
Pilots Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"There has to be a safe and transparent reporting process for pilots both on the commercial side and the military side."
"It just goes to show how serious this is and why this is such an important issue for our pilots and for our nation."
"Large white balloons seen by pilots over Honolulu, Hawaii."
"I believe the pilots are seeing these things."
"If you ever surf I setting where you have really advanced AI you would never have human pilots in spaceship fighter ships spaceships which sucks because we love the whole Luke Skywalker Starbuck best pilots in the fleet kind of thing."
"The whole thing was sketchy: sketchy with the pilots, super sketchy with the helicopter itself."
"Despite the uniforms which say the pilots are enemies, they quickly become friends in a shared fight for survival."
"The incident was a reminder of the importance of skilled and well-trained pilots in emergency situations."
"These elements are people with special powers; they are just like Alicia and are chosen to pilot Auras."
"Investigations confirm that when Pilots ignore the rulebook, the consequences can be deadly."
"Neither pilot was hired by Monks 2. In fact, the pilots were not even employed by Flightline, the company supposedly operating the flight."
"Every time a pilot lands a plane, they've saved our life."
"For any air force, their greatest asset must be the pilots they train to fly their aircraft."
"The Empire had one of the most talented classes of pilots the Galaxy had ever seen piloting one of the most vulnerable starfighters ever designed."
"The astronauts themselves are talking about UFOs. Well, some of them did, well, very many. Pilots generally will not speak out about UFOs even though they encounter them on a regular basis; it's taboo, they just won't do it."
"The software is so good that during tests, pilots would literally land the aircraft with their hands up in the air, without touching any controls."
"Support the men on the ground by strangling the supply routes. Pilots have always been fighting men, but to courage and daring today you have to add the great technical skill and self-discipline demanded by their sophisticated weapons."
"The only difference between us and the Tomahawk missile: we were the first guided missiles except we were guided by pilots who pulled out the last two seconds."
"Every pilot who flew Spitfires for a long time had a love affair with them."
"There were often romances between flight attendants and pilots."
"The RAF being some of the most Fearless Pilots of all of World War II."
"Pilots trusted in God far more than people would believe."
"Italy's most skilled pilots were sometimes able to shoot down the faster and better-armed Hurricanes and P-40s."
"Flying the plane are number one and two boys, pilot Chad Stevens, copilot Jake Slade."
"Pilots are human just like everybody else."
"As it's always been, it is the courage and cunning of the pilots themselves that will spell the difference between life and death."
"Two pilots mind melding through memories with the body of giant machines."
"It was flown by courageous, innovative, tremendously funded pilots who adapted and they overcame, and in doing so, they were able to protect our fleet, they were able to protect our aircraft, they were able to carry the fight forward as we marched into the Pacific."
"Honestly, probably one of my favorite Pilots of any show that I've seen ever."
"Pilots were ready to deploy infection devices were live and teams were set up to meet with any incoming Landing parties."
"Pilots come and go, but friendships, memories, who you know, who you don't know, those things matter."
"The problem is not the airplanes really I want to tell you something the problem which we feel in the Arab countries not only here in Egypt problem with the pilots."
"The X-15 was the airplane that everybody at every test pilot that ever walked would love to have flown."
"The pilots rarely had any direct interaction with the patients."
"Pilots are encouraged to find outlets for tension."
"...we finally got the call our Pilots were ready to meet us."
"The elite drone racing championship that pits the world's greatest pilots against Mother Nature and epic outdoor locations"
"...these are some of my favorite charts to look at if I'm trying to get an idea of what the clouds are going to look like for the day VFR Pilots really need to pay attention to these because we need to avoid clouds when we fly."
"...these are what we call Pilot reports or pyps these are actual Pilots giving reports of actual conditions they experiencing to me these are a very reliable resource for Pilots when they just need a little bit more information on the weather."
"Flight modes, an awful lot of pilots don't go anywhere near and don't use. But they are incredibly powerful."
"German Ace Adolf Galland and British hero Douglas Bader."
"Fighter pilots that fly fighters in any country and every type, any type of fighter, they're much more similar than they are different."
"It's kind of a Band of Brothers thing among pilots."
"They weren't just pilots, they were symbols of groundbreaking, door-opening hope."
"Approximately 99% of pilots that I have talked to believe that we are not alone here."
"Talking to other pilots about their experiences is actually a good way to learn."
"These pilots said no, something's not right, and they trusted their gut."
"Pilots engaged in combat miles above the earth, it was a truly fantastic concept."
"The Galactic Empire actually had some of the best pilots and officers in the entire galaxy."
"There are many pilots alive today—courtesy of the intelligence analysis performed by the A-12 PIs."
"The pilots never had a relationship with the agents; they didn't know their names, were never introduced... the pilots always knew them as 'Joes'."
"Works is a magic word among pilots."
"This is what the pilots and the customs use when they need to go out in all weathers."
"It is not the manufacturer that creates the reputation for a helicopter or for a fixed-wing aircraft of any sort. It is the people that fly them and the people that maintain them."
"Two pilots, our minds, our memories, connected. And man and machine become one."
"The TIE fighter pilots were already quite proficient by the time they were involved in their first skirmish."
"Are you an angel? 'Cause I hear the space pilots talking about them."
"The pilots who flew these aircraft back then, they were front page headlines, they were real pin-ups at the time."
"All the resistance pilots which have just absolutely fantastic detailing."
"Applauding pilots after a successful landing has become a tradition in many countries."
"There's this real palpable sense of honor that existed between these pilots."
"We really enjoy the range of pilots you can choose for your mechs."
"It's designed for helicopter pilots in South and Central America to survive in the jungle until they could get picked up and rescued."
"The pilots of the US Air Force are young men, usually in a hurry."
"Tonight we graduate 10 fixed-wing and 5 rotary wing test pilots."
"The technology of the Leviathan takes a heavy toll on the minds of its pilots."
"The nodum system provides pilots with time-critical aeronautical information that is temporary or information to be published on aeronautical charts at a later date."
"Huge respect goes out to all of the pilots that are coming into Manchester."
"For almost 50 years now, military and civil pilots have been reporting strange objects in the sky."