
Water Quality Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"The fact that koi carp live in drainage canals proves once again how clean the water in this region is."
"I really hope that's drinking water. I mean, you're gonna boil the hell out of it anyway."
"Researchers found a 50% higher risk of Alzheimer's in areas with high aluminum levels in water."
"It is perfectly safe to drink tap water in Vegas."
"The water's actually decent over here because the wind's coming from this way."
"It would be a good idea to filter drinking water anyway, right? I don't assume that we're going to have many issues with it."
"When you drink water make sure that you're drinking purified alkaline energized water because that is what your cells or organs bathe in."
"You've got to drink high-quality clean water."
"Regular water changes dramatically increase success rates."
"I do love the environment but what I want is the cleanest, crystal clear water."
"Using water that has some problems means that you're not gonna extract the coffee that you buy, or you're gonna make the coffee that you extract taste much worse."
"The water coming out of American taps has got glyphosate in it, it's got drugs in it, it's got fluoride in it, chlorine in it, it's a bunch of chemicals."
"Let's focus on making sure water parameters are good."
"Harnessing the power of biofloc for cleaner water and sustainable farming."
"I've never run from discussing these issues before and I'll be damned if I'm going to run from them now."
"Once you're on trail and you're drinking out of freshwater sources a lot... city water just tastes disgusting."
"Refillable water stations provide better-tasting water for free on many cruise ships."
"Equality and justice cannot be disaggregated, so if you don't have clean water and there's lead in the water, then you're not going to get a quality education."
"In a case where we have all three of those present, it does show signs of your aquarium is not adequately processing stuff from ammonia all the way into nitrates."
"These projects will improve water quality for millions of Americans while creating high-paying jobs."
"New York has the best water in the never chef best tap water. Glynn has the best topwater, I was at the Queens, okay? That's how I wasn't playing with that tap water."
"They also have a negative impact on the water quality on the north rim as well."
"Clean water in swimmable rivers isn't simply nice to have."
"Giving them a lower pH is gonna be a lot more beneficial than it would be if you gave them in like harder PHS."
"You must admit, though, that is some crystal-clear water. It's still mind-blowing."
"Hello parents, what did you do? What evidence? I drank some of that nasty water."
"Rainwater is far superior to well water in terms of its quality."
"Metal roofs are definitely one of the best sources of clean potable water."
"You need water to live so I think that no matter what your water situation is no matter how much water you have stored away you need to get the best water filter non-electric water filter that you can afford."
"You are Fiji water okay okay hey Fiji water I like Fiji water thank you that's a mighty compliment man."
"Rainwater is considered soft, so it's very soft water due to the lack of calcium carbonate or magnesium in solution and is excellent for cooking washing and saving energy."
"An important aspect is that it must be filled with rainwater or well water that does not contain chlorine."
"The best tasting water in New York comes from South Huntington."
"Tap water in Paris is safe to drink, but it might be a bit harder."
"Now this is the water they usually pack and then they put in those bottles and then you buy, you think so? Yeah, that's this is the water they put in the bottles and then we buy, and then you buy, and it's free right here, and it's free right here."
"Chemical filtration... can pull out things like medications, tannins, and other impurities from the water."
"What's wrong with Arrowhead, but also the other bad Waters, Dasani, Aquafina, and what else?"
"The cleaner the water a city has to begin with, the less problems it will eventually have with disposal of its wastes."
"Yeah, I definitely can't drink that water, unless it's purified somehow."
"The water clarity is absolutely horrible today."
"Runoff can lead to nutrient excess in waterways."
"You shouldn't have to worry that your water at your home is making your family sick. It's unacceptable."
"Is the water I'm drinking toxic? Is it causing me or my children to be sick?"
"The cleaner the water, the better a glide bait's going to work."
"Once you have the water, then the mold can go into amplification and get to statistical levels to drive human illness."
"So if your water is brown or has a weak tea color it's important to have your water tested to find out if that's coming from either tannins or iron."
"Swedes can trust tap water for consumption without hesitation."
"four minutes of spot-free water quality out of one filter"
"Testing your water is really not that difficult."
"It's not just about testing the water, it's knowing what's going on in your water."
