
Environmental Technology Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Turbulent markets its submersible vortex turbine as an eco- and fish-friendly form of hydropower."
"By the early 2020s, an electric vehicle, the average electric vehicle will be cheaper than a gas-powered vehicle."
"Statoil takes the excess CO2 from the natural gas and sequesters it into a massive cavity under the ocean, where they say they can store it for thousands of years."
"Producing electricity, producing hydrogen and synthetic fuels, and supplying heating systems without a single gram of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere."
"Making this green plastic produces 70% less CO2 and consumes 70% less energy than the production of fossil plastics."
"Electric vehicles look like a sustainable option."
"Avalanche is on track to diminishing its carbon footprint on the world, making it about 99.9% more energy efficient."
"Imagine a world where there's some breakthrough radical new technology that is able to separate hydrogen in a very clean way. That's exciting to me."
"Transparent solar panels have a clear advantage over partially transparent versions since they can turn any glass sheet or window into a photovoltaic cell."
"Cloud seeding has always been something for people who have more money than sense," remarked Gavin Schmidt, a senior climate advisor at NASA.
"This 100% carbon-neutral desalination plant is the future solution for accessing environmentally safe and sustainable fresh water."
"What we're seeing behind me is the ocean cleanup's Interceptor, and it's the world's first scalable river plastic solution."
"Advances in renewable energy may point the way to a brighter future."
"Clean water technologies are the most important."
"They weren't just trying to purify the air, they were using the purifiers to condense the pollution and turn it into a usable resource. Very clever."
"Solar panels attached to highway sound barriers will produce 800 megawatt hours annually, enough to power around 100 households."
"The best time to plant a reactor was yesterday, and the next best time is today."
"Direct air capture involves extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere... one of the finest technical developments for the environment's future."
"You can make your liquid methane just straight out of the air so yeah there you go."
"Unlike carbon capture, which removes new carbon emissions, the main appeal of direct air capture is that it removes excess carbon dioxide that has built up in the atmosphere."
"Direct air capture is going to be an important part of how we reach a net zero carbon economy."
"Thorium will usher in a new era of clean and sustainable energy free from carbon emissions."
"The nanites build themselves out of pollutants and clean the air in the process, forests regrow with their help and the water gets filtered from everything harmful."
"Hydrogen fuel cells produce plenty of electric power while emitting pure water as waste exhaust."
"This is really the greenest way to produce lithium that exists."
"With the planet becoming hotter and hotter, the introduction of more efficient and eco-friendly cooling tech can't be kept on ice."
"Smart concrete is filled with micro capsules of bacteria that germinate whenever water enters the cracks... reducing repair costs by half."
"Induction priority lanes are embedded with magnetic fields that can charge your vehicle while it's in use... helping to save the environment."
"Plastic eating bugs: Breakthrough could greatly aid in the global plastic pollution crisis."
"It's really exciting that we don't have to take car tires and either burn them or chop them up to recycle them."
"This paint only works when it's facing the sky, hence its name, radiative Sky cooling paint."
"We've developed a novel device that can capture this resource."
"An enormous step forward in terms of making Sky cooling paint accessible."
"Using salt water is a stroke of genius... a building of this size has hundreds of sprinklers."
"Breakthrough technology takes plastic from the ocean and uses it to make more plastic."
"Solar panels actually last 32 and a half years."
"As her first order of business she vows to end the annual purge for good and finally put a stop to the senseless violence once and for all."
"Now my sole focus is on saving the world's biosphere with these new technologies."
"Between robotics and nanotechnology, we could probably clean up the planet significantly if not entirely within a decade."
"With this radiation, I made a decay generator which turns radiation into power."
"An innovative method of breaking styrofoam down into shorter carbon chains could make recycling plastic a whole lot greener and easier."
"To tackle those pieces of the climate puzzle, some tech companies are looking Beyond green energy and coming up with more novel Solutions."
"Direct air and direct water capture where you literally pull the CO2 directly out of the air or water."
"Zero carbon dioxide is produced with the thorium reactor."
"Magria intends to use electrochemical techniques to extract the magnesium more directly from the seawater."
"One thing that we will start to see more is... integrated carbon capture and storage."
"Not only is it mesmerizing to watch workers empty bags and bags of balls into the water but they also prove useful for some surprising reasons."
"Toyota makes the most reliable hybrids in the world and arguably probably at this point the most reliable turbo engines as well."
"Sustainable floating cities are a part of the arsenal of climate adaptation strategies available to us."
"Toyota is the hybrid King as far as I'm concerned."
"If we have the ability to pull CO2 out of the air and regulate it, maybe even get some good out of it, isn't the argument not to do it just sort of pointless moralizing?"
"Plug-in hybrids with a decent electric range are a great gateway drug."
"Recycling is important, new technologies like algae and mushrooms will help."
"What if there was an inexpensive solution that would allow people to collect clean safe water where they live directly from the air around them?"
