
Economic Planning Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"With proper economic planning, scientific development, we can meet the needs of basically everybody."
"The Chinese government has built out over 40,000 kilometers of high-speed rail in the past two decades. They assumed as they built more that every extra kilometer would become cheaper, but it didn't."
"We will need a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine."
"It is not a bad question to say, 'When does the economy reopen?' In fact, that is the exact question that is going to lead to the ramping up of resources necessary for the economy to reopen."
"I will reverse the national insurance increase and keep corporation tax low."
"The modernization plan would eliminate BR's financial deficit by 1962."
"Our plan is based on abundance, not scarcity, prosperity, not gas lines and empty shelves and importantly, we believe it is unifying."
"If we make the hard choices now to rein in our deficits, we can make the investments we need to win the future."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: Someone needs to plan and the central planners know best. What reality taught me: No one knows enough to plan a society."
"Maximizing Liberty: get as many cities as you possibly can, prioritize gold per turn boosters, and think about early gold return, happiness, and global happiness."
"This legislation is fully paid for with its tax increase provisions in the bill raising 1.5 trillion dollars over 10 years."
"Can the people of Florida get one billion of that and with that 1 billion can't we plan to use that 1 billion to increase teacher starting salary to $50,000 for starting salary?"
"Infrastructure costs are front-loaded, so you have to pay for it now."
"The question isn't how we will pay for it but what we will do with our new shared prosperity."
"China knows exactly what they're doing and they're incredibly good strategists. They select their industries for the future and they've got a plan."
"Our job is to make sure we deliver affordability, that we've got enough in the bank for a rainy day, and that we outperform other like states. Those are our obsessions right now."
"They have a plan laid out, on the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers and the rising political importance of men of science may transform the United States into welfare state with a planned economy."
"We're taking a little bit of money out of the hundred billion dollars that we're saving."
"Slowing the pace of increases would soon be appropriate."
"It's freaky how this recovery is following the plan exactly. It's almost like you wrote this plan."
"You must be your own central bank right now. You've got to think like a central bank, you've got to think like a hedge fund."
"But where should you place your merchants upstream to direct trade? The best place for your merchants are the trade notes directly upstream for your capital."
"Democrats are saying that there is more to come after this next stimulus package."
"Retiring with a home, means that even modest retirement savings or a pension can go a very long way when compared to someone who will need to stretch those payments to cover rent."
"Every time you get a paycheck it's important to know what to do with that money."
"Let us take a gander of what the bis and major central banks and Commercial banks have been planning."
"It pays for like a whole bunch of what we've just been doing."
"The package we've set out is the right one, a massive program of investment of backing and believing in Britain."
"This will be the template, I think, for new trade agreements going forward."
"The American people are rightly extraordinarily skeptical of Joe Biden and his economic plans right now."
"The 1400 should be the down payment on what is to come."
"I can't give you financial advice, but I can tell you that if you're not planning on doing $400, find a way to do $400 because this could be life-changing money."
"A bold plan to build an economy of the future, not an economy of the past."
"We can prepare for a decade ahead from 2020 to convert India into not just a fast growing economy but as a global power."
"We're going to come back to that. Gold is going to be part of the world reserve currency of the future."
"We have to raise the age of entitlement eligibility and we're going to have to cut people out even though we told them that they were paying into the system."
"We all agree inflation is an issue. The question is who has a plan to address it."
"Now, the Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory. It's the name of last year's 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, and the head of the forum, Klaus Schwab, has written a book about it."
"Just because you have the money for a down payment or the first payment, it doesn't mean you can actually afford the item."
"They have us on a planned trajectory for 30 years for my daughters and sons to be broke."
"We need a domestic Marshall Plan... this is outrageous."
"What if we change the way we think about gift giving for baby showers and maybe even gift giving for other big life events like birthdays and weddings?"
"We're going to have a much more centrally planned by a coalition of monopolies and the government."
"We're entering a phase now where it's not about how you're going to make money, it's about how you're going to keep it."
"The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory. It is something that the Davos people have put together along with the World Economic Forum."
