
Black Community Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Self-care is imperative for Black people to heal. Don't let anybody shame you out of that. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and stay here and fulfill your purpose."
"Entrepreneurship for black people is freedom."
"Representation is so important for the black community."
"We are some of the most strictly disciplined people in the country by a wide margin."
"I'm sitting here providing a blueprint for black Americans to get ahead because it's time. It's time we've been doing this for a very long time in this country. Black America, wake up."
"It's insanely amazing, it's good to see black people feeling that good about things."
"Every single ailment, condition, or disease that black people are suffering from, there is hope."
"The good news about all of this is that it is completely within the power of black people to solve the problems plaguing the black community."
"Above anything else, my goal has always been to achieve true economic inclusion for black people."
"Our culture, our parents, and mothers are not savages... We as black people in this country literally come from good teachings."
"The work of improving Black lives has largely been stripped from Black Americans by liberal politicians and thought leaders telling Black Americans they're victims of America."
"I believe in maximizing skill sets for black Americans. I believe in ownership, entrepreneurship, and multiple streams of income as a way tethered to our liberation as black people who were brought here in chattel some 1619."
"As between the presence of white racism or the absence of black fathers, which poses a bigger threat to the black community? Without missing a beat, he said the absence of black fathers."
"The stronger the black community becomes, the stronger the greater community becomes."
"Black men are known for creating children, denying them, and refusing to support them financially."
"Shout out to the black men that are out here loving their black women in their black children."
"We need to have parties like that in the black community celebrating our girls as well."
"We need so many more black entrepreneurs that can create safe spaces for black people to be hired."
"That's a lion every black person knows all too well."
"The church has helped black people more than the government."
"Black people have been this nation's moral conscience."
"The type of energy that Black people need in power."
"Black men have always historically protected black women."
"I'm here for the black community because our community deserves to have smart conversations."
"The love that the black woman gives the black man, we don't deserve. But that's almost like God's love because that's what God's grace is. And it's a sinful thing to not return it."
"It's not asking too much to want black men to provide and protect and do what men are doing yet we continue to accept them not doing it."
"Black love was more than just men and women marrying."
"If you really believe in black people having freedom, then stop shaming people."
"Black people, man, we don't get the tools. We grow up normalizing a lot of trauma."
"We are not equipped to handle crises because crisis management isn't profitable."
"Our number one goal is to share the gospel of black economic empowerment."
"For black people to control our dollars, for black people to invest our money."
"The economic side is what transforms our lives and gives us black sovereignty and black upward mobility." - Vicky
"We talk about how do we build black media, and let me be perfectly clear: whether it's the Grio TV, whether it's Revolt, whether it's what we're doing here, look, 322 billion dollars is being spent every single year on advertising."
"How deeply ingrained misinformation is and how organized it is and how quickly it moves through the black digital landscape."
"I feel like the '90s was the decade for black people to thrive."
"The movie is so iconic and it's been such a staple in the community about how black love means so much to us."
"If black people educate our own children create our own jobs and support black businesses then you can begin to build the pillars of power."
"The cage of white supremacy is where they convince you that you can't do it so you don't even try."
"Plan B is black enough, plan B is build your own, plan B is black all the time 24/7 unapologetically."
"The modern black man has adopted what been a conditioned... to really believe and lean into and service The Narrative of strong black woman."
"Raising a young black man isn't easy, but hearing good things about his character makes it all worth it."
"It's just weird because it feels to me, as the person who's introduced a lot of this to black psyche not just on YouTube."
"We're a show about growing changing flawed black people."
"Black ownership needs to own those networks and really give an authentic voice."
"I'm saying that black America you are on a plantation we are still slaves and you still have the shackles on and it is economic genocide."
"Black America needs to be loud, needs to be clear, needs to speak up."
"Slavery arrested our psychopolitical development."
"The ultimate responsibility for reconstruction of the black community rests with me."
"There's a big movement to attack the black family."
"America loves entertainment... but there is still a struggle to find content and characters that represent the black community's historical achievements before slavery."
"We need to restore healthy black manhood, it has to be a community project."
"The real power of the black man is the black mind the most powerful force in all the universe."
"We know the power and the importance of the black voice."
"We're the most on code people on the planet as far as black people."
"The moment black people put like a gate around one thing, it's like we literally can't have nothing."
"The black church is the most enduring black institution, flaws and all."
"We as black men have to unite, come together, organize, and solve our own problems."
"There are black men out here who will love the living shit out of you."
"I think black women are one a black dinner wonderful."
"It has never been a better time to be a black nerd than now."
"Black men cannot survive without their women, and black women cannot survive without their men."
"If the left and the media really cared about black lives what would they be telling black people to get energized about"
"You define yourselves as Black men and Black women, and you take your place and you take your stand."
"Black people will watch the things that reflect them culturally."
"The most common lie I hear Black men perpetuate about Black women is that black women only want to date thugs and bad boys."
"It's just a lie that we let, we continue to let Black men perpetuate the idea that they hate Black women."
"We don't realize the power that we are if we organize." - Panelist discussing black worker organization
"You created this whole opportunity for these non-traditional black folks."
