
Life's Surprises Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Sometimes help comes from a place where you least expect it."
"Nothing about life is convenient, and some of the best things that happen to us are the most inconvenient."
"Life has a way of giving us tiny aha moments all the time that aren't really like some giant tidal wave of a realization."
"Whatever the story is when it comes to you just be grateful for whatever comes and then you'll be fine."
"Life works in strange ways; you start to appreciate the little things."
"Existence is a perpetual surprise, and if you're not surprised every moment that you exist, your humanity is incomplete."
"The beauty of life is sometimes it surprises you."
"The truth is almost always stranger than fiction."
"God has a great sense of humor in this stuff."
"Serendipitous events await—no coincidences here."
"Destiny is a funny thing you never know how things are going to work out."
"Sometimes when something seems so bad, there could be something good around the corner. You never know."
"They didn't think it could happen when it happened to put it simply."
"Some of the best things won't be on your schedule."
"Just when you think that nothing can go wrong, something does go wrong."
"It's just weird how much things have changed. Well, that's part of the magic of it, I think."
"Love always springing up on you when it's least convenient."
"It's astonishing how the universe will start presenting you with material."
"It's like, you think you know what's going to happen but anything could really happen."
"Life is full of strange things, you know. Let's just rock and roll with it."
"It's always the case, isn't it? There's always something that's going to pop up out of nowhere."
"Sometimes it can be the greatest gift in the world."
"Unbelievable things do happen, and because they do, life in this world proves endlessly entertaining."
"Some days can be magical, just not in the ways you would have hoped."
"Life's surprises are some of the most unexpected blessings."
"Challenging ourselves to maintain an open mind and remain receptive to Life's surprises is essential."
"At least we know now... anything can happen in any given moment."
"Tastes like strawberries, I guess life still has its little surprises."
"It's just different... whatever comes to be is more beautiful than what you imagined."
"Believe it or Not sometimes good luck comes disguised as bad luck."
"Literally anything in life could happen, this is insane!"
"Souls are waiting around every corner in the most bizarre places, but when you encounter them, the rewards are endless."
"Life gives you the biggest rewards when you least expect it."
"...but when we let go life delivers to us far more far greater than we can actually ever imagine."
"Every now and then, something incredible happens."
"You never know what the hell is gonna happen in life, man."
"Life is crazy that way, where you never know what taking a chance or walking in some direction might lead to."
"Everyone's got a plan until they get hit."
"Life throws you cheat codes sometimes."
"Well, sometimes life is funny like that, but I guess it still finds a way."
"...sometimes our blessings come from the weirdest places man..."
"Sometimes things just work out that way in a good way."
"Never wait on somebody because you never know what the universe might bring you."
"It's pretty neat how that works out, isn't that just cool?"
"It's turned out so differently to how we thought it would."
"Life is very unpredictable and that can affect your bank account."
"Miracles are coming our way every day; you either attract them or they pass you by."
"Before you recover from one joy, another one will hit you."
"Life typically finds a way to shatter these illusions of control."
"It's the charm of the unexpected that makes life wacky and wonderful."
"God's funny, he catches you off guard just when you think that maybe you're done."
"It's so crazy how just life works when you're in a moment where you know you're gonna have fun and be happy, then something goes and hits you and it just lifts you up even more."
"Real life is stranger than fiction sometimes."
"Sometimes the mistakes in life unexpectedly turn out to be amazing things."
"Whatever this is that you're going to be blessed with, you don't see it coming, but know that it is happening behind the scenes."
"Life does look out for you in so many ways, even in ways that you think is not a way that they're looking after you."
"Life will continue to surprise and delight me."
"Life gives us gifts when we least expect them, or a good kick in the behind; either one, but it's never what you were expecting."
"Little things in life... just maybe flying in the face of order."
"We never know what's going to happen in life, and so we need this money to protect us against life's emergencies."
"It's funny how things work out, right?"
"It's rare to see so many people know how their future is going to turn out, but most of the time the future turns out to be far more surprising than you can ever imagine."
"Life can have joyful moments even when things bring up out of nowhere trying to distract you."
"It's actually funny, isn't it, how life just works out."
"You never know who you gonna meet."
"Surprises can be in all shapes and sizes."
"Chaos happens when you get hit with something you never saw coming."
"It's amazing to me just how life works out."
"It's amazing how fate worked out, honestly."
"It's the surprises that will be the most fun and most significant."
"You will wake up some morning and you will feel a pure happiness that you are not entitled to."
"It's crazy how things work out, man."
"Brace yourselves but in a good way to see what life has in store for you."
"Things didn't necessarily go as planned, but hey, it's great they didn't."
"Nothing could be crazier than the real thing."
"Sometimes when life gives you lemons, they are so sweet."
"Life is a mystery; open to the infinite possibility, let life surprise you."
"I think that like once you're like, 'Cool, everything is perfect,' I think the universe goes, 'Oh really? Well, let me see, are you ready?' and then it shakes your [__] up."
"Life is crazy, that's why I try to stay grateful."
"Carry with you the spirit of hope and the knowledge that just as waters sprung forth in the desert, so too can your life be filled with unexpected joys and triumphs."
"Happiness won't ask before stepping into your life."
"Life has a way of knocking you straight in the teeth with a puck when you least expect it."
"Actually, I absolutely love when spontaneous things happen like this."
"The nature of unforeseen circumstances is that you can't really plan for them."
"Things are just gonna keep popping up, popping in, good stuff."
"I love it when life surprises you with good people and great experiences."