
Community Expectations Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Anyone who's angry at ArenaNet for moving to Guild Wars 2 needs to seriously consider just how much work needed to happen for Utopia and beyond to be a success."
"The fans' backing towards the team was exceptional. All Arsenal fans deserve better than what they're getting served up."
"We've got to get it right, especially the citizens of Louisville. They expect the change, they want the change, and they deserve the change."
"I'm hopeful that supercell will actually address this."
"If YouTube doesn't do something about this then you guys are absolutely barking up the wrong tree or making the wrong friends."
"I want to see what they're going to do now to deliver on the on the on the investment that black folks have made into this administration."
"I feel like this game is gonna surprise us, be way bigger than people expected."
"What makes the Legacy continue to grow and why we take so much weight of when we don't make the playoffs, because we know what the city and the former players who paved the way deserve for sure."
"With the sudden explosion of progress shown, many of the concerns of Star Citizen's status as vaporware appear to have been assuaged."
"As black women we have very low standards, we think it's normal to have a group of men who provide absolutely nothing."
"I've never caught a wild Tyranitar. Okay, everyone's saying like, 'Oh, this is gonna be the new Dragonite. This is gonna be the new Tyranitar.' That's hard..."
"Now everyone has the game at around the same time so this is the put up or shut up kind of a great point."
"Overwatch has been lacking that one big singular moment."
"It's positioned as Overwatch 2, but they had to split the PvP and the PvE. The PvP still carries the Overwatch 2 name and the expectations that come with Overwatch 2, even though it seems like really the bulk of the two in Overwatch 2 is the PvE."
"A settlement could happen on or before November the 15th, and the xrp community deserves it at this point."
"For the die-hards and the ones that have been wanting for 15 years to see another Delta Force game."
"God of War Ragnarok is both the game we need and deserve."
"I'm excited for the blue box game to finally be disproven permanently."
"Blizzard cannot be the Blizzard that we all want it to be."
"Pantheon Rise of the Fallen is another MMO that Western audiences are eagerly anticipating."
"We're hungry for clear teaching, orthodoxy, morality, and we want to hear that from the pulpit."
"I'm just a man, guys, I'm just a vegan, I'm trying not to upset my vegans."
"Westview is for the children, yet it is devoid of children."
"Those things aren't supposed to happen here in this community."
"Bungie seriously does not hold back on them to the point that the community almost expects one every year."
"We're still going to hit 100k, it's just going to be faster than people expect."
"You're going to have people asking you why don't you play affliction you know you are choosing the wrong spec you're bringing the group's dps down you're not being a good team player."
"I'll be honest at this point I think it's fair to say community expectations have already not been met."
"I wasn't even this jaded during the forces pre-release. I remember thinking that we were finally gonna try something cool again."
"That hype can’t overshadow the potential and apparent problems Sonic Forces has."
"It's all about gaming. That's what people expect, that's what people want."
"We're super proud just to be part of people's escape and to be able to give them a little bit of pleasure in these very difficult times."
"The past, the black community has been promised everything from the Democrats and they've got nothing."
"We need to start approaching this as if these men are only going to get support or even an honorable mention from us if they have a clean track record of supporting us."
"Is this really the message that we want to send to people who are new to veganism?"
"Game seven of the World Series... it's a joint a city expects the unexpected."
"The anime community deserves better than Funimation's corporate greed and tone-deaf practices. It's time for a change."
"The Call of Duty franchise is going to continue to go downhill unless this gets fixed."
"Because I have faith that they're gonna deliver an amazing game regardless of all the circumstances surrounding it."
"I can tell you where you I mean if I'm not I tell you what we'll do this if I'm not I will politely sit out and you guys can do it because I think people want it now."
"These are the patches we need. If only all patches are this big, we can hope for the game to make a comeback."
"Who do you expect to be able to stand up and change things?"
"What do you guys think is coming? I feel like a reunion is definitely possible..."
"I think above us just wanted them to release a modern warfare 4 right we basically just wanted them to give us modern warfare 2 once again but with different guns and different maps and different kill streaks."
"People are disappointed but they're also still very hopeful [about Skate 4]."
"Why isn't Scientology doing the things it promised it would do to improve downtown Clearwater?"
"Am I the a-hole for not giving my neighbor's son graduation money?"
"Nobody wants a one and done revamp of the old world I think people want a foundational structure to build the future of Warcraft on."
"Kudos there, but many will argue that stuff like this just shouldn't have happened in the first place."
"I think as a community we would have accepted George Floyd Justice and Policing Act, but it's now two years later. The George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is the floor, it is not the ceiling."
"Almost everything the halo community has hoped for for Halo 4 to end up being is almost exactly what we asked for for Halo Infinite today."
"The jump from Xenoverse 1 to 2 was massive, imagine what Xenoverse 3 could bring after all these years."
"I hope that this is the start of a turnaround for Anthem."
"Adam requires devotion from all his children. Embrace that and you will do well here."
"This is an entirely new spot added to the game like people were hoping for this entire time..."
"Let's head back to East downtown there are more people moving downtown and close in and a lot of new residential units coming online there's just not as much of it in EO as I've been hoping."
"Why concern yourself with that? ... Championships, good for you. Help to write history. When you bring one to Brooklyn, we'll see."
"That right there is the point where Halo Infinite can turn itself around, but it needs to capitalize on it correctly."
"You cannot put the failures of the white community on the fact that we will not vote if Biden doesn't give us a set of politics."
"You know that feeling of just so clearly knowing right that's there's what you think of a game what the core fans think of a game and then you just think oh s--- developer being bit dance so they actually know what we want."
"Churches in general fail to exhibit the same generosity they ask of their people."
"Black leadership is no longer about articulating the demands of the black community; it is more about simply getting a seat at the table."
"That's when you're really laying it out and setting up expectations for the game I'm over the course of the next 12 months you're bringing back players."
"Teen events like prom, again, this could also tie in revamped schools. I'm going to discuss this further in a further slide."
"Bohemia, if you're listening, I know Arma 4 isn't necessarily on your public to-do list, but there is a massive following of players that would jump onto Arma 4."
"If they do add any new areas if they have to take away areas that are older ones that they don't think will fit... I just hope that whatever they put in will make up for what was taken out."
"We're supposed to be the most supernaturally oriented people."
"The Matt Mercer effect is basically whenever people compare their dungeon master or dungeon masters compare their own self to Matt Mercer himself."
"My single biggest fear with live action is that people are going to gradually go from expecting it to fail to wanting it to fail."
"EA have created such a pile of garbage for the past couple years that content creators will be happy with any marginal improvements."
"It would shock no one, not a single person in the fantasy community, if Jordan Reed was a tight end one this season."
"Developers warn against putting too much stock into leaks."
"At the end of the day, the public doesn't care, right? They want the fire out."