
Space Utilization Quotes

There are 422 quotes

"With raised bed gardening, the plant density allows you to grow more food in a smaller area."
"The idea of going tiny's gained traction... We don't need a big space."
"I love the use of space. I think it feels like I have so much room, even though it's a tiny house."
"They're making use of every bit of space, even the walls."
"Not only did I need to bring functionality back to this space that was so underutilized, but I also needed to make it a space of creativity, inspiration, and grand imagination."
"I don't even know what we could fit in this little room."
"The front yard garden is now the new backyard garden."
"If you have a space in your home that is not really working for you anymore, re-evaluate it."
"It is just worth your time because they've done such a great job with this space."
"The girls' bathroom needs to branch out, it could be something more."
"Before Sylvia's breakfast room was so cluttered you could barely eat a bowl of cornflakes in it. Now she has what she's always wanted."
"We might as well have one when we have the space for one."
"Can an adult actually fit up here? I mean, yes, they totally can!"
"You have a massive amount of room here... plenty of little nooks in there to store your things."
"Containers: transforming spaces, transforming communities."
"You don't need to feel compelled to fill the entire space."
"Even the smallest spaces can be elevated to create a fun, playful conversation area in your home."
"You're taking this blank space and trying to make it real and make it work."
"The meaningful gameplay happens in the negative space."
"Wow, this is turning into a really nice space."
"I really enjoyed seeing the patio and the living room because it just makes it seem like your living room is that big if you want it to be."
"It's not about how big it is, it's about how much cool stuff we can put in it."
"Maybe think about how you can break up the monotony of the space so that it doesn't all just feel like one big space."
"I love floating nightstands because you're making use of that vertical wall space."
"Check this out for an island, it's 4.6 M long."
"I just want people to be chilled and enjoy the space."
"Great kitchens aren't always about bigger space, sometimes it's just about better usage."
"Gosh, wow. It is so small in here and yet such a huge piece of history."
"You can make a space feel bigger by shooting tighter." - Mike Kelly
"I like odd spaces, I think it gives character and something different."
"When they figure out ways to use a space in multiple ways."
"It's not about occupying or possessing or controlling spaces, just about activating space."
"Great way of using underutilized space that's ignored."
"Best thing I've done is moving weight to the right place."
"Most people that do a draw system or this just dead space underneath, every build I've done until now has dead space underneath, but if you make the dead space bigger, you can use it. It's also a dead space really like that I think useful."
"Take them as close to the ceiling as you can get them, maybe an inch away from the ceiling. That's going to really elongate the space."
"Get art that is so big and so tall you don't need anything else. It's taking up that space."
"It's not about what you're doing, it's about feeling inspired to do something within your own space."
"Compact machines allow you to store entire rooms of blocks inside a single block."
"Remember that bow I mentioned in the wall? Well, it actually created some space between the shelves and the wall in this cabinet which I took advantage of to run the wiring through."
"How do you utilize space? Hello, how are ya."
"The clutter has gone and they have a light and airy space."
"She wants to put some makeup in her drawers and be able to just sit here and get ready and get all pretty."
"Nice balance, but I love the way there's a great amount of space."
"I love how I managed to fit two bedrooms...that doesn't happen often."
"The q7 still offers a lot of space on the interior. So it's actually still quite a good package."
"It looks so much cleaner, all this room you do have a Nook over here where you could easily put...15 In and Out Burgers."
"Here’s another storage idea for under your bed."
"This room it's not just a breakfast nook it also doubles up as our dining room and the cool thing about a round table is you can be shocked at how many people will fit at a round table."
"Our portable stove... completely self-contained unit... expands the use of space in the van."
"It's kind of cozy in here for such a giant car."
"Both are beautiful spaces, just a fit for what you want and what you like."
"Very well usable; a lot of space on the interior."
"China now recognizes that this era of interdependence might step back."
"The lessons learned from living in a space like this are truly life-changing."
"Vanigan Life, thank you much for helping me maximize this space."
