
Soil Management Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The soil quality and health in raised beds are superior because you can control the mix and avoid compaction."
"What I plan on doing with the garden this season is just continuing to pile various manure on it."
"Healthy soil equals healthy food equals healthy people."
"Mulch: a material that's applied to the soil surface, that's all it is."
"Roots will find their way throughout the soil mixture, no need to chop them up."
"Soil is repairable and improvable, we don't need to buy land based on the quality of soil."
"Soil building, if following some good principles doesn't have to be rocket science."
"In Edwardian Devon, it was often part of a tenant farmer's contract to line his fields to neutralize the acidic soil."
"Engineers discovered a way to steer the tower while changing the soil composition beneath."
"Farmland has some weird restrictions that dirt doesn't."
"Disturbed soil needs to be packed... save yourself a whole step."
"The most advanced soil stabilization technology."
"Planting in raised beds means nutrient-rich soil, allowing for closer plantings and higher yields."
"Make sure that your bagged soil isn't waterlogged, as waterlogged soil lacks oxygen, which can hurt your plant's roots."
"So many indoor growers will start off with bagged soil, but soil can be reused grow after grow."
"Most farmers want to windrow the dirt up on top of the trench."
"In farming, if you do not replace what you took from the soil, the soil will become exhausted."
"Putting veggies in your flowerbeds, one of the most whimsical, magical things."
"You could instead take it out of production for a season and grow a series of cover crops to naturally build up the health of the soil."
"The actions are still the same: stop destroying your soil food web of life, stop tilling, stop pulling your weeds out, allow your soils to transition and grow towards old-growth forest soils."
"The best time to start working on your soil is probably 10, 15, 30 years ago."
"The number one enemy is rot, and your cuttings will rot if your soil is too moist."
"Abundant irrigation can shut down certain soil-borne problems like Fusarium."
"No-till stands are definitely more effective or more consistent than what I've been able to achieve with tillage. Tillage seems to be either a spectacular success or spectacular failure."
"I've owned this farm for over 40 years and one thing I've tried to really be good at in the last two decades is to understand my soil and learn when the soil works the best for planting seeds."
"Because it's been farmed out, tilled out essentially and your soil aggregate layer is going to be lower in that farm ground and all of that so you're going to see the quickest or fastest upfront increases there."
"Simply put, err on the side of adding too much moisture to the soil."
"We really focus on what I'm... starting to articulate more and more is not just regenerative agriculture but biological soil management."
"When we consider how to manage soil, there are really four different areas: soil structure, chemistry, biology that I mentioned earlier, and then there's also the soil geology."
"We find that we add most of our soil amendments in the spring rather than in the fall, unless there is a very significant and very large correction that needs to be made for calcium to magnesium balance."
"Tilling once a year... very shallow... minimum till."
"Deep soil sampling can save significant money on nitrogen costs."
"If you're going to put rocks on top of your soil for whatever reason, it's probably safest to use pumice or lava rocks."
"We have not waited for soils to change... we have actively worked with our recommendations to try to produce a change in the soil biology."
"We need to manage our soils to create an environment where biology can thrive throughout the entire soil profile."
"That's kind of the ideal situation you want in your garden; you want the kind of soil that hangs on to water but also lets it through and lets it out."
"The Spirit pneumatic seeder performs leveling, seed bed preparation, soil restoration, seeding, and rolling in just one pass."
"If you till the soil, you plow it, and you work the soil."
"The Case IH Steiger Quadtrac 550's four-track design provides several advantages over traditional wheeled tractors including increased traction, reduced soil compaction, and improved maneuverability."
"The practices that store soil organic carbon often have co-benefits for agriculture, communities, and natural ecosystems."
"Diversity is what's going to keep your soil system alive and healthy."
"These are all really desirable aspects of compacting soil, particularly prior to any major grading project."
"Hopefully, you came away with some ideas to change your management to improve your soils and improve your productivity down the road."
"It helps to create an ideal environment for farming, plowing, and making the soil smooth and ready for seeding and planting."
"Baking soda is the unsung hero of soil pH management."