
Founders Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Great founders are just n of one individuals."
"Ernest Norman: Ernest and his wife Ruth are credited with being the founders of what is called Unarius..."
"How do founders position the organization for success when they're no longer here?"
"You honor a founder by talking about them in a present-day context."
"Here we go, wild adventures was founded by Feldspar, Goss, and Slate and Hornfels to explore the solar system."
"It was religion for the masses, but reason for the founders."
"Great revolutions don't come from revolutionaries, they come from guys like the American founders."
"Our founders were people that wanted to change the world."
"The founding fathers: Alex Cooper and Sophia Franklin."
"And let me just pause right there to say that the founders really needed a better work life balance."
"Sergey Brin and Larry Page built the search giant that shaped the world."
"Culture starts from the top down in a company... what better way to talk about that than get one of the founders and owners here."
"They take all of that headache off your plate as a founder."
"These three homes on Woodland Avenue were built by one of du's greatest Founders."
"Why the best Founders talk to their users throughout the lifetime of the company."
"Nexus RV started about 10 years ago. The first seven years they were factory direct. They are the two of the principal owners, Claude Denati and Dave Middleton."
"The best founders chase the best opportunities and YC funds the best founders."
"Founders are like, 'We're gonna do PLG, we're gonna be self-serve freemium, we don't need sales.'"
"The studio known as DreamWorks SKG was founded with the SKG standing for Spielberg, Katzenberg, and Geffen."
"Jersey Mike's founder like Wikipedia founder Peter. Okay. Okay. The guy who made it was Mike, the dude who made it popular was Peter."
"The best thing Founders can do is subtraction."
"Reliable historical sources tell us that Slytherin left the school. For a few years, the founders worked in harmony."
"The founders are rarely encountered by their subjects, which has led to them becoming regarded as gods of a semi-mythical status."
"The ARRL can be proud to have as its founders Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence Tuska, two great radio pioneers and equally important two very fine gentlemen."
"Hustle and utilize our own story as founders, put ourselves front and center to try to get as much earned media as humanly possible around this concept to get people on board."
"One of the cool parts of 'Work at a Startup' is that the founders are actually using the product directly."
"Communities of founders are different than communities of employees."
"We try to never harm companies. We try to always do the best in what's in the best interest of the founders."
"The relationship is very simple, just the founders are common."
"Founders eventually have to cede control to others."
"Founders and non-designers making a lot of work on their homepage and their landing pages."
"The best investors want to invest in founders building products that people love. No one else matters."
"I love black raffle coffee not just for the coffee even though I do enjoy that more so I love it for the people that founded the brand."
"...we are technology investors and we're very focused on making sure that we're working with really exceptional Founders."
"I support Black Lives Matter and I don't know who those people are, but they founded Black Lives Matter."
"When the founders are actually living the values, that means that they're not just words on a wall."
"When founders are in a situation where they're fighting about everything all the time, it usually means that their individual roles are not well defined enough."
"I like taking the edge off for Founders after six, seven, eight years."
"The founders of the country were men of the Enlightenment and by and large they were either agnostic, atheist, or not interested."
"Many of the best companies in the industry are run by their Founders for a long period of time."
"The first one is, I think a lot of founders want and believe in their bones that they need to execute on their business right now because the opportunity is going away."
"Early stage investors invest in the people, right? And the team and the founders."
"They are the founders of our sense of national identity, the creators of it."
"Founders are these people who don't take no, they don't accept the way the world is, they want to change it."
"The so-called mighty Marvel manner, when done right as by its founders Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, can be a delight and impossible to put down."
"The first thing that the founders did was enshrine the right to a jury in the Bill of Rights."
"The founders suffered so much, gave so much, many with their lives, for the cause of freedom."
"Founders are almost always the best people to run their companies because they know it better than anyone else."
"It's kind of the vision that our founding fathers had for America."
"The myth of Jumong's birth, the founder of Goguryeo, and the myth of Yaksas's birth, the founder of Silla, also influenced Korean Shamanism."
"The founders of this country, the people that wrote our Constitution, actually knew our history better than we know our history."
"If you give a company very little money, there are going to be a number of founders who will make it work."
"Our Founders were really wise to put the legislative function in this chamber and in the Senate."
"Our Founders very deliberately choosing the 'We the People' as those first three words, they were speaking to us."
"I'm excited to sit down with my co-founders Ivan and Simon to give you a peek behind the curtain here at Notion."
"Founders are amazing people; they try to create innovative solutions to problems around the world."
"I took it upon myself to start to look for the founders of the 1401."
"The founders... complimented each other perfectly."
"Investors are excited about founders they think are building big things who will make them lots of money."
"We have an amazing community of founders, entrepreneurs, and no-coders joined together in one unique environment."
"These are the names of those that came in 1822, the founders of Liberia."
"The Umayyads are seen as founders of the Islamic state."
"Most people would say that Gottlob Frege, together with Russell, Moore, and Wittgenstein, are the co-founders of analytic philosophy."
"Good founders have to be abnormal."
"Looking for founders that are magnetic for talent."
"Our founding fathers... would be proud."
"For us founders, nothing has changed; life is still singularly about character."
"When you look at the private letters of a lot of these founding fathers, that's when you start getting into what they really thought."
"Mercenaries are the startup founders that are in it for the money, and missionaries are the ones that are in it for the love of the product."
Godric, Salazar, Rowena, and Helga. To me, this is absolutely the richest soil that exists in the "Harry Potter" universe.
"The founders were aware of history outside of their own tradition."
"Founder Fridays are an event by Founders for Founders... it's about having an intimate experience with other Founders in your city."
"Let us take time to reconnect to the vision of the founders to be of service to all mankind."
"We need to stop canceling our founding fathers and start celebrating them for the geniuses that they were."