
Relationship Readiness Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"I'm trying to heal these things within myself so that whoever I'm with next is able to have the best version of myself."
"If you're not married and you get our marriage material, you're going to be ready for your babe."
"Being open and honest, and recognizing when you make a mistake and how you can remedy it, is a good quality to have before you get into a relationship."
"I'm coming back to you when I'm ready to give you the love you deserve."
"This person shows a willingness to love them to be loved, even if they have to keep that part hidden."
"The new person coming in it's like they're ready in love with you because the love is so pure it's not gonna be like this one where this person didn't really know how love you had to teach them."
"There is someone out there right now who's looking for exactly you, so I want you to be aware of that."
"Remember you're attracting somebody who deserves you."
"You're ready for a strong relationship; you want to commit."
"You're taking this time to fill up your own cup, to feel confident in yourself before sharing that with the other person."
"It's not about waiting until you're in love to have sex, it's about making sure that first you love yourself."
"Both can be true, you can be happy, you can find peace now and also very much be open to the wonderful experience of meeting somebody."
"The next relationship that comes in, you're gonna need that. You're really gonna need that."
"Most guys are ready for relationships... so one of the ways you can avoid that is to communicate."
"Do I actually have a realistic outlook about it?"
"Equal justice and equal opportunity are ideals we should seek."
"God never even made Eve an option for Adam until Adam was enough."
"I know I'm a great catch and just you know I know this and I just cannot understand it."
"You'll know that he wants to be in a relationship with you and that he's looking at those barriers and overcoming them."
"Do the inner work, because otherwise, you could call in a test rather than a partner."
"Are you ready for a relationship? Now is the time to really think about the character and the traits of the girl you want to date."
"It's okay if you're not ready for a relationship, you don't have to be in one."
"They're ready for a new life, a new start with you."
"Marriage requires a lot of maturity; it could be physical, social, and even emotional."
"You have so much love to give, but not everyone you encounter is ready to receive such a great love."
"You will meet this person when you are in your balanced state."
"You're attracting someone who is mature enough to know what they want."
"They see that you are that person, you are that material."
"You deserve someone who not only wants you but is ready for you."
"You want somebody who's committed to their own healing."
"I'm ready to give you my heart, I'm ready to let go of my heart by releasing my ego, and this terrifies me."
"You gotta be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually conditioned for your relationship."
"I have the utmost respect for women, I'm just not ready to settle down again just yet." - Carmine
"You're not really wasting any time here, Capricorn, you're marriage material."
"I mean, similar to the marriage thing, like I just personally don't feel ready for it for the life that we're living now in terms of how busy we are and how committed we are to our jobs."
"If you marry the person at the stage you're in and never see if they have enough capacity for who you will become, you'll end up in a house that is too small."
"Take care of yourself, stand on your own feet, love yourself because when you love yourself you can love someone else."
"Open your heart because it's definitely going to be worth it."
"Your true love is already a part of your life. Clear your energy field and focus on yourself before acting."
"It's all about clearing out the clutter, preparing room for this person to come into your life."
"Preparing room for this person to come into your life and space for all the wonderful things they will bring."
"You still show me you are not qualified to be in a relationship with me, you still show me you are not ready for a healthy relationship."
"He makes the first move, and says, 'I'm available for a relationship.'"
"The way that you find the one is to become the one."
"You are the one for them, like this is the one you are the one they want to commit to and spend a lifetime with."
"Foundation matters: Are you truly ready for the right person?"
"You manifested this person... they know how to get [stuff] done."
"You're learning how to attract what feels right for you without fear."
"As much as I love Lisa, it'll be hard, but I will survive. We're whole individuals."
"When you are genuinely in a place of wanting a real relationship and wanting a relationship is not the same being ready for a relationship."
"If a guy tells you head on while you're just getting to know him that he's looking to get married that is a green flag to me generally speaking."
"Many people say I want love, I want that real relationship, and then when that amazing partner comes their way, they're like, 'What the hell's going on?'"
"If you feel complete within your own life, that's the time you'll be healthy to have a good relationship."