"Little Beverly Hills, we can get rid of it, it's a little bit of a waste of space and we'll get some money back for bulldozing down this big park."
"It feels like you're changing the scenery, makes your house feel huge, right?"
"Create a really small room... layered and different heights."
"The more you do for other people, the better you feel. So by being selfish, it's actually about being selfless."
"Looks like it's full but trust me there is a lot more space to be used here."
"We need a bit more space and you see, we will sort of migrate a little bit away from that CBD to these exhibition type areas."
"I really wanted there to be a breakfast table since there was a space to do it."
"You don't need that much space to grow a significant amount of food."
"Level emitters are powerful for keeping essential building blocks on hand while maximizing space efficiency."
"Outer space, used and shared peacefully, offers incredible benefits to humanity in communications, science, and, soon, resource gathering, and even settlement."
"I think if we leave this kind of open down below just this first story for people to land dinos or walk dinos in and stuff and things like that, then the second story here will be for production of all the things we want to make."
"There's never wasted space, and innovation is around every corner."
"It literally is so different than your before and after feels like it went from like a storage unit to a living space."
"Hey, you want to put an event, uh, you can do it in our space."
"Sometimes it's the simplest thing like using furniture, paint, or room dividers, but having the illusion or the visual divide can sometimes make such a big difference."
"I really want to love because I mean like it's interesting right I mean there's lots of rooms my minecraft bases don't have eight rooms."
"It's not about space, sometimes it's about the aesthetic, it's about cute."
"This whole Space looks a hundred and ten percent different than it did a couple of years ago."
"Specific organizing suggestion: use the back of the door to hang items like spray bottles and rubber gloves."
"I have plenty of space in case I need to pack some spare stuff for a longer trip."
"Renting out extra space in your home or garage is a simple way to earn passive income."
"We want to create spaces so that we can have our horses, run out, enjoy ourselves, live a happier life."
"It feels so good being able to walk in here without the center wall."
"He feels rather delighted that the bathroom is big enough for them."
"Every single cubic inch of volume that we have on boats we use it to provide either technical feature like that vanity or storage space."
"Gone are the days where you got a 60 story skyscraper and somebody takes out five floors." - Observes changing trends in office space demand.
"The more space you have, the more space you can freely move around your environment."
"It challenges your creativity and makes you maximize the space that you've got."
"It's opened it up, it is part of it, it's fabulous."
"The garden is the weeds. There's no space for weeds."
"So much more room for activities, look at all this more space!"
"That's what this space is going to be for, equanimity's."
"He's living in a small space, which by the way he doesn't own."
"Transform Dead Space into Shoe Storage with Lack Table Shoe Shelves: This is a brilliant hack that lets you take advantage of any corner in your house."
"Low Cost IKEA Desk: With a couple of Trestle legs and a LINNMON table top, you can create your own desk."
"Instant Coddle, yep, that'll make a lot of space for Naga this game."
"What's our main hall look like now? I think it's slightly improved, less of just kind of like a random Shack..."
"Utilizing that space is the most important thing when it comes to what we consider right sized homes."
"Transitioning... kind of allows you space and time."
"Instead of just utilizing this for storage I thought it would be awesome to create this mini kitchen."
"Even though it might not be like that, I am still very proud of what I've done with this space."
"Elevate your bed... Your bed is an area where you can literally put whatever junk you want under there and nobody's going to see."
"Welcome to Camp Zade, come on move on in, man. Just take in the square footage."
"Time to get in the cargo area" - Look at all that space that we have back there.
"By opening them up, making them into usable spaces, that was the goal."
"Those are always things to keep in mind: use space, consider the design of your set, and try to get creative with your solutions."
"We're not going to own any of that stuff, we're just renting you the space."
"This area will become less of like nothingness and become an area for storage and also somewhere that we can come in when we've been outside."
"It gives you access to all of this room here and this is a good use of space."
"Designing it so intentionally where I have a workspace, I have a space for each individual thing that I want to do has helped me tremendously."
"The idea is to make it like a barn, in the sense that it's multifunctional."