"Now eventually your nitrite will be broken down into nitrate, which is the least harmful and the least toxic of all of them."
"Most water sources and most tap water companies and everything like that, most of the time there is a little bit of nitrate in the tap water, so you're never ever gonna really hit a level of zero."
"It's a low volume of water really isn't it but you can probably see there look the filter floss doing its job it's already gone Brown and the water is looking great."
"I mean, cleaning water is everything in our business. I mean, there's a fishing guide. I mean, you have to have clean water. I mean, that's number one to fish and number two, you know, to have people come down here to want to fish."
"On the bright side, it's a damselfly larvae, which means you have very good water quality for it to be able to attach and grow."
"So we stop destroying water quality of everything that's downstream of us."
"Water is a 95% of the beverage so a good quality of water will give you the best results."
"I think Crips take on more color in harder water. I'm just going to put it out there."
"Some of the best water on the planet"
"We use this thing all the time it removes so much bad stuff from the water you could pour creek water in here and it would come out and it would be safe to drink."
"If water quality is really a problem to you and you're really worried about the water you're putting in your mouth be worried about the same water you bathe in and think about a whole house water filtration system."
"...over the last year disturbing reports have come out about lead being found in the drinking water millions of New Yorkers consume on a regular basis."
"Water that has high levels of bicarbonate really suppresses microbial activity and it really limits nutrient availability, so it's important to address water quality in both irrigation systems and foliar sprays."
"The Crystal Geyser, it's a 10 out of 10. If you want water that feels like you're back in Europe, if you want water that feels like it's doing your job, if you want water that's on your side, you have to drink Crystal Geyser."
"...you can't rely on your soil and soil analysis to ensure that you are supplying adequate iron and manganese."
"...if you care about growing healthy plants and nutrient-dense foods and producing resistance to diseases and insects a water quality test is more important than a soil analysis."
"...water quality is the shortcut to success."
"Nice clean-looking water, it should look like drinking water."
"I don't think you could pay me enough money in this world to drink some of this water. I think I'd even be nervous to swim in it."
"One, the taste, it improves water you've been drinking water and be like wish this was improved, it does exactly that."
"It's actually really important because they change colors based on how polluted the water around them is making them really useful for scientists."
"It's the parameter nobody talks about, and it's actually, again, it's the most important parameter of your aquarium. I don't care what anybody says, it is the most important parameter."
"We want to keep an eye on water quality issues."
"This is not, in fact, a pack of cigarettes. This is Third Wave Water. Now, as we all know, water is a major part of your coffee."
"The water quality perfect for diving."
"So let's go over the reasons why you might need or definitely want to do water changes."
"In a filterless tank doing water changes or at the very minimum water top offs is a good way to kind of bring in some fresh nutrients."
"My definition of clear water would be an area where you can see the bait one to two or more feet away in the water."
"Aqua essential was brilliant for getting tap water just perfect straight away."
"The water, you can drink all this water. It's Super Fresh."
"Feed them well, keep the water stable, and they will breed."
"I really like the water filter system because the tanks can taste a little funny at times. So it has it onboard. All the water's filtered before it's used."
"Big water changes are the best and quickest way of removing those high levels of nitrates."
"By doing big frequent water changes, you're also replenishing essential minerals back into the water."
"Water chemistry is absolutely essential."
"In my opinion, wet water is always good water, so you want to keep your system pressurized."
"I'd rather keep drinking clean water."
"A protein skimmer may become necessary over time because what a protein skimmer does is it removes very, very small organics."
"Nitrifying bacteria... vary the species that will show up in a system vary depending upon temperature, the salinity of the water, the pH of the water, the ammonia concentration in the water."
"Showering is a joy, and a bonus is you can drink out of any faucet."
"Clean aquarium water is the fourth pillar of reef keeping."
"The health care is free, baby, and the tap water kicks ass!"
"The quality of drinking water in Germany is good."
"Always check your water parameters."
"The water is perfect, nice and crystal blue, and it's not too cold, not too hot, it's just perfect."
"I've always been under that assumption that water is water, but it's really not."
"If you like the way your water tastes, it will make good beer."
"You definitely don't want to drink that water."
"Clean water is really ideal for these guys."
