
Historical Development Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Liberalism took surprisingly long to develop since it goes against the grain of history."
"Under socialism, Soviet Russia and the USSR as a whole had undergone miraculous industrialization that launched it into the forefront of the world."
"The emergence of writing appears to have been the consequence of a long period of development."
"Automation transformed mass production, factories could now produce goods at a rate never imagined before."
"The modern-day pharmaceutical industry started to develop around the 19th century."
"Early Christianity was not a single monolithic structure. There were many branches to early Christianity."
"All of this attention and the further study of returning veterans, holocaust survivors, sexual trauma victims, and others eventually led to the first appearance of the term post-traumatic stress disorder in 1978."
"Don't get too depressed. It's not all, of course, for depression. The central questions of this course are three. How did we get from there to here? What are the challenges and prospects going forward? And most importantly, in the last part of the course, how could we get to a better place in many of the countries that we're talking about?"
"The process of centralizing the monarchy would take centuries."
"Every development, from the time of our illustrious forefathers to the present day, is caused by forces that clash and create something new."
"Australia began the modern era of industrialization from a far, far lower population base than any other of Earth's inhabited continents."
"A recognizable patchwork of tribes had emerged across both Britain and Ireland."
"Submarines had gone from a curiosity to an essential asset for any modern Navy."
"The federal government has gained more power over time."
"The trade on the East Coast was the main ingredient that contributed to the rise of Mapungubwe."
"In that era nuclear weapons technology improved drastically, more powerful bombs were invented, and more advanced delivery systems were developed as well."
"Brazil has a fascinating history, in large part because its success looked unlikely from the very start."
"London's population rose from 1.9 million in 1801 to 6.2 million in 1897."
"Our Western democracy and our judicial system has been in the making for hundreds of years."
"Over time, people stopped being afraid of bathing and drinking water, as cleanliness became the norm."
"Western Europe would have developed much faster in this timeline... the Celts would have become the dominant force."
"New methods were being considered and this led to a second if somewhat less disruptive false dawn as the Bessemer process started to produce large quantities of Steel."
"Bronze making has developed uniquely in many places on earth, but arguably the earliest and the most important for our story was in Mesopotamia."
"London: Smile. All that music, theater, and art only took twelve thousand years to build it up."
"The first civilizations didn't grow up in Europe, but in Africa."
"The great ancient civilizations flourished during the Ice Age."
"The death of the HRE and birth of the Confederation of the Rhine laid the groundwork for Prussia to slowly unite the German states."
"Before Lenin, the country was very far behind the rest of the western world in terms of industrialization, education, and modernization."
"The emergence of civilizations shaped the lives of almost every human on the planet."
"The development of writing is one of the most important steps in the history of mankind."
"He envisioned a luxurious casino like the world had never seen."
"What began as a handful of fledgling English colonies on the edge of the known world would eventually grow into the world's preeminent military, economic, and cultural power."
"Gradually, a distinctly English literary tradition and culture began to develop."
"By 1870, the economy was growing at 5% a year, while industrial output had boomed by 75%."
"Architects and military strategists spent centuries refining the function of castles."
"The development of Steel making technology was a groundbreaking feature of the Iron Age."
"In just 200 years, the Maya had achieved a rebirth."
"The flood plain was easy to cultivate and build on, so the society that sprung up was startlingly well urbanized."
"The Indus Valley had long since made great Public Works and figured out zoning laws!"
"Britain needed a repeating rifle and through the 1870s they would try a number of designs."
"Babbage couldn't pay for the construction of the entire device."
"The European Union has its origins in a peace initiative that started after World War Two, but look at the Europe of today, and you will see that it has become so much more."
"New York emerged as London's equal if not her superior as the world's financial center."
"Making mass production of books possible for the first time in history."
"Motivated by the 1973 oil crisis, the compact fluorescent bulb showed up in 1976."
"Kawasaki would even use a variant of the system on their 1980 Z1000 H1 making it the first fuel injection system to appear on a production motorcycle."
"The Cassegrain design would eventually become the basis for most modern telescope designs."
"With the dawn of the space age towards the end of the decade, their laboratory expanded out of the atmosphere."
"Human habitat, for all of human history, has been assembled incrementally over time."
"This evolution represented quite a shift in tactical doctrine and the musketry to support it."
"This was the first minivan to have a power sliding door."
"Telemedicine dates back to the mid 20th century."
"The House of Wisdom had its origins in the founding of Baghdad."
"Electricity was there all along but it was never able to be harnessed until more modern times."
"Because of electricity we were able to take the messages of the Gospel."
"Trial and error went on throughout human history and that produced some pretty good stuff."
"Evolution went through years of challenges before it was taught in schools."
"Our unending quest for Perfection or constant need to improve our condition from cave to Hut to Pyramid to Castle to gilded maids to skyscraper."
"The AR-10 was submitted for military evaluation and selection at this time before being ultimately discarded in favor of the M14."
"There have been a series of essential advancements made since the advent of the computer age that got us from room size supercomputers to iPhones in a matter of decades."
"The growth of the world's steel industry had begun."
"It's all those many different influences that have shaped our language shaped our history shaped a culture and shaped our character."