"Let's keep it real: black man, black woman, black babies, black empire."
"A good black woman tries to understand the position that our man has been in in this country for the past almost 500 years."
"There's no road to black empowerment through ignorance."
"Blacks must have resources and money, and the only three ways they can get it: by practicing group economics, creating money, or getting reparations."
"The last line of defense against black ignorance is you."
"Black America Again is a movement, a call to action."
"Black society wants something it can believe in and depend on."
"As black people, we gotta stop letting people tell us tell our stories and control our narratives. We're not the sum of one mistake we're the sum of all our mistakes in the sum of all our experiences."
"Don't let nobody tell you can't talk about black topics, speak the truth."
"Our goal is to create as many black table builders as we possibly can."
"Cheers to being black, 'cause if we don't see each other, nobody else will."
"I just get very protective of young black girls because not on my [__] watch, just not."
"Our children need to see healthy examples of black-on-black love."
"We just have to continue to make us aware of all the things that affect black people so that we can get our ultimate healing."
"Black people have to invest and build wealth."
"We're getting representation on a larger scale for black people."
"I think the greatest tragedy is within the next ten years you talk to the average black adults they will be able to tell you way more about Wakanda than they'll be able to tell you about the Black Panther Party."
"Black women, you've done nothing to black men to where you should ever have to question whether they like you."
"We've just got to rise to the occasion and do that, and I think within that we'll be able to unlock a lot of ways in which institutions like Morehouse and Spelman can be that thing that they actually think they are within the black community."
"Black people will win this war, we will not back down, we are the greatest people in the history of this earth."
"Black men have been almost like a silent partner, a rubber stamp we can depend on no matter what."
"Moynihan argued that the black community was locked in a matriarchal structure that imposed a crushing burden on black men."
"If nothing else, if you read through the agenda, you become very affiliated with how black men think in a way that we've not had an opportunity to do before."
"You are watching Roland Martin unfiltered on the Black Star Network."
"Amidst war and chaos, Fort Mose shined as a beacon of hope for black Americans seeking refuge."
"I respect the hell out of him because he says and does things that nobody else will especially in the black community and he's hated for it but to me like you you got to at least listen even if you disagree."
"Black lives matter more than ever right now. Black businesses matter more than ever. And the black pound matters more than anything."
"Black parties have represented, challenged, and embodied political, economic, and social discourse."
"It just changed my understanding of like black people."
"Black Americans y'all know this but around the world black people look up to you... they say wow they can do anything."
"I love all the Black people who were running their businesses, I love that, that's the thing I like the most."
"Black is Back" is about the progression of Black people."
"Like the white population, we are diverse within ourselves... There is not a monolithic black experience."
"Every single notable figure in history, especially within the black community, studied the Bible."
"Black economic empowerment should be our religion."
"We need to form a coalition of black millionaires and billionaires."
"Hey Ernest, did you know that the Black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power? Are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of Black excellence?"
"Welcome back to the home, The Haven, the stronghold, the Everlasting Superfortress of intelligent black thought."
"Black Americans need the type of committed leadership that they had between 1920 and 1940."
"the black folks are experts in enduring trauma and overcoming adversity"
"Black love is revolutionary. I think black love is revolutionary."
"Black folks must not simply chase college degrees and student loans, but property, business ownership, and other assets."
"Empower yourselves by redirecting your black dollars into your own community."
"For the first time in the history of this nation, all 46 million black folk in this country will benefit."
"Add all these things up, and I would argue they have a more powerful negative effect on the black community today than slavery did 150 years ago." - Larry Elder
"Black voters plan to flex our power at The Ballot Box."
"The power of reinvention, see part of the system that we're in right now as black people, we're scared to reinvent ourselves."
"Black power comes, for a start, from the power of simply being black."
"How do we change the quality of life... ensure that black people are living and healthy?"
"Black men especially on the internet say saying that we love black women when we actually mean as we love like when we're attracted to that we desire or that reciprocate our desire."
"You need to be unafraid to say black, invest with black, preserve black, defend black, pay black, do black, all black, absolutely."
"What does hip-hop and by extension black america look like if these kind of conversations are happening and being imagined and resonating more than the kind of meeting that we opened the season with."
"When black men are not happy, black women can't thrive." - Hope Giselle
"If you care about the future of black people, then you naturally have to care about the destiny of black men." - Dr. Umar Johnson
"People have had it to here recently. I've made a few videos where I've shown you how the black voters out there are beginning to come around."
"The key to freedom for black people is entrepreneurship."
"As a black man, I can't do nothing without black women."
"No romance without finance, right? We have to have black beauty to be able to build." - Gwen Guthrie
"Black lives really don't matter in this economy. Ain't nobody gonna take care of you but you."
"The ways in which black women bond with each other has probably been the key to our survival."
"Black people are magical because of all that we've been through, our trials and tribulations, and nothing can stop us."
"Nobody wants to get over slavery more than black folks."
"We don't deserve a black agenda alone, we deserve to be made whole for what was stolen from us."
"Let's talk about the reality of black life in America."
"What's important about this conversation is what it reveals about us as black people."