"Water and the water quality is life itself in the desert."
"The benefits of sustainable management of rain that falls on the urban landscape expands well beyond just improving water quality."
"Not only will a water softener provide safe quality water, but it saves you money on using laundry detergent, soaps, and lotions, buying bottled water, but also appliance repair and replacement."
"How the land is developed, how intensely, will have a direct impact on the quality of storm water."
"If you have water that is fine for you to drink, for you to put in your body, for you to wash your body in, then it's going to be perfectly fine to make soap with."
"If all of your patients present hypertension all of a sudden, the first thing that comes to mind is there's something wrong with the water."
"Dirty water is responsible for more death in the world than all forms of violence, including war."
"As a country becomes more industrialized, regulations will improve, sanitation improves, hygiene improves, so water quality will improve."
"If water quality is really a problem, put in a whole house water filtration system."
"The oyster is like a natural regulator that helps maintain a balance by filtering and repackaging plankton and sediments."
"Once you've seen the levels of ammonia and nitrite drop right down, you know your system is pretty much all cycled."
"It's crazy to me that tap water is undrinkable almost everywhere in the world; here in Montreal, mostly all the water we drink is tap water, and water is free."
"We're destroying water quality and we're destroying soil; we've just harmed the biology in the soil, and that's what turns it into dirt."
"Water that's in our rivers and lakes and streams and the groundwater should be clean; it should have gone through the filtering system called soil."
"This has a great impact on the water quality of the mainstream of Han River."
"We are very lucky in northern Michigan to have such clean water."
"The purest water is steam distilled, but any well-purified water should be fine."
"High quality spring water generally is going to have an optimal ratio of minerals."
"Always use distilled water or at least demineralized water, guys, don't use tap water."
"We're able to grow big deer and put clean water in Taney Como Lake where they grow big trout."
"The pH balance should be between 7.4 and 7.6."
"Rain water is high in alkaline, which is good for your hair and skin."
"I'll show you guys a few examples of some house plants that have been doing just incredible since I changed the pH of my water."
"I love that the system does such a great job so I feel really good about our family having clean, healthy drinking water."
"I think the Springwell water filter system is a really good investment and it was really easy to install."
"It seems as though the water quality has improved."
"Promoting coraline is the best way to outcompete many issues."
"The water tastes better, is better for you, and safer to drink when traveling."
"Once you see crystal clear, you can't not want it."
"The Hannah checker is the only thing I trust more than the dumb drops I'm doing."
"This mountain tin water is normally kind of brown colored, full of peat, but look at that, it is crystal clear."
"It's best to let the fish adapt to your water parameters."
"Stable water parameters are more important than the perfect water parameters."
"If you can keep really healthy fish tanks, you end up being like a turtle god just because you can manage your water quality."
"That water is uniquely different; it creates a structure, a hexagonal shape, a gel-like structure which is super hydrating and nourishing for the plant."
"Guppies really love hard water... this restores and maintains a good general hardness."
"Home is where the water doesn't taste weird."
"The amount of lithium in your local water may have a positive benefit on your brain health through the years."
"We need to work at a catchment level if we're really going to have the cleanest, most wonderful water and ecologically healthy rivers."
"It's going to take out chlorine and other chemicals that will make your water taste much better."
"Maintaining pristine water with the right parameters simply results in a healthy, thriving reef tank."
"If you have a choice, don't use tap water because of the chlorine."
"In addition to the algae stat, the buffering, the keeping the bugs away, you also get shimmering water that feels great to swim in."
"One reason why we live here is the quality of the water is excellent."
"The shark's presence was a good sign for how much cleaner the waters of the harbor had become."
"We have to monitor the water quality, make sure there's enough oxygen and the temperatures are cold enough."
"What's the next 90 years gonna bring? Hopefully cleaner water and more abundant alligator gar."
"Primary contaminants are the main contaminants that pose a risk to human health."
"If you don't have pure, clean water, the trout just won't make it."
"We've got fish and wildlife habitat, shoreline buffering, and water filtration; all these lakes need some component vital to the lake ecosystem."
"Pellucid or not, it's just a great word that Captain Cram was quoted as saying, which means clear water."
