
Space Travel Quotes

There are 1428 quotes

"Humankind is entering a new era of space travel."
"It's been an absolutely fantastic day, you can see Dragon sitting there in the Atlantic, with shoots deployed and crew is comfortable, able, and safe and healthy."
"The Soyuz 11 disaster served as a grim reminder of the hazards of space travel, leading to crucial improvements in spacecraft design and safety protocols."
"We've tested technologies that will help us travel farther into space."
"We are a space tour operator... We arrange for private individuals to actually fly up into space and experience it for themselves."
"And back [Applause] in Al, amazing, so those incredible views on your screen and of course, the cheering behind me means that we have had successful main engine cut off, stage separation, and ignition of our MVac engine on board stage two."
"Thank you for flying SpaceX. Oh my goodness, what an incredible ride to orbit."
"Now they're flying five times, like this is just crazy, this is the SpaceX way."
"Flying on reused vehicles on flight-proven vehicles is key towards greater flight reliability and lowering the cost of access to space."
"Oh Jesus, Captain Kirk went to space. If you listen carefully, you can hear a million Trekkies having a nerdgasm."
"Spacesuits are more than suits. This is, in essence, when necessary, a spacecraft."
"Space travel is hard and unforgiving. It's always been and always will be."
"It's fascinating to think that just minutes ago, they were in outer space."
"Thank you, that was one heck of a ride. We're happy to be home."
"Dragon Endurance on behalf of SpaceX, welcome home."
"A big thank you to SpaceX for incredible instructors, engineers, and operators. They're the reason we are now safely in orbit."
"This mission provides her with the long-awaited opportunity to fulfill her dream of space travel! Bon voyage!"
"The alcubierre drive involves creating a space-time bubble around a spacecraft."
"Negative energy may hold the key to powering faster-than-light travel concepts such as warp drives and traversable wormholes."
"The success of Crew Dragon was so important because that was SpaceX launching humans, which is the most important thing a rocket company can do."
"The first step to getting someone to Mars and back is to have a transportation system, and no system ever designed and built before or under design now, except for Starship, could make that a reality."
"SpaceX... has developed reusable rockets that will hopefully make space travel far more affordable."
"The mission has traveled nearly 5 billion miles since launch."
"Dragonite: In spite of their bulky physique, they can orbit the earth in around 16 hours."
"Space travel is incredibly expensive but it’s already gotten way cheaper in this century, mostly from reusable rockets."
"TL;DR: A billionaire and his friends and families went into space in a rocket that looks like a penis."
"Every astronaut has felt that way at one time or another."
"Covenant ships, being faster and more efficient at navigating the slipstream, the fleet of Particular Justice exits slipspace well before the Pillar of Autumn."
"Reaching the stars is not prohibited by our understanding of the laws of physics."
"With refueling capability in low Earth orbit and its sheer size, [SpaceX's Starship] is capable of much more."
"I love this. I mean, as somebody who got to go to space, I always felt quite privileged."
"Retiring a lot of risk by launching it uncrewed, getting it refueled, and delivering it to lunar orbit ready to go before any people get on board is a very safe way to handle this."
"Once you're in low Earth orbit with full fuel tanks, you've skipped the first half of the journey, and you've got all that performance to do whatever you want."
"To give you a sense of the impact gravity has on space travel, during the Apollo 11 Mission, reaching Earth's orbit took nearly 27 times the propellant compared to the rest of the journey, including re-entry into Earth."
"Space travel is one of, if not the most important issues today. It's not a cultural issue, it's not a political issue, it's a matter of evolution."
"That was a full duration burn, folks. We are headed to space."
"This is just the first step for Jeff Bezos. Some have derided this as a billionaires' supersonic joyride, but this is more than that."
"I'll go to space if Jeff Bezos called me. I'd go."
"You're not normal if you can afford that kind of a ticket... but the goal is to get to the point where it is more affordable."
"A lot of the money being connected with these flights is also going to worthy causes."
"Congratulations, Unity 22, you are officially registered for space."