"I could have never learned to really be in a good relationship until I internalized my self-esteem."
"You will know the person who is right for you because this new love is coming in."
"You don't really want to head into a relationship when you've got your own baggage."
"This person is ready to share the love. I feel like you're quite well matched with this person whoever it is you decide."
"Your looks may change, oh you about to attract Mr. or Mrs. Right."
"If you're looking for a pre-packaged finished product, you might not be ready for a healthy relationship."
"You're never gonna attract someone super healthy not being in a healthy place, you know what I mean?"
"Life is not that linear. The point is, are they ready?"
"Erecting boundaries may cause temporary discomfort, but it signals readiness for healthy love."
"Everybody can't handle a relationship because everybody is not mentally, physically, and emotionally ready for a relationship."
"The reason many of you not in relationships, not because men are not out here, it's 'cause you're not ready for him."
"I really don't but they just want to be honest about... if they're not ready they are gonna step out... at least emotionally... like I'm working on it but I'm not there yet."
"You're ready for a commitment, but still holding onto some disappointment."
"You're ready to pour out into someone else because you have so much love to give."
"You have to actually be somebody who's willing to walk away, heal yourself, and then go truly find what's best for you."
"Emotional vulnerability before the first date is key."
"There's a potential for commitment coming your way, somebody wants to commit all of a sudden."
"I see commitment coming your way, ten of Pentacles is coming towards you."
"Even if they're still working through this, they're going to be ready for somebody new."
"The right love, the right union, the right moment for high level commitment."
"Manifesting someone who loves you... starts with self-love."
"Allow love to grow and bloom all around you. You've waited for this emotionally fulfilling experience for such a long time."
"Not everyone who says they want a relationship is ready for one."
"You've got to be happy with yourself and with your own life before you get into a relationship." - Coach Corey Wayne
"If you put yourself first and stand up for yourself, you've got a keeper on its way."
"Continuous improvement and readiness for love's timing."
"Knowing yourself before getting into a relationship makes it 10 times easier."
"Love comes when you least expect it, but a relationship can only happen when you consciously enter into it."
"If a guy is just a mess, his life is just in disarray, he just can't get it together, he most likely will not want to be in a relationship."
"Are you ready for the love of your life? Genuinely ready to meet your match?"
"I'm stable, I have a lot to offer, I'm loyal, I look decent, I'm also humble, I'm fun."
"You're not getting into relationships with other people from a place of like desperation or need but from a place of like hey I'm in a really good spot with myself."
"I think Elon Musk has a great idea here, and regardless of whether or not I like Elon Musk and regardless of whether or not I like Tesla, I think something like Wikipedia but that rates the credibility of journalists would be amazing."
"If you're going to date with confidence, wait until you've processed the last bad experience. It's essential."
"Life has a funny way of doing things who knows if your man is ready right now right instead."
"Now what? I have all this love to give, I'm ready to love someone, I'm ready to give my love to someone."
"You are someone who has a beautiful pure heart, you are supportive, you're kind and you want to fall in love."
"Me getting a partner is being well-rounded and mentally healthy, emotionally available."
"I will not allow myself to get into a relationship until I am fully 100 in love with myself."
"You're someone totally capable and deserving of being with somebody who's really excited to have a marriage with you."
"Thinking that girls are just naturally more mature makes girls forego a carefree childhood because they think that they have to or should be ready for these types of relationships when they're not."
"When the right one comes, she won't doubt herself."
"God is training you for the spouse He has prepared for you."
"You're manifesting your ideal person... They're coming in soon."
"They want to come correct, especially if you're mature for your age."
"Ultimately, love will come to you, but you have to open your heart."
"If you're not over your ex, I don't think you should be in a new relationship."
"There needs to be a transformation within you first, and then you need to meet this person because otherwise you may mess this up."
"You're open to love, but you want someone who reciprocates."
"You can't be with nobody if you ain't whole."
"You are ready for a new adventure; you just want somebody stable, a partner."
"You're ready to offer that love to another person, but we have the king and cups, king and queen of cups, two people who haven't opened up, maybe neither one of you has taken that risk."
