
Breath Control Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"When you learn how to navigate and manage your breath, you can actually navigate any situation in life."
"If you can control your breath, then you can control your mind. And if you can control your mind, you become the master of your own life."
"If you can control your breath, you can control life."
"Some people have found that salvation through freediving, and so much of that is due to breath control."
"Breath control, which leads to mind control, which leads to life control."
"And so all Audrey could do was cling onto the sled and very slowly Ascend and try to hold her breath as long as she could."
"Inhale to cow pose, exhale to cat back, round your spine, tuck your chin."
"As intense as this sensation is, focus that much more on your breath."
"I actually see anything you like, only hold your breath for a certain amount of time or is it like unlimited?"
"Yogis figured out that slowing the breath controls the mind."
"He can hold his breath longer than anybody else and has two Guinness World Records and four free diving AIDA world records for his efforts."
"You are in control of your breath, and your breath is so powerful in the healing aspect of your body, of your mind, and of your soul."
"Well done, well done, don't push, just blow. Heads out!"
"It just requires getting still, closing your eyes, putting your attention on your heart, changing your breath... when you slow your breathing down, you slow your brain waves down."
"Teach you how to take a big breath and expand your diaphragm and all that kind of stuff really the most important thing he teaches you is what happens when your body's deprived of oxygen."
"Inhale wide open, exhale. Sync up nervous system, brain, body."
"To hold our breath for several minutes, we just needed to have a little mind control and to trust our bodies."
"Lengthen your butt toward the backs of your knees and steady breaths."
"The average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds to just under 2 minutes."
"Breath control is one of the simplest and most effective ways to activate the relaxation response."
"One surprising rule the students have to follow during the escape training is to never hold their breath."
"Control your breath and control your consciousness."
"Being able to control your breath is a massive part of your anxiety levels."
"Make that exhalation last as long as possible."
"Biggest advice for me is that the lot of thing thought come in our mind, the thought is only to survive for this body I think if we control our breath fasting and we can control our mind because our mind need to survive without oxygen the mind going to collapse."
"Can you allow your breath to lead the way as we move?"
"Superman has the ability to significantly focus the intensity of breath, so it's able to freeze targets or blow on them."
"Use your breath inhale down, exhale push away from the floor."
"Using your breath to move with, moving with your breath."
"So, just to clarify, it's what you're saying, I think, and certainly what I would say is: practice breathing through your nose, practice for a few minutes a day, breathing less, try and go for that six or even eight breaths a minute, see how that feels."
"Free diving is the ultimate art of breathing. It's breath, it's mindfulness, it's meditation, it's everything all in one."
"Use your breath here to help you through this movement."
"If the breath is not smooth, then our movements cannot be smooth."
"As we come into shavasana or corpse pose, we release our ujjayi breath and we release all control of the breath."
"Push past it. Don't hold your breath. Keep breathing. Keep moving. Keep fighting."
"Push the floor away from you through your hands, breathing in, breathing out, lovely, take one more full breath in, and one more full breath out."
"Take this opportunity to regain control of the breath."
"The sooner you can get a grasp of your breath and use it to control your body, the easier it will be."
"Feel every breath traveling the spinal cord."
"Stick articulation is the first requirement, and then if you can have air or breath underneath it, that's the whole package."
"Patience. Power in fire bending comes from the breath."
"Hold your breath here and gently exit it all out through your mouth."
"Really try to maintain that breath there, bring the focus back to the breath, breathing in and out through the nose."
"This is really about endurance, breath, and really having control of your core."
"Let that breath travel up all the way into the upper reaches of the lungs."
"And the breath as steady as possible."
"Way to go team, we're going to stretch if I can catch my breath."
"Find your breath, let this set the tone for your workouts, checking in, noticing what's going on in your body, your breath, your mind."
"Feeling your lower belly pull in, pressing the breath higher into the chest."
"Let the breath move a little slower, allow the back of the body to feel a little longer."
"Inhale, shoulders lift; exhale, let it go."
"Come into your Ujjayi breath if you're familiar with Ujjayi."
"Taking control of the breath, we're not allowing the breath to run away."
"It's a powerful skill to have, to take the breath and move it into specific areas of the body."
"I really like how she's using her breath as part of the portrayal of the song she is trying to sing."
"Breath is really the key to controlling involuntary functions."
"Mind is the king of the senses, breath is the king of the mind."
"Breath control is only an aid for diving inwards; one can as well dive down by controlling the mind."
"Through fine-tuned control of your breathing and breath control, that is the secret to really perfecting your buoyancy."
"Take this opportunity to regain control of the breath, slow it back down."
"Seal the lips, constrict the throat, bring in the Ujjayi breath."
"When breathing slowly and in control, breathe out, when your exhalation is complete, hold your breath, and a half second later is when you should press the shutter."
"We were doing breath holding stuff and we did like breath forms of breath training."
"Learning how to control my breath... there's time before my voice is actually really needed for an important note."
"Power in fire bending comes from the breath."
"You hit every note, you used your breath control when you needed to, and it was a really solid performance. You should be really proud of yourself, well done."
"Feel the breath like it's rolling, pulling down past your body and away from you as you exhale."
"It's a good idea to hold your breath when you're drawing a line because you've got more control there, believe it or not."