"Virgin Galactic is opening up the opportunity to go to space for everyone. This is a whole new era."
"Space flight is difficult... existing rockets need a vast quantity of fuel, that is, unless you have a thrust-generating engine that does not require fuel at all."
"Thank you again, everybody, for joining us live for our first human flight on New Shepard."
"We need to build a road to space, and it all starts right here."
"We have both the youngest and the oldest people to have ever flown into space. How about that!"
"Would you put your kids on board? Yes, we have succeeded, and I would put my own kids on that vehicle."
"The explorers of the 21st century will travel through our solar system and set foot on an alien planet."
"The question is no longer if or why man should fly to Mars, but when."
"You'd be amazed how fast you can get going with a tiny acceleration over a long time."
"But to truly explore our neighboring planet, we need to send humans there. And the reality is, that won’t happen for a really, really, long time."
"The physical effects of prolonged radiation to the body is something we know will be a problem, but haven’t figured out a long term solution for yet."
"I chose to go to the moon. Finally, I can say, I'm very glad to be here and I'm really excited and really honored."
"It has been 50 years since Apollo 8 achieved a lunar orbit in 1968. The time has come for civilians to fly to the moon."
"In 2023, SpaceX will launch the world's first private lunar mission with its spacecraft BFR. The first passenger will be Japanese entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa, a globally renowned art collector who believes art has the power to promote world peace."
"Frank Rubio today becomes the first American to launch on a Soyuz spacecraft since Mark Vande Hei did so in March of 2021."
"Surviving the journey will be the ultimate test of human endurance."
"People are upset that there are billionaires spending a lot of money just to go to space as if it's a hobby instead of spending money on social stuff."
"Future humans might also find a way to slow the aging process, so it would be possible to make several trips to places thousands of light years away within one lifetime."
"Welcome to the future, commercial space flight. It's exciting."
"Eventually, someone is gonna die in outer space if we are going to be a spacefaring civilization."
"If you have some of the add-ons that can tell you how much delta V you need to reach a certain orbit, you can actually test this and see how the various inclinations affect you."
"If aircraft were not reusable, how much would an air ticket cost? It would be very expensive... so that's what needs to happen for life to become multi-planetary."
"About a thousand Starships will take about 20 years to build a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"Making rocket boosters reusable means flights get cheaper."
"Using light to propel spacecraft at a fifth of the speed of light could revolutionize space travel."
"Vault experiments were testing hypothetical and extreme scenarios that a long-distance space-faring voyage could encounter."
"Reusability essentially opens the door for reducing the cost of spaceflight by a factor of 100 or more."
"Two million dollars is the cost to get 100 tons into orbit."
"Nasa planners were able to design the Apollo spacecraft's translunar injection course to skirt around the edges of the Van Allen belts."
"It'll be really cool if we could make a biodome in a ship."
"Are they going to have sufficient fuel to land on the moon?"
"Why does Elon Musk want to go to Mars so bad? Honestly, he just wants to return to his home planet."
"It made me feel like this is the first thing in a long time that has made me feel like I could someday go to space."
"I think this mission raised some awareness of that side of going to space as a private citizen."
"And here we go, off. Propulsion continues to be normal."
"Starship could take that a hundred thousand dollar price tag for a flight down to eighteen thousand."
"It's our most solemn duty to make sure the crew gets home to their families."
"This crew has not walked this path to flight alone."
"This is the first of its kind escape system. It provides the capability all the way to orbit."
"The vehicle is stable everything is good on board."
"They're traveling at about 17,000 miles an hour right now."
"A warp drive may seem like pure sci-fi fantasy, but in 1994, a well-respected young physicist named Miguel Alcubierre published a serious proposal outlining how to travel in a controllable space warp."
"All you'd need is the solar wind, and you could sail across the deep dark sea of outer space."
"The entire vehicle will be capable of lifting 100 metric tons."
"Everybody from all countries from all walks of life can travel into space experience weightlessness see the Majesty of our planet from orbit and have that moment where you realize how fragile this is and how special it is."