"Infrastructure is a good thing and that we need it is a different question from whether we can afford the infrastructure plan."
"We will get through this if we're smart with our money."
"The question on the table isn't can we do too much, the question on the table is can we afford to do too little."
"It's not just about Adani and his company, it's for the future because if the government wants to do a five trillion dollar economy, you can't do it if you have these kind of bogus things happening."
"Are you feeling a little scarce about money? Are you needing to lay a new financial foundation and you're worrying about it?"
"I believe the frugal decade means we are going to be much more interested in investing in real estate stocks in 2020 to 2030 than we have ever been in history beforehand."
"For him for a thousand coins, what I am gonna do I'm gonna pick him up."
"While it’s a little pricey up front, you’ve locked in your costs and will benefit from that over time."
"The government is a powerful agent to recirculate resources, which opens up a lot of doors like central planning."
"China's new growth strategy directly involves the expansion of the consumption of the Chinese people."
"What is best for this country is to leave the European Union with a good deal."
"Saving $20,000 on vehicle expenses over a three-year span turned into almost $50,000."
"My plan benefits ordinary Americans, not the top."
"My plan is paid for, it's fiscally responsible."
"We're trying to find that level where we think we can stay there."
"Lock-in effect... not something we're thinking about at all right now."
"The intention is to clear the balance sheet of the debt."
"We can afford to do it. We can't afford not to."
"Black men in North Carolina, much like black men across the country, want to know what the plan is for the economy."
"In essence, there's nothing wrong with increasing debt if you're doing productive things with it, like building highways, dams, and railway systems."
"That is still a decent sum of money to get you to a point where you can find more investment."
"China wants to develop the kind of industry that enriches mid to high-end manufacturing entities, which it sees as the party's biggest asset in its long-term strategic competition with the United States."
"We need a better plan that is going to be a job maker."
"My plan would create 18.6 million jobs in the next four years, seven million more than the president's economic plan."
"Prepare for economic seasons: learn from history, diversify assets, and be ready for market crashes."
"Collective ownership, collective control, and planning of the means of production and distribution."
"There's overwhelming consensus among major economists that we need to spend money now to avoid deeper recession."
"For fairly little money, we could do amazing good."
"Investing is one of the more traditional ways to make passive income."
"Self-reliance first emphasized in the fifth five-year plan."
"Make a ton of money because in life you're gonna need a lot more money than you think."
"Socialist societies have and will be able to solve the problem of what to produce and how to produce it."
"Don't fight the Fed, okay? So if you do accept that cash is king and that alts are risky, and if you are saving up, then remember one of the key things to figure out when you might want to go back to risk on is once the Fed pivots."
"The jobs we hope to make and the jobs we hope to create aren't going to stick unless they're jobs that people want."
"Build out your kits this way because they're gonna give you the best bang for buck and performance for the money."
"Stick to the plan: create jobs, support our own, educate, and buy back your home."
"This property cost me about seventy five thousand dollars, my profit on this is probably gonna be about twenty thousand to twenty five thousand."
"And we have very precise methods and programs to pay for it. Let me give you a couple of examples."
"There has to be an exit strategy. The government budget deficit is about to explode."
"Governor's across the country are looking forward to phase one and announcing plans for an economic resurgence."
"Thankfully, not everyone buys into the racial identity of Anglo-Saxons in 2022."
"Every central bank has a plan until inflation punches you in the face or growth punches you in the face."
"We loaded them up before, I've got like 40, 50 bucks, where a lot of watches."
"We have a plan to deal with inflation."
"I almost don't care about the plan other than it will increase the size of the pie and divide it well."
"We had the economy all laid out, it was perfect."
"We must have low-cost electricity, not exceeding 5 cents per kilowatt-hour."
"The idea is to put together a plan that recovers salmon and is a boon to the economy."
"The Soviet planning system has been a powerful engine for economic growth."
"Labour time accounting brings that out to the fore and it shows that what you're actually talking about in economic decision-making is the distribution of the population between different professions and activities."
"When you don't have a plan for the environment, you don't have a plan for the economy."