"Stop talking about what should be normal for black people as a privilege."
"Black Star Network is real revolutionary black media."
"Black people need to be a lot more politically savvy."
"Black voters have so much power, their vote."
"Being a black male feminist, this is something very deep and personal to me."
"there's a strength in the black relationship"
"I think black men love and adore and date black women. Oh, yeah. By large, [__]."
"The message of upliftment for black people still rings very true and is still very much needed."
"There's some harsh facts that deal with the black genocide that is abortion."
"...suddenly they're so Pro black and community-minded meanwhile whenever a black woman goes through something there's never really a mainstream conversation that is centered around black men being a safe space for black women."
"It provided black people with the ability to own property."
"The relationship between blacks from Africa and African-Americans has been long and continuous"
"The church needs to realize that mental illness in the black community has been largely overlooked, avoided, misdiagnosed, cast off as crazy, and shunned."
"It will be the event that renders Black people economically powerless once and for all or it can be the catalyst that positively and fundamentally alters the economic position of Black people in America forever."
"If I start calling every black man my brother and every black woman my sister, every problem becomes a family problem."
"Our problem is black people right now is that everybody can attack us and half of us joining with the people attacking us. The other half don't say nothing and I think we have to stop that."
"Charity starts at home and if charity starts at home the black family needs to be built by black people."
"It's not over with. It's some all men don't cheat, all women are qualified. Okay, we going to find, we going to restore black love in our community."
"I see we got a March, we've got to show the world that the black man of America is alive and well, that the black man of America is finally standing up to shoulder our own responsibility as free black men."
"That was the first one of the first times in history where black folks got real codified and said no, we're going to have a fair, just trial."
"I think he's waking up a large segment of the black community to issues that have been dealt with and discussed by other people."
"It is essential for the black community as well as White America to understand the impact of black women Pioneers, entrepreneurs, and inventors from our past."
"Black unemployment was at a historic all-time low."
"Black people are the most intelligent people in the world."
"The Platinum plan increased income in black businesses."
"I think colorism is an issue within the black community."
"Pressed is an essential Hair Care brand for black people who enjoy exploring the magic and versatility of their hair."
"Remember that you are loved you are valued you are allowed to take up space You Deserve protection and your feelings they matter too solely because you're a black girl."
"As black people, we deserve to be vulnerable and have the privilege of being vulnerable."
"We must also remember that minority communities like the Black community currently face greater barriers due to structural racism."
"I had no expectations for what I would see only that I was intrigued about the notion of a film about black people because I had not seen a film about black people."
"I love black people unconditionally and I think a lot of my work is going to be to make sure people remember that we were here."
"We're seeing these black professionals, these black doctors, and their families and the ups and downs of their relationships."
"The Princess and the Frog has done so much positive for the black community."
"We're going to have and show professional black people, black people who are entrepreneurs."
"Universally, black people go through similar situations around the world."
"I genuinely do care about helping black women grow their hair."
"All revenue from this video will be donated to Black Girls Rock, a non-profit branch of the Black Girls Rock network that is devoted to the empowerment and celebration of black girls and women."
"I love my black queen, I love my black king."
"The major problem today in the economic development of black people is the lack of an economic system based on what I call a sound cultural analysis."
"The problem then with the black community is not a problem of poverty, but it is the correct utilization of the wealth that we have."
"Compton is a model city... it's the largest black governed city west of the Mississippi."
"Black teachers played an extremely significant role in the development of black children."
"Black teachers weren't just concerned with academics, they were concerned with the whole child, the total child."
"Black people deserve to get to be normal."
"Black love is a protest, it's a rallying cry, it's an example of what's possible for black boys and girls and non-binary babies everywhere."
"Black people too, and black men deserve to thrive."
"Black rappers used the art form to fight against social ills and racism, highlighting the creativity, innovation, and activism within the black community."
"The Black AIDS Institute is revolutionizing the HIV service industry to center and uplift black experiences."
"We are tired of the ways in which police have related to black people, and we stand on their side."
"There's something extraordinary about black people saying I am going to go out and find my own history and I am going to shape the stories that are told about it."
"RollingOut.com is one of the top resources for breaking black news, celebrity videos, entertainment, business, and more."
"We put the black community as our top priority."
"The main thing that black folks want, I think, is relief, the ability to finally... it's not just financial."
"All we need to do is have the bill on law with specific wording for black people."
"Black people, any harm or anti-black racism is condemned by the US government."
"We have a very unique lineage as black people."
"Man, black people can have money. Like, I've seen black people with some money, but I'm like we can really have money."
"Let's keep on normalizing black luxury. Us black women, we work so so hard, we are more than deserving of nice things."
"I've never known a time where black men weren't held accountable."
"Mental health is a big thing within all communities, especially the black community."
"Black political activism that happened in the '70s has gone unchronicled in mainstream media and historical study."
"Choosing to wear afros and dashikis was as radical to black conservatives as advocating for black separatism."
"By 1970, around 70 percent of black people lived in cities."
"I was raised knowing that black people are amazing and deep and have so many stories to tell."
"It's very important that we highlight black love."