
Assimilation Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"We favor strengthening our common American identity, which includes the contribution and assimilation of diverse racial and ethnic groups."
"Assimilation doesn't mean losing one's heritage; it means adding to the rich tapestry that makes up our nation."
"If that's so-called assimilation, having a nuclear family, buying a house, going to school, whatever it is, then yeah, okay, call me pro-assimilation."
"When the culture is strong, the new people become the culture; and when the culture is weak, the culture becomes the new people."
"The fact that both Hispanics and Asians marry out of their ethnicities or race at over 40% every generation suggests assimilation is complete."
"Every single immigrant group that has ever come to the United States has been hit with the hammer of 'they're not willing to assimilate enough.' And then, after 20 years, they assimilate. This happened to the Germans, it happens to the Irish, it happens to the Italians, it happened to the Jews, it happens to the Asians. It's happened to legitimately everyone who's come to the United States."
"But Egypt had a secret weapon, a culture so strong and deep-rooted that it seduced and then absorbed all who would claim it as their own."
"Fear the wrath of the machines, you will be assimilated."
"White America to me is white people who have their own culture and the only way you'd be accepted by white America is if you adapt to their culture."
"You see how successful it was? That was incredibly successful."
"And I also think that um, yeah, yeah... That's the one thing that limits them, the fact that they can't... They don't have the privilege of just settling and assimilating."
"I'm excited for this. I'd imagine it's only 20 years until we're fully assimilated into the Borg. Boom, we are the Borg."
"If somebody wants to come in and assimilate to American values, I don't care what color they are."
"We know how to integrate assimilate and intermarry immigrants."
"Assimilation and alienation are the heart of communication traps."
"We've done a pretty good job assimilating immigrants better than anyone in the history of the world."
"You can only attract and assimilate thought forces which are of your own quality."
"Most immigrants, and especially their children, assimilate peacefully into the existing culture."
"The film seems to argue that assimilation is preferred over annihilation."
"Trauma entails a failure of the autobiographical project because it produces experience that is not amenable to assimilation."
"They became assimilated into the supposed American pot."
"The effort to outrun racism with assimilation is a fruitless one."
"If you come into this country illegally, you have no desire to assimilate."
"Some perhaps even married and assimilated with some of the Native American tribes."
"Later the Vikings and the Scandinavians were assimilated into the local population so as time goes by their influence becomes imperceptible."
"Assimilation is black folks, indigenous folks, trying to basically survive."
"Hey, how about instead of forcibly assimilating people, we try to make friends?"
"Genghis Khan's empire was a melting pot of different cultures, languages, and traditions."
"Islam was like a river of crystal clear water, and that water will take on the color and the design of whatever it runs over."
"The Hollywood Jews believed that if you were prepared to pay the price and shed your identity, then America should be prepared to accept you."
"Be observant, guys. I mean, beyond everything, be observant and be willing and able to blend in."
"The thought was to kill the Indian and save the man."
"It doesn't just drink the blood, it assimilates the body."
"Whoever resembles a people is one of them."
"You grow up in a culture that is foreign to your parents' culture, you almost feel like you have to overcompensate."
"You need to speak English, you're in the United States, and you need to adapt."
"You can melt with the rest of them."
"You can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what's up."
"The American Melting Pot works pretty well."
"Adapt, adjust, and assimilate. The three gr A's, all very difficult to do, but necessary."
"You just can't beat them, join them."
"The next type of linking is assimilation and this is when two sounds come together to create a new sound."
"When they merge infuse, at least symbolically, with an object of frustration, pain, hurt, and life threat, they also adopt the values, beliefs, worldview, convictions of the abuser or the perpetrator."
"Being able to adapt to the culture that was already established."
"I love these American Dream stories where people come to America, they pick up the culture, they assimilate very quickly, and they make fantastic vehicles like this."
"Integration can integrate communities but assimilate individuals."
"A new hat takes like a month, maybe a couple weeks on the inside to become part of you."
"You can belong here. You can enjoy this place. You can have the American dream."
"The hero discovers and assimilates his opposites, his own unsuccessful self, either by swallowing it or by being swallowed."
"You have to take real time and go through what I've taught you here today and try to internalize it."
"Each individual cell of the creature is capable of being a distinct independent entity at the same time, focused on one goal: assimilating and imitating other life forms."
