
Trance Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The essence of a possession is a person going into a trance and a demonic sounding voice coming out of them attacking the people, attacking religion, usually using very crude and violent language."
"Music's ability to put us into a trance... it doesn't happen in 16 seconds or even three minutes. It's more like 10 minutes."
"Are you interested in entering a trance-like state?"
"James Blake had captured the hypnotic feel of roll with the punches."
"You go into a trance and you're just completely involved with that one thing, and it's just the most intriguing, fascinating thing you've possibly ever come across."
"They go into a trance. This is everything they've ever wanted. They believe in it." - Phil Gould
"If a man sees that kind of beauty, he enters into what they call a trance."
"...deep within you is more strength, more resilience, more power than your everyday mind imagines, and here in trance, you can get to know that inner strength, flexibility, and resilience."
"There's this sense of him wanting to worship you almost. When he looks at you, he feels like he's being put under a love spell, even though you're not putting him under a physical love spell. It just feels like he's under this kind of trance."
"You just start to look at life and see the beauty in life. I feel like this is how he feels when he looks at you and when he sees you."
"Meditating means also to be like a sheep, to chew, to regurgitate, to get transfixed by, to have your eyes as one staring in a trance."
"Trance isn't quite a meditative state. Meditation's more about clearing your mind where a trance is more about going on a journey, having a destination."
"Drums are the quintessential way to get into a trance."
"Casey kicked off his shoes, laid back, and put himself into a deep trance."
"He would expect the person to go into trance."
"The first part of the trance was the most healing thing."
"If you can recognize when people are in these bad trances and learn some methods for inviting them out or waking them up from these bad trances, you can be a better therapist whether you ever use formal hypnosis or not."
"Just as people allowed to sleep will naturally grow through phases of sleep, letting someone spend some time in trance will also encourage a deepening of that trance." - Matt Terrell
"That's exactly what I was gonna say, it was kind of, it kind of you got in a trance, listen today was great."
"This film put me in a trance and I absolutely loved it."
"It's a perfect spell this film put me in a trance and I absolutely loved it."
"Creativity is that trance where you are just... You are not really conscious. You are just the thing that you're making."
"The beginning of healing the Hungry Ghost is to bring above the line these basic features of Trance of suffering."
"When I'm in that trance State I open the door and walk into Wonderland."
"Our communication has been blocked as a society. And when we're in a trance, it's blocked internally."
"Telepsychics and the state of trance."
"During the first session, the medium went into an unusual trance, speaking about the hundreds of bodies buried underneath the house."
"It's a song that puts you in a trance."
"Hearing that was just hypnotizing to me."
"The ending kind of reminds me... it's so hypnotic."
"Hearing this sound snapped me out of my trance."
"When a woman attracts a man, he goes into a mild trance when she can really hit him that way."
"It's almost like you're in a trance and you're paralyzed."
"The rhythmic tapping of the hand tools really is hypnotic."
"If you listen to any general conference... it's very slow and monotonous... it just like puts you into this trance."
"I remember almost being in this trance where I was being drawn towards this light."
"From his trance state, he explained that he got his information from two sources: the inquiring individual's mind and the universal consciousness."
"The shaman usually enters a trance-like dance in which they are possessed by gods and are able to communicate with the spirit world."
"Living in a trance, in a world of lost romance."
"You go into a trance when you're creating; it's amazing."
"Playing a game efficiently with great mechanics in a trance-like state, that's a good feeling."
"I felt so in love with trance music."
"As soon as I saw it, I was just drawn; I was in a trance."
"The real Berserker state would be more spiritual, it would be more of a trance, it would be a flow."
"The other definition for ecstasy is an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state."
"You introduce a kind of a trance experience effectively the same kind of trance that a distance runner or somebody who's rowing a long distance might experience."
"I felt like I fell into some kind of trance."
"I felt as though I was in a trance; I wanted to run but couldn't."
"This enchantment card talks to me a little bit about being in sync but also kind of being entranced."
"The deepest trance you'll ever be in is your family trance."
"I made trance for the first time in like seven years and it actually turned out so good."
"The soothing tones of synthesizer and electric piano lulling the listener into a trance-like state."
"It felt like someone who's just completely phased out in a daze."
"It's really unusual, it felt very hypnotic."