
Recalibration Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"It's time for us to globally recalibrate what free speech means."
"This is the pause, this is the opportunity to integrate, to recalibrate, and change before it blossoms into something better."
"We have to have a complete and total recalibration of what we value in our country."
"There's nothing wrong with saying that you've recalculated."
"Recalibration of expectation is coming with this team"
"Pushing to extremes has a recalibration value."
"The people in the country are angry and there's nothing wrong with saying that you've recalculated."
"You're given a period to rest and recalibrate and also look at what's around you. If there's a little bit of a lull it's not permanent, better things are coming."
"Take a moment to recalibrate and focus on you."
"I feel like I'm just treading water, like I need to recalibrate."
"After redirecting the mission to return home it was necessary to recalculate the flight path."
"It's a lovely physical tool that combines psychological techniques with a physical um action that helps you to recalibrate the way you're thinking about a certain uh struggle."
"The purpose of the solar eclipse is to show us the truth, is to kind of like it's like a recalibration."
"Let our desires be recalibrated for righteousness only."
"You should lay down for a few minutes afterward and let your nervous system recalibrate."
"It's that control alt delete that recalibrates you. It gets you to that point."
"...you've made a big strategic move that is meant to kind of re-calibrate you..."
"I'm always rejigging and I'm trying to recalibrate and think of like what sacrifice am I willing to give."
"I think that's you that it's like I'm not I'm not sick so much it's just like my Sciences my throat and whatnot but it's like this time of year I've this theory that my body has to just kind of recalibrate like a reset it has to reset like to go into winter mode."
"Maybe you can't go there physically or literally, but it's good sometimes to just kind of recalibrate."
"Let's recalibrate. God loves you, he's for you, he's working in your life."
"I need to step away for a second, I need to recalibrate."
"Whenever you get around people, things, animals that are not stressed, it recalibrates us and says, 'Why am I stressed?'"
"it's nice to just like recalibrate."
"I like to talk about this as the body's opportunity to recalibrate."
"It is possible to recalibrate yourself to experience greater happiness and well-being without simply adding more."
"It's a time for me to recharge a little bit and just recalibrate."
"I'm gonna try to recalibrate, get my nerves back right, get my stress levels back down."
"Sometimes you need to take time away to recalibrate."
"We are in the midst of a recalibration of geopolitics and the global economy."
"It's a major recalibration point, it's a major opportunity to see alternatives."
"I'm grateful for what happened this weekend because it kind of just recalibrated me back to just feeling like, you got this, you're on the right track."
"I recalibrate... I get spiritually reoriented."
"It's just a way to recalibrate after the holidays, you know."
"Nothing like a real check-in to help us kind of reset and reconnect to our intentions."
"I've had time to recalibrate and now my creativity feels like it's saying thank you, for me giving it a bit of attention."
"Get back to where you were, recalibrate, and start again."
"It's aggressive, it's violent, but most importantly of all, it morphs and recalibrates to sort of accommodate its mission."
"Each change requires a period where you have to recalibrate yourself."
"First we count them down as they were, and then we run them through a recalibration process to find out what the real top ten is based on all-time streams and views."
"Christ calls us to recalibrate our compasses to the kingdom of heaven."
"Let's recalibrate a little bit; let's remember who we are."
"Being in shavasana, important that once you've done all of that work upside down, you just allow the body to recalibrate."
"You need to take that moment to meditate, recalibrate, rest."
"The only accurate way to recalibrate is to look to the book."
"Remap is pretty much recalibrating the ECU to work with the engine with whatever you put on it."
"Allow yourself to reset after challenging times, we don't always allow ourselves time to recalibrate, this is very important."
"You're awesome, haha, well eye-opening, thank you, I cried a bit, yeah, it's a big release and a big recalibration."
"We're helping the whole planet basically just recalibrate where we've been on all the levels of where we've been and actually where we are."
"You start to recalibrate, you start to make the adjustments."
"A little bit of time off is very, very important; gives you opportunity to reset, recalibrate, regroup, re-prioritize."
"Everything's a lot more stable, it basically recalculates the footsteps, the stride, all the dimensions of the character."
"Living here has really helped me to recalibrate things and find a balance that works for me."
"True worship opens me up, recalibrates my emotions, orients me to the true center, it is God-centered."
"Everyone can fuel again and recharge and kind of recalibrate."
"I still stand by my realization that after I rode the R-1 for the first time, it completely recalibrated my feeling of speed."
"You are healing, you are recalibrating."
"Make sure that you do things that you know recalibrate you and help you to keep your feeling of confidence and balance."
"The call to be missional is a full-blooded call to the complete and utter recalibration of the church around mission."
"It's time for you to recalibrate, realign."
"Find that balance, recalibrate yourself so that you are able to process and think things through."
"This is an enormous opportunity this year for you to recalibrate your individual hopes."