
Community Care Quotes

There are 540 quotes

"Masks do more to protect other people than ourselves."
"Our town shall be well cared for. Let's get that bread."
"It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbor. Life is a reciprocal business."
"To flatten the curve and to protect those who are most vulnerable, we have to look out for each other."
"The best way to thank them is to continue to follow the public health guidelines."
"Anyone at any level can choose to take care of the person to the left of them and the person to the right of them."
"Please take care of yourself and other people because we all deserve it. We really, really do."
"Mental health is always important. Please remember to look after yourself and everyone around you."
"We are going to change our communities...it's about us taking care of each other and sharing what we know."
"Let's take care of ourselves so we can take care of everybody else."
"The nationalism and liberalism can be allies if you understand nationalism not as hatred of foreigners or hatred of minorities but as loving your compatriots and taking care of them."
"Y'all stay safe, I heard there's a hurricane."
"Stay safe, take care, do good electrical work, and take care of each other."
"Europe built community treatment facilities and they actually treat mental illness and drug addiction at the local level. We planned on doing that here but we never actually did it."
"These people are our neighbors, our children, somebody's son, mother, daughter, father, who've fallen into crisis, and I don't believe we give up."
"I'm Kimberly Klacik and I'm running for Congress because I actually care about black lives. All black lives matter. Our communities matter. We matter."
"Remember those people around you who may well be; remember those seniors with underlying health conditions."
"Environmental stewardship isn't just about taking care of the planet; it's taking care of our neighbor."
"We as Black people, for some reason, we feel this need to take care of everybody in our family."
"To protect yourself, we must all make adjustments and we must look after each other as well. That's crucial."
"Take care of one another and look out for one another."
"Take care of yourself, take care of others, be kind to yourself, and be kind to others."
"Protecting the most vulnerable...those that are vulnerable out in the streets and sidewalks, the homeless, people with compromised immune systems."
"A socially distance, they're gonna socially distance. I know my neighbor, my neighbor doesn't want me to die, I don't want my neighbor to die."
"Do social caring, not just social distancing."
"We should take care of the people that are already here and we should take care of the people who are coming here."
"Please don't let yourself be drawn into the idea that masks are a political statement they are not they are a statement of how much you care about the people in your community."
"I've never heard of a pesticide plant trying to actively do right by their community."
"What I really love about all your YouTube videos is how you end and you say take care of yourself and take care of those around you."
"Support the people in the hospitals, they're taking care of the ill and sick and the elderly."
"When the rubber meets the road, it's about caring for each other, not about flag or country."
"Please be safe out there, take care of yourself, take care of your family, your community."
"Happy solstice, and I just want to acknowledge those of you who are struggling right now."
"Make sure that you are washing your hands, take care of the vulnerable around you and be thankful for what you have because a lot of people out there have it a lot worse."
"That, she says, is how we take care of each other."
"We have to take care of our people. We don't want to have people suffering during this period. It wasn't their fault."
"He’s your friendly neighborhood mobster, keeping it stylish, and looking out for everyone."
"We need to respect this disease. We need to care enormously about every individual, every family that is suffering the anguish of this."
"Doctor Doom cares profusely about his people."
"We want the officers who are a little more lenient we're going to take that extra time to figure it out caring that complete like community care."
"Remember, there are people out there that really and truly care about you."
"My dad passed away and I'm sad. A hug will make me feel very happy. Virtual hugs to you."
"Prayer changes things. We want to pray for you."
"Listen, guys, if you can't afford to give, please don't feel bad. I don't want to pressure anyone into giving if you can't afford it. Don't feel bad, please, please, please."
"Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala judges a people by the way they take care of the oppressed amongst them."
"Take care of everyone first, especially during a pandemic."
"Stay smart, stay safe, take care of yourselves, and please take care of the people around you."
"We care, we genuinely care about the community."
"Please take care of yourself and each other."
"Take care of each other out there, we'll talk real soon."
"We've already had a pandemic; you wear the mask for someone else, not for yourself."
"Lower prescription drug costs, more support for older Americans in the community, better protection in nursing homes and assisted living facilities."
"Thank you so much, I love y'all, y'all stay grounded, keep your masks on, stay safe."
"Jesus taught us to love one another but to care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because I love you."
"It's all about people, just remember when you pray for somebody it's you're helping someone that can't help themselves."
"I genuinely think about and care about every single one of you that watch my content."
"Stay safe everybody. I pray to the Lord to bless all of us, to protect all of us."
"Think of spending money on good insurance as an investment in strong defense."
"We cleaned up the litter, we put away the toys, we made sand castles, we gotta protect this place, Melon."
"Notice what's working. Why is it every major influencer focused on their business? Because they care enough about their people that they wanted to be there for them."
"One death is one death too many. We don't want anyone to die from this."
"Larian cares about its players and their reputation far more than just milking them for eternity."
"People still do care even though it's smaller and a little bit sadder."
"Christians should be known for their love and how they care about people, not for what they're against."
"It's called patriotism, it's called responsibility, it's called making sure you look out for the other person."
