
Deep Affection Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"I've never cared so deeply for someone before."
"I love them more. My heart is an abyss of love, it's endless. It drops for eternity."
"They've never cared so deeply for someone before."
"You really are, and I love you to bits and pieces."
"Love is timeless, and Logan loves Rory very deeply."
"Your heart is full of happiness, this all has been a long time coming."
"I love you with my actual whole heart. Like whole heart."
"They're totally head over heels for you, infatuated and captivated."
"They feel deeply loved, supported, adored, respected by you and by the divine through this connection as well."
"They love you with all of their heart and soul."
"Facing their inner fears to be with you, longing for you deeply."
"You love this person, whoever this person is that's on your mind, you love them."
"You inspire my life and mean the world to me."
"From the bottom of my little black heart, I love you."
"I want to have kids with you because I don't ever want to let go of you."
"You're the love of my life and the life of my love."
"I love you more than a trip to Disney World."
"Aries really really really care about people like they care a little bit so much sometimes."
"Just know they are going to hold down because they care so much about the people that they care about that fire runs so deep so don't take advantage of them."
"I want to hug you right now, my love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"They want you to know that they do love you, their love for you is without bound."
"I love you. I love that guy so much. I would have taken anything he gave me, I know."
"I love you so much, my love for you is so unconditional."
"I love you all more than you could ever imagine and I'm wishing you the best."
"You are the one I dream of, you are the answer to my whole life."
"There's no better way you can love a being than that."
"Do not underestimate how much this person cares."
"They see you as their ace of cups... the love of their life."
"They do like you so much... deeply want to be with you."
"They're longing for you, missing you dearly."
"Love is love, if you really love someone deep down."
"I love that man with every ounce of my being."
"She clearly loves you a lot, loves your family, loves your kids, the deaf yeah."
"He loved her the most, right? Like, she just meant everything to him."
"I desire you deeply and eternally, you are my favorite work of art."
"I live for your smile and would die for."
"I just want you to know that if all that was left of you was your smile and your little finger, you’d still be more of a man than anyone I’ve ever met."
"Love to me is when you care for someone deeply and you would do literally anything for that person or that thing or whatever."
"You come off as someone that has been loved deeply."
"I love you more today than the day you were born."
"Remember, I love you. I loved you before I even knew you. I built this for you."
"I love him that much. I want to make note to a man that's been there for me."
"He treasured the ground that she walked on. I mean he loved this girl."
"Every second, every minute of every day this person's thinking about you from dusk until dawn. You are on their mind."
"Decoupling sex from emotions around having sex."
"I genuinely cannot imagine my life without her."
"Never underestimate how much I love you. I might not show it, but you really are my one true love."
"I love them I love them so much even though damn it they're rough."
"I love you, Shoko. I swear I'll keep you safe."
"The love that he bore him had nothing in it that was not Noble and intellectual."
"You are loved more than you can possibly even imagine."
"I just knew at that moment that I love her and I wanna be with her for the rest of my life."
"There will never be a woman that have my heart the way that you do."
"When a woman is really in love with a man, she desires to please that man in every way, especially sexually and romantically."
"You feel like whoa, like this is the one when you fall in love like big time."
"I really love you I wish the best for you and because I wish the best for you I can't just sit there and watch and smile."
"Literally and you'll do just about anything for that [ __ ] person they don't even have to ask because you're already [ __ ] thinking it"
"Once you fall in love with a child and realize, 'Holy cow, I didn't know what love was almost until now.'"
"I love you so much, you are my greatest desire and my best friend."
"I finally come to the realization that what I feel for Mark is like I've fallen in love with him in previous lifetimes."
"This is realizing that this person is perfect for you, that they're madly in love with you."
"Who knew you could love something so much, like I feel like I could cry right now."
"There's something special about this person, a bond that you also cannot break."
"She just jumped for you, oh my God, oh my God, she loves you."
"Every step they took was rooted in the profound love they shared for one another."
"You are a gift to them, their heart's treasure."
"They are literally the loves of my life, like, my pets are honestly my best friends."
"I really hope you guys understand how much I love this girl...she's literally my forever."
"This person has a lot of love for you, and it goes deep."
"I truly believe that she not only looks at Shay like a daughter but she also looks at her like a good street home."
"I love him more than anything in this world."
"They fall in love with you very hard."
"I love you to the moon and back, so this person has a very deep love for you, all right, 'cause the moon is pretty far."
