
Superposition Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"A quantum system remains in a superposition of states, existing in all possible states at once, until it's observed or measured."
"Superposition refers to the ability of particles to exist in multiple States simultaneously."
"Using quantum properties like superposition and entanglement for new applications."
"Quantum mechanics allows for this bizarre thing called superposition."
"Did it go through neither? It is in a superposition."
"Superposition is the idea that quantum objects can be in two different states at the same time."
"Reality is a superposition of all possible ways."
"There's this ability of nervous systems to exist in almost a superposition of states."
"Schroedinger came up with the famous thought experiment of a superposition of both a dead and alive cat."
"Quantum information processing operates fundamentally differently from conventional computing, utilizing qubits with superposition and entanglement."
"In the quantum World subatomic particles are allowed to exist in any number of possible states of location velocity and spin or superpositions."
"A quantum computer tries to exploit superposition, amplitudes, and interference to solve certain problems faster."
"Superposition does not end with an individual particle or even entangled particles it is the truth of simultaneous superposition really means reality is simultaneous."
"Quantum computing derives its power from the fact that qubits can represent numerous possible combinations of 1 and 0 at the same time."
"Imagine a future in which the principles of quantum superposition could account for multiple timelines or realities."
"'Are we jumping the gun in saying that we could find macroscopic superpositions in our biology?'"
"Once you start believing in superpositions, you can't—it makes no sense—it is clearly your lack of imagination to be able to say, 'I believe that electrons can be in superpositions but not that the Universe can be in superpositions.' The equations don't care."
"The principle of superposition states that older layers are typically on the bottom and younger layers are on the top."
"Superposition, being in two places or two states at the same time."
"Perhaps our consciousness is in a kind of superposition-like state where we're existing in a multi-dimensional form."
"The Hadamard gate is used to create superposition."
"The superposition tells us that a particle can be at several points at the same time."
"The main idea of quantum mechanics is that things are everywhere in every state until you look at them, and then they decide where they'll be."
"The phenomenon of entanglement... is also a direct result of superposition."
"Superpositioning is the key to understanding the unus mundus of Jung and the intelligence directing our contemporary events."
"Superposition is when we add up the individual displacements of two waves to get the total displacement."
"Quantum theory says that the electron is in a superposition."
"Quantum computers compute in superposition, meaning the classical description is exponentially large."
"The power of superposition is very enormous by just having 300 electrons; it contains a lot of information."
"Any arbitrary state can be written as a superposition of eigenstates."
"Quantum state superpositions and entanglement are two of the most fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics."
"This is the principle of quantum linear superposition."
"Remember that it is the interaction between the two superposition states on the far side of the double slit that creates the interference pattern."
"We know that linear systems benefit from the fact that linear superposition holds."
"The spin up state along the x axis is in a superposition of a spin up state along the z axis and a spin down state along the z axis."
"Something a quantum computer can take advantage of that a classical computer can't take advantage of is this process of putting things into superpositions."
"The electric field due to two charges 1 and 2 is the electric field due to 1 plus the electric field due to 2. That's the great principle of superposition."
"By using the DJ algorithm, we can create an equal superposition of all the possible states of our quantum computer."
"This puts us into an equal superposition of all possible answers."
"The final solution is a linear superposition of all possible normal modes."
"Because this differential equation is linear, meaning that the derivatives are linearly proportional to the state X, that means that linear superposition holds."
"A qubit can be in any superposition of the value 0 and the value 1 with complex amplitudes."
"Quantum mechanics... it's fundamentally different from classical physics, it involves funny things like superposition, interference with positive and negative amplitudes, setting up entanglement."
"The superposition collapses because the material world is interacting with the mental world."
"Multiple states of a single object can exist at once."
"If \( A \) solves the Schrödinger equation and \( B \) solves the Schrödinger equation, then \( A + B \) must also solve the Schrödinger equation."
"The non-trivial time dependence comes from the superposition."
"Suppose we have two electromagnetic waves; we can actually add them together because of the superposition principle."
"A quantum bit can be in a superposition of 0 and 1."
"The distinction among the four categories of these superpositions can be made entirely on the basis of their morphology."
"This is a very complex pattern, but if you understand the geometry of superposition, you can figure it out."
"The state cat one is in fact a uniform superposition of the R eigenvectors that we've been talking about."
"Quantum superposition, ladies and gentlemen."
"The electron is in a superposition of all possible places at the same time."
"All those complicated motions are just an illusion; the reality is that all those are a superposition of harmonic motions."
"The state of the quantum bit can be in the superposition of zero and one at the same time."
"It satisfies the principle of superposition; it's linear and it's also continuous."
"The vector sum of all the displacements is zero if the two progressive waves have equal amplitude."
"When two waves are coinciding, the waves superimpose."
"The structure that [superposition] entails is really quite breathtaking."
"Quantum affords us three superpowers that are exhibited in the qubits: the powers of superposition, interference, and entanglement."
"Observing an interference pattern means that two waves have superposed."
"Particles do not have well-defined positions or momenta but rather exist in a superposition of all possible positions and momenta until they are measured or observed."
"You can describe any vibrations, any wave in that body, as a superposition of standing elastic vibrations."
"On a classical computer for a large input, you can only be in one out of the total possible states at a given time... however, on a quantum computer, because of superposition, you can be in all of these total possible states at the same time."
"Superposition theorem is actually one of my favorite electronics theorems because it's no duh, the effects add up."
"We do not encounter that type of superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states in ordinary experience."
"The principle of superposition applies... any combination of those kernel functions will be a potential flow that satisfies that physics equation."
"A quantum system can be in both states at the same time, and it can be in different mixtures of those states to different degrees at the same time."
"The principle of superposition and the principle of entanglement are two of the most intriguing features."
"The key concept is what's called superposition."
"What quantum mechanics seems to be telling us is that the cat is in a state of superposition and that both of those possibilities exist."