"The Borg sometimes regarded as Star Trek's best villain species, they're ruthless in their assimilation of other factions such as not quite the Federation and many of the Delta quadrant native species, except the Unworthy ones."
"If reading and hearing the word is eating then meditation is digestion."
"For the Apache, he was one of them now, and for Herman, there was no turning back."
"It's like you can't beat him, join him."
"Learning is not only about consuming; it is consuming plus digesting."
"We absorb this so easily, and yet we don't absorb it at all."
"If she couldn't beat them then she should join them."
"Let's be who we are, let's not try to assimilate so hard."
"We will not play into your social norms or assimilate. We will not assimilate."
"It's immediately understood: resistance is futile."
"They began to merge or assimilate with human babies."
"The process of infecting, overwhelming, and assimilating begins in the individual, but eventually, its all-encompassing mission to consume is reflected across entire star systems."
"Knowledge is like taking food and putting it in your mouth...but you actually have to swallow that food and your body has to start digesting it before all of the nutrients and the benefit in that food begins to release into your body."
"Assimilation is better than annihilation."
"Go over the ideas in this message every day until they're as much a part of you as your name and your temporary address."
"The Borg tree slowly assimilating all the other trees."
"The Norse rulers of these settlements who were known as the Rus gradually assimilated with the local Slavic population..."
"...Caroline decided she would just stop being Caroline and would literally become Rachel."
"He wanted to be a part of the main culture."
"The mountains are really mountains when they are assimilated into my being and I am absorbed in them."
"We need balance between individualism and assimilation."
"Ideas ranging from pan-islamism to nationalism to modernization were absorbed into the nation's infrastructure."
"Let me acquiesce to the status quo, let me assimilate, let me take the path of least resistance."
"I'm taking so much of this in just like design wise, and I'm bringing it home with me."
"So when they got to the base, they were re-educated. That means they were put through a non-Jewish school system that the goal of the school system was to get them out of Yiddishkeit, out of Judaism, and to identify as non-Jews."
"Once I had been among them and accepted by them, I should have touched bottom."
"The intent to exterminate has been replaced in a really large way by the intent to assimilate."
"Americans see themselves as a Melting Pot, while Canada sees itself as a mosaic."
"For over 2000 years, even in dispersion, when other people leave their homeland and their country, they are absorbed and assimilated, but not the Jews."
"I think you're taking your old culture and you're grafting it onto American men."
"Borg do not evolve. They conquer. I assimilate other beings into our Collective."
"It's more fun to sort of subsume what they say into your universe."
"Their leadership fragmented, Europe's defenses improved, and the Vikings themselves began to assimilate into the cultures they conquered."
"Your resistance is meaningless. Power down your weapons, prepare to be assimilated."
"When I was younger, I was not very in touch with my Japanese culture. I was very Americanized."
"Blending into society, because I look Japanese."
"He even assimilated a techno-organic race known as the Phalanx and then used them to conquer the entire Kree Empire."
"Becoming white in America was an achievement; to strip away immigrant identity and take on whiteness."
"We absorbed a great deal of the same."
"You want to assimilate, like it's very hard. People are like attacking your family and, you know, being called the n-word every day and doing awful things to you, and you get to a point where you're accepted even if it's backhandedly."
"The resilience and resistance of Black Culture threatened the Monopoly of white culture and posed a challenge to efforts to assimilate black individuals into white cultural standards."
"The real question is are the boats still coming over and are a good number of those people that come over on the boats just kind of melting into our black economy?"
"Belgian Catholic missionaries were busy assimilating Native Americans."
"You just want to blend into the texture of wherever you're at."
"Truth is hard to assimilate in any mind when opposed by interest."
"What went wrong with this process of assimilation and integration?"
"We are the V, you will be assimilated."
"Ur Ro is the final boss in one piece absolutely Ur Ro is going to not only assimilate Chan's hockey but also all of BB's powers and emu's he's going to be the true one above all."
"Reports of my assimilation have been greatly exaggerated."
"Asians tend to drift towards Western Habits...but that's not what happens in Adventist culture."
"I almost like subconsciously become it."
"Forceful assimilation solves the problems created by destabilization."
"You can still participate in your culture without necessarily prostrating yourself"
"If you would just assimilate more and be German, then we wouldn't be hated."