"These magnetic spice containers... they just stick to your fridge."
"It's a bumblebee idea we make space for what matters we'll make space computable."
"By maximizing the space in your house you maximize the value...sometimes you've got to spend money to make money."
"Railings sometimes add space as opposed to giving you the idea of taking it away."
"We're making sure we utilize as much space as we can."
"The walls are so high... like we need to have a second floor or something."
"I feel like something has to be in every single nook and cranny otherwise it feels like the build is empty."
"That's your space. They need to use the Airbnb."
"Space is a great contributor to success in architecture... more memorable experience." - Peter Ichiro
"Oh my goodness, you put in a greenhouse! What an amazing use of this space."
"Now, if this is not enough room, you can magically make more room, alakazam! One, two, three. Now we just took our cargo space, we went from about 29.5 cubic feet of space to over a little over 58 cubic feet of space."
"The message from US head coach Jill Ellis... has been to find the space and support each other."
"I'm using the same bit of space for three different things, which is something I really enjoy. That's efficiency, which I love."
"This is such a good use of space."
"I want to maximize this space and just utilize it to its full potential, soak in these last cold moments and just get ready for summer."
"This right here is actually gonna make a queen size bed."
"A great use of space because the amount of headroom you get in here is really impressive."
"If the Sims were hosting a large function, all of these spaces could be opened up for dining or dancing."
"...she did something that was absolutely amazing... she had the same room on her gooseneck trailer with the steps that came up the same way... she had a washer dryer and a whole closet with a whole jewelry storage, it was absolutely amazing."
"The tiny house movement isn't just about finding efficiencies within less space."
"Tiny house living: you gotta use every inch of space."
"I love the use of space in this layout."
"we just put in shelves and we did the walls we painted every surface in the camper with the exception of the ceilings"
"It just really goes to show you do not have to have a lot of space a lot of time a lot of budget all you have to do is get creative with everything and you can turn whatever space you have into a beautiful and functional space."
"This is a really nice space, there's a nice mix of fixed and freestanding furniture."
"We've tried to utilize every inch of the yard."
"It's not a big room but this was originally my dining room and I changed it because I wanted a place for uh uh us to have uh more seating for entertaining."
"The idea of using large artwork in a small space is really fun."
"Just because we're working in a small space doesn't mean we can't have big statement pieces."
"In the spirit of making use of any available space, there were these cavities in the back of the door and John built these very handy little spaces to fit extra bits and pieces."
"I'm someone that has always felt you can maximize any space even if it's small."
"They've made a lot of good use of the space."
"So one of the biggest things about the cabin was the kitchen. We knew that we did not want a small, pokey kitchen. We wanted to be able to have a big kitchen, which is a big ask in a small space, but we came up with a design for the kitchen that we were happy with."
"This yacht really exemplifies that when we start to see the maximizing of space and being able to fit everything that this yacht has into a platform that's only 78 ft is quite impressive."
"I am so happy we are going to figure out what the hell we're gonna do with this space."
"Work with your space, not against it."
"Creating space for appliances like that is how you would do it in a smaller kitchen."
"I love the warmth and coziness that you can add to a little space by trying this and putting a table right behind um."
"I made a [ __ ] champion out of 175 square feet."
"It's such a shame to have space in your house that you never use."
"Taking advantage of the unused space underneath the bed is a great storage idea."
"We love the layout. I mean, it's a small house but it doesn't feel like a small house."
"Low profile beds look amazing in a loft area. It makes the ceilings feel even taller."
"One of the things that the Kodiak does really well is that dimensionally on the outside it's actually smaller than most of its competitors but inside it has more space."
"Even in a small space, you can still have a nice-sized outdoor kitchen."
"...this is a massive space so you'll have your bed here even if it's a 6x6 it's going to fit here comfortably..."
"One of the things I really like about these open web trusses is just giant space for all kinds of things."
"When you're designing the room or hallway, you might want to think how many people can be in the space at the same time."
