
Plant Health Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"The soil quality and health in raised beds are superior because you can control the mix and avoid compaction."
"Plants are so resilient and most of the time they thank you for dividing them and spreading them around."
"Overall, look at these plants, they're strong and healthy. The color is good."
"The more you can get calcium into the cell walls of plants... the better overall their ability to resist disease pressures."
"Moving it from the shadowy corner was all it needed."
"Your plants gonna tell you whether or not it's working, you'll know by the health and that's really it."
"You will only be benefiting in return with lush foliage and beautiful blooms."
"Root rot can be achieved in quite a few ways."
"Crown rot is severe damage of the crown due to infection."
"Orchids cannot tolerate high temperatures of the leaf."
"Maintaining roots: a balance of moisture and air is key to keeping roots healthy."
"Apply neem oil after daytime temperatures start cooling."
"The goal is to cure any diseases that might be underlying these leaves."
"The same thing happens with plants is if they're fed all these chemicals that they need directly then they don't do the things that they need to in order to build an immune system."
"Fulvic acid, a nanoparticle, is super powerful and its electron donor meaning that one molecule of fulvic acid has 14 trillion electrons per molecule."
"Calcium deficiencies can lead to stunted growth, distorted leaves, and blossom end rot."
"The healthier the soil is, the stronger and healthier your plants will be."
"It's important that we keep our plants happy in all senses."
"One of the best things that you can put in your garden for the growth and health of your garden is a chair."
"Roots are absolutely critical to the health of a plant."
"If you want to maximize the health and fertility of your garden, if you want to get as much nutrients into your garden, why are you amending with fertilizers when literally all you need to do is plant more plants?"
"Identifying rotting Roots before it's too late can really make the difference between saving a plant or watching it perish."
"Pick the one with the most stems or stalks on it, so it's as bushy as possible."
"If you have really great soil that you've amended over the years, then your plants are going to show that in how they produce gorgeous flowers and color and growth for you."
"I saw the yellow spots happen, right? And then I slowly started to see the tips of the leaves, like they would turn white and curl."
"Healthy ecosystems in the soil equal healthy plants."
"Healthy plants are just going to be much more resilient."
"Normalizing having pests on your plants from time to time isn't a bad thing."
"I think normalizing having pests on your plants from time to time isn't a bad thing."
"Pruning will improve the overall health of your plant."
"When plants are attacked by fungi, it's a symptom. It's a symptom of lack of diversity in the soil microbiome."
"A healthy plant is like a symphony, producing exudates to feed the microorganisms in the soil, nurturing a vibrant ecosystem."
"Endophytic bacteria help plants thrive by enhancing stress resistance and nutrient uptake."
"...it's possible to manage nutrition in such a fashion as to increase or to delay senescence and postpone it and keep plants green for a much longer period of time."
"The more we improve plant health in the short term, we can improve soil health in the long term through the delivery of those root exudates, through stimulating soil biology."
"In summary, it's about optimizing plant health for plant health's sake but also to improve soil health through better plant nutrition. Plants drive soil health too."
"When plants reach level 4 plant health, they are resistant to all disease infestations and all types of insect attacks."
"Plants at level 4 are essentially completely resistant to all disease infestations and all types of insect attacks."
"The quickest, the fastest way to determine plant health is to test plant sap with a refractometer."
"They're a lot stronger when they're plane out there more disease-resistant they are more drought resistant they are more pest resistant so super excited about soil blocking."
"Your goal isn't to grow the biggest plant start; your goal is to grow a healthy plant start."
"Is drainage important for potted plants? Yes, yes, and many times, yes. Plants that are potted in pots without drainage are at high risk of being overwatered."
"...plants will become less nutritious because of that what we think is happening in those situations..."
"...all plants that have root hairs are internalizing microbes into their root cells and that we really are just beginning to understand the significance of that..."
"A plant that has no expression of disease and no expression of insect damage is a truly healthy plant."
"Healthy plants contain bacterial endophytes and fungal endophytes."
"Microbial associations are crucial for plant health."
"The plant does benefit, so that healthy microbiome in the soil will improve the performance, the ability of the plant itself to grow, develop, survive, become hearty and healthy."
"If you want to achieve higher levels of plant health, focus on feeding bacteria."
"Available calcium is a direct or indirect fix to almost everything."
"If fat plant is producing a fair bit of sugar, up to and over half of it can be pushed out of the root tips. That's microbe food."
"At 10 bricks of sugar, weeds are starting to go backwards."
"At 10 bricks of sugar, the plant only needs 50 percent of the nitrogen than it used to."
"At 10 bricks of sugar, you will be able to reduce your water by 30 to 50 percent."