"Despite being written in 1865, Jules Verne's 'From the Earth to the Moon' was extraordinarily prophetic in its depiction of space travel."
"This year also is the 10-year anniversary of Dragon becoming the first private spacecraft in history to visit the International Space Station deliver cargo and then return to earth."
"We plan to get the first Starship to land on Mars within about five years."
"Hello from a breezy but otherwise gorgeous night here at the Kennedy Space Center."
"People thought there's no way SpaceX would get humans into orbit."
"The idea is to do it using photonic propulsion."
"The gloves are the most complex because the astronauts need them for manual dexterity."
"So going the fastest we've ever gone, sent anything, if I aim for Alpha Century, the nearest star to the Sun, ask me how long it takes? With a tail wind, 50,000 years."
"Making humanity multi-planetary... SpaceX is on track to reduce the cost of rocket launches by a factor of 10."
"The crew will see a sunset and a sunrise every 45 minutes during their 170-day stay in space, traveling over 72 million miles."
"It is so nice to see that our SpaceX Crew 2 astronauts have safely splashed down."
"Once you're up there, getting around is very inexpensive. It takes huge amounts of fuel to get away from the gravity of the earth and get into orbit. But once you are in orbit, you can get anywhere on almost no fuel at all."
"If something didn't happen to improve rocket technology, we would be stuck on Earth forever."
"Wow impressed nominal orbital insertion alright."
"No matter how this plan evolves after enough lunar experience, we will be ready, ready to take the most dangerous and challenging journey ever attempted."
"Dragon endeavor has returned home. NASA astronauts Bob and Doug, half of the SpaceX and NASA teams, welcome back to planet Earth and thanks for flying SpaceX."
"These are the stars that we travel through the universe with - in a clump, all orbiting a common center."
"It's the first time in 50 years that a human exploration spacecraft has left low Earth orbit and been sent to the Moon."
"Going to space is probably about the hardest thing you can do. If you can achieve it, you've done what is seemingly impossible."
"In 1993, Ben Rich... said in the presence of two friends of mine... that we have the technology now to go to the stars."
"This is the next chapter of human space exploration"
"Version two of the Starship should hopefully be able to carry 100 tons into orbit with full reuse."
"The job of Blue Origin, our job, we want to build reusable space vehicles that lower the cost of access to space to such a sufficient degree that the next generation of kids can start space companies in their dorm room."
"Astronauts have talked about how seeing the world from space changes your attitude dramatically."
"It's so amazing and a special congratulations to you on becoming the youngest person to have ever flown in space."
"Humanity stands on the cusp of interplanetary travel."
"Every astronaut is changed by it in some way."
"A wonderfully successful launch of the CRS-23 mission."
"You're weightless, and every time you look out the window, another whole part of the world's going by. It's an intoxicating place to be."
"Crafting everything and preparing for our journey to Mars."
"None of this is more easy; this kind of continuous lunar presence is a natural extension of all that we've learned in low Earth orbit."
"Sunlight takes about 5.5 hours to travel from the Sun to Pluto."
"Bezos is definitely going to space and almost certainly going to be making it back in one piece."
"First zoomer in space! Holy first zoomer, some dab in zero G. Zoomers and boomers, yeah yeah."
"I want to thank Jeff Bezos for going to space because while he was up there we were down here organizing a union."
"We already have the means to travel among the stars." - Ben Rich
"I would rather listen to someone who is top tier at one thing like the blues like SRV than somebody who is pretty good at a bunch of things."
"Being in space, being in Earth orbit, floating is truly a magical experience."
"Embarking on a series of tech demonstration missions, building blocks, if you will, that will ultimately culminate in the first crude launch of Starship."
"I am convinced that we can deliver in time with a small group of dedicated Starships."
"The capacity to get off the planet cheaply and at scale could be humanity's salvation."
"Oh my gosh, we just flew to another planet. I mean, we did, we didn't land on it but still, that's epic."
