
Narrative Style Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Neil Gaiman’s Stardust is written in third-person omniscient as well, and it’s told in 'Once Upon a Time' fashion."
"Flux: reconnecting with the roots of the show and embracing chaos."
"It sounds like we're describing an erotic novel right now."
"If you can scrape away its problems, you get a stylish, well-written horror game."
"Kubo's writing is well balanced and fast-paced like a great movie."
"I loved this... it is so wonderfully done in my opinion... it is just all over the place, it makes my skin crawl."
"To be honest, when I heard their idea to write the game like a high school drama I was concerned."
"All the best lines in the film are essentially call and response."
"It's so bizarre and the film never sacrifices this dark tone. It never sacrifices that horrible feeling and yet it's still... genuine and understandable."
"Matilda's experience is a notably unconventional narrative for a children's story."
"It's a metaphor, you know, all of that jazz but it's still one of my favorite romances."
"DDO is undeniably flawed but at its core it's an adventure game a traditional Dungeons and Dragons Adventure game with traps and loot and a dungeon master voice over narration."
"The narrative devolves into madness, and I loved it."
"This book is essentially a young man writing a letter to his mother... it's very poetical."
"Adios is a quiet beautifully written game that is more about the space between words than the words themselves."
"Princess Tutu manages to hit the perfect sweet spot between classic magical girl anime and darker subversions."
"Scott's method of storytelling over the years is as captivating as it is confounding."
"Metal Gear Solid 3's storytelling approach is defined by literary hyper-realism."
"The cinema is playful and disturbing and just a raucously good time for narrative dance."
"I liked what this book had to say, I just don't know if I really liked how it said it."
"Unlike the other ones it doesn't end on a dark note... it's a cool story."
"Shoutout to Slick Rick cuz it's unfair the way they tell stories with the swag."
"Pacing is a lot slower, but it tells the story in a pretty faithful way."
"It felt like a thriller more than a sports story."
"No jump scares, that's a reason to celebrate. It's a lot to take in."
"Avengers: Infinity War feels like a season finale more than a film because it's kind of by definition nothing but action."
"It remains ambiguous throughout the whole thing."
"Red Dead Revolver: A game which very much does not know what tone it really wants to have."
"Unhappy ending... as horribly angsty as it sounds unhappy endings just hit different they punch you in the nuts in the best possible way."
"Fooly Cooly is wacky in its art style, embalmed with writing."
"It was a little bit of a different tonal quality for me."
"This book opens rather explosively, they kind of just throw you into the narrative tale."
"Oh, comics, the only place where someone gets one-punched to death."
"A terrifying noise suddenly shatters the silence of the night." (voice laughs)
"It's endemic of the way that Game of Thrones is written that there is no Victor loss here."
"It's horror, but not in the jump scare sense."
"It very much feels like an old novel brought to life."
"The game swings from straight-faced to silly with no real discernible reason."
"Control is a waking dream that happens to play like an extremely quality third-person shooter."
"I love the unreliable narration in this, narration is one of my favorite aspects, like good cool interesting narration is one of the things that will really get me hooked on a book."
"I'm really glad they're not overusing those fourth wall breaks because I think they're delightful."
"I love a good Slow Burn Cosmic Horror Story, I feel like the aliens is just kind of a front."
"Ladies and gentlemen, that's right, the Byzantine Empire has been split in half simply because a horse went over there and told everyone that they smelled funny. It's fantastic, it just works, ladies and gentlemen, just works."
"There's levity, there's pathos, it's poignant, it's sharp, it's ludicrous and silly."
"These writers help to revolutionize moving away from long winding narratives."
"Commentary is not a tale of death, it is a tale of survival."
"The characters remarkably well drawn and supported and written with great spirit as well as vigor."
"Nothing's going to end well, this is judgment day, final chapter of mankind."
"Dark comedic twist... becoming this monster is ironic."
"It's more just like a fun character-based book as opposed to like... big punch-ups or whatever."
"The story is really not about plot twists or surprising developments."
"His name is tall tale when the whole story revolves around tall tales hyperbole."
"I think that the writing is very atmospheric and nuanced and honestly I kind of feel like this is the level of nuance that the Handmaid's Tale should have been."
"Wow, that was it for the first chapter so long so crazy so fun."
"This story is neither an accusation nor confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it."
"Greetings motherfuckers, my name is Sam, and I'm a slightly more talkative protagonist than you may be used to."
"Pig Destroyer: they have a weird song with Microsoft Sam narrating a horror story."
"I actually think this style-over-substance approach appropriately fits the delusional narcissistic psyche of fingerling and the author."
"Great story not a postmodern pc sjw story exactly it's it's it's the antithesis of that that's why they want it."
