
Organizational Culture Quotes

There are 458 quotes

"Innovation is a culture that needs to be created consciously and pursued assiduously by the organization and always nurtured."
"When you're a leader, you work for everybody else."
"Culture matters. When there is a conflict between culture and strategy, culture wins."
"Any high performing organization has to have mechanisms and a culture that supports truth telling."
"I hope that we just created a culture where it's okay to make mistakes but just be courageous."
"There's an institutional timidity that I think creeps in in a lot of these offices."
"The way you build trust inside an organization is the exact same way you fall in love."
"Racism is highly contagious and all that it needs in an organization is a foothold and an air of legitimacy."
"We've never seen anything like it, and it's the way the whole organization bought into this weight."
"Creating a relationship with everyone in the building is essential for building a strong culture."
"I realized that we would need radical truthfulness and radical transparency."
"That's the best part about all of this, is we make sure that every day, we're working with our own guys that they're pursuing what they wanna do, which makes FaZe 5 so special."
"The best possible way and the people who run the club should have around people they really go all the same direction."
"Great leadership starts at the top. It isn't about 'us' vs. 'them', and it isn't about one single person shining."
"We just believed really strongly that, it's like this is what we are here to do, this is what our company cares about."
"When the culture is strong, the new people become the culture; and when the culture is weak, the culture becomes the new people."
"We build great people. Our primary role is to invite people into our organization, give them skills and abilities, an opportunity for a meaningful life."
"Ego is a big deal, and if you can check your ego and create a culture where one checks your ego... that's when you really win."
"Establishing a feeling of togetherness is something we all want to do in our teams and with people we deal with outside of our organizations."
"Bad policies cause you to lose great people; great policies cause you to gain great people."
"To an outside observer, this might seem like organized chaos, and while Valve is highly unorthodox, it's also highly successful."
"There's a mentality that goes into being a winning organization... every day, you're showing up to beat the team that you're playing against."
"Customer obsession is essential for day one defense."
"Purpose, autonomy, mastery, and purpose. We want to be part of something larger than ourselves."
"If we start treating people like people and not assuming that they're simply horses, we can build organizations and work lives that make us better off."
"If you are a graphic designer or a digital designer do make sure you apply for that. We're a very fun organization to work for."
"The antidote is leadership... Are they going to stand up for the veritas and for the core values or are they going to cede the culture to the mob?"
"The whole company should be the growth team."
"It's part of the club's DNA, it's a non-negotiable. It happens at our stuff."
"Performance budgets create a culture of shared enthusiasm for constantly improving the user experience."
"Let's kick this off by meeting the otter team."
"We are launching a new zero tolerance harassment policy company-wide."
"Relationships are greater than applications."
"We need a no blame culture because otherwise, it's going to lock down and we're not going to learn what we need to understand."
"There has to be real accountability. Accountability begins at the top and works its way down."
"Hopefully Microsoft can get a more professional, less frat boy environment in Blizzard."
"I live in Dearborn, Michigan. Best food; the east side is Lebanese, while the south is Yemeni. There are cultural issues between the two Arab groups; Lebanese assimilate while Yemeni do not."
"There's never been a time I've been more excited to be on this team... the word you always use is momentum."
"If you have an organization where people very quickly admit mistakes and they're not punished for making mistakes, that is a very good dynamic."
"Culture, workflows, and processes need to be protected during growth."
"I think a bunch of my former partners said that does well like at the end of the day I was tricking myself and them this was a benevolent dictatorship that I tried to pretend was a democracy."
"It's not really a few bad apples, it's actually a culture of corruption."
"It's constant to never deny change... always bring new energy, new guys who question the old beliefs."
"People, more than business plans or physical assets, are really what makes a strong company."
"DC really needs to distance itself from seeming like a cult."
"Maguire was the symbol of an era of terrible business and the wrong culture at the club, playing because of your price tag and not ability."
"It's not about one person, it's about teamwork."
"Loyalty is more important than policy because you can teach people policy but you can't teach them loyalty."
"If a brother leaves your organization or club, is he still a brother? Absolutely."
"It just feels like there's a bit of identity that's been lost."
"Team bond is really important, it affects how they interact outside the game."
"If you don't fit the culture and you don't adhere to the rules that are there good night and we'll move on."
"That culture is the thing that made you win."
"You want to foster a meritocracy, foster diversity of ideas, and have real debates."
"Team and culture is greater than any one player."
"It's not just about promotion, it's about building a culture and identity that can take us up to the Premier League."
"If your teammates don't hold you accountable then you know you don't really... you're going to be a bad organization if you don't have no vets."
"Football is different because all its assets are people. Being able to manage people and manage the diversity of those assets comes back to culture."
"Until you change the culture of leadership... you're not going to be able to change the culture of the outcome."
"You see the benefits of being focused on something that's a higher calling as your primary motivation your employees love it customers love it."
"It should be an equal number of men and women in leadership positions."
"Powers can get so expansive that they lose their soul."
"As long as I'm here and Dan's here and Kevin's here, that DNA will always be in the company."
"This team has a real 'we' and not a 'me' mentality... I've always been glass half full."
