
Narrative Perspective Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"As a thought exercise, imagine how different the Harry Potter series would feel if it had been written in first-person instead of third-person POV."
"The covenant you choose decides which zone you're pledging your allegiance to, which perspective you will see the story of the expansion through."
"The new campaign makes the imperials the good guys."
"The original genuinely respects the premise of less being more because we see everything solely from the victim's point of view."
"Instead of delivering an objective story to its audience, Rashomon says, no, you don't get the neatness of objectivity, only the messiness of human truth."
"People are more interested in relating to the monster's pain than in hunting down and killing him."
"The main characters die... you also get to look at life from the viewpoint of death."
"From everything that we've heard about the story... the idea that he was never there is a very interesting take."
"Every villain sees themselves as the hero of their own story."
"The Steven-only perspective does sacrifice some ideas that otherwise would emerge in a story like this."
"Immersing you as the protagonist so you're experiencing the story from the inside looking out."
"How could the end be happy when so much bad had happened?"
"You're just a background character, which is very freeing."
"No pity for what you have done to them, it is all part of my plan."
"So instead of asking what happened or what could have been, maybe we should just be thankful for what it was."
"Edith's narration is crucial, because everything we experience is translated through her perception of events."
"Joker now the ninth DC film to pass the half billion mark worldwide."
"The superhero deaths: a film from the perspective of the person who will be most emotionally affected by their demise."
"Ultimately, the world only exists in relation to that character."
"It was a bold choice to introduce us to Stephen first and to show us the story through his eyes."
"It's ultimately written from the perspective of a young girl... it's really beautiful."
"Commentary is not a tale of death, it is a tale of survival."
"She wanted to see them grow old and have tons of great memories with them." - Narrator
"Maybe I'm the problem, maybe I'm the villain here."
"Here are villains tend to be the heroes of their own stories."
"They were laughing, they were having a great time. These two girls were the happiest, most joy-filled people that he knew." - Narrator
"For Mark, it's a mystery, an enigma, in a riddle, and you, the reader or the viewer, you're the observer, you're the omniscient observer of this drama."
"Certain point of view, Order 66, new knowledge."
"We don't have to be the hero... the people who listen to us, they're the hero."
"Bendis sees characters differently and he shows audiences a different side of characters they weren't expecting to see." - Coin
"It also feels like Arthur is merely a visitor there, not just the world made for Arthur if that makes sense."
"This is a dangerous terrorist group using normal people to help do their bidding." - Narrator
"By placing you in the criminals' shoes, the authors generate ambivalence and twist our emotions, rather than letting us simply dismiss in disgust."
"It's easy to say that revenge is always bad when you haven't struggled in the same way that the characters of Metal Gear did."
"Every person is the hero of their own story, or at least the protagonist of their own story."
"I often think that we have some ways the wrong way of looking at stories."
"It's a hard pill to swallow, but failure makes for a more interesting story than success."
"Everyone in this story honestly it seems like they're trying to make themselves look as good as possible."
"Life is like a book, and every day is a new page."
"Now Marcus is kind of our eyeline into this world and like he's saying it's it's a broad world around you."
"The way the movie story is told is from the characters point of view as in we don't know anything more than they do."
"You have stories told through the narration of somebody who is delusional. Ah, I love that."
"Well, I guess it did live up to the name 'Justice Star,' given Palpatine's own body count."
"The main character that you'll spend the entire book with is so young by the end it became clear to me that obviously all of this political Intrigue and all of like the moving of the chess pieces it's all happening our character our like POV just doesn't know about it."
"The world is still turning despite our characters being the center of the story."
"Luffy takes his fight against this evil monster more seriously than ever. This will make Blackbeard Luffy's best fight from a narrative perspective as it's Luffy's most personal battle."
"It makes sense for Death to address the reader, since he is quite literally all-seeing and all-knowing."
"What denji's lack of self-actualization means for the story is we as the audience are partially shielded from the grisly reality playing out around our protagonist."
"It's the point of view characters that carry the story."
"This whole book is focused on the victims before the perpetrator."
"It's fun, it's a quick read, I'm having a good time, and it's mixed perspective."
"The closest possible point of view would be a stream of consciousness."
"The character that should be in the point of view is the character who has the most to lose."
"It's so personable, and for a first person perspective to have the best side characters I've ever read in my life, isn't it? I mean, that's an accomplishment."
"The same everyman quality that served him so well as Peter Parker makes him the ideal actor to play the point of view character who isn’t actually the protagonist."
"If you're in any doubt, go for first person."
"It's basically like watching Memento, except from the other characters' point of view."
"I love the people in it, I love the dual POV."