golden hour, hello!"
"The golden light is the best light, which is typically the early morning light or the late afternoon light."
"Hope everybody has a wonderful evening, morning, afternoon. Peace out."
"Have a great morning, afternoon, good evening."
"Good morning or good night or good afternoon, whatever it is right now."
"My favorite time of day to shoot is golden hour."
"I hope you guys are having a beautiful morning or evening, wherever you are."
"Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, or goodnight."
"It's like the perfect time of day, got that golden hour."
"People were more compassionate at midnight than midday."
"Good morning, amigos, or afternoon, I should say. Buenos días."
"Sunset is a beautiful time of day."
"Have a great night, I assume it's night for most of you; if it's a day, have a great day."
"Good morning, or afternoon, or evening, whatever time of the day it is for you."
"...I truly hope you watching do have a great rest of your day, night, or evening."
"Good morning, guys, or hello, good evening, if it's evening when you watch this."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night to some of you."
"Fantastic day! Night, evening, whatever time of day it is for you."
"The light's starting to get softer, shadows are getting longer, and it's this time of day that I love."
"I hope that you are all having an amazing day, evening, night, dusk, dawn, whatever it is you're having, in whatever part of the world you are currently having it in."
"This sky actually looks beautiful this time of night."
"Willpower is kind of like a muscle, it tends to be strongest in the morning and weakest at night."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening; take whichever one applies to you."
"It's golden hour here and Mission Canada."
"I hope you guys have an incredible day, night, afternoon, whatever time it might be."
"I hope you guys have a lovely day or night, wherever you are."
"Make sure you have a great day, morning, or evening, wherever you may be."
"I hope you're having a nice day, or if it's your evening, I hope you had a nice day."
"Blue hour is the best, it is my favorite."
"Welcome, welcome, welcome! Good morning, good afternoon, good night."
"This place has a particularly nice view at all different times during the day, but especially in the evenings."
"I hope you guys have a great night, good morning, good afternoon, whenever you're watching this."
"Good morning and welcome, or good afternoon, evening, and good night."
"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, or whatever time of day that you actually happen to listen to this."
"I hope that you are having an absolutely fantastic morning, afternoon, or night, whatever it is for you when this video finally reaches you."
"I hope that you are having an absolutely magical and fantastic morning, afternoon, or night."
"...it was like what they call Golden hour in photography..."
"I remember the Sun was starting to set, so it was probably around 7 o'clock."
"Have a great day everybody, or night, have a great time."
"Grab a coffee, grab your tea, it's the morning; grab a beer or wine if it's the evening."
"And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"All right, hey everybody, good morning, good evening, good afternoon."
"It's a beautiful, beautiful Thursday morning, afternoon, I mean it's kind of like a brunch."
"Sunrise and sunset are kind of special times."
"Good morning, guys. It is currently 8 o'clock in the morning."
"You guys enjoy your afternoon or your morning."
"Enjoy the rest of your morning, afternoon, or evening, whatever time of the day it is."
"It's just a nice part of the day, this is my personal favorite time of year."
"Good morning-ish, it's not really the morning anymore, it's kind of like early afternoon."
"I hope everyone has a great day or a great evening."
"Enjoy your day, morning, evening, and night. Bye."
"It's such a beautiful light at this time of day."
"Good night y'all, good morning... It's not morning, good afternoon y'all, happy Sunday."
"I hope you have a great day, afternoon, or evening, whatever it is where you are right now."
"Thank you for watching, and I wish you have a good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and I guess good night."
"Good morning, afternoon, whatever you got going on."
"It is such a beautiful afternoon here as we approach magic hour."
"Good morning friends, or good evening."
"I hope you're having a great day, afternoon, night, whenever you're watching this."
"Good afternoon, good evening, good night."
"So until the next one, have a great morning, afternoon, good evening, and goodbye."
"Have a pleasant day, evening, or weekend."
"I like the smell of perfection in the late afternoon, early evening."
"I want to wish you a very, very happy morning, evening, night, dusk, dawn, whatever it is you're having right now."
"It's morning time, my favorite time of the morning."
"Morning is wiser than the evening."
"It's getting to that time of the day, golden hour, absolutely love it."
"It's twilight, my favorite time of the day, the best time of the day to catch a yellow belly."
"I hope you guys are having a wonderful morning, afternoon, or night wherever you are."
"Good morning, afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night."
"I hope you're having a good morning or whenever you are watching this."
