
Wrestling Industry Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"WrestleMania established the pay-per-view model as a fundamental part of the wrestling business and popularized the means of distribution across the country."
"They Undertaker still means huge money; it's not a stupid business move."
"WWE can step forward into 2024 and beyond with goodwill that hasn't been seen in several years."
"That's the thing, for everyone thinking 'yeah, but they could all just go to AEW,' it's not that easy."
"We've been telling the truth about AEW since the very beginning."
"Once I'm through with the locker room, there's gonna be a whole new WWE. You won't be able to recognize it."
"If there's anyone in the company right now who could fill Vince McMahon's shoes, it's Triple H."
"If it weren't for Hulk Hogan, there would be no WWE as we recognize it today."
"I'm able to look at it through a different set of eyes... There's some really great stuff left to be done with a completely different spin than you've seen or are seeing right now in the wrestling business."
"Where would the wrestling business be without you fans? Probably in the state it was in in 2020 and 2021."
"Unlike the WWE, AEW is being funded by billionaire Scheib Khan."
"For the first time in years, wrestling fans are hoping for a serious alternative to the WWE."
"I will do to you what I did to WCW, what I did to ECW, I will break you down and then I will buy you out." - Vince McMahon
"The lack of a union to advocate for wrestlers means that Vince gets to call all the shots."
"If Vince could do this to him, he could do it to anyone."
"Always remember that when it comes to people who shaped wrestling the most Eric Bischoff remains one of the greatest of all time."
"If it happened to Benoit, it might happen to anyone caught up in the WWE self-defeating work schedule and health policies."
"The Dirt Sheet was a great three-minute treasure trove of unscripted goodness amidst the usually overly scripted, overly sanitized weekly programming."
"Lot of butts in seats and when we make it to WWE so will we. I see what you did there. That was clever. I like it. Respect."
"The McMahon name will remain the most beloved and vilified one in the entire industry."
"This is a really exciting time in the wrestling industry."
"Paul Heyman is a world-class manager, Roman Reigns is a world-class wrestler."
"He also just has a massive understanding for the business and what it takes to create both compelling matches and long-term engaging stories leading to better viewership, pay-per-view buys, and the like."
"Danny took one look at me and called up Hiro Matsuda."
"All Japan became a byword for incredible wrestling, fighting spirit, and the breathtaking but highly hazardous Kings Road style."
"Nobody that's on the roster for the WWE should be considered an independent contractor especially when you cannot even fart or choose your own verbiage on social media without it being approved by the office."
"Triple H wasn't just the best wrestler in the game, but he was the game itself."
"Vince Russo would do anything he could to make WCW stand out."
"Please spread his face around as much as you possibly possibly can and share his story whether it's through sharing this video on social media or if you're just talking to the people closest to you in life."
"CM Punk for a few minutes just drop bombs facts the truth whatever you wanna call it."
"I definitely don't see myself away from the wrestling business anytime soon."
"Without AEW we wouldn't even be sitting here."
"Cesaro is one of the most underutilized wrestlers in the world today, realistically he could be slotted into the main event picture of any company at any given time."
"I think moments are made bigger at WrestleMania simply for happening at WrestleMania."
"Joe brings that level of character work to the WWE."
"McMahon had grand expansion plans and they would require, to borrow his words, a little ruthless aggression."
"The meteoric rise of the WWF in this period as well as the goodness of WCW before its sharp decline ushered in the first major wrestling boom since the mid-80s."
"In the end, Vince McMahon was no different from those old territorial promoters he went to war with, like them, his career was derailed by the actions of Vince McMahon."
"Everything could be better but it's too big wrestling was not meant to be promoted nationally with publicly traded companies that have to worry about hurting people's [ __ ] feelings."
"JBL made Cena, sorry I mean he was already gonna be a star but this guy was the perfect foil for him."
"The repercussions of the Benoit murder-suicide went far beyond the victims."
"AW's MO is the best wrestling professional wrestling on the planet."
"The promo game in AEW's been one of its strongest points."
"RoH built them up and gave them a platform before they got to spread their wings elsewhere."
"Bray Wyatt is indeed about to become all elite."
"But yeah, CM Punk come to PW Insider from Wrestle Insider Mike Johnson does a great job over there."
