
Corporate Reputation Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Electronic Arts have made more of a name for themselves from their shady business decisions than from any of their games being just that good."
"Companies can make great products for 10 years, have one bad launch, handle it poorly, and destroy their reputation for the next 10 years."
"Don't be sponsored by bad companies which are known for being bad."
"Excitement for Blizzard's new releases has all but vanished and some people want the company to just straight up burn to the ground."
"The fact that something is bad and embarrassing for the company and makes the people who work there feel bad doesn't mean it's false."
"Blizzard is still a terrible company that hasn't changed."
"Blizzard has shown its true colors and now is trying to put the genie back in the bottle."
"Twitch being sold to Amazon for 970 million dollars."
"He quickly made his way into genuine brand integrity for the company."
"Disney has to deserve its reputation at an operational level."
"What was damaged was Nintendo's reputation and their goodwill with not just Nintendo fans but the entire gaming community."
"PayPal's lack of security, failed business plan, and now their threats to steal people's money and their desecration of free speech has left the company's reputation in tatters."
"Quality... it's what Boeing company's been known for."
"Literally every time we've had an issue in the crypto space, who appears out of nowhere with a solution? Ripple."
"Enough is enough, you know? Disney's been damaged in this way, that way, and the other, right?"
"Boeing was once held up to be the gold standard of engineering excellence. And today it has lost a lot of credibility."
"The Lexus brand as a whole has always been about reliability."
"A lot is riding on the success of this next Witcher game and maybe just maybe the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion to come will give us an indication of just how serious CDPR is about repairing their image."
"Starbucks has earned its place as the fifth most admired company worldwide."
"The odds of 25, 26 companies risking their full market cap and corporate reputation to compromise the network is very small."
"Apple is one of, if not the highest quality company in the world."
"The Disney brand is quickly becoming damaged beyond repair and that should be concerning to you."
"Dominion's injury is Fox lied about its reputation... harmed its reputation all of that took place most of that took place before the January 6th Insurrection."
"Costco rated the highest of the three amongst any American company."
"Lordstown's founder and CEO Steve Burns was described to us by former senior employees as a con man and a PT Barnum figure."
"Let's all agree that Amazon is in many many ways, an amazing company."
"CD Projekt RED has shown how much consumers mean to them through their positive actions."
"Valve is one of the few companies that seems to really respect the customer."
"Huawei can make nice things, kids; it's no longer the budget company."
"And to see just how bad all this can get, let's go back to PG&E, arguably California's most hated company. In fact, a quick skim through any PG&E affiliate's Yelp page gives you just a taste of that because you'll find reviews like..."
"Microsoft's track record on this stuff is one of the highlights of any console generation."
"They've done absolutely nothing in my, and what I've seen, they've done nothing to rectify that image."
"Apple is known for many things these days: their beautiful products, their awesome services, their sleek-looking presentations. But also, they are getting more and more recognition for their firm, unwavering stance on privacy."
"Warner Brothers may be the best complete package of a studio out there today."
"This whole stunt from Nexon has been a reputation Ruiner."
"Apple has some of the greatest engineers in the entire world."
"Nintendo's level of quality since their inception is simply astonishing."
"It's harder to get hired at Tesla than it is to get into Harvard."
"Our reputation and performance is both excellent."
"Never have I seen a company with a reputation quite as bad as TS Entertainment."
"Ticketmaster is one of the most hated companies on earth, which is really impressive because remember this is a planet in which AT&T also exists."
"Kraken is the most secure player in the industry."
"Finally, yeah, I know it's true, like we said though, at least we're finally starting to see some positive headlines regarding Activision Blizzard."
"EA is known as the money hungry company by the way that stands for Electronic Arts as they have made so many electronic pieces of art."
"This is absolutely terrible for Facebook's brand... if every brand was like yeah no no to advertising."
"I don't believe the reputation excuse at all especially when you look at the history of big banks."
"A name feared by opponents around the world, a technology pioneer full of bold decisions."
"Launching a successful electric car would blow away any doubt about Apple’s ability to innovate."
"What can Robinhood do to change the overall connotation and perception?" - seeking ways to rebuild trust and confidence.
"Huawei is the only Chinese company that came close to being that brand, but unfortunately, it's not a brand that people trust."
"Apple was trading at like a 15 ford p or under for like years."
"Over the decades, Aer Lingus became a highly reputable airline and one of the safest in the entire world."
"Actors, CEOs, and consumers are distancing themselves from the company."
"I'll let chat decide if Nii Sanji is an awful evil Corporation or not."
"I don't think Riot's going to hack you, okay? Riot's a massive corporation, I hope I'm not proving wrong."
"That is extremely unprofessional. What do you think someone who works for Google and Microsoft would say something like that?"
"Blizzard used to be one of the most beloved game developers in the world."
"Boeing, probably I would consider it the greatest company in the world prior to a year ago, now they get it done."
"I know Webtoon as a platform has its own fair share of issues, so I'm sure for some of you, this was the nail in the coffin that ended your relationship with the platform altogether."
"They are a great company, great business practices."
"I want to see Microsoft return to the trusted and respected company that they were when it comes to security stability performance and just reputation."
"McDonald's and the IRA: debunking a damaging conspiracy."
"Almost every company that's involved is the leading company in its field."
"Disney is handling this so well to see that Disney difference shine through even in times like these."
"EA has built this clown reputation for years now."
"I just think there's a lot of domination there that makes this company second to none." - James
"Apple has been receiving praise from well just about everyone."
"I'm standing by my mother-in-law. I'll also stand with the vice president for the sake of the company and its reputation."
"It enhances the reputation, it focuses on wider stakeholders."
"GE today is just the premium industrial company of the age."
"Consumers love Amazon... it's like the first or second most beloved institution in America."
"This is also a company that has a AAA credit rating higher than that of the US government."
"My research tells me you are a company of high standards, a company that is well respected in the industry, and a company that has exciting plans for the future."
"T-Mobile is a successful company with a fairly positive reputation."
"Reputation, quality, and integrity matters almost more than anything else for these companies."
"Both of these companies are great, amazing companies."
"Arguably of all these companies, Steinhardt is the most respected company."
"There was worldwide loss of confidence in the MAX brand, Boeing, the FAA, and the regulatory system."