
Magical Thinking Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Even if you don't necessarily believe that anything truly magical is happening, those ideas being brought to your attention can be helpful."
"Magical thinking is the belief that one's ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can influence the course of events in the material world."
"Of course you have some magical thinking going on because in childhood you really had no help dealing with this kind of nightmare that you were going through."
"Humans have had this way of magical thinking through all of our history."
"The alchemist within urges you to reawaken your powerful manifestation abilities demonstrating a strong will and focus will drive your desires into fruition with a little magical help of course."
"Sometimes the most magical thing of all is the truth."
"But what if the Wizards combined all their magic and told us at the same time to believe in something? Wouldn't its power be so palpable tangible meaningful that it wouldn't even matter if it were real or not?"
"Dreams were supposed to come true. You were just supposed to wait and see because the magic was supposed to be new and it was supposed to be in me."
"My life is made of magic and miracles and that's a conscious choice that I made some time ago that I wanted to live my life like that."
"True love is the most powerful magic of all."
"If we're just continuing to lean into this sort of magical thinking."
"Trust the process because there's magic working through you this month."
"We were witches. Me and Remy did this weird thing where we would just stare at each other and we would like manifest."
"Things literally change magically when I change from what's within."
"Everything is Spirit but it's at different phases, it's at different modes, and it's these different modes that make us believe in the physicality of our existence."
"Realistically, do I think it's like magic? I think it is human potential dealing with magic."
"It could be magic happening this week. And all we have to do is open our hearts and allow it in."
"Everything can be cured with magic." - Stella
"There's a magic towards you; things are just going to manifest beautifully."
"Magician says use your powers of manifestation to get the outcome you desire."
"You're unlocking your prosperity, that abundance is moving towards you; there's alchemy here, it's like magic."
"Garrett knew it. He knew that friendship was magic and let the friendship be."
"Believing in purity, innocence, childhood, magic, and dreams."
"Maybe my kid brother is still out there somewhere in some magical place beyond the walls of reality."
"I'm teaching people how to stop magical thinking."
"It's even more standard when you consider he put his money into a magical trader behind a purple curtain."
"Every morning when I wake up I say, 'Bring me the magic,' and I want you to say that too. Bring me the magic."
"Magic is limitless, and so is my potential to create, dream, and achieve."
"Magical thinking simply says if I think it, I create reality. If I think, I affect reality. If I just think, I change reality."
"Hey Christians, do you believe in wizards? No, is it because they do magic and magic isn't real? Hmm, ironic, don't you think?"
"There is no such magic that will help what is to come from happening."
"I know what I'm saying might not make sense, but this work, just with intention, it has its magic. I don't know how, it's just magic."
"Magic, a little bit of Facebook marketplace, a little bit of dark web, you find a wizard, wizard does it for you, know what I mean?"
"A magician card is about making your dreams come to a reality through inspired actions."
"Redefining what it means for something to be magic."
"Magic is life, life is magic. It's about the rush, but the passions are the reason for living. There has to be a purpose."
"Imagine if they spilled... like I thought this to myself, am I witch? Am I witch?"
"Anytime I hear a man my own woman say the word manifest I already know they're going to be goofiest like it gives me the vibe like you grow up on Harry Potter and you believe in magic so let's find out."
"The magician is all about alchemy, it's about taking the tools at hand and using those tools to manifest something big into your life."
"Magic is just being able to take something in its raw form and transforming it into something else."
"Adding just a little bit of magic into your life."
"If you could give a little magic, maybe we could get to know each other." - Maggie Rogers
"Let's do one... I would like to try and make a magnet type spell."
"Trust the process. You guys are magical, literally. You're magic and you're manifesting this."
"Magic is a natural human capacity, like speech and more specifically like music."
"Fear is the thing that's stopping you from accessing your magical abilities."
"If you communicate with unicorns that's amazing."
"What if magic really is all just a matter of setting your intentions and opening yourself up for interpretations that align with that intention?"
"I'm using my magical powers to get through all of these things."
"Trust the magic and your message is time for a deep dive."
"It's always felt a little bit like maybe, just around the corner, there's a little bit of magic."
"Expect big beautiful blessings, expect magic, expect love and romance to be in harmony."
"The magician: manifesting from the 5D to the 3D."
"Dream bigger than your circumstance, you're living in a very magical time of powerful manifestation potential."
"The painting and the physical act itself are understood to be of the same Essence, they are of the same spirit and magical thinking understands the world as spirit."
"Their thought process from around three or four years of age to usually around seven or eight years of age is typically magical in nature."
"A dash of hope, a pinch of trust, and a sprinkle of magic fairy dust."
"Dressing like life is magical because guess what, life is magical."
"He somehow knew how to make synchronicities happen, which I think is more or less the essence of magic."
"Magical thinking is a way to have power over the anxiety because reality has made the child powerless."
"For Peter, always look for the magic."
"It makes you think that your world can be magical too."
"I feel like 2018 is going to be freaking magical, like Hogwarts."
"I wore my three wolf shirt for the first time, and the most amazing thing occurred: the sky became dark like a sunset, the moon covered the Sun completely."
"The power of belief, that that remove it from all removals, magical thinking from belief and you have a very, very powerful motivation."
"The world would be more interesting with magic in it."
"Thinking the magic is a blessing from God, she puts the stone on her bed and keeps stroking it."
"We have a magical thing, a capacity for magical thinking that gives us hope."
"Believe in miracles, magic, and miracles."