
Unexpected Help Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Sometimes help comes from a place where you least expect it."
"I was too weak to overcome their numbers, just as I thought I was done for, a cameraman jumped in and defended me from the remaining toilets."
"There is a scene where he parachutes out of a biplane and that looks really good... and then a goat helps him, it's true."
"When you least expect it, God will intervene in your situation."
"That was very brave. They didn't have to. They totally didn't have to call you to do that, right?"
"My rescue came in the form of something I never expected: Trigger came bounding out from the other side of the clearing, barking his head off."
"I want to be the support that they never knew they needed until now."
"You never know how an angel on Earth is going to appear in your life but let me tell you if I'm in trouble I want these two helping me seriously."
"Suddenly and unexpectedly, Azu comes to their rescue."
"Sometimes our enemies help us more than our friends to get to our calling."
"I'm just grateful for friendship because she didn't even know that I was having a kind of a rough day today but she just showed up at my door."
"Sometimes angels look like ruddy-head Texans with scruffy faces and rusty pickups."
"I learned that sometimes angels look like ruddy-head Texans with scruffy faces and rusty pickups."
"She didn't know me at all and was ready to protect me which really isn't her job but she went through with it anyway."
"Super easy, barely an inconvenience. How? Well, as he's fighting him, he suddenly gets some help from a cape."
"Some of you are gonna experience some generosity that's going to come to you from somebody."
"As Ant-man was stuck in the quantum realm and believed to be dust by the Avengers, he had no hope of returning until our mighty rat friend happened to stand on a button that released him."
"Always remember, help will come to you in least expected places in least expected ways."
"Help will come to you in least expected places in least expected ways."
"This worker would have spent an entire day sweeping up leaves with a broom if a helicopter pilot hadn't come along."
"A prime example of how obstacles actually helped us sometimes."
"Something's coming unexpectedly to lift our spirits because we're feeling like we're being abandoned."
"They will come into your life at the most difficult moment and be like a breath of fresh air."
"You never know what person is going to help you."
"I give you a new heart and even those who know you will be amazed. Prepare to receive help from unexpected sources and be profoundly grateful."
"It's always kind of a surprise when it happens but it's a good feeling to know that we helped someone out even when we weren't expecting to."
"When you give freedom and ownership to your community... they start to help you in unexpected ways."
"The police just saved us. Wait, the police saved me from Baldi?"
"I don't know the guy's name, maybe he was an angel."
"A helping hand can come from the most unexpected places."
"I can't believe everything you've done for me most people would have kept on walking when I ran up to them screaming like I did."
"Why go out of your way like that for a complete stranger like me?"
"You never know when you might be an angel for somebody."
"The actual violent contact or the graves greatly diminished when I say really strange she brought three individuals with her that turned out to be beasts."
"With Jupiter in the 12th house, whenever something happens to you, it might feel like you've got the cavalry coming out of nowhere and saving you in the nick of time."
"You will have unexpected support from people around you."
"What a powerful story, who could have thought Fabian would save Derek's life in such a way."
"There is a ram in the bush for you."
"Thank you," she murmured, unsure what else to say to a tree that had just rescued her.
"Sometimes God answers your prayer by sending Moses, the answer you need that comes in a form you don't recognize."
"We heard you needed some money to fix the car, so we wanted to go ahead and send you $5,000 cash. Let's go, $5,000!"
"We may lose the battle but we have this goddamn Turtle."
"Gandalf just appeared and saved them, crazy."
"Help is coming. It's coming from unexpected places. It's coming from unusual places."
"Unexpected help is coming your way."
"Even in business, people are about to help you who have never helped anybody."
"People are going to cause the ravens to feed you."
"Didn't even want him, he saved me."
"You have no idea what's going to be the thing that saves you."
"This alien looking crab saved my life."
"The prisoner is the one who could save your ass, it happens."
"God is faithful he doesn't fail us and he he is he will come through when we least expect it."
"Suddenly, I started getting help from sources that I didn't even know existed, I started getting help from people that I didn't even know could help me in some situation."
"Fred was Rose's unlikely savior from a miserable and abusive homeland."
"Thank God for Donald Cerrone and, uh, 'cause we're kind of up shits Creek because there's not really, you're not going to find a truck on a two-day basically a day's notice."
"Sometimes God will step in a moment of time and set someone free of something that they didn't know that was going to happen."
"But sometimes when all hope is lost, help can come in the most bizarre sort of way."
"Salvation arrives from an unexpected source."
"Sometimes you think you're getting involved in someone's life to help them, and then they end up helping you along the way."
"You're the last person I'd expected to butt in so randomly after all this time, old friend, but it's good to know even in the worst of times you still managed to have some sage advice."
"Long distance swimmer Adam Walker... suddenly spotted a great white shark swimming underneath him... a pod of dolphins suddenly appeared out of nowhere and scared the hungry predator away."
"Little did he know that it would be his friends who steal the show and bring him safely back to Earth."
"People helping you without you having any connection with them, that's the positive side of the cultural shock."
"Community is going to do some [__] for you that you didn't really see for yourself."
"Ally can be found in unexpected corners."
"Finally, the twins came to my rescue, and I'm not talking about the Norwegian Ski Team."
"They were there for me and they gave me what I needed when I needed it, without me even knowing what it was that I needed."
"Sometimes they get lucky, and another animal from another species they've never seen before may lend a helping hand."
"You solve problems that I didn't even know I had."
"I remember getting stuck in a restaurant... it starts raining and the boss just gives me an umbrella."
"This could have been a saving grace that I needed that I didn't know I needed."
"Your prayer is being answered and you have unexpected help coming."
"Someone cried out to God for help and it's going to show up in an unexpected way through this person."
"The moment that you're not anticipating somebody to step up is when they're gonna step up."
"Sometimes what may save you doesn't come in the form that you're looking for."
"You never know what someone else has to offer you that you might not even be aware of, that would help you just a little tidbit to help you to get along a little bit further."
"God will literally use someone that you never ever would think would be a blessing in your life."
"It's a really nice little kid, this lady comes in just out of nowhere and really for a lack of better, she's a guardian angel."
"God is sending someone you don't know to help give you some clarity."
"The skills you've taught yourself will help you when you least expect it. The courage you've built within yourself, will assist you when you're least determined. All of what you are, is all of what you've ever needed. Your time will come Rey."
"Just as she's about to give up and accept her fate, a hooded figure suddenly appears and intervenes."
"Unexpected help arriving, it's wish fulfillment, a wish granted."
"The Samaritan didn't have to help the stranger but did anyway."