"Good morning, or depending on when you're watching this, good afternoon, good evening, or good night."
"Good morning, everyone. Or afternoon, almost."
"This is the time of the day where there are like these beautiful golden colors."
"Breakfast always tastes better later in the day."
"Good morning, unless of course you're watching this in the middle of the afternoon or in the evening, in which case, good afternoon or good evening."
"Good morning, good evening, and everything in between."
"I love you guys, and I hope you have a fantastic morning, night, or evening, or afternoon."
"Hope all of y'all are doing great, having a great morning or day or night when you're watching this."
"Good afternoon, or morning, or perhaps even evening, depending on where you are."
"I hope you guys have a great and wonderful rest of your morning, afternoon, or evening, whatever time of the day it is."
"Have a lovely day okay, or a night, whenever you watch this."
"There's so much love between the lions, yes, at this time of the day, absolutely, they're all friends."
"Good morning, or better, when you're watching this, good afternoon, good evening, or good night."
"Whether it's morning, afternoon, or evening, thank you for joining us."
"It's golden hour here in Sacramento."
"As always, I hope you have a great rest of your day, afternoon, or night."
"Have a good morning, afternoon, evening, whatever you're doing, take care."
"I love this time of day," she said softly.
"It's golden hour on top of the gypsum mountain."
"Enjoy the rest of your morning, day, night, or evening, and I'll see you later. Goodbye."
"When you light a scene, the first thing you have to know is what time of day it is."
"But of all, it's called the golden hours, either in the morning or in the afternoon."
"It's very relaxing even this time of day."
"Good night if you're about to go to sleep. Good morning if you're awake and just watched it. Good afternoon if you watched in the afternoon."
"It's leopard time when you get to this time of the day as that Sun starts kind of reaching the Horizon."
"Good morning, or good afternoon, whenever you happen to be watching this."
"We have arrived at Magic Hour, which actually my favorite time."
"When the sun is low on the horizon, the shadows are long; when the sun is high in the horizon, the shadows are much shorter."
"I hope that you guys have an absolutely amazing day, evening, night, whichever time you happen to be watching this."
"What a beautiful, beautiful time of the day."
"I'm gonna wish you guys a happy morning, evening, or whatever you're watching."
"I hope you're having a great day, I hope you're having a great night, whatever time you're watching the video."
"It's such lovely light at this time of the day."
"I really hope all of you guys are having an amazing day, night, afternoon, whatever it is."
"It's a [__] blue hour, it's a sunset, it's a sunrise, it's TXT."
"Hope you're all having a wonderful day, start to the day or end to the day, wherever you are around the world."
"Good morning, or good afternoon, or good evening, or good night, whatever type of day that you're watching this, hello."
"I hope you're having an amazing morning, evening, or night."
"Time of day explains about 20% of the variance in how people perform at workplace tasks."
"Have a wonderful day, or not, it's night time for me now, but I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"It's a beautiful time of day, it's just warming up."
"Good afternoon, good night, good morning, whenever you get to see this."
"Good morning, afternoon, what's up? Oh, it is afternoon. Good afternoon!"
"I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, night, or morning."
"I hope you are all having a lovely day or night whenever you're watching this."
"I love this time of day, it does feel more peaceful."
"Hello, hello, hello, hello. Good afternoon, good evening, good morning, or good night."
"It's the perfect time of day, the sun is setting, look how it's hitting Guardians Tower."
"It's that nice time of the day when the light is starting to soften."
"It's golden hour, oh my gosh, so pretty."
"I hope you all have a lovely rest of your day or your night."
"There's something incredibly peaceful about this time of day, all of these night sounds and day sounds mixing."
"Good morning, hope you have a good day, good night, good afternoon, whenever you're watching this."
"Have a great rest of the night or day wherever you guys are."
"I love this time of day; it's really nice."
"I hope everyone is doing well; you're having a good day, evening, morning, whenever you're watching this, I hope you are good."
"It's a very peaceful area especially this time of day."
"This is definitely one of the calmest and most peaceful times of the day."
"Wishing you a lovely night if you're watching this in the evening, and a beautiful day ahead if you're watching in the morning."
"It's like the golden hour right now."
"Golden hour is such a beautiful time of day."
"I hope you guys are having a beautiful night, day, morning, whenever you're watching this video."
"Good morning everybody, I think it's a little after 10 o'clock in the morning."
"I hope you guys are having a beautiful morning or afternoon wherever you are."