"There's a lot of exciting things happening in pro wrestling."
"AEW could consistently beat WWE unthinkable post 2001 but it is in fact happening."
"WWE loves to make bone-headed [ __ ] creative decisions."
"CM Punk is no longer an employee of the WWE."
"WWE were every now and then willing to listen to their fans."
"Chris Benoit was undoubtedly the hardest working man in professional wrestling, the most dedicated and totally absorbed in the business of professional wrestling about anybody I've ever met."
"He was a person who was trusted by each and every wrestler who stepped into the ring."
"Anything we do to make Bianca Belair a bigger star is fine by me."
"I think leaving worked out for him personally because he made his name even more relevant outside of wrestling."
"We don't need to see you out there wrestling. Push the talent that you have now."
"Seth Rollins has been cutting fantastic promos for years... he's just a natural at this."
"China's legacy continues to influence and inspire new generations of female wrestlers."
"China had been created and showed the wrestling industry and the wider entertainment world that women could be anything they wanted to be if they tried hard enough."
"For all the good that Miz has done for the company over the years, at least to make up for his lackluster time of Abell back in 2010, for Miz to not be a world champion right now feels like a 98 percent completion rating."
"Show us that you fucking care it's right now the fuck it all attitude that Vince McMahon has is actually hurting the company more than it is helping."
"Hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars were generated for wrestling promoters this way."
"WWE needs to start investing in everybody else to make sure they are like those women that I just mentioned."
"There are few people who have been as influential in the wrestling industry over the last two and a half decades as Kevin Nash."
"Forget the ego, how did your business relationship evolve with like the WWE like you say like if that guy's winning like we were making money were you like getting a cut of like the whole thing at one point or like how did that evolve?"
"In 1992, he found a pathway into the industry through his friend Mark Morton, beginning working on the local St. Louis circuit."
"A position in the most popular faction in the industry."
"All Elite Wrestling have already been able to stake their claim at having an original offshoot following the birth of the Jericho appreciation society."
"Brand new era with Triple H in charge. It's gonna be very interesting with NXT, man."
"The wrestling world is very open at the moment."
"The closure of WCW Nitro marked the end of an era in professional wrestling."
"Hopefully some big news surrounding Mike Keota and WhatCulture Wrestling coming very soon." - Adam Wilborn
"The only names right now that are credible that WWE could bring in for a big-time spot at one of these major shows."
"Shawn Michaels named head of the WWE Performance Center."
"He knows what he's doing man I don't see Cody Bushee ever signing with the WWE it's gonna be a waste of his fucking talent and he knows that they got no room for him whatsoever."
"Jericho, Max, Bryan showing how to be leaders and put over the newer Stars."
"AW reminds me a lot of WWE in 1996. They hit the reset button and pushed stars that normally weren't going to get pushed."
"Nice guys don't usually end up doing too well in the wrestling business."
"Vince McMahon was baffled and didn't know what was going on."
"I feel so bad for Triple H. Most of his projects are gone."
"Keith Lee, Carrion Cross, two former NXT champions gone, both regardless of COVID vaccination status."
"I think wrestling in general is in a pretty great spot and I think that this company is in an amazing spot to be right there in the mix and making things happen."
"I would trust these guys more than anybody in WWE."
"Bryan has been a top star for WWE even in his non-wrestling days."
"Great prioritizing of your talent WWE, really great job there."
"The brain Busters would be the type of team who could be entrusted with building new talents or propping up an entire division on their back."
"You're gonna see women like Asuka and Io Shirai move up the ranks."
"Don't believe the dirt sheets and what they report."
"I think they were very smart and I would imagine this is a Vince call a Vince read the room correctly following that match and it's the new era of wrestling where fans were starting to dictate what they enjoyed more and they were."
"He's the man responsible for making WWE more than we thought it could ever be."
"The most over I ever got was nexus there's no doubt about it it was just a crazy period especially for a guy like me and the rest of the nexus guys."
"Dusty literally talked his way into his first job in wrestling aged 22 with no experience at the business."
"WWE needs to not be in this position of total authority where it can just buy up so many contracts."
"The WWE is embracing who they are, they are a juggernaut right now in the pro wrestling landscape."
