
Cultural Interpretation Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Skulls symbolize death globally, but not necessarily death as in the end, but death as in the end of an era."
"Rainbows are so beautiful and weird and rare it is not hard to imagine why most primitive societies would interpret them as a message from god."
"Putin's decision sparks interpretations - politics, religion, culture."
"Different cultural contexts render stories with their own meaning."
"It's almost like a Yuga cycle where instead of a linear point of time, it's a cycle that we keep repeating."
"Aryan refers to people with noble qualities. You know, so people with noble qualities can be anybody. And it's not a particular race."
"Star Wars is a fairy tale, there's princesses, it's nice, some people call it the magic."
"Symbols often take on new meanings and associations far from their origins."
"Multicultural ethos is just a code word for a whole set of things, primarily what you meant before."
"The rainbow flag also had to compete with an older understanding of what rainbows symbolized in American culture."
"That's so much interpretation in the idea of destroying the dam and then what she is doing effectively is as far as she knows sacrificing her people."
"And this is what Romano British Trevor and his wife might have looked like."
"BTS stands for Bangtan Sony Korean for Bulletproof Boy Scouts Pangtan meaning to be resistant to bullets."
"Because the people of Timbuktu had digested so much Islam, they were able to give it real meaning and accessibility for the people."
"We have culturally failed Lolita over and over again for the same reasons Dolores Hayes was failed."
"So that's how I read that, these kind of cultural things that are not just about like sanctioning or military assistance."
"Understanding Lilith: from Mesopotamian myths to modern interpretations."
"The Ashvata mythology will bring us uniquely Indian versions of many of the classic mythic concepts associated with such cosmic world trees, which, as I mentioned, includes flipping the cosmic tree upside down."
"Slender Man can give a face or lack thereof to those undefinable anxieties."
"People pointed to the fact that he appears to be in prehistoric cave paintings in Brazil, in Egyptian hieroglyphic."
"Shambhala is perhaps a much more harmonious and exotic description than we often get of heaven."
"The Ramayana and Mahabharata can't be really considered mythological or historical. They present historically true events in stories that were enriched by the addition of spiritual teachings and richly embellished with dramatic fictitious events."
"I do my best to figure out what's going on here and related to things that I feel like are truth in plain sight like Star Wars."
"I submit that these imagined embellishments based on misinformed misunderstandings are how we've composed conceived contrived and conjured all of our gods and monsters."
"The world of Galar is charming and is Pokemon's interpretation of Britain I've dreamed of since I was a kid."
"The whole purpose of Christmas is the redemption of the cosmic order."
"This is something major and even people you know Pharaohs they created the headdress based on you know looking like a cobra and looking like they have these long heads this is a common feature."
"The totalitarian aspect of wokeness can be much more dangerous because it can go through and reinterpret basically everything."
"They want you to believe that this flag represents slavery."
"The old Kai's dialogue is misinterpreted and should always be analyzed alongside the rest of the Dragon Ball manga material."
"Almost every other adaptation of Dracula has preferred to make the character suave, seductive, romantic."
"Backmasking remains what it has always been: a mere case of paranoia hearing what we want to hear."
"Liking a conventionally pretty, especially anime-esque, person with horns or pointy teeth slapped on them doesn't make you a monster. That isn't a monster, it's a Halloween costume."
"666 is actually a positive number. In most cultures, 666 is actually a positive number."
"Galler might actually be an upside-down version of the UK."
"When people die, their souls and spirits and memories can go into the weirwood, and you know, yeah, the fans called the weirwood 'met,' like all of the knowledge is in there."
"Treating Christianity as an aesthetic and LARPing as Christian without taking it very seriously in real life is concerning."
"If we believe what the Bible says about this whole thing in the culture, if we believe that, then we know through death comes resurrection."
"Snowflake students claim Frankenstein's monster was misunderstood."
"The misconception that a hijab is meant to oppress women, rather it's meant to show how sacred women are."
"If we really boil down Journey to the West, isn't it really the meme 'reject humanity, return to monkey'?"
"Cinderella was a story about a masked luchador."
"Star Wars, the series often derided as being space fantasy and not science fiction, turns out to be scientifically plausible yet again."
"She was given three faces, although we may not understand why so many female figures are depicted this way, we do have an inkling as to what multiple aspects mean in a more general sense."
"Black magic is not using no colors so you're not using the ways of the world you're not filling a moat you're not using feelings and emotions."
"The Aztecs referred to the mushroom as being the flesh of God."
"So these to me very much have a similarity to what I would say could be some type of ancient landing and launching pad."
"The 2020 and the Jewish year 5780 have the connotation of double blessing."
"Over the years, Top Gun has become this gay classic—you can find so many articles written about it and its homoerotic undertones."
"How did this anthem of pain become a cultural icon for pleasure?"
"There's a real sense of people sharing in a symbolic decorative artistic language if you like, and we can't today we can't read that language but we can see that this is sort of shared sense of motif, of a form of artistic repertoire."
"The baby assassin. That's why I changed the order of the words because it was a baby. A lot of American people were telling me like, 'Hey, that means you're killing babies.'"
"...this is the reality when Khalid mentioned or alluded to, men are the authorities and leaders over women. Obviously, 'qawwamah' has a lot of connotations such as protector, sustainer, but also authority."
"The Sims is always up to the interpretation of people watching. It's quite a good look. It means they don't have to translate it for other markets."
"They've been talking about flying saucers for centuries like before in popular culture they based those depictions on stuff that has been even described in the Bible."
"Yom Teruah, many people translate it as 'the Day of Trumpets', but it literally means 'the day of shouting and the day of trumpeting'."
"The meaning of a photograph, like that of any other entity, is inevitably subject to cultural definition."
"Every age writes an Arthur that they want or need."
"Several cultures have seen the Milky Way as a celestial river, often a heavenly counterpart to one on Earth."
"We're in a place where we can bring a new understanding to the type of stories that they contain."
"If you were a god, how would you like being called a myth, an old story to explain lightning?"
"Cultural bias refers to interpreting and judging human behavior based on cultural norms and experiences."