
Continual Improvement Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Everything about this place is set up for efficiency, and they keep continuing to make it more and more efficient."
"There's nothing in Islam that says you can't."
"A good thing is never good enough, constant upgrades, that's what I always say." - Toy Man
"We're always working towards something better."
"Work with what you have, but we're always working towards something better."
"Money isn't worth it if you're not continually improving, learning, and finding importance in your work."
"Continue to evolve, continue to raise the bar."
"Self-reflection is a great gift if we if we quit reflecting on ourselves then we're going to quit growing."
"A fourth premier league title for pep guardiola did nothing to diminish his desire for continual improvement."
"How much progress have they made from the bottom to where they are now and keep going?"
"Nobody's perfect, but we're striving to keep getting better."
"It's a constant state of reassessment that you go through."
"Creative sim just gets better and better and better."
"If you stop practicing and improving, you're kind of on your way out. If you keep pushing, sky's the limit."
"To see machines that actually get better and better the longer they exist in the world."
"I think I'm better with every show because I start already in shape."
"That's all the beauty of the process and learning new things."
"Progress is happening... it does carry on nonetheless."
"We are not perfect but we're getting better and better and better."
"Every month seems to be getting better and better."
"There's always another step, there's always more growth, there's always more things that you need to do."
"Every re-release of a game should contain more content than the original game."
"We're almost never satisfied and always chasing the next thing, which is good but also our biggest downside."
"Each year has consistently become more and more impressive with progress."
"Many blessings to you all in this new year and may you have continued success in all you do."
"Success is not just about making money, it's about continually improving yourself."
"It's about constantly developing to be chasing for race victories and championships every single year."
"We've been everybody has been looking forward to for the end of the year something that keeps raising the bar every year."
"Progress not perfection, but on that way to progress we are still trying to find more and more ways to improve."
"It's fascinating to see people continually get better."
"Every obstacle out here is bigger than it looks on camera."
"A true creative person is never content with what he's creating."
"Excellence is a Pursuit... it's always, always going to be something that you're striving to do better and reach for."
"Enjoy the journey guys... it's about the process and getting better and better every single day."
"Reflect and move forward at any moment, not just on January 1st."
"Excellence is not a singular act, it's a habit."
"Elden Ring literally refuses to stop getting better as you go through it. It feels both fresh and familiar, both challenging and addictive, and above all else, unique."
"Expect social elements of the game to constantly improve, basically forever."
"You are perfect in every way, let's keep it up."
"There's always another level, no matter what position you're in right now."
"This game just keeps getting better all the time."
"Enjoy the process, enjoy the ride, practice makes progress."
"Programming, like everything else, is a constant learning process."
"The wheel keeps turning and it's becoming smoother and more seamless."
"Optimize your training over time as you improve, so you are continually growing."
"Never rest, never go, 'I'm a good person now,' done."
"I appreciate you guys sticking around. Let's get better every single day. Thank you for being here."
"Continual improvement: to align the organization's practices and services with changing business needs through the ongoing improvement of products, services, and practices."
"Continual improvement is required to confirm the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness."
"Continual improvement... ensures that IT services continuously align to stakeholders' expectations."