"If you have your own house, you cannot tell me you don't have a corner, a closet, or a room in a normal 3 or 4-bedroom house."
"You're doing a three-bedroom home or a two-bedroom you can either get more space for the bedrooms really up top or you're going to get that longer deeper you know level for the the bottom floor."
"it also just goes to show like even if you're not loving the space and where it's at yet you can make it work for you you can make it beautiful you can make it functional"
"If your home is smaller, you must make the most of all the available space."
"No matter what your space size, there are going to be some ideas and some products that you may be able to use in your space to make it functional, to make it work for you, to make it flexible."
"...taking different rooms and using them for multiple purposes is important..."
"...use the vertical space in your bedroom."
"We really love the use of this space over here because now they can have like sister sleepovers or friends sleep over."
"Utilize vertical space, have plants go up a pole, or have them hang down."
"The amount of time we spend in that galley is actually not that great."
"Most of the kitchens we've seen today require gymnastics, but in here, you got cabinets pretty much everywhere, tons of counter space. You could make something with someone else at the same time."
"They use every inch of space as efficiently as possible."
"Because you're going downtown, you realize that you can't buy all that land for a parking lot."
"If you guys are thinking about gardening or you want to give it a shot honestly you don't need a lot of space."
"What this means is that on Titan you can run many industrial processes and electronics at ultra-high efficiency and use Titan’s atmosphere as a massive space radiator."
"So the first thing to do is kind of survey the area you're thinking about, you know whether it's a bedroom, a basement, a corner of a room, gonna survey that area, figure out how much room you have, and then you can kind of start to work from there and formulate a plan."
"I think a Towers are starting to grow on me a lot. I think the amenities are some of the best in BGC, and the configuration of the units are really, really smart and clever. They really know how to make the most of the space."
"You saw what's in the floor, I showed you what this table can do but that's not all there's more to the space... it's amazing truly amazing how much this is just here we haven't even started to go through the rest of the storage that's down in each cabin."
"What he achieved was that those mechanicals took up only 20% of the total space; everybody knows how he did it: he turned the engine around sideways and powered the front wheels directly."
"This would be the closet, closet."
"What a great use of urban space. Yeah, underneath the roads. Why let the space go to waste? Definitely make good use of it."
"You know, this is what works for us at this time, so you have to do what works for you. I know that not everybody has this kind of space available, but you can make this space available. There's always some place."
"I hope this kitchen will show you that it's about what you do with the space and it's how you make that space work for you that can enable you to have your dream kitchen right where you are."
"There's a ton that you could do with this space here."
"I hope I sparked some ideas for you guys in your small spaces."
"Don't live with less just because you live in a small space. Basic is fine, but standout is superb."
"These floor to ceiling windows...then we added sculptural chairs and a curved sofa to add movement."
"Every crevice is storage space at this point."
"I try to utilize my space as much as possible."
"I just think it's just beautiful he used the space also really, really well."
"We can do something really cute right here like this is a great wall space it sure is like we could do a mirror and then like a table or something."
"It's about giving plants room to express themselves without wasting space."
"...it's about using the space that you have right now, and making the best of it so that you can just enjoy the hobby of woodworking."
"The Acadia is a good use of space."
"We have to use the space in the most creative way that we can."
"A lot of the myths have been broken today about shade, about space."
"How people could behave in reaction within the spaces, or how we can find functions into spaces, or how we can make the multiple three-dimensional relationships or communications to each other."
"We love that we have a light in the pantry and it's great space for us."
"You've done an amazing job making a really small space feel big."
"Yes, the container concept is valuable just to understand because it makes you see your house differently."
"This space is so much more usable. It's just decluttered but it basically functions as more organized."
"Oh that's nice that is a nicely organized just the organization the use of space fantastic. Giant fate poster though gotta say that's questionable quite frankly very very sad."
"...as long as the space is good you can really create something I feel would be nice..."
"I love it when they put these in RVs because it utilizes space that otherwise wouldn't be used."
"In 10 square feet you can grow a whole bunch of stuff right inside your home."