"Toyota is on the forefront of hybrid and fuel cell technologies, but now they're diving into the BEV space."
"No less than 85 percent of all wastewater is reused."
"And if no polluted water ever makes it through the system, there's really no reason to leave it on in consuming power."
"This particular technology is really cool because it utilizes a super capacitor instead of the traditional compressed air."
"The Mirai wins the award for the range... 400 miles of hydrogen range."
"Hybridization is a great path for the future."
"I'd rather Tesla focus on technologies that can really make a difference in the world."
"While waste-heat recovery in large size data centers may be ramping up at a slower pace, innovative approaches to waste heat recovery, like what Qarnot is doing, really warms my heart."
"The most advanced soil stabilization technology."
"One of the critically important aspects of sustainable technology is to be a little bit more careful with the materials we use."
"Electric cars and solar panels seem like a match made in heaven, free clean power as long as the sun shines."
"A practical solar car would really need to be designed from the ground up with reduced weight and low aerodynamic drag."
"This carbon credit monitoring system... really gauge the output and impact."
"What if instead of fixing the system to the seabed we fix it here in this deeper water layer?"
"Carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) has been labeled a necessity by the IPCC."
"China launching giant cloud seeding drones to combat record drought."
"Could we transform nuclear waste into less-harmful waste?"
"The future for electric cars is very, very bright."
"There are no magical shortcuts that are going to make it cheaper to take a kilo of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."
"Taipei has an award-winning mass transit and a rail system... they're very into green technologies."
"The recovery rate from recycling batteries is incredibly high."
"Solar Roadways: Capturing the imagination of a world in need of change."
"Welcome to the Colony, Lindsey Grossman, the polluted water conversion is going well."
"Redefining luxury and performance: The Lexus RX Hybrid."
"Fuel cell energy: Completing the world's first trigen project production system."
"Combustion technology has advanced to the point where many modern wood stoves are carbon neutral."
"Mount flow could revolutionize the way we clean up oil spills."
"There's really two emerging greener death technologies that I see as a potential replacement for cremation."
"I like CO2 long-term; this will CO2 with a 12-volt backup."
"Instead of smoke, these factories produce steam with this technology."
"New forms of algae will be used to lessen the waste and break down plastics in the oceans."
"I think hybrids are really going to start phasing out in the next five to seven years."
"Catalytic converters have been widely used since the 1970s... when they're removed, the vehicles are generally undrivable."
"You know, everybody fights the emissions issues, but from what I've seen on these particular engines, the Cummins has been holding up pretty well."
"It's exciting to see the advent of very cost competitive wind and solar and geothermal."
"Scientists have developed a device that works like a man-made cloud, generating electricity out of thin air."
"Public sentiment towards EVs is at a reflection point, and almost everyone agrees that electric vehicles are the only way forward."
"We have the technology to reverse climate change."
"Direct air capture: taking excess carbon dioxide back out of the air."
"We have to always compare against PCR. This is where we've taken plastic waste and we use it to trap carbon dioxide."
"We support working together on carbon capture utilization and storage."
"Japan as a whole industry has really been lacking behind the EV Revolution."
"When that superheated exhaust gas... goes into this filter system, those carbon particles that were caught in the filter... are superheated and cooked until they're smaller and small enough to go through the filter and then out the exhaust."
"Our sewage treatment plants use microbes to treat sewage so that it can be turned back into water and we can reuse it."
"This is not just a spray can. It's an example of how technology can save the environment while letting us lead our lives as before."
"Imagine if the roads we drive on, just like the leaves of a tree, could absorb photons emitted from the sun to generate energy."
"During 2019, more than 2.2 million plug-in cars were sold around the world."
"Most processes are proven, they're commercially available, the only exception being direct air capture of CO2 from the atmosphere."
"Catalytic converters convert harmful substances like carbon monoxide and NOx into less harmful substances like CO2 and N2."
"I do wish that Honda would attack the plug-in hybrid segment a little bit."
"Toyota has a pretty good track record with hybrids."
"Each large HDBF facility will be capable of capturing about 44,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year."
"Flue gas desulfurization is the process of the removal of sulfur dioxide."
"This direct air capture plant is actually sucking carbon out of the atmosphere at a record pace."
"Climb Works develops, builds, and operates carbon dioxide capture plants that are powered by renewable energy to permanently remove carbon dioxide from the air."
"We are leading the charge in researching, building cutting-edge advancements emissions reduction like carbon capture, hydrogen use, and in the future, small modular reactors."
"The function of the catalytic converter is to convert the toxic gases like nitrogen monoxide and carbon monoxide into harmless gases presented in the air."
"Environmental applications are really important too because you want to put stuff out into the field and kind of forget about it."
"Microalgae can simultaneously treat human wastewater and capture waste carbon dioxide."
"With the thunderstorm generator, we are able to atomically reconstruct the exhaust waste stream into oxygen and other more useful elements."
"We have to look at every possible technology that will help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
"The machine is designed to remove aquatic weeds and debris from water bodies."