"I know that sounds almost idealistic but it's not remind people you don't wear this mask you end up hurting someone."
"It's not black folks' responsibility to keep marching and demonstrating; it's the majority's responsibility to take care of the minority."
"Canada is a place where we take care of each other."
"We're doing it to inform, to educate, and to empower you guys."
"Be prepared, be aware, be careful, and be safe out there because we love you too much to lose anyone."
"Overall the footage should serve as a reminder to check in on your loved ones every time you get the chance because nobody deserves to pass away like that."
"There's a selfish aspect that comes from it too, and I'll say this because I love like my people and the people around me."
"Charity begins at home, you can't help somebody else before you help the people around you."
"Be good to yourselves, be good to each other."
"If you love these people, if you care about these communities."
"We are finally providing some of those things to give people a soft place to land."
"Anti-mlm content creation is not just about views; it's about caring for the cause and making a difference, even when it gets difficult."
"Let's take care of ourselves, take care of each other, because this is all we got."
"Avoiding masks is not in the Bible, but taking care of others is."
"We should not be tearing up our own communities."
"Stay safe stay positive take care of yourselves take care of this community."
"Here was one who brought a message: 'We can care for each other; we can take care of each other; we can live justly; we can live at peace.'"
"Remember the poor and consecrate your properties for their support."
"It's been just mind-blowing how much people care about each other. It's been crazy to me, just to watch, like what's going on in Ukraine."
"Ultimately I do care about the country and I do care about the communities."
"Janine's family were incredibly grateful to just have some people who truly understood what they were going through."
"It's the belief in social harmony and social good, caring for each other and caring for the poor."
"We could profoundly change the world if we simply gave people the skills and the courage to care for the people they lead."
"That is the world we desperately need, a world at peace and in harmony where people live and care for each other."
"They cared for each other, took care of the disabled, and didn't look all so different."
"Creating a safe space for the victims is gonna be really important if they're gonna want to come forward."
"Good night, stay safe, happy Juneteenth. Please take care of yourselves, take care of your loved ones, check in with the folks that you ain't heard from in a while just make sure they're good."
"We can't abandon those who are hurting right now."
"The truth is, we love you, we care about you, we want you to know the love of God."
"I pray for a great spirit of breakthrough to rest upon your people."
"Brooklyn has over fifty thousand five-star reviews and counting."
"If you know somebody or whatever, or if you are somebody that is a survivor and you feel like you're alone, you're not. You got to talk to somebody, you got to tell somebody."
"We need to be like a hospital... filled with health professionals but also those people that are sick."
"Remember guys, do the four main things: stay smart, stay safe, take care of yourselves, and take care of the people around you."
"Though I've never met you and I never will, I care about those of you who come to this channel and watch these videos."
"Do the most important things: stay smart, stay safe, take care of yourselves, and please take care of the people around you."
"Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, solidarity forever."
"Let's do what we're meant to do with Manchester United: look after somebody."
"We're prioritizing education, history, and teaching our people how to take care of one another."
"We must assume responsibility for ourselves and each other."
"Everybody should have empathy for everyone that's going through this because again it could be anybody you know what I'm saying."
"Seriously guys, if nobody told you that they love you today, please don't forget that I love you."
"The American ideal was this one: I take care of me, I take care of my family, I take care of my community."
"Call somebody because really it sounds like this guy just needed a hug. I mean literally he just needed somebody to give him a big old bear hug."
"I'm sending you and everyone of you are struggling with this a big hug."
"Please stay safe, take care of each other, love each other."
"Sometimes in the middle of the night, I end up thinking about you all, like, I hope they are okay."
"What makes us proud human beings healthy human beings is understanding that when anybody in this country is sleeping out on the street that is our issue."
"It's always about taking care of one another and not worrying about all the stuff that's going on around them."
"Take care of God's house, he'll take care of yours."
"Not only will it benefit you and those close to you in the long run, but it could very well save you and your friends from serious harm or tragedy."
"She's sweet and she's kind and she cares deeply about the kids and her clan."
"Protecting all life: Ohio police officers went the extra mile to protect a mourning dove nesting in a spare police cruiser."
"I love you guys and again this is the only thing I care about is the people, man. It's all I care about."
"Love one another, be kind to one another, and take care of one another."
"2020, this year sucks, and people just gotta check in with their people."
"As always, take care of yourselves, be kind to one another, and I'll see you on the next one."
"We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe."
"We love you guys, stay safe out there this summer."
"But above all else, take care of yourselves, check in on your friends and family, make sure everyone around you is doing well, learn how to identify predators and avoid them at all costs."
"Take care of yourself, take care of each other, and I will see you in the next video."
"Be safe, love your family, do something kind. This is the kindness revolution."
"If you know somebody who needs some help today that you could maybe carry their burden a bit and just call them and just speak into their life say something kind or just be there even when you don't have answers."
"Please take care of yourselves and each other and enjoy your tea everybody."
"Please wash your hands, social distance if you can, and take care of each other because we also need more of that."
"If you owned a duplex in inner city Baltimore right now, you wouldn't let nobody burn down your neighborhood."