"Some people might find it childish sounding but I think it just serves to make the world of these games feel even more mysterious."
"Realism isn't the point; emotional realism is."
"It's all magic. It's all gods. It's all mythology, but it's gritty, gritty fantasy."
"And in true George RR Martin's style, we never hear her side of anything."
"One of the most distinct and interesting aspects of Japanese storytelling is what I like to call savoring the moment."
"I really appreciated how the story itself was kind of told in a disjointed, almost stream of consciousness way as one person is kind of recalling their entire life in important moments."
"The Darkness moves just beneath its skin. Do you feel it? It ruptures. Flows. Envelops."
"This is the first person, this is a third person game where you carry me, it's the third person game that you play as a floating candle."
"Outer Wilds conveys its themes with zero people explaining them to you and nobody quoting philosophy all the character dialogue is incredibly straightforward and personable."
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, this is Dexter."
"This acceptance of its own fictionality means the wackiness of these storylines is dialed up, yes, but it also means that especially on the peripheries of the show in bit parts and credit scenes, realism falls away entirely."
"It's very lighthearted and sometimes wholesome."
"You should probably expect to have your expectations demolished." - Narrator
"If you like that style of storytelling, you will probably love this book."
"I really wanted to try and bring something a bit more personal into this."
"Tales from the Borderlands, filled with classic Borderlands humor."
"Blending the emotional and humorous writing the studio is known for with a really unique coming-of-age story."
"Crash is amazing fundamentally because of its imaginary quality and the innovative style it employs."
"Sword of Destiny is a short story collection just like the last wish but this one has a much slower pace and a more contemplative tone."
"Completing Wrestle Quest is less like a wrestling storyline and more like a traditional epic RPG Saga."
"Riley feels something on his shoulder after the doctor exits the room and oh yeah, this is a Riley movie by the way."
"I love dual protagonists, especially siblings."
"I love chapters like these where we get a snapshot of what was happening all over the world at a very specific time."
"You are always playing with your imaginary friend. The connection was severed. The Entity becomes enraged. I've been here too long, Chy's coming for you."
"His literary contributions are characterized by unabashed honesty and a unique ability to combine seemingly disparate elements into a coherent narrative."
"If there’s one thing Yooka-Laylee makes abundantly clear about its story from the get-go, it’s that it doesn’t take itself seriously — and neither should you."
"What makes Maniac so impressive is its daring visual aesthetic, its formless structure, and its regular dips into absurdity."
"I love togashi's storytelling style because he does not follow what's expected ever."
"Patterson's version of the story goes like this..."
"It felt tender, despite being matter-of-fact."
"The continual fourth wall breaks with Enola talking to the audience directly usually with a witty remark and a knowing smirk."
"In condensed but eloquent prose by turns cool-eyed, tender, despairing, passionate, and wry, she reveals to us the dark corners behind the establishment's calm facade as certain tendencies now in existence are carried to their logical conclusions."
"The screen cutting to black here follows the same motif earlier about not answering questions."
"It's kind of a wandering kind of thriller."
"I also happen to think the detective format works out really well for Batman. A great 'who did it' story goes a long way when you throw some rubber bat ears on it."
"In something as mundane and trivial as a tennis match is what really sets the series out from others, not only at the time but in all of TV history."
"one piece keeps doing that thing they do where they just drop me in the middle of everyone's personal Biz"
"Hypothetical second person is perhaps the rarest form and feels different from other types."
"I'm just so hooked with this mystery and I just really enjoy the narrative style."
"...a wide cast of characters... brought together found footage style."
"It's not magical realism, but its realism that feels magical."
"There's just this whimsy and this sort of angst that is juxtaposed so perfectly."
"It's like pride and prejudice, it starts off like a Jane Austen novel basically."
"His style of narration was quite unique to the Romans at that time as he focused on the character of the historical figures."
"Fiction in America has been largely dominated by the iceberg theory of storytelling and the dirty realist prose style."
"If you're gonna tell a story, tell it with some attitude."
"Like brand ruling by proxy in another body is very George and very dark."
"His internal monologue is just so engaging and kind of like quippy and funny."
"A wildly intrusive narrator, a complicated twisting of relationships among the central characters, a savage sense of the failings of the world in which they all live."
"Tarantino pacing... it's a slow burn but it's moving."
"It is a very dark piece of fiction, however, it treats itself properly so it's actually very well written."
"I thought I would hate the scripted nature of this book, but I actually love it."
"A Remedy game has a very signature style in terms of narrative."
"The matter-of-fact tone I think came from slave narratives in the 1930s."
"Diamond is unbreakable adopts a more slice-of-life style of storytelling which works super well."
"I actually liked Season 1's more dark, pessimistic tone."