"I've never loved a human so much like I just love him so so much."
"I love Swan with all of my heart and nothing can change that."
"The way that I feel about you is much deeper than a friendship."
"You're my love, I love you so much baby girl, I love you, words alone can't describe it."
"I loved him with all my heart," she admitted.
"When she loves, she loves deeply."
"This deep love for each other that they feel."
"I love her so much that words are not enough to express it."
"I love him so much and never want to imagine life without him."
"I love my mother more than anything in the world."
"He's the best thing to happen to me, and I love him more than anything in my life."
"It is important to love others deeply."
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I have no words for how much I love you."
"I love you so much, you handsome, charming lad."
"I love you more than I show, more than I tell, and even more than you'll ever know."
"I'm afraid I will never love anyone else the way that I love you."
"I have fallen in love with her, and she with me, but our love is and has ever been platonic."
"I didn't think that I was capable that there would be someone that I would care for more than my own life."
"My feelings for you go deeper than you know."
"You love her, and deep down, I'm sure she loves you."
"She's just…I would take a bullet for that girl."
"I love that girl to my very bones."
"Our dogs are like our children; they mean the absolute world to us."
"I do have nonchalant vibes but I love hard."
"It's a darker love; there's an intensity there."
"Somebody here cares deeply for you."
"I really, really, really like you and I really, really, really love everything about you."
"I swear I need you; with each glance, I love you more and more."
"I couldn't have loved him more if he'd been my own son."
"You have to fall in love with something that it hurts."
"I love her more than I've loved anything else in my entire life."
"Trust me, man, I've seen the way that kid looks at you; he's in pretty deep."
"I can't live in this world without you, and that's love."
"When they love you, they love you purely and deeply."
"I'm so in love, mate. I'm so, so in love."
"She loved her family and friends deeply, and she loved music."
"I love you more than anything in the entire universe, always and forever."
"I loved her deeply and allowed her to live life on her terms."
"I don't love you, I treasure you, and I have every minute of the 40 years we've been together."
"So much affection that it's endless."
"It's not my lip you kissed, but my soul."
"You're gonna love the hell out of this person."
"They definitely gonna be Dangerously in Love with you."
"Have you ever loved something so much it just fills your heart with so much joy and you can't explain why?"
"I love him and I love him deeply, unconditional love."
"I kissed her as if she was the air that filled my lungs."
"She loved her family more than anything."
"You're the most important person in the world to me."
"To make a man love you beyond the way he laughs, to make a man not imagine a life without you."
"I fell head over heels madly in love with another human being."
"I got a real burn for you, kid, way down deep inside."
"I love him so much; I thought this was a very sweet album."
"I love all of you so much; I will never share a bond with anybody the way that I share with you."
"I love you more than pen can write or tongue can tell."
"I take care of my animals like they're my freaking soul; they are my heart."
"I love him so much; he's my best friend. I don't know what I will do without him."
"I love you so so so much and I will never betray you."
"I'm so proud of him; this man is y'all don't even understand, he really means the world to me."
"I'm absolutely infatuated and madly in love with you."
"More than life itself, sweetheart, more than life itself."
"I love you so much, oh please just know I tried."
"I never loved anyone the way that I love you."
"He was a real one, he loved me, and I loved him to the fullest."
"Since becoming a dad, I have fallen in love a lot more."
"I love you from the bottom of my heart, and everything's gonna be okay."
"I love you like John Wick loves his dog."
"I love you guys too much, every inch of my heart."
"Milton, you're the love of my life, and that is not an exaggeration."
"Oh darling, I'm so in love with you."
"They care about each other deeply."
"I love everything about this woman, seriously, like I honestly felt like I found my soulmate."
"I'm sending you all of my love from the bottom of my heart."
"It wasn't just passion, it was love."
"I'm just besotted with him; I love him so much."
"This is someone who is the love of your life, the man or woman who has your heart."
"I just love you like, I don't know, I just think my appreciation for you is on a whole 'nother level."
"My love for you is deeper than the ocean."
"You love this person unconditionally."
"Emotional connection, unbreakable bond, reciprocated love, falling in love."
"Leap of faith, starting from scratch, loving like you've never known before."
"That's the kind of love that changes you to your core."
"I love you with an eternal love that which has no beginning has no end."
"You have someone who's deeply in love with you, and this kind of love, when you feel it for someone, you don't ever feel it for anyone else."