"Use your breath to kind of help you build a bit more heat, a bit more structure, and a bit more stamina."
"Learning breath control is the most important component to forging mental toughness."
"She rapped and sang live, and her breath control was amazing."
"Each inhale separates your ribs a little bit more, each exhale brings light, space, and life into your side."
"Just breathe in and out, stay conscious."
"Use the breath to come on down, there's no real end goal."
"Learn to develop the skill of controlling the flow of your breath."
"Remember to control your breath, relax, don't judge yourself."
"Inhale, exhale, let's draw the hands to the heart."
"That beautiful control of your breath helps us to stay connected and in a more calm state of your nervous system."
"Flow with your breath and whatever rhythm works best for you, but really try to eke out the end range of motions on this."
"Practicing now your breath and your drishti while you're practicing your alignment."
"Keep the breath easy and the rest of the body relaxed."
"Using this breath helps us slow down our poses, slow down our pace, and it allows the breath to lead the way into the movements."
"Think about closing space between your thigh and abdomen, deep full abdominal breaths."
"Life is just a series of inhales and exhales, and now we can consciously control our breath to change our state at any moment."
"It's important to never hold your breath under the water."
"When you control your breath, you control your body."
"Meditation, controlling your breathing, being aware of how the air goes in and out, that can actually help you combat those moments of panic when your breathing is really difficult."
"The softness that we can discover in that breath is then translated to softness that we can discover in our muscles and our connective tissue."
"Inhale to cow, and exhale to cat."
"The foundation of steadiness in transition is the breath."
"The great rules of karate are: if you cannot stand, you cannot fight; if you cannot see, you cannot fight; if you cannot breathe, you cannot fight."
"Use your breath to push you forward."
"When I had really bad anxiety, I would meditate every day, and that helped me learn how to master my breath."
"Using the breath to deepen that awareness."
"And then exhale, forward fold, uttanasana, inhale, half lift, lengthen, exhale, release."
"Let your mind be calm, no fight, no force, just your breath."
"Just keep moving at a slow enough pace so your breath has time to fill up completely and empty fully."
"To slow the breath, we calm the nervous system and generate a state of peace and harmony inside."
"As long as you have the awareness on each inhalation and each exhalation, then you're doing yoga."
"Slowly filling the lungs, holding and savoring your breath, and completely emptying the lungs on a slow, long breath out."
"It's the breath that drives the movement, not so much the movement trying to control the breath."
"So as much as possible, I want you to maintain slow, steady breaths in and out through your nose, no matter how intense the poses might get."
"You have to be able to hold your breath, get down to the bottom if you're going to target lobster, if you're going to spearfish fish."
"Invite your breath to slow down and stretch out, overriding any impulsive quick breaths."
"Control your breathing, focus on the sound and quality, keep it soft."
"Let your breaths support you here; every exhale, your abdominal hammock firming, every inhale breathing toward your ribs into the full circumference of your lungs."
"Your breath can be very powerful when you are doing strength training."
"The tongue jaw apparatus plus the lower body breath support plus a horizontal Airstream equals a centered tone in all registers."
"It's what you do with your breath that directly affects and influences your energy and experience."
"I heard Allen Vizzutti give a class once, and he said that he can always tell how a piece of music is going to go based on whether he gets the right breath for the first note."
"My internal organs are relaxing, my breath is soft, silent, and completely relaxed."
"We think our life depends on breath... But an SRF yogi learns how to calm and control the breath."
"It's finding a steady breath and at the same time relaxing your body."
"Hold for a breath in, exhale the breath out."
"Controlling your breathing will help you be able to control your emotional states."
"Inhale deeply, pause at the top, and then exhale completely."
"Exhale, slow the descent of the palms to the length of that long exhalation you've been cultivating."
"I usually tune my flutes with my level of breath."
"The job of the flute is to convert our steady breath into a steady tone."
"As you inhale, fill up the lungs with as much air as you possibly can, and when you think you can't take any more air in, take one more sip of air."
"Inhale into plank, exhale into down dog."
"Inhale, arms rise, exhale, palms to your heart."
"We need a reduced breath rate... under seven breaths a minute."
"Control your breath; this one can be quite intensive."
"Hold the breath at the top for four counts, and now through the nose, slow it down, exhale six counts, all the air out, navel into spine."
"Ascending consciousness, descending breath should be synchronized."
"One beautiful way to instantly impact your central nervous system is to just calm the breath."
"Breathe into the space between your left shoulder and right hip, and then breathe into the space between your right shoulder and your left hip."
"Notice the natural pace of your breath and see if you can control it."
"He could do an awful lot of things with it; it could be breathy and easier and gentle, it could be a bit heavier, a little bit fuller, it could be more stylized."
"Unbelievable, almost 49 minutes without taking a breath."
"Find steadiness in breath, steadiness in the Drishti."
"Release your hands by your side, moving at the pace of your slowest breath."
"This is a good time to work on controlling your breath."
"Take a big deep inhale, exhale slowly, scoop the belly, reach yourself all the way back up."
"If you're good and strong in here and relaxed here and you use plenty of air and you maintain control and don't panic, you should be able to play for long periods of time."
"Really slowing down the breath here, making the exhale long and drawn-out."