"Is it not on brand for the dynasty? All of them worship God in somewhere another."
"Organizational culture and climate play significant roles in how employees perceive and interact within a company."
"Living and breathing the core values changes the culture."
"If companies are serious about installing an ethical culture, they need to reward whistleblowers not punish them."
"Sigmas have a strong sense of equality; the person at the top isn't better than the janitor."
"It's a form of Hindu performance art and Indian classical dance that combines comedy exaggerated facial expressions and elaborate costumes with myths Legends and live music."
"Culture is key... creating a safe space, a family environment."
"Ron Dennis said that he wanted McLaren to feel 90% NASA, 10% Disneyland."
"It is not enough to support black and POC voices in our content; we must ensure that internally they and all minority groups are always supported."
"We need codification. Everybody needs to have a code. That's how other people operate. They have an agenda, they have a code, and everybody's on that code."
"Integrity is very important to build trust in your organizations."
"Culture is a direct reflection of leadership. Period."
"Culture is created by what you allow, by what you consistently do, and what you celebrate."
"A democratic environment values everyone's opinions and fosters respect."
"Our number one goal is to make this the best culture in sports."
"We want to make sure new candidates really know what they're getting into."
"What are you going to do to ensure that all levels of your organization are indeed diverse?"
"Stick to your knitting, know who you are, know your competencies, cultivate your competencies, and build that culture where you are."
"The important thing is not the idea, it's the people."
"We're trying to build a family community atmosphere within the building."
"The department celebrates diversity and embraces it within our ranks."
"It goes against the department's core values."
"I think radical transparency and honesty is going to be key... I'd much rather rectify and find the answer to this riddle."
"They represented our organization with class every day. We wish them nothing but the best."
"You honor a founder by talking about them in a present-day context."
"Start with your culture and your values. Who are we? What do we stand for?"
"This is not a one-off; this is not one rotten apple. This is behavior that is not uncommon; it's commonplace."
"It's a thing that I don't think Dreamville does. It didn't take itself so seriously." - Rob Markman
"The culture of entitlement at Manchester United... has been a major reason why we haven't been able to really take a massive step forward as a football club."
"We need that ruthlessness if we're to get rid of this culture of entitlement that's at the club."
"In my organization, we take responsibility for our mistakes."
"There is a cultural cancer that has been persistent in that organization for 30 plus years now. It's called ownership."
"Vision, mission, and principles drive behavior and meaning in life."
"Ultimately, it's just the people, it's the organization, it's the culture, the chance to win, and just kind of everything I've mentioned so far."
"Maintain a day one culture. Even with 600,000 employees, it's about adding value every day."
"What we're doing is buying people's engagement into the suggestion system. We want you to engage your mind."
"I think you need culture and a solid defense."
"They're always jumping on the diversity and inclusion training bandwagon."
"The real way that we prevent this from happening again is to create an environment where no single person has that power."
"A company becomes the people it hires, not the plan it makes."
"If you're not a cheerleader for your company or for your country no matter what happens it's not going to work."
"It's horizontal management; we're all equals."
"Level of the totem pole, the only thing I'll say to that though is I think what makes Barstool Barstool is that like you've always said people can like walk right in your office and call you out or write a blog and say what they feel."
"Competitiveness, togetherness, and accountability."
"There's no culture of compliance this is an organization that from the very top was sanctioning criminal activity."
"You cannot just have diversity; you have to actively create systems for diverse perspectives."
"Culture is really, really important when it comes to business."
"We have very specific ways that we say things, very specific ways that we talk about things."
"It just paints the picture of how together you are as a team."
"As I see it a lot of stars are aligning for you Tom and in the organization."
"If you believe your leadership does not have your back, nothing else can redeem it."
"Respect each other, most importantly, respect Could-Have-Been Records, respect this house."
"Russell is understanding that he's coming into a situation of an organization that does things the right way."
"Our goal is going to be building culture. We're going to be talking about space."
"Just get good people... and we got amazing people in there."
"We really try to take care of people; we're really people-oriented."
"These guys are winners. The culture of the club is about performing well, winning trophies."
"Good music is not a thing. Nobody works for Good Music."
"So what I don't want to try and force them to do something they don't want to do I want to try and change the perception and change the culture."
"That's he culture that's in that SPO like that's that's crazy to think about"
"In the Foundation, the ends usually justify the means, but sometimes both the ends and the means really suck."
"Teams are built through culture, not talent."
"We get to set the bar of what that looks like."
"Teamwork and caring about people are crucial for fostering a healthy environment."
"Leadership is always the problem and leadership is the solution."
"Winning changes your feeling, your atmosphere here within the building, your work atmosphere—it changes it completely."
"Become a magic innovator who's dedicated to creating an organization that will fully utilize and fully honor the gifts of every single person who comes there every day."
"We've got great people but if you cow them, and they all behave like, you know, as I say, the reverse Darwinist plan, then you'll destroy this innate creativity and entrepreneurialism."
"It's about building an organization and a franchise that players want to play for regardless of how you bring them in."
"We're always gonna have fun doing it because if we're not having fun doing it we're not going to do it."