"...if you care about growing healthy plants and nutrient-dense foods and producing resistance to diseases and insects a water quality test is more important than a soil analysis."
"Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people."
"We can't have a legitimate conversation about sustainability until we regenerate soil and plant health."
"...a plant that has plenty of all of those major nutrients and macronutrients is going to be much better able to fight off that pest and disease pressure than a plant that is struggling to get what it needs..."
"...the more you're retaining the moisture in the soil, the better your plants are going to be able to keep and pull in that moisture during the hot summer season."
"When it's as healthy as possible, it has the ability to resist pests and diseases much more easily."
"Hardening off will give us tougher, healthier plants."
"In order to produce berries which are resistant to mummy berry, we need to supply a lot of calcium during the cell division period."
"You've got a healthy plant, you've got the plant's immune system powering to the max."
"It's just so, so nice to see pest-free plants."
"I feel like this is one of them that I probably put a bit too much because it is dark, but it's happy."
"Rust can actually be quite good for your plants...it releases lots of iron and can actually help to strengthen them."
"Wow, I think it's going to be really happy in here."
"The thing that these plants really, really, really love is humidity and this is why having a cabinet for your plants is so brilliant."
"Clean leaves make for healthy plants."
"Pruning is a good thing. It actually promotes growth, it actually promotes the plant to be healthy and looking good."
"Huge difference, the plants are much more stable."
"So I've noticed a difference, that has stopped entirely browning tips and margins has also stopped entirely."
"The lights help your plants develop the perfect true color that they should be."
"Healthy plants are much less likely to be susceptible to pests."
"Healthy plants make other healthy plants healthier something with the air quality and just how they grow it definitely helps to have other healthy plants by other healthy plants which I think is so cute."
"A plant with healthy roots and that is generally healthy is less likely to get attacked by pests."
"It's gonna benefit the plant, your plant's gonna really explode."
"It's so healthy and so happy; I'm so happy with how this turned out."
"It's all about understanding long term your plant health and that's kind of the game of this."
"If it is to grow a beautiful, thick, lush, super dense, super compact, colorful aquascape, you're probably going to want an active substrate."
"Having really good air circulation is vital to cutting down on mold and mildew growth."
"You're reaching for the compost tea or the extract to enhance the health of the plant, ultimately that's your goal."
"Look at how good this plant is looking, there's new growth on it, it's gorgeous, it's green, this one is definitely taking."
"Modern wheat varieties are losing their capacity to transmit signals to soil biology to signal that they are being infected."
"Tissue culture is widely used to get rid of viruses in plants."
"Mealybugs, for example, excrete a sticky residue called honeydew."
"Provide microbial opulence, probiotics at planting; we're going to have weather stress, but the more helpers you have for that plant, the less of that is going to affect the plant."
"...healthy plants are resistant to pests and disease; to grow healthy plants, we must first think different about agriculture, about empowering life instead of suppressing life."
"Overcrowded plants are stressed plants, and stressed plants are more susceptible to insects and diseases."
"Parts per million of your water... it's a great thing to keep an eye on; it tells you what the plants are doing."
"Poly embryonic specimens look healthier than the other mono embryonic ones, just by virtue of having green stalks."
"So generally, it's your plant that's going to be telling you when it's time to repot."
"You don't want to start the orchid off with rotting roots in the water because that's just going to rot further."
"This shows you just the general health of the plants, how big it is."
"B vitamins... stimulate the plant's systemic induced response, it's like a good insurance policy for plants."
"The point is to make sure that the root mass is always larger than the plant mass above the ground to ensure that the plant has a lot of vigor and strength and health."
"A simple pruning of even 5% per year could swing the plant in a position of proliferation, growth, bigger health, so many benefits by simply pruning."
"Overall, this plant looks really healthy."
"I'm not worried about it, this plant is going to be fine."
"Over and under watering really comes down to the frequency of watering, not necessarily how much water you're giving the plant at one time."
"The results speak for themselves; there's no yellowing on it, there's no crispy edges, it's a very healthy leaf."
"Having airflow for houseplants not only helps with insects but it helps with mold, mildew, bacteria, fungal issues as well."
"It works by forming a relationship with the plant's roots and helps your plants do so much better."
"Pruning is actually a preventative measure to ensure that your green girls are not infested with the travesty that are pests."
"Look at this absolutely beautiful white looking root system."
"This plant should be so deep and dark green that it looks like forest green rather than this lime green look that it has here."
"It's just been a beautiful and perfectly sized plant."
"So when it's in good health, this plant is absolutely stunning with the pinstripe variegation."
"The greater the diversity, the greater the resistance of the plant to disease."
"Healthy plants are going to be able to withstand diseases much better."
"It's a pretty happy camper, it's a pretty happy plant."