"You shouldn't pressure yourself or radically change who you are to find somebody else."
"Know when you're good to be in a relationship."
"You deserve someone who's ready to give and receive love."
"It's important to recognize where a guy is at and if he is at the place in his life where he is ready to settle down and be in a serious relationship, especially if that's something that you want."
"Healing from the traumas and disappointments of the past so that you may view yourself as capable of loving relationships and worthy of having them."
"Good guys are taken quickly; they're the partners you see in serious relationships."
"It's a commitment, this is two people ready to take things forward full steam ahead here."
"You got love coming in fast, offer you one that ain't single."
"You are open and you are available, they're trying to be optimistic that you will receive them with open arms."
"You're balancing your life a little bit more steadily and making adjustments, making room, making space for love."
"Integrity dating is about becoming the one, doing your inner work, going on your personal journey first, and then attracting that partner."
"Somebody's going to want to come in and get serious and stop playing games with you."
"Letting go is bringing love in... that's helping you get to that right person."
"You're ready for something more, ready to be settled, ready for someone who appreciates you."
"You're going to know exactly what you want when you meet this person."
"The Queen of Pentacles suggests a willingness to settle down and invest in the relationship."
"You really can't have that happy positive relationship until you feel that way about yourself."
"They're telling their friends that they've had a lot of patience when it came to this connection and now they're ready to face their fears when it comes to you."
"what's your plan you know because it's like I do remember like right before I met Moshe I was like ready to have something real and I would just want to stay home"
"When to date is when you are ready to move in the direction of marriage."
"Sometimes it's just not the right time and place for a relationship, and that's okay."
"Stay single until you're actually able to find someone who complements your life."
"I think I learned a lot about myself and definitely learned that I am not ready for a relationship."
"Please, please, please figure your crap out before you get into a relationship with somebody else."
"I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner."
"Work on yourself... there's always a person out there for you."
"Being marriage material is knowing who you are and what your worth is."
"I'm ready for a boyfriend. I need someone who's confident."
"You know you're ready when you're with the right person."
"How well do you know you? And if your answer to that question is 'I'll know it when I see it,' wrong."
"I'm not ready to be in a relationship, and this is a hard thing to accept because obviously it isn't what I want, but it is what I need."
"Sometimes it's not just about finding the right woman, it's about being the right person at the right time to receive the right woman."
"Not everyone is healthy enough for a relationship at the same time, and that's alright."
"I'm increasingly convinced of the importance of timing, of someone being ready, as the natural precursor to having a real relationship."
"My heart is open to a successful relationship."
"I understand if I have to wait for you, and I will. I'll wait, and when you're ready for me, I will be ready for you."
"This person is very open to a relationship, can be faithful, and has the capacity to be monogamous."
"Work on yourself before you get into a relationship."
"You're clearing the way for the best relationship you've ever had in your damn life."
"I'm looking for someone who's nice, who doesn't run away from love because I'm a person that gives love."
"I'm looking for gosh just someone who's nice, who doesn't run away from love because I'm a person that gives love."
"When somebody says they're not ready for a relationship, what they're really saying is they're not ready for a relationship with you."
"He is willing to listen to your feelings... another huge sign he's ready for a relationship."
"Just exist and work on yourself, and they will come into your life whenever the time is right."
"I think that's the type of person that has the best chance of finding a relationship where you're comfortable with yourself, you're happy with yourself, you don't need anybody."
"Once they learn to love themselves, then they will feel at liberty to express the love that they feel for you."
"If we're not there in a relationship to meet at your apartment, then maybe we're not ready in a relationship for such a nice, fancy restaurant."
"If you aren't fully in tune with yourself and you don't fully know who you are, and you're not comfortable with being alone, then if you are broken when you go into your next experience, your next relationship, your next alignment, then one or two things can happen."
"If the energy is not there, I'm just like... I'm not emotionally available the way I need to be to be in a relationship."
"When you start to realize that you are happy alone, that's when your better half is going to come in."
"Ready for love, wow, this is somebody who wants to get to know more."
"Their heart space feels like they want a union here."