"But no it was an all right assimilation it wasn't too hard and I was dying to get to America man."
"When an Indian child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and make one Indian ramble with him, there is no persuading him ever to return. This is not natural merely as Indians, but as men."
"Too many of the new highly capable people in our society assimilate into the exact same strain of sort of American post-Christian morality."
"How can we continue moving into the future if we don't even remember where we've been? If we don't spend any time assimilating that, processing, it's all happening under the surface, it's all happening subconsciously."
"Just trying to help people think more like a native."
"Association brings on assimilation."
"That's what America is. If it's a melting pot, let it be a [__] melting pot."
"Your life as it has been is over over you will be assimilated there are no transceivers no receiving voices in his head are distinct okay he was assimilated so then how the heck is there Borg."
"Joining the Army was a popular choice for immigrants although the pay was low you did get fed housed and clothed it gave you an opportunity to learn the language and customs of your new Homeland."
"Your brain starts to kind of synthesize that information very deeply into your brain."
"The United States adopted a policy at the end of the nineteenth century... to destroy tribal government, to force Indians to convert to Christianity, eradicate their culture, and integrate them into American life."
"The problem... is that not only do we British inherit various americanisms but the process of doing so is utterly unavoidable."
"Becoming Americanized... is somehow the ultimate sin."
"Breath work is the key, just assimilate with foods with it."
"They're going to turn you into one of them."
"It's completely made-up fear-mongering, the idea that immigrants do not assimilate."
"So it's just a case of rethinking what we've done historically and can't beat them join them kind of things."
"It's not an imitative thing it's just like I've assimilated something of a vitality of the man and the vitality of the monastic life and then I've let it come out in these ways."
"Don't let your kids and grandkids become Americanized so quickly."
"I want to get to know y'all. I want to be a native, you know? Want to be with the native. GG wants to be with the resort people, with the American."
"These national deportations could hardly be seen as a specific punishment of individuals, but they were still premised on the assumption that those deported could be better assimilated into Soviet society when they were separated from their homes and homelands."
"We're in a war of assimilation... We're trying to bring everybody home."
"It's easy to bring a Jew from galoot to El sakurdish but it's very hard to get the galoot in many cases out of the Jews mind."
"He teaches you how to save your money, he puts you in an English school, English Language School, he begins to force them into an Americanization and in a similar assimilation to The Melting Pot of America."
"They haven't even assimilated that understanding."
"If you allow it not to be diverse but largely from one area, then the people are coming are not going to assimilate quick enough."
"I think what we're seeing here is this process of osmosis where the different ecosystems are starting to absorb the best practices and strategies from one another."
"So, it's not for any speculative purpose, but it's mainly people who say, um, I want to join and assimilate into this natural neighborhood."
"The narcissist forces you to adopt, to assimilate, to digest, to accept, to become one with your idealized image in his mind."
"Not only do you adopt the narcissist's state of mind, internal structure, internal objects, and defense mechanisms, but you also adopt his behaviors."
"You want to fit in, you don't want to stand out. And what I've learned about that is you don't brag a lot here."
"And when you go to a new company, they'll likely have to do what's called on boarding, they'll have to teach and give you a chance to learn."
"We blend in really well to this stuff."
"It's very common to immigrate to Malta, most of the people that we've met here are immigrants from other places, so we would not be out of place in that respect if we decided to move here, and I kind of like that, we would fit right in."
"If people come into this country and maintain cultures from other countries that may not be consistent with ours, well maybe then we have real problems."
"Communism is a useful tool for becoming Chinese."
"When the pressure was so great, almost all the Peranakans gave up Malay and switched to English."
"I'm trying to be appreciative of the situation and trying to not stand out too much even though I super clearly am."
"It's hard to receive information and remember and assimilate the information when you're under extreme mental stress and emotional trauma."
"A is for assimilation, assimilation is when people of color have to adjust natural things about themselves to make white people comfortable."
"All cognition is recognition because if it didn't make sense to you, you couldn't incorporate it in some way."
"All cultures are welcomed in Persian society as long as you accept Persian law and pay taxes."
"I learned how to act white. White people don't have to associate with those who are different from themselves."
"This man has assimilated himself with the god of Shinobi."
"They become something else, Nigeria wherever they want. They do this copy and paste, very unfortunately."
"The house or something inside of it wants to slowly drain me until I completely melt into it and become a part of the house."