"We provide the most opportunities for small sets to get to orbit."
"Tourism is a first step to making space more accessible."
"It is amazing how little time it takes to get to space."
"All right, the Falcon 9 second stage has done its job, delivering our four crew into orbit. Dragon SpaceX, go for launch!"
"We don't need to invent warp drive to get to Europa's ocean... the technologies are out there they're hard they're expensive but we can do it."
"You could actually easily keep a hundred people with enough space because, you know, you can sleep in basically like coffins in space."
"The more reasons we have to be in space, the more we'll end up there."
"It's cheap because the Starship's intended to be cheap because it's intended to be fully reusable."
"With an astonishing 10^36 watts of energy at our disposal, we will potentially have the power to travel almost instantaneously across the Milky Way using the mysterious phenomena of wormholes."
"An end is now in sight. If the assessment is favorable for SpaceX, we could see Starship making its first orbital launch attempt as early as the first quarter of 2022."
"Space flight is just one of those [risks]. But it's getting safer, we're continually making improvements."
"It's the dawn of a new era in space travel for ordinary people like you and me."
"NASA's breakthroughs in power and propulsion could reshape the future of space travel."
"Thrust is critical for getting us into space."
"The splashdown of the SpaceX Dragon manned flight was another game-changing moment."
"At that speed, it will take the craft just three-and-a-half days to reach the edge of the solar system."
"Even a layperson like me understands that when you've got nuclear power, you can run the engine the whole way there, and I've been assured it would take us about half the amount of time to get to Mars and get back from Mars with nuclear power."
"I want to eat grilled cheese in space one of these days."
"We're a month away from the Mars fleet beginning to arrive. That is awesome."
"Most astronauts on long-term missions complain about deterioration in their vision."
"Absolutely they can continue even if they lose an engine, that's one of the beauties of the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy architecture."
"How many flights do you think SpaceX might get out of a booster?"
"But I came to the conclusion if there wasn't some new entrant into the space arena with a strong ideological motivation, then it didn't seem like we were on a trajectory to ever be a space-faring civilization and be out there among the stars."
"So you can actually go anywhere you want in the greater solar system."
"I'm excited to go to the moon, I want to meet the aliens."
"The movies have shown that you can track through hyperspace."
"Congratulations again Richard and congratulations also to Seresha and Colin on becoming astronauts today."
"Full duration burn folks, we are headed to space."
"When a rocket ship leaves planet Earth, it is an event worthy of note."
"You've got this, this is why billionaires go to space in dildo looking spaceships."
"Starship is going to dramatically change the economics of getting to space."
"Over the next hour we will follow the return of Axiom astronauts... conclude the first of several planned Axiom private astronaut missions."
"Astronaut pins are a symbol of having ventured to space, a major accomplishment rooted in the earliest days of space travel."
"That ring is rotating at 134 kilometers per second, which is about a dozen times Earth’s escape velocity and a very nice interplanetary cruising speed for ships launching from it."
"Luck is a theme that permeates through this list as well as using guides to reduce stress and increase odds of success."
"In order to make a rocket fully reusable you've got to basically create a rocket that can do about four percent if not more than four percent of its mass to orbit."
"The Imperium has been struggling ever more with the loss of Worlds communication warp travel."
"I wouldn't even think twice about it, offer me the ticket tomorrow, I'll go."
"Virgin Galactic reveals the interior of its space plane."
"Space tourism is human space travel for recreational purposes... The four space tourists on board the SpaceX safely splashed down off Florida's coast."
"We're talking about propulsion that not only is going to get us to Mars more efficiently... but also to protect us from the inevitability of a disaster like The Kessler syndrome."
"Nuclear Power: The Key to Interplanetary Travel."
"Humans on their way to the center of the galaxy would be spacetime travelers."
"SpaceX can fly this vehicle independently, opening a whole new door to human access to space."
"It's an amazing experience... I hope both of you get a chance to fly in space."
"We've touched the sky believing it will lead to new worlds."
"Dragon spacