
Domestic Production Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We have to rebuild our country... we're going to spend money now on our country, and it's going to be our jobs and it's going to be our equipment, it's going to be made much of it, hopefully, at some point, all of it's going to be made here."
"Whatever vaccine is successful, we need to make sure we're manufacturing it here at home."
"India is both diversifying its suppliers and increasingly looking to domestic production, domestic tanks, domestic aircraft, domestic missile designs, to support its own security."
"Made in the USA, we will end surprise medical billing."
"We're looking to bring a lot more back home."
"These three companies are announcing that pharmaceutical glass packaging will now be made in America. That's a big step. That's a big statement."
"Let's make it in America." - President of the United States
"We need to bring home our production, our jobs, our paychecks."
"We've got to look everywhere that we can including in terms of increased U.S production... to increase the supply."
"If this is really going to work, we've got to get businesses trading. It's only by us making things here and exporting them that we're genuinely going to achieve an increase and turn around the economy."
"It's time for us to start making our stuff back here in America."
"Here we were saying we're Pride Automotive we're a U.S company with U.S jobs."
"We'll make our medical supplies right here in the United States."
"That's what I believe in: fight inflation, cut taxes for working families, make stuff here."
"Capacity does not make anything in America anymore, and to allow the critical commodities that we rely on to be priced entirely by the global market have made us incredibly vulnerable, and we are going to pay this price for years to come."
"Model 3 is literally the most made in America car."
"The entire apparel industry is coming back to the United States."
"You know, this is something that can be manufactured in the United States. You just need the facilities to do it."
"JN stepped forward as the best candidate to start a domestic Indian steel industry."
"Something else good that can come out of it is I don't think it'd be a bad idea to have more domestically made goods."
"President Biden is requiring made in America products when using Federal funding to rebuild infrastructure."
"We're starting to see manufacturing and industrial production come back to the United States."
"Together, we'll build new wonders, find new cures, and create new products stamped with those four beautiful words: Made in America!"
"If we can take one thing away, let's make some stuff here folks."
"A vote for a Republican Congress is a vote for lower taxes, less regulation, and more products made right here in the USA."
"The Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services have announced a 138 million dollar contract to expand US production capability for domestically manufactured medical grade injection devices."
"Companies are moving back into the United States. That means jobs; it means production; it means taxes."
"Joe Biden is pouring money into bringing production home, and he has a lot of support from all sides of the aisle."
"It's starting to change because there's more and more things being produced in America that are pretty awesome."
"What makes it so different now compared to the Oil Embargo of the 1970s is that the United States is a much larger producer now domestically."
"I think people now are hungry and they get surprised when they see something that is actually made in the U.S."
"We call it a domestic production system--the small factories, the artisan, as it can produce those things."
"They're made here in the United States by a small family-owned company."
"We're going to make everything in America."
"The construction project of the Vikrant aims to boost the domestic naval industry in India, which will make it easier for India to build warships in the future."
"We're always trying to back companies that make things in our own countries."
"We shouldn't discount the value that these companies bring by having these kinds of state-side relationships."
"The plastic bottles that we source are recyclable and they're manufactured here domestically."
"I hope that we bring a lot of manufacturing including drug manufacturing back to the United States."
"The United States will see a revitalization of domestic production and the further development of infrastructure."
"Exceptional products all of which are made right here in America."
"They are 100 percent made in-house in the United States, they are also hand-tuned and hand-assembled."
"Countries encourage domestic production of goods, discourage foreign ownership of businesses and resources, and they limit international competition."
"Everything we produced was manufactured here in the United States... we hired American workers and we produced an American-made product."
"The support we need to continue to give to farmers to help continue to produce more and more domestically to help address the food shortages that we're seeing in some parts of the world."
"We've learned a lot about the economics and the importance of making things in our country."
"Everything is US-made and done right here in the US."
"Both of these are made in the United States."
"Every domestically made computer replacing an imported one helped preserve the country's precious foreign exchange reserves."
"All their liquid car care products are made right here in the United States of America."