"If the foliage is yellowing very quickly and there's a whole bunch of it yellowing, then maybe look beyond just the plant being overwatered."
"It's well draining and aerated so the roots have plenty of oxygen."
"Plants are susceptible to viruses, bacteria, protists, and fungi much as animals are."
"There is no product that you can afford to buy that can compete with the photosynthetic engine of a really healthy plant."
"Tissue cultured plants are tested for known viruses and diseases."
"Once you get this plant going healthy and strong, it looks absolutely stunning."
"Strong cell walls, which correlate to fungal resistance, are a sign of good calcium presence."
"Plant health is the most important thing."
"Those insects home in on the compounds that are released by sick and unhealthy plants. Insects are looking for something that's not doing well."
"A healthy plant in a healthy soil food web system is a defender of disease."
"You are the plant owner and you want to make sure that your plants stay healthy."
"Pathogens... there are actual pathogens that cause root rot."
"Root rot isn't actually your roots rotting right away; it's actually our bacterial colonies, fungal colonies dying off due to lack of oxygen in our soil pores."
"Jade plants rarely die because of lack of water, so less is better."
"Healthy plants don't get pests by far, but they tend to not call them in so hard."
"I reckon I've taken maybe 40% out so it can now breathe."
"A disease on the other hand is a plant problem caused by a pathogen."
"I always think a plant that looks really healthy and strong like these endive at the moment, banging season, you know, this is their period of top growth from summer germination, autumn growing of leaves."
"She really did end as a picture-perfect plant, happy, healthy, and just nice and colorful."
"You want to aim for humidity levels of at least 50 percent for Calatheas."
"I've also added a bunch of B vitamins in here that help reduce stress on your plant."
"Everything looks really good and happy and comfortable in its new home."
"Top Max is a combination of unique humic and fulvic acids."
"The tree is nice and healthy, the leaves are nice and big and green."
"The most limiting factor in your garden, especially a biologically alive garden, is enzyme production."
"Mulching is going to save you time, energy, money on weeding and watering, and your plants are going to be happier and healthier."
"All the moss and plants have started growing in really well, and the stream is still flowing great."
"The number one reason that roots start to die off and become susceptible to rot is due to lack of oxygen."
"It's the very outer layer of the root that is dying off, which then allows pathogens to get in and cause problems."
"Those are the three main things we talked about: heat, sunlight, and just having a greener thumb, having better health to our trees."
"You're going to wait till you visually see that the leaves are wrinkly and then you're going to water your hoyas very very well."
"If your brix level is above 12, you're pretty much invisible to pests."
"When you water from the top, you're not only pushing water down into the soil but a layer of oxygen too that your plants need to survive."
"The biggest way to improve the plant's immune system is to increase its biodiversity in the root system."
"You can see quite a healthy root system, new roots in here, and this white is mycorrhizae, which is a symbiotic root fungus, so it's a good sign if you've got that on a tree."
"I think it's a really great thing to stimulate new root growth and it works phenomenally."
"A healthy soil food web allows for healthy plants and productivity to surge."
"It's the best way to determine if you have a pH issue or if you have a nutrient issue that's harming your plant health."
"They actually look really good, look, and because these have been grown in that really soft environment, these are just so tender, gonna be wonderful."
"Watering deeply and infrequently... is going to protect your plants in the long run."
"One of the benefits of growth regulator is that it drives deeper roots."
"...the rhizosphere microbiome is very important for plant health."
"It's so beautiful, the ones that I've gotten here are all doing well."
"We're going to dive into the benefits of kelp... it's going to help create stronger, healthier plants."
"If you're seeing constant swings like that, that does stress out the plant, so you can definitely see issues if those swings are too large."
"It dies, that's trying to tell you something."
"Potassium is going to regulate how much water is taken up through the roots of the plant."
"Symptoms of low K are going to be chlorosis, the leaves themselves are turning yellow."
"The knowledge of your products, what you're contributing to the soil and the soil biology, and really optimizing and giving the plant the ability to be its best."
"I'm going to enhance a plant's resistance by properly growing the crop; a healthy plant that is cooking along to the best of its genetic capacity is going to be a lot harder for a disease to take down or an insect to take down than one that is struggling."
"Water as early as you can in the morning... try not to get the leaves wet."
"When they have lots of light, the roots need moisture and they use it, so your roots don't rot."
"Looking at the color of your plant looking at how nice and long the leaves are sometimes also the tomato leaf will throw out extra little leaflets on the stem and they'll even cup up that's a great sign of plant health."
"Baking soda can prevent and treat fungal diseases, keeping your plants healthy and robust."
"I'm loving the greens on this; it is a nice deep green that looks very, very healthy."