"If me wearing a mask helps other people feel more comfortable, then what is it to me? It's not a big deal."
"Be there for someone because you have no idea if this person has received any positive message."
"I just don't want to see more people done. That's my top priority right now."
"He wanted to protect the people he cared about and make this a peaceful world."
"Wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance, keep the community safe."
"There's real people involved on both sides... please wear a mask, be safe, take care of each other."
"Please take care of one another, please love one another, be safe out there. We are winning bigly."
"Alabama families are caring about children after they are born."
"These things take care of yourself, take care of each other, and take care of the planet."
"Let's all stay safe, let's stay smart, let's take care."
"Please be safe, please watch everybody's safety, good health, social distance, wash your hands, please."
"Please take care of yourselves, take care of your loved ones."
"If we are going to Advocate an end to abortion using the states or government then we have to be there to make sure that every single child is taken care of through charity through churches and through resources necessary."
"For your family and your community, you don't destroy everything around you."
"We did that video because we genuinely care about her and the people that follow her."
"Wash your hands, be safe, stay indoors, hug your loved ones, I want to see you here again."
"Love you all, have a good night, stay safe, go to bed, please."
"It makes you really, really care about these folks."
"Remember, your sexual health is unique to you. It's good to be informed, so please look after yourselves and each other."
"Defund the police in the sense that take some of these responsibilities away from the cops and put it into other areas."
"Take away half those responsibilities, put that money, those resources elsewhere."
"I'm always trying to perfect my recipes for y'all because I just want y'all to be happy."
"We want somebody in there who cares about us and who's thinking about us and is working for us every day."
"Please do stay home, stay safe, and save lives. See you very soon, bye bye."
"You were called to help people, you were called to serve others."
"Never forget that you are surrounded by people who love you."
"If you think that you know someone who's even there's even a remote possibility that they're in need... reach out."
"We need to take care of each other. We need to check up on the ones that we love."
"You take care of someone else, and tomorrow when you need help, they'll be there for you. That's really, really important."
"The least thing we can do is give back, just like these guys handing a beer to a farmer."
"We should all be taking care of each other in one way or another."
"He lives by a code, there are things that he believes about taking care not only of yourself but more importantly taking care of those around you."
"Lucia's story has shown us that we can never take our safety and those of others for granted."
"You are responsible for the people around you."
"Stay safe, keep others around you safe, be responsible please."
"There's nothing hateful about taking care of each other."
"They were attacking all of us, they were telling all these people that we don't care about them and we do."
"Thank you for watching and Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Please take care of yourself and each other."
"Trust your gut. Vtubers be vigilant; people see how lucrative and naive you are and will take advantage of it."
"Justice, mercy, and forgiveness are a reflection of love of neighbor."
"This is about ensuring our loved ones are safe, it's about the victims and their voices."
"Hopefully that helped today... take care, god bless everyone."
"The politics of care and belonging and system and living beyond survival and sustenance."
"Put the mask isn't to keep you okay, it's to keep your wife and kids okay."
"It's the care that these people deserve because today it could be someone down the road getting home care but tomorrow it could be one of your loved ones."
"I genuinely appreciate it because at least somebody looking out for me child because you know be a lot looking out for yourself all the time."
"Teach your friends, pray for your teacher friends, check in on them."
"Don't ignore somebody that needs help if you see somebody that needs help step out immediately and help them."
"It's the difference between coming at this from a place of deep love for other people and wanting everyone to be taken care of and coming at this from a place of just wanting revenge or thinking that revenge is justice."
"Three things: take care of yourself, take care of each other, take care of the planet, and remember, the truth is always indisputable."
"Something has got to be at play to say that we care."
"I guarantee you I swear on my parents grave I will not forsake these lost souls or the animals in our community we will no longer kill them in our shelters."
"Wearing masks is not about protecting ourselves, it is about protecting everyone we encounter." - Mitch McConnell
"I'd rather wear the mask and go to the game to protect grandma, grandpa, mom, and dad and watch the ballgame." - Sean Hannity
"The care that they have for their community."
"You were asked to care about your neighbor, and half the country said f*** my neighbor."
"It's all about us taking care of each other because it's only going to make us better as women."
"Stay inside, wash your hands, if you go outside wear a mask, be kind to the people, animals, and I'll see you back here again for more full attacks."
"It can teach us to actually participate in communities of care and mutual aid."
"We need a burden for people on the job, a burden for people in the city, a burden for those who do not know Christ."
"Stay inside, wash your hands, wear a mask, be kind."
"The best thing you can do to protect yourself and protect your friends is to wear a mask."
"There is no God, there is only us, and we have to take care of each other."
"Remember the conversation, don't miss it. Always take care of yourself, take care of each other, take care of the planet. Remember, the truth is always indisputable."
"The best amongst you is the one who is God-fearing, well-mannered, and looks out for their neighbors, especially those being discarded by society."
"Pray for her... pray for her family... pray for her kids... pray for her husband as they're going through this right now."
"We have to still look out for each other in this country."
"Stay safe, stay inside, wash your hands, and just love on each other."
"This world needs more healing, it needs to be healed, people need to be healed."