"Every nation, every great civilization has borrowed heavily from the rest of the world."
"Prince Hall Masonry has thrived from that date, the end of slavery allowed Prince Hall Masonry to spread southward, a faithful facsimile of the ancient brotherhood."
"Every branch of field theory which dates all the way back to Pythagoras [...] they're always proven to be wrong."
"Regular cars have been on the road for over a 100 years so major manufacturers have had decades to perfect this type of technology."
"Development of this rifle and it's ammunition began all the way back in 1967."
"Christianity has branched in many directions over the centuries, all rooted in the early church."
"Spy technology has come an incredibly long way in the past 100 years."
"Recognizing its potential, substantial orders flowed. By April 13, 1957, plans for the Mirage III A pre-production were underway."
"Through the '60s and '70s, there was a very clear distinction between what was developed for the track and what was available to the average rider."
"In meso America we find evidence of another Hub of agricultural development."
"Why did most of the rest of the world... not develop a similar type of shield?"
"This camp kitchen made a huge leap towards the portable kitchen setups we enjoy today."
"Britain was the home of the evolution of the railway."
"SEMA wasn't always a show in 1963 it was a small group of speed park manufacturers that got together to legitimize what they were doing and since then it's evolved."
"By about 10,000 years ago, Western social development was already distinctively higher."
"This is one of the very first banking platforms and there was one of the first banking platforms and there was one."
"In China, the first Society to actually create a modern bureaucracy that was impersonally recruited wasn't just friends and family of the Emperor."
"Catherism emerged in the Latin west in the mid-12th century."
"Normative, for one thing, Christianity developed before we had how Jesus is depicted in the gospels."
"The emerging movement, the first beginnings of what would eventually become Anglicanism, had three strands."
"Namely, these three empires were called the Gunpowder Empires because of their introduction, reliance, development and transmission of Gunpowder Technology from China."
"The Canadians began to develop a notion of what they call living tree... it does have its in history."
"London was a rapidly growing city."
"They avoided the enforcement of those laws and eventually, in 1736, they repealed them."
"This resulted in companies like the Prahran and Malvern Tramways Trust, Hawthorn Tramways Trust, Melbourne, Brunswick and Coburg Tramways Trust, and others."
"The final construction departed from the original plan of the Greek cross to allow for a more traditional Roman Basilica shape."
"Fourier analysis... a brilliant thing developed in the 1800s by Joseph Fourier."
"The runes don't work like the Roman Empire version of the Roman alphabet as a system."
"The 1930s also saw a new term come into use: the Triple Crown."
"Celtic spirituality is a living tradition that's developed over millennia, not a novelty idea."
"History was the means by which man would make a complete return to himself as a social (human) being, a return accomplished consciously and embracing the entire wealth of previous development."
"One of the first very big steps, one of the first paradigm shifts, was the coming of writing, and it's with reference to writing that we get the start of history."
"The late 1950s and early 1960s was an extraordinary period in the development of semiconductor electronics."
"This huge amount of land included Covent Garden, which was subsequently developed by monarchs after that."
"So ancient Egypt took shape as these people came together along the banks of the Nile."
"The alien and independent character in which it presently exists proves only that the latter are still engaged in the creation of the conditions of their social life."
"Withernsea was made by the railway, built from a pair of tiny villages with fewer than 200 inhabitants into a town of over 6,000."
"The change between sail and steam was a very gradual and long and drawn out process lasting around 80 years."
"ERP came to be, it really traces its origins back decades ago when enterprise technology was first emerging."
"And eventually built their calendar, maybe not necessarily at the beginning but they fully understood it over time."
"It's always really interesting to see just how much these have evolved over time."
"This is why the principle of separation of church and state was evolved."
"Truth is progressive. It grows down through time."
"The Supreme Court thus laid the foundations for a common market in the United States a century and a half before Europe enjoyed it."
"Their emergence was a long and difficult process that created the black middle strata, a group seeking a better way of life."
"The order is more historical happenstance order, not legislators sat down and thought it through order."
"The Phoenician alphabet is a very important milestone of writing development."
"The women's movement is going to develop during this time."
"Commuter railroads... developed way back in the 1800s... would set up towns and thus provide trains to connect these towns to the main population centers."
"Everywhere you look, the homes and the spaces were developed for horses and carriages and bikes instead of motor vehicles."
"The railroad finally arrived in North Carolina and increased the people's ability to trade and change their economic power."
"During the 18th century, flowing out of the 17th century, you do see a radicalization of the Enlightenment."
"The mastery of geometry, the mastery of surveying, and all these things are happening."
"We are about to witness the greatest miracle of the Machine age."
"The UK system is developed organically over hundreds of years, so there are aspects which are out of date."
"The industrial revolution offered a series of small incremental steps forward."
"The technological innovations developed over the years were products of practical ingenuity."
"This Basilica form becomes the basis of what's going to remain for the next thousand years and more of the Christian church."
"Smith had really done a lot to develop amphibious warfare tactics before World War II and that's important."
"It's beautiful, really started to get much more built up around here after the arrival of the railways."
"Every generation builds on what the previous generations have discovered of how the world works."
"Historically, musical instruments have been at the edge of technological development."