
Pandas Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Welcome back to the bamboo forest, and it's not been too long until we spotted a panda."
"Pandas have six toes to help them grip bamboo."
"Pandas is great for a wide variety of steps in the data science process."
"As for those who dream of having a baby panda for their very own pet..."
"Pandas library is pretty widely used as a data frame setup."
"This Panda diplomacy thing is something to keep an eye on."
"The first ever pair of panda twins raised in captivity."
"Look at us, I love pandas, me too. This is cute about them, I'm just obsessed but that is not functional, nope."
"Pandas only eat bamboo sticks. They literally poo out bamboo sticks. Wow!"
"Pandas spend most of their life eating bamboo, they eat consistently for 12 to 14 hours a day."
"Pandas are looking for ways to take naps and eat food so they don't have to bone."
"Pandas have long been envoys of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples."
"Pandas is probably the best tool to do real-world data analysis in Python."
"A pandas data frame is the equivalent of an Excel spreadsheet."
"In pandas, we mainly work with data frames."
"Pandas eat up to 84 lbs of bamboo every day."
"Pandas aren't even really pandas. The red panda is the OG panda."
"Pandas have a false thumb to help them hold bamboo."
"Who doesn't love pandas? They're adorable, cuddly, and sweet."
"Pandas have the smallest bear penises."
"China owns every Panda, even at the zoos, and they're trying to recollect them. They're trying to get them all back, forcefully."
"Now that we've taken a look at the length and the shape let's go ahead and use the pandas module for head another beautiful thing in the data set that we can utilize."
"If you haven't done our pandas tutorial definitely worthy of the time to go through there and understand pandas because it's such a powerful tool."
"What is pandas? Pandas is a tool for data processing which helps in data analysis and provides functions and methods to efficiently manipulate large data sets."
"Pandas, there is this data frame object that data scientists use on a day-to-day basis. It is the most widely used tool for any data scientist."
"Pandas aren't perfect, they're miles away from it."
"Pandas are some of the worst parents, oh my God."
"Pandas is by far the most popular data wrangling package out there for python."
"Female pandas can only get pregnant for a day and a half a year."
"Just hours after the pandas left Washington, the Chinese president hinted that he might send new pandas to America very soon."
"Panda diplomacy is real, started in 1972 with an unlikely friendship."
"Pandas spend 14 hours a day eating an enormous amount of bamboo."
"There have been speculations, especially recently, considering strep germs to be possibly causing PANDAS."
"Listeners, you can tell us: are pandas actually bears or are they not bears?"
"They're coming into the states, they don't own them and taking our pandas."
"Let's give these pandas an upgrade. We'll build them a new house."
"Pandas is becoming huge because it is basically a data frame."
"Python and pandas can do all sorts of fancy different analysis and visualizations."
"Categorical data type is one of the data types in pandas that represents a feature with a limited number of values."
"One of the main advantages of converting a string data type to categorical is reducing the memory usage."
"The pandas are here, they are the nominal visitors today."
"...that's exactly what we did...applied it to a pandas data frame and calculated the sentiment analysis using Vader..."
"We'll save all of this data into a pandas data frame, and in the next video, I'll show you guys how to actually save the data that you've collected from the API to a database."
"Pandas profiling... can automate simple but very important checks such as data distribution, missing values, and correlation between different variables."
"Pandas eat about 20 kilograms of bamboo a day, the weight of a hundred bowls of rice."
"That's why we're going to use pandas."
"Every panda in the world is technically on loan from China."
"Pandas will enable you to do your data preparation, and it might even enable you to automate those processes."
"Data frame is the main object in pandas that allows you to represent the tabular data."
"I actually did learn a lot about pandas."
"Pandas is an open-source library that offers data structure support and a fantastic set of tools for data analysis."
"Pandas is capable of providing a lot of efficiency because it's built on top of NumPy and it has a lot of procedures built into it that are optimized in Cython."
"Pandas is a high-level tool for doing data manipulation and transformation that is primarily concerned with tabular data."
"Beijing's famed panda diplomacy continues."
"In this one tutorial, you're going to learn pretty much everything you could ever want to know about pandas all in one video."
"Pandas allows you to store data in a data frame, and then use many different built-in pandas functions and methods to manipulate the data within that data frame."
"Pandas are everywhere: in malls, airports, amusement parks, schools, military bases, stadiums, and more."
"And then at the end, I'm going to use Pandas a little bit to make some nice-looking plots of matrices."
"Pandas is a tool for data processing which helps in data analysis."
"Filled with cute little pandas, adorable!"
"We can make date/time objects really easily inside pandas."
"If a giant panda does a handstand in front of you, what's he trying to tell you?"
"The combination of using pandas with a database can be very powerful indeed."
"Giant pandas live almost entirely on a bamboo diet. They love eating bamboo."
"Pandas' key functionality is the manipulation and analysis of tabular data."
"A data frame is a core data structure in pandas."
"This method gives me the number of rows as well as the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values along with the quartiles for every numeric column."
"Pandas also allows me to filter based on simple or complex logic."
"I can also do more complex data groupings and aggregations."
"I think my thoughts around pandas and the proper care and feeding of pandas have grown stronger as I've used it."
"The giant panda is one of the most beloved bears in the world yet tragically it is by far the rarest."
"Pandas is the library that you're going to be using in order to manipulate all the data to really glue together all the Excel files."
"They just know these pandas so incredibly well because it's their national symbol."
"Have you ever seen something as adorable as that?"
"Pandas basically turns your data into a spreadsheet data frame."
"We're going to be defining the query to take the data inside of our pandas data frame and then insert it into our database."
"But the fight to save the world's best-loved bear now has its first small and furry victories."
"This was all tabular data, columnar data arranged in columns that pandas knows how to deal with."
"We'll be using three CSV Excel files and I'm gonna show you how to load them into pandas dataframes."
"Pandas are wonderful, cuddly, kind of fun creatures."
"Now the reason I'm doing this is so that my data, when I actually add it into a panda's data frame, I have a little bit cleaner of data."
"I love these little pandas, the little envelopes, and also that happy mail sentiment."
"Pandas is a popular library in Python that is used for data manipulation."
"In the heart of the lush jungle, two pandas frolic among the towering bamboo trees."
"One of the most important things to understand in pandas is actually the index."
"All of the wild giant pandas in the world live in western China."
"In many ways, the giant panda is still a mysterious animal."
"Pandas offers a very integrated and powerful tool chain for expressing operations on indexed data."
"This panda cub is surrounded by bamboo, but the piece it wants is in its mother's paws."
"Bamboo is always on the menu for pandas, making up around 99 percent of their diet."
"The engaging antics of giant pandas make them a joy to observe in any zoo."
"Pandas will be the foundation for building a next-generation data analysis environment in Python."