"I feel very strongly that we are losing a very special part of our heritage by being, sort of melting into the general American scene."
"Hot water is what the body assimilates better than anything else."
"Your heroes, your influences, need to be digested and filtered through who you are."
"One another strength of the Vikings is that they often moved to different places or went to different places, but they tried to assimilate with other people and adopt the culture of where they were going."
"Assimilation is where a child observes something they've never seen before and incorporates it into their knowledge to succeed."
"The Norwegianization of the Sami was a policy made to assimilate the Sami into Norwegian culture."
"When you join a company, it's so easy to become that company."
"The people gradually lose their unique characteristics and take on the coloring of the rest of the country."
"Mechagodzilla City can use its Nanometal to expand a certain distance away from the City to attack and assimilate hostile creatures."
"Its Nanometal can assimilate intelligent lifeforms so they become one with it."
"Immigrants started to assimilate with the Texan American culture of their new homeland."
"Best feeling in the world to finally be a celebrity, embrace the culture, become one of them, per se."
"Once unfrozen, the form-changing alien wreaks havoc, creates terror, and becomes one of them."
"So when they arrived, they almost fit right in; it was almost like being home."
"The Normans and their architecture were becoming English."
"To return with us, you must become as one of us."
"...it's great to be colorblind, but at the same time, you have to make the assimilation a two-way process."
"It shows that if you apply yourself, if you assimilate to this country and work hard, you can achieve the greatest office this nation has."
"We too need to assimilate to digest, so that we too can prophesy again to many tongues, people, and nations."
"The lines between different groups slowly begin to dissolve every day with intermixing and cultural assimilation."
"Do we have to assimilate? This is America."
"The Hittites developed their religion by absorbing and embracing the gods of all the lands they conquered."
"The Vikings in Normandy become French; the Vikings in England become English."
"Educating our young, especially our youth, is the most important thing we can do to stem and turn around the tide of assimilation."
"You can be a long-term resident, but you have to make a very serious effort to assimilate into the culture and contribute to the economy."
"The Thunderbolts were rapidly assimilated into the combat and within a short time, tactics were developed to exploit their overall speed advantage."
"I think it's like a miniature version of England, whoever comes here or things they invade it, it turns out that the country takes them over."
"Simple, it turned them into Romans. Don't kill them, just assimilate them. The end result is the same: Carthage vanishes."
"...after two or three generations they became completely assimilated to the Egyptian culture."
"...the assimilation of these populations was a fact, and after several generations, it was completely forgotten."
"Assimilation of ideas means that you don't just copy out the information from the text, but you reproduce it in a logical organized way."
"If America is to hold together, assimilation is not just good or bad, it's necessary."
"When you go to another country, you want to learn the language, you want to assimilate in and you want to be a local."
"U.S. born Asian Americans with immigrant parents often said they hid their heritage when growing up to fit into a predominantly white society."
"Many Asian Americans choose to conceal elements of their cultural heritage due to the fear of ridicule and a desire to assimilate."
"For the second generation, the path toward assimilation often led through the opportunity of education or through the choice of a spouse."
"We will add your technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to services. Resistance is futile."
"We tend to just kind of assimilate data about our outside world and especially the mental models passed on to us from our parents."
"Them wanting us to speak English came back to them not wanting us to be singled out as immigrants, for us to be deeply a part of this culture, to belong here."
"150 years of assimilation before the Holocaust, many of these people, they knew they were going, that's the truth."
"Assimilation is when a phonological rule changes a sound to make it more similar to a neighboring sound."
"Voicing assimilation is very common across languages; sounds can either become unvoiced or voiced in order to match the sounds that they're next to."
"This is the first time I ever viewed the Borg, the individual Borg who have been assimilated into the collective, as the victims that they actually are."
"The most successful countries in the world are a product of cultural appropriation but they are also a product of cultural assimilation."
"We want to assimilate what you see in a fine home, not just on a boat."
"Peaceful tribes forced to abandon their home and assimilate to the whitewashed culture of settlers."
"People are willing to accept you if they see you as an outsider trying to assimilate into their world."
"For the truths of reincarnation and karma to become an integral part of human consciousness, assimilated by human hearts and souls... this is something that could not really happen until our own time."
"I didn't look like you, but if I spoke like you, I was you."