
Electoral System Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Let's fix the problems that have revealed themselves in our pandemic preparedness, and in our electoral system. We've just got time to do it, and it will be, I think, the perfect expression of the American way, if we fix it just in time."
"A republic form of government means that the people elect leaders to represent them."
"Americans don't vote for the president, Americans vote for a slate of electors who will then go on to vote for the president."
"That's why the electoral college I believe is important."
"This is not the election system that of a country with efficient democracy or constitutional republic has, that is the bottom line here."
"Thankfully, unlike other countries we do not have a federal nationwide centralized election system that's a blessing of what the founding fathers in their foresight created."
"What counts in the Electoral College are the votes of the 538 electors."
"When this happens, they are called faithless electors, meaning they cast their vote for someone other than who the majority of their state voted for."
"The fact for any foreign government to interfere in our election system and for a White House, regardless of party, not to be basically saying the house is on fire and this is not acceptable is shocking."
"Not sure if it was PURE propaganda, but yeah, the whole point of the video was to promote the idea that the Electoral College is bad."
"Hope is not in electoral politics in the current system."
"The duopoly itself is designed not to lead us to some shared success but to turn us against each other."
"The Electoral College is totally undemocratic, totally ridiculous."
"The electoral map is a mosaic with only two colors; it doesn't always capture nuance."
"The only democracy in the world where someone can lose the popular vote and yet become president."
"Democrats want to get rid of [the Electoral College] because Democrats are exactly the mob the founders aim to restrain."
"First-past-the-post has had its day, and this country keeps getting repeated popular votes in favor of center-left governments."
"The left says 'but because electoral college, our votes don't count.' Your vote is by state. It's how it's supposed to work."
"Helping create profound distrust in the American electoral system."
"It's all about the money and the money trails, and the people who elect you."
"If the left gets their way, we won't have elections anymore."
"The electoral college is much more advantageous for Democrats."
"We would be better off if we had a New Zealand-style electoral system with a bit of proportional representation."
"I think that it's not hard to explain his election... Donald Trump won election because of the unrepresentative quality of the American electoral system."
"Too often we don't appreciate, we don't understand how abuse of the electoral system, abusive political system, and the role of lobbying unchecked in politics can change and shift and kind of warp political landscape."
"I hate debates but seriously... I don't like the Electoral College."
"There's really no need for an Electoral College."
"If you switch to a system where it's just the popular vote, you're going to have politicians who only campaign in the largest cities and the coastal elites."
"The system we have... it's bad for voters, it's bad for democracy, and it's bad for governance."
"It's effectively a winner-take-all system. If you get one more vote than you need, you do what you like for five years."
"Now having been an elector, I feel even more confident that we could do without this, and that we could have a system by which a person gets the most votes wins."
"The first past the post electoral system is often defended with the argument that it produces strong government."
"First pass the post really is a mockery of democracy in the modern world."
"We need to modernize it and get into the 21st century, make it proportional so then people feel their vote actually means something."
"The majority of Americans should not be voting for a candidate and then that candidate losing."
"Democracy is not just thinking that you have a vote every four or five years... our electoral system is broken as a starting place."
"The combination of first-past-the-post and AMS results are linked using something called the D'Hondt formula."
"We should have an electoral system that should ensure that the outcome adheres to the provisions in our Constitution."
"Let's really get serious about some kind of electoral reform."
"First past the post invariably delivers strong and stable government."
"The first past the post voting system... generally produces unrepresentative results."
"First-past-the-post is not delivering votes that reflect the people's wishes."
"We need to sort this out and work towards some kind of electoral reform in the next parliament."
"Canadians need to be able to trust our democracy and our electoral system."
"We should have an electoral system that allows us to vote for people who are good politicians."
"The Electoral College at this point in our history gives people who are in smaller states much more of an influence over our elections than people who are in blue states."
"The electoral system is the process and procedure by which citizens select those who will represent them."