"It's really nice and clean, it's a little discolored of course, but it's really good."
"Will adding wheat grass or small wood chips to soil decrease the turbidity of runoff?"
"The preferred water of choice you want to use for your coffee is either alkaline purified or reverse osmosis."
"We want to be sure that the water is safe to drink, meaning is it free of bacteria, harmful things such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals."
"It's nice smooth, watery good quality H2O."
"The more surface area you can provide bacteria to grow, the better."
"This is why you run distilled water with your antifreeze, or if you're just running straight water, it needs to be distilled."
"If you're like me, you love a cup of tea in the morning, and you really don't want your tea being tainted with slightly osmotic horrible water."
"RO water or distilled water is going to be the best bet for you."
"It's pH balanced, the water is clear as a bathtub."
"After your tank is cycled, the three biggest water parameters we should focus on are General Hardness or GH, Carbonate Hardness or KH, and Potential Hydrogen or pH."
"There's three steps to keeping your hot tub sparkly clean: one, you're going to need good circulation."
"Having good drinking water is super, super important, and you can't take that for granted."
"I helped to make policy decisions involving water quality that affects people's drinking water and air quality."
"You're going to find that your water is much better."
"Water that is fit to drink is called potable."
"It's important that you're getting very accurate bacterial readings from out in the field as the water people are drinking."
"These systems act like guardians, removing impurities and maintaining the perfect balance of oxygen, nutrients, and temperature."
"This water is absolutely perfect. Perfect temperature, not warm, not cold, absolutely amazing. I'm loving it."
"Have you ever wondered why when you leave water out overnight it doesn't taste as good the next time?"
"Coffee is 98% water, so depending on what's in your water, it can have a direct impact on the flavor."
"If you have clean water, you're going to have a clean estuary."
"They have taken on the challenge of promoting water quality all around Florida."
"Provide them with top water quality."
"WASP is one of the most widely used water quality models in the world."
"Human activities affect the quality of river waters in the town of Castries."
"Bottled water is not tested by any regular regulatory organization and typically costs about 500 to 1,000 times more than tap water."
"It's like Detroit water... but instead of leaving behind a deposit of lead, it's leaving behind the deposit of calcium carbonate."
"Make sure your water is already correct, pH level is correct, your chlorine level is correct, your alkalinity is correct."
"All you have is a high dissolved oxygen content in that water which lends itself to clarity and taste."
"If you increase it to that 350 to 380 mark, your water is clear meaning you're going to greater light penetration."
"I want to have complete clarity 24/7."
"It's unsustainable... why would anybody live there when there's so many other great places you could live with better water?"
"If you do a 50% water change on your tank, you will cut the nitrates in half."
"The biggest takeaway message though is the quality of the water you use, the salt, and how you load the sample."
"We've noticed a lot more people now calling with questions and trying to figure out how they can put minerals back into the reverse osmosis water."
"It's got an installed water filter so your water has the optimal composition to keep your machine in perfect shape but also, of course, to get the best possible coffee flavor."
"The quality of our water has gone up from 76% in 2010 to 93%."
"We start to look at the constituents that are in that water, some of those constituents might be suspended solids like clay and algae, bacteria, other types of organisms that need to be removed otherwise they would make us sick."
"This is the way that the industry has chosen to ensure the safety of drinking water quality."
"I got really interested in the coast because I went all over the whole parish in a boat taking water samples."
"If everything's going along great, your water looks great, smells great, you're not having to put a lot of work into it to maintain it, then that's a good indication that it's fine."
"This device makes water better than bottled water, more purified by reverse osmosis."
"We are not taking care of fish and corals, what are we taking care of? Water, water always."
"I'm quite happy with the aquatune system and I wanted to share this experience with you."
"You want a mineral-free water, you want your water to be distilled, rainwater, you can use reverse osmosis water."
"One of the most important things when you are keeping shrimps are water parameters."
"The use of hard, unfiltered water in this espresso machine will void your warranty, and your espresso will not be as tasty."
"The higher the pressure of the boiler, the better quality feed water we need going to that boiler."
"Coral reefs worldwide continue to have challenges ranging from warm ocean waters, higher acidity levels, and poor water quality from canals, sounds, bays, and tributaries."