
Religious Movement Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The greatest revival the church has ever known is about to take place."
"God has been moving and he's been bringing us some voices that are calling us out of our lethargy, calling the body of Christ out of the shadows and getting us to engage with our culture."
"Yon Hus was a preacher, an academic, the instigator of a religious movement, and he was a forerunner to the Reformation."
"God is resetting the body of Christ right now."
"The greatest movement is the move of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus."
"This is an Unstoppable force of the Holy Spirit religious people can stand against it all they want to but this is a move of God."
"Christianity has always been a radical movement."
"We are not praying for revival, we are living in the middle of one right now."
"I believe that Jesus Christ is going to have a movement, and there'll be cities and territories and places where Heaven itself will be established, unshakable."
"The reward for the followers of the Jesus movement was in a revolutionary new message that promised justice and equality for all."
"The gospel is being spread throughout the Nations, people are getting saved, delivered, and healed. The Lord Jesus Christ is being glorified."
"It's time for us to get back to True Religion."
"The Lord said, 'You're a global critical mass right now.' Believers are approaching critical mass, bringing about a revolution of righteousness worldwide."
"There are dozens of Noahide communities across the world with more than 20,000 believers." - Haaretz
"We are about to see the greatest revival on earth."
"This move of God is going to come in volumes and waves of glory."
"Words have effectual power to bring something into your reality... that's the idea behind the Word of Faith Movement."
"The greatest revival and spiritual awakening that has ever hit planet Earth is being released now."
"Revival has hit this land Revival has hit America come on babies babies Sons and Daughters will be saved."
"We are the remnant that God is raising up, and we're going to stand up and stand together and boldly proclaim the truth of the living God."
"I've got a sailing qualification. It's a certificate of competence."
"Bethel isn't just a church, Bethel is a movement." - Describing the influence of Bethel Church.
"This move of God that's coming, no one will be able to refute that it's God. The saved and the unsaved will encounter this great glory."
"A Jesus movement greater than any in our past is going to sweep through the Nations."
"It's going to hit every nation at the same time. You're not going to have to go to one location to have revival. Revival is going to be everywhere."
"The greatest harvest of souls in American history is happening right now."
"God is reviving a church paradigm focused on preaching the gospel."
"The return of Christendom: Is it really happening?"
"We're not just going to see one man saying prepare the way but instead a generation of Believers."
"The Protestant movement grew into a revolution, the Protestant Reformation."
"Luther's message created a Groundswell of popular enthusiasm."
"God's about to launch a billion Souls Harvest."
"I'm glad that God gave us a gospel that's not stuck. We're not sitting in one spot."
"God is doing something, a revival happening right now."
"We're getting ready to see a revival of the name of Jesus like we've never seen."
"The Lord is with you and he's behind this movement."
"The Great Awakening sparked religious revival throughout the colonies."
"The power of God is moving across the world."
"Tallahassee becomes the key to this move of God in days ahead."
"Mass Revival is coming back to Pensacola and it's a different level that's happening."
"God's up to something. You're not part of just the church, you're part of a move of God."
"Be confident, exercise confidence, go out there and just live life without holding back."
"I believe this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement."
"There's a move of God like we've never seen and we get because you can feel what's coming you can feel that Jesus is coming."
"If enough people respond, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be hastened."
"We're in the throes of a great revival and spiritual awakening."
"Revival and momentum and the movement has to happen."
"I've seen the end time move of God, I've seen the end time revival."
"There is a new breed of believers rising up. They are passionate, radical, and they are going places in God."
"Everything you need Jesus built his whole movement out of picking the right people."
"We are waking up out of this matrix and moving in righteousness towards Yahweh."
"We're going to see a move of God in America like you have not seen before."
"This movement has only just begun this movement has only just begun. This is a Jesus movement it's a Jesus movement Jesus centered bible-based Spirit-filled."
"Get ready for this wave of Awakening that's coming."
"The momentum of the movement of Jesus Christ... Jew and Gentile."
"He turned the world upside down through this type of Kingdom manifestation."
"Whatever its mistakes might have been, the Word Faith movement succeeded in dealing a significant blow to the spirit of poverty."