"WWE is still trash and so much needs to be done to fix it."
"Wouldn't it be ironic that Vince McMahon the man who killed the territories 30 years ago now he's the every other promotion in town and in the country goes broke WrestleMania weekend."
"Even with some of the greatest performers of all time around him, he still manages to stand out as one of the very best the industry has to offer."
"He's the hottest guy in the wrestling industry."
"One thing that Bryan has always been is outspoken. Speaking to gorilla position we recently played a clip from this WWE and the creative team they usually pitch ideas to the talent."
"Savage didn't come to TNA for the money since he was loaded, but to help out the company and give back to the business."
"The wrestling business for the next generation in America."
"The future coming fast, things would soon change forever in the WWF."
"The love between some brothers and a family and how dirty and rough and hard the world of professional wrestling can really be."
"Oh god yes, I would have been open to it... Bobby was a great performer."
"It was one of these feuds which helped to establish our next subject as a major player and future goat of Raw in his own right."
"I thought I could really try and help here and in turn, that helps the entire wrestling industry."
"It's never going to be what it was, and it'll probably evolve into something different than it is now. But you know, it'll still say wrestling on the ward, and there will be some semblance of wrestling. But I don't think it will ever go back."
"Fans are the true agents of change in professional wrestling."
"ring of honor has risen and fallen more than most wrestling companies of its era and now it's time for ring of honor to rise again"
"There isn't just one way to be a wrestler, there isn't just one way to look like a wrestler. If everyone's an Adonis, then no one is."
"If they didn't have that TV money from TNT, there very likely would not be an AEW right now."
"Cody always presented himself as a big deal and the more big deals you have, the more big deals younger Talent can win over and be elevated."
"Cody and Brandy were integral to the launch of All Elite Wrestling. Cody's ability combined with his boldness and his passion for our industry helped AEW deliver on our mission to give fans something new, innovative, and lasting."
"I think Tony Khan providing jobs, great money, and great opportunities not just for the wrestling talent, but for people like Jean Carlo and people that we both know who are behind the scenes in the industry, they're working in production in other areas of AEW."
"When he went back up there and they put the title back onto him, Christ, then, are you serious?"
"Vince McMahon owned the whole goddamn thing at that point, but that's the mentality of some of these people in wrestling—they're so petty and short-sighted."
"Man's only got so many bumps left in his body. There's not too many people out there talking about the importance of saving that bump."
"I think there's still a big upside for a company like AEW."
"Ric Flair had a profound impact on all of us, me as a fan, me as a wrestling announcer, and me as a friend."
"Without Chris Jericho, AEW would not have the amount of success that it has today."
"They made it against all odds and built a company from the ground up to take on the biggest wrestling company in the world, WWE."
"He had some great ideas and he did have Hulk Hogan and Savage and these guys when they still had another run left."
"Vince McMahon, you're not perfect, but you're forever a legend."
"I think the time of the main roster members holding NXT titles is starting to wind down."
"WCW was out of touch. It was the good old boys mentality back there, but it was also our foot in the door, so I felt I had to do what I had to do."
"It's the most competitive the wrestling world's been in a long time."
"That back and forth in that war was good for business."
"I've never seen WWE roll out the red carpet for any wrestler before."
"I'm blackballed from the wrestling business, I have no problem with that whatsoever because I have been true to myself."
"Bray Wyatt's character has a very great look about him, and all his creativity was off the chain."
"We have listened, we have progressed, and from tonight, no limits wrestling will never be the same again."
"I've never felt more respected as a talent in any other wrestling company."
"I'm happy that it's on a guy who's around today, not just around a couple of days a year."
"Without the fans, the wrestling business would not be as it is today."
"End of the day, when your wrestling career might be 15, 20 years, you gotta take advantage of those 15, 20 years and make yourself the most money you can."
"It feels like it's sticking it to WWE and sticking it to those who thought it couldn't be done."
"There would be no WWE without Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn, both in my opinion the greatest of all time."
"I'm more attached to wrestlers that have that background and respect for the industry."
"They're starting to prove themselves in the wrestling world."
"You just felt the Winds of Change. Now The Winds of Change have shifted to the WWE side of things."