"Fundamentally, it's about vision, culture, and people."
"No kidding. Anyone at Tesla can and should email/talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company."
"Every culture, every team, every organization has that moment in history they try to reach back to when in trouble."
"Until I see a proper rebuild complete, until I see footballing people making decisions, until I see a winning mentality injected back into this football club, I almost don't care about who we buy, who we sign."
"Then let's create a workplace we actually want to work at."
"Pooling all of their resources, they managed to scrape by and still enjoyed working at the org. But isn't it crazy to think of?"
"Engaging culture starts with having a feedback loop."
"You won't tell them they're gonna have toxic leadership."
"We're not a problem focused organization, we're a solution focused organization."
"He uses the principles to create this whole ratings apparatus where employees rate one another."
"Everybody was trained to constantly kiss his ass because if they didn't, they would be seen as having some kind of suppressive instinct."
"Enabled abuse, misconduct, discrimination, harassment."
"We will make sure that we have some work-life balance starting with next week."
"Within these agencies within the agency you are a part of the EPA blind unquestioning honorless obedience was rewarded and any other sort of showing of some attempt to actually disclose dangers to the public was penalized."
"If we can keep building on this culture... I think it could be huge."
"Canada's military culture and operational tempo is to blame for the shortage."
"That's the story of what has happened to so many workplaces... women demanded access and then started complaining."
"The camaraderie is by far more than I've seen in any organization."
"Their actions and attitudes are in direct contrast to the culture we strive to achieve here at the Loveland Police Department."
"It's about implementing my process and how we want to do things."
"It's a simple knowledge that joining the Izzet League means an exciting job with lots of hands-on experience."
"Forget about some Joe Schmoe coming in as president. I would say what you have to do is a ground-up thing."
"I've been working with Mindvalley now for a little over a year and what I found is that you guys are amazing people. You guys are game changers and world changers."
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast, technology for lunch, and products for dinner, and soon thereafter everything else too." - Peter Drucker
"Diversity and inclusion is not tokenism to them... it's an authentic thing that runs throughout their organization."
"A well-run club that invests money, that improves its culture, will always perform well."
"He embodies what that organization is currently about to achieve."
"We have a culture of learning, we have a culture of improving, we have a culture of iteration."
"The culture within the club is not competitive... and if you don't have the people that are competitive versus your peers and your competition then you're never going to succeed."
"Building culture is the most important thing we can do."
"It's not just about the hardware, it's also about the people and the joint arms culture." - Emphasizing the importance of training and organizational culture in military effectiveness.
"Reciprocated confidence, unity, and commitment are critical values."
"I just think that this kind of culture shouldn't be tolerated in any organization, let alone in an organization with impressionable young minds."
"Trust is something that's built and I feel like with my three years that I've been in the Chiefs organization you see the trust that everyone has within each other."
"You have to ensure that the execs filter through to the rest of the team, the core mission can't be forgotten."
"The plan that you have is not as important as your culture."
"We have a certain thing here we believe in excellence here we're not going to do it right we don't want to do it at all."
"It's the NASA family that continues to make this agency one of the best places to work, and our success as a team relies on our diversity and our continual support and respect for one another."
"It's an attitude and culture that I hope I can help continue in my tenure at Marshall and within NASA."
"Don't look for employees, look for partners. Don't build corporations, build relationships."
"It's a team over me mentality, company over me mentality."
"Teams and culture are how you scale, period."
"Don't reinvent the wheel. Teams and culture are how you scale, period."
"You can't run a cult if your people are laughing at it."
"You had to be modelling the behaviors that you're asking everyone else to buy into."
"It's not about buying a player to sort out the culture, the manager's a driver of the culture."
"It's important to build your teams with shared values. If your group does not share values, they're not going to work together very well."
"We're open to new ideas, we're open to doing things differently here."
"The culture of the bureau got changed. I think nobody meant to do this."
"Sexism is unacceptable, it has no place in our organization."
"It's everybody's club and everybody is contributing the right way. Obviously, the context is changed, environment is changed and now we have to maintain it as it is for a long time."
"Your culture is what you are building, but you should have some structure. Absolutely."
"Leadership is about creating a culture of trust and cooperation."
"I think that's super important for organizations to find her own culture."
"Our folks need to make sure that they're not just doing the right thing; they're doing it in the right way."
"We're really taking a look at some of our really shared values."
"If everybody in the company represented their cultural values, that's what really matters."
"At Student-Made, we don't manage people, we believe you can manage yourself."
"Diversity is necessary, but it's not sufficient to achieve inclusion."
"You want to create an environment that they can walk into and say you know what this is not WWE, I'm happy to be here."
"Organizations that allow for a lot of different ideas have better outcomes."
"I honestly believe that the best culture cannot possibly be created by the top."
"The institutional mindset, in my opinion, is very, very important right now."
"Honest to God, man, if Celine was the leader instead of Kamado, I just know this entire Clan would be treated with so much more respect."
"Empowering women, empowering females, that's what we're all about here at Views."
"Culture eats policy alive every day." - Dr. Rashad Richie discussing police behavior.