
Religious Inspiration Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It's time for the sons of glory to stand up boldly."
"It is not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts."
"What did Esther do, precious people of God, that would translate this little village girl who dare not stand close to the king's palace, but now had gotten favor with the king?"
"Abraham was faithful, a great example for us."
"Be strong and of good courage... for the Lord thy God is with thee."
"Romans 8:28 is such an important scripture. It says that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose."
"As history repeats itself, we are called to break the cycle of sin and despair by embodying The Hope, love, and transformation found in Jesus Christ."
"Go check out some Bishop Fulton Sheen videos... they're incredible."
"The aim is to get you interested in the works of the Bible. If your interest has been peaked then please read the original text yourself."
"Rise up warriors of faith with the courage of David, the perseverance of Paul, and the compassion of Christ himself."
"Thomas Jefferson is capable of writing a God-inspired document despite being flawed himself."
"God is saving and using the who come from the most hopeless Godless darkest situations."
"Those who hope in the Lord...will soar on wings like eagles."
"We have a love for poor people. We're following Jesus into the temple, run out those money changers."
"God's gonna make your life great, stay pure."
"We're each called to offer Christ's greatest miracle to our generation."
"God's changing you, and you know what down deep they'll think? God can change me too."
"Lord, I don't ask that you take me down from the cross, I just ask you to give me the grace to remain upon it."
"God not only inspires His word but he preserves it."
"Let the size of your god determine the size of your goal."
"The next pope will be successful to the degree that he manifests in his own life the joy of the gospel."
"Your love toward him is more beautiful to God than all the most spectacular and most beautiful things he has ever created."
"Listening to God, that's helping so many other people... seeing you get through that and you not folding."
"Enlarge your vision and Christ will work through you."
"Look to Jesus, that's right, right now while everybody's just completely distracted by this political circus around us, we put our eyes on Jesus, the prize before us."
"Of course, kids of her age and below are around her ears can find someone, some role models. We are so happy and we're so thankful to Allah that we now see like thousands of thousands of thousands of messages."
"The Word of God is power, is food, is everything."
"We acknowledge there is violence, but some are inspired by religion to commit it."
"There is a greater glory in the gospel to see, and there is even more loveliness in Jesus Christ to witness in suffering."
"God is going to be bigger than whatever challenge is before us."
"The truth will set them free, not acceptance, not compliments, but man, God loves you. But man, you can't find your worth in your body. There's a longing deep in your soul that only Jesus can satisfy." - Logan Dorn
"Isn't that what it's about? Making a difference in somebody else's life, just like Christ has made a difference in yours."
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." - Ephesians 6:10
"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news."
"God is about to enlarge your territory, he's about to enlarge your sphere of influence, he's about to bless your life."
"Jesus has given us a lion-like spirit; we are lions."
"Living for the benefit of others is more than just a slogan on a wall at this school; it is the actual pathway that leads to you and I being vessels in the hand of God to push back this power of hell that wants to swallow this generation."
"May Allah help us take in that reminder and really illuminate our lives with it."
"The world is becoming darker for each day, but we have our hope in Jesus Christ. Amen to that!"
"The Lord is the Everlasting God, creator of the ends of the Earth. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." - A powerful start indeed!
"Samson had powerful strength, King David had power of faith, and Joseph had the power to interpret dreams."
"We tend to love the verses that tell us all about what God can do, what God will do."
"Thank you for these programs. They make me want to start reading the Bible again."
"You can do all things through Christ who strengthens."
"Your faith can move mountains, your hope is anchored in Christ."
"May the words of Psalm 91 settle deeply into our hearts, reminding us daily of God's faithfulness, unwavering love, and protection."
"A powerful demonstration of God's faithfulness."
"Psalms 92: Rejoicing in the works of Yahuwah, our strength and righteousness."
"I hope that Ravi Zacharias has inspired you to do just that."
"The time is coming when the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord."
"This is the encouraging word, the prophetic word that the Lord had for me to talk to you about."
"Peaceful non-compliance is the secret, based in love and following the example set by Christ."
"Makes me appreciate Jesus Christ all the more."
"When everyone else saw Goliath, David saw God."
"Every failure didn't cause condemnation but it reflected the grace of Jesus Christ in each of those situations."
"As it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was an overcomer."
"Thank you for being an example to make me a better Catholic."
"Jesus gave us the greatest example of faith."
"The church is the light of the world... We need to let the Holy Spirit recharge us."
"Being like Mary means being kind, patient, and saying yes to God's plan."
"Love is all they need. Everlasting love. Rise up and go and show them. Revival was supernatural. Jesus is love."
"You're never too young or too old to be used by God to glorify Him and to bring souls to His kingdom."
"God knows the world needs saints and He needs these types of lovers that bring the whole world to God."
"Nathan G said, 'Thank you for what you do. I go back to your old videos from 2013 to help me stay on fire for the Lord.'"
"I don't care about that. I want you to be the man who I know you are, a man who follows after God's own heart."
"You made a way when our backs were against the wall."
"God's power is made perfect in our weakness."
"Christ is the great model. If we focus upon Christ, we can't go astray."
"This is a wonderful day to live for the Lord. This is a wonderful day to trust in God."
"Every one of you has unique potential... you are going to be in pursuit of impact inspired by the word of Allah... excellence is a byproduct... money Allah will throw it in your hands... the provision will come from Allah."
"The life of a Christian isn't easy, but Jesus has overcome the world."
"I just pray that my story or my testimony helps somebody because I know on this channel I've talked about not studying the bible and not going to church."
"Oh my God, he's changed me, bro. Whenever I'm with her father, I feel so close to Allah."
"May this music still touch the body of Christ, no matter what's going on."
"Abu Jandal shows us what true faith looks like."
"A religious impulse guides our motive in sustaining scientific inquiry."
"Be the reason why someone falls in love with Islam."
"The love that God has for you is great indeed."
"The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, his mercies are not spent, they are renewed each morning. So great is his faithfulness."
"The Quran inspired civilizations to greatness and served as a foundation for Islamic empires."
"In the resurrection, they saw that God's love is more powerful than all of that."
"I pray that Allah beautifies our hearts with the most beautiful of meanings, understandings, thoughts, inspirations that will guide us to be beautiful servants of Muhammad."
"You're looking for a move of God? You are the move of God."
"This is gonna be a holy hour of power power power."
"The life of Jesus Christ... is an inspiration and an anchor in my life."
"The warriors in the house, empowered by the very same spirit that raised Christ from the dead."
"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
"It's your season to arise and shine, to be the army of God without fear."
"It is the word of God that brings you to the finish line."
"Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ says, 'You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.' So go out there and be salty and be classy. God bless."
"What matters is Jesus is king, and you have to trust Jesus, and that's all the time, that's not a one-time, I'm good event, it's a daily barrier to cross"
"You bow to the Holy Ghost and you don't ever give up. You claw, you beat, you stomp, you do whatever you have to to call on the mercy of God."
"Jesus is king. Did you hear me? I'm telling you, Jesus is king."
"When you leave a man alone with his Bible, and the Holy Ghost inspires him, he's going to be a Catholic one way."
"I just really want you to consider Jesus, like Jesus of Nazareth, and how amazing and remarkable he is."
"The fervor that guided pilgrims on the road to relics was also the source of inspiration for the Western world's greatest works of art."
"Zoroastrianism has offered us a view of the lofty ideals a religion can inspire in its followers."
"High aspiration comes from reading the story of the pious people."
"The come follow me program has been an inspired and powerful force in the church and I've seen it ignite something in people, a love for the word of God."