"God's people triumph, there is such a move of God coming that it shakes this nation."
"This revival requires every single one of us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to actually moving in the supernatural."
"The movement that Jesus Christ unleashed in this world when he died and rose again does not depend on qualified human government for its existence."
"God is moving right now, He's waking people up, encountering people, and there's a real revival happening right now as I speak."
"The storm is... God's children, The Awakening."
"It was a Jesus Revolution... a Jesus Revolution."
"The Second Great Awakening influenced moral and social reforms."
"The holy spirit is trying to uproot cessationism."
"We need Revival in America; we need the resurrection power of God in this nation."
"The New Apostolic Reformation is the most radical change in the way of doing church since the Protestant Reformation."
"Now is the time for a Christian counter-revolution."
"We're in the middle of a third Great Awakening right now."
"The church was called to move to Ohio to join those saints already there, shortly after Joseph came to Kirtland."
"It's the Church of Philadelphia, now this period of church history began with what is known as the Great Awakening."
"Stop dealing with ose, stop dealing with filio, you don't know what you're getting this is the season of Agape this is a movement for agape this is the time for aape, we don't got time for Hallelujah."
"The movement became known as Mormonism and has since evolved into a major Christian tradition."
"The Church of Christ came out of the Restoration Movement."
"I knew that there was a chance that this could be the beginning of a quasi-religious movement that was destined to go off the rails."
"Believers in this new movement felt that the established church in England had abandoned or distorted many of the ancient traditions of Christendom."
"They were able to transform this movement away from its Jewish ethno-nationalistic roots into something more universal, something more abstract, something that could be accepted by anyone regardless of their religious or ethnic persuasions."
"The Pentecostal movement picked up where the Wesleyan Holiness movement dropped the ball theologically."
"The emerging movement, the first beginnings of what would eventually become Anglicanism, had three strands."
"We are gonna be part of the movement of the latest Reformation."
"The ekklesia of Jesus is not a location. The ekklesia of Jesus is a movement."
"A new Jesus revolution has begun, and it's a love train moving across every land, every culture, every color, everywhere."
"Our revival is a religious explosion; it shatters complacency, it tears down tradition, it makes you different."
"The Reformation spread like a domino effect throughout Europe."
"I'm thankful for what the independent fundamental Baptist movement gave to me."
"God had led His people in the great Advent movement; His power and glory had attended the work."
"What I believe you need in order to really reach a city is not just a church... you need a movement."
"What you see happening is a rural Christian explosion."
"They had burned their bridges. Sabbateanism was no longer a Jewish movement."
"The world is about to see a move of God like it has never seen before, from a kingdom that's unshakable."
"We are headed for the greatest move of God the world has ever seen."
"The evangelical revival informed important social movements such as the abolition of slavery, child welfare legislation, prohibition of alcohol, the development of public health, and public education."
"Jesus is alive and well and living in the radical spiritual fervor of a growing number of young Americans."
"God's about to release a singer musician movement the Earth you can't imagine."
"He became increasingly interested in sanctification and what is now commonly called 'the holiness movement.'"
"We are the movement. God raised up the church to be the one who presents the solutions to the problem."
"Lonnie Frisbee is this charismatic hippie street preacher... Lonnie goes out and brings a bunch of hippies into the church and as a result, this movement starts to grow."
"The goal of the ecumenical movement is to bring people together, focusing not on what divides but on what unites."
"We need to call to repent, and this whole movement is useless, this whole thing is pointless if we're not praying for our city and bringing Jesus to the to our city."
"We are already in the third Great Awakening in the United States, and I tell you, this is major."
"Many found an answer to their prayers and hatred of the Qing in Hong’s Taiping Heavenly Kingdom pedagogy."
"RBI is raising up a new breed of revivalists for the 21st century."
"The Christian Movement could have died and disappeared."
"The social gospel was a Protestant church movement that sought to improve society by helping to end injustice and improve social welfare."
"Under the banner of Khilafat, Ahmadiyyat is spreading the message of Islam to all the corners of the world."
"The church age will end the same way it began: in the home churches."
"The rise of the new Christian Right brought back again a sharply focused religious element."
"Without persecution, they would have remained in Jerusalem."