
Historical Documentation Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"When I think of my mom, I think of that picture, and I realized we're historians, we're not just photographers."
"The Holy Bible is the witness of the work of God, and is historical record of humanity's experience of God's work."
"The New Testament is far and away the best attested work of the ancient world."
"The January 6 committee's major reports when released this year will force every candidate to discuss Trump in 2022."
"In our number three spot today, we have the Pentagon papers."
"All of this is actually written in the historical records."
"But we hope when people look back on these videos in a few years time they'll see that we did get quite a lot right."
"The most exciting times in the history of media where every single person can record history."
"The biblical Genesis as well as the whole Old Testament copies in fact all its main information from the much more ancient Sumerian Genesis of Eridu."
"Now it's being written down as a constitution for the first time."
"This photo was interesting because it was taken back in 2007 by a hunter known as Rick Jacobs."
"It's amusing to note that the original founding statutes of Eton College describe it as a grammar school."
"The Library of Ashurbanipal provided an enormous wealth of information relating to ancient civilizations of the Middle East."
"Many lives depend on the quality of this report for the future as well as explaining the past."
"I very much see my job as there to kind of just document these historic moments."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls contained portions of a book that lay out the entire gospel of Jesus Christ 300 years before he walked the earth."
"He has now found over 4000 of these consonantal corrections."
"Provenance... do you have an unbroken chain of ownership and documents to support that ownership going back to whenever it is you think the thing is from."
"On these shelves sit 12 centuries' worth of documents, and unmatched history not just of the Catholic church, but of the world as we know it."
"The law of averages dictates that somewhere in the hundreds of games of the Mario name attached to them, there is a small collection of absolute abominations that must be documented so that future generations learn from these mistakes."
"The chronorium secured, a complete chronicle of all reality's history and future."
"Our documented history only goes back five thousand years...who's writing the history books?"
"The final 500-page report... is going to be a road map for history."
"Fortunately, the results of one such collision were actually filmed back in 1914, and it's really dramatic stuff."
"It's not about winning, it's about education, historical documentation of current events."
"I mean, for example, WikiLeaks released the Iraq war logs...showed that the U.S. military routinely turned a blind eye to torture."
"My job is to help bring this stuff to you guys so you can witness history."
"At no time in history have the records or documentation of this policy been compiled or analyzed to determine the full scope of its reaches and effects."
"Those pictures will tell the story that will stay forever."
"Journalism is quick and dirty, it is the first draft of history."
"It's so frustrating the documents only tell us that the sacristy was somewhere on the north side."
"I've appreciated your research over the years and find your diligence in documenting the history of the phenomena and the National Security State to be some of the best work in the community."
"The first was sighted and filmed in Tikul, Yucatan on the 7th of August 2004."
"I mean guys this can be some you know it's not graphic or anything but it's super sad but the pictures on people that were just happy the Japanese people are still here."
"These large insectoid creatures have been sparingly documented throughout history."
"America is dying... you are here to write of her sins and bury her."
"It's a staggering historical document...I find it utterly fascinating."
"This week, you're going to surprise yourself—and it's going to be very important for your personal development."
"Many authors set out to write a first draft of history—especially journalists. With 'A Very Stable Genius,' Phil and Carole have succeeded in doing just that."
"No other culture has left behind so much written evidence as Athens."
"It blurs the line between fiction and documentary by having trans actors recreate interviews from never-before-seen case files of gender-nonconforming people in the 1950's."
"Every tweet in America is archived by the Library of Congress."
"The mid and late 1980s saw the involvement of two esteemed academic figures: Harvard psychiatrist John Mack and historian David M. Jacobs."
"Let's get back to the dictionary. Here's a book about who Trump was."
"If they uncover a mill dating back to 1086, it'll be a major discovery because of the 6,000 water mills recorded by the Normans in the Doomsday Bull, only a handful have ever been traced."
"This has just been sat here from 1970, all these little entries, this is so cool."
"So I for a while there was spending my Saturdays interviewing these elderly men around their kitchen tables and the reason I did the book was because nobody had recorded this information."
"Unless you can provide another document written by Kelvin where Kelvin said hey I didn't say that and then we got a mystery."
"You believe in a book that's a copy of another. Of course, that's how we have history."
"We try to give you documentation of History so that you can shed how you feel and get real with what's real."
"Part of my work has been documenting the building of One World Trade Center from when it was a hole in the ground to when the first steel emerged to the grid going up and the sheathing in the glass which I bore witness to."
"The archives knew the documents were missing."
"This is just what I have here but when you really think about it collectively we have 70 plus years of UFO Case Files."
"He told New York stories, okay? If you put that in the time capsule, 50 years, 100 years from now, 1000 years from now, somebody's gonna know what his environment was like because he was able to paint those pictures."
"Historians can and do admit complexity. We revel in it, really. Historians love complexity."
"He's the remarkably correct person to be a stenographer at this moment in history because if you know Eric he's a savant for sure."
"I want everyone to be able to see what really happened on that day." - "What really happened on that day."
"We can document that this actually predates any missionary exposure."
"As always a huge thanks to Mary aka Boca Chica Gal with NASA Spaceflight for capturing all of this historical footage. Amazing work as always!"
"The archive we're assembling is not just about establishing an archive, it's about the continuity of continuing to build."
"It is truly such an eerie reminder of the impact that this really had."
"A lot of this story is gonna just have to be told because there was so much of it that wasn't on film."
"The public, not the government, should have the opportunity to determine whether the information enhances our understanding of this historic event."
"Pilecki’s reports were the first to mention the use of Zyklon B gas, a poisonous hydrogen cyanide gas, and gas chambers used at the camp."
"I think it's important to document internet history."
"A Grunge article tells of a gruesome double murder from May 19, 1981."
"I write these personal records that I may externalize them, rendering them onto parchment so that they may torment me no more."
"I think it's like an unpleasant truth that your appearance as a woman does affect how you're perceived and how you're treated in the workplace."
"The papers of the president are among the most valuable sources of material for history; they ought to be preserved and they ought to be used."
"That's incredible, yeah, and we have that documentation which is huge, that brings it from then to now."
"He took some of the most amazing photos of the Titanic."
"The archives of the border region read like a Reader's Digest of Canadian history."
"The reason men and women decided to document the life of Jesus is because he rose from the dead."
"It's a very honorable thing that they were doing, and I'm glad that we're going to finally document that."
"These stories can serve as an important document for our shared history."
"The early Muslims documented everything... it's extremely unlikely that a hundred thousand companions would simply ignore seizures occurring."
"It's a worthwhile expense in my opinion because I think we're tracking history here."
"Almost all we know of his life comes from the pens of four inspired men who wrote long after his death."
"Every fact under the sun could be expressed in their intricate hieroglyphs."
"It was a developed civilised nation, the memory of which lives only on the mouldy papers."
"No other people so tirelessly carved its history or legends upon its walls."
"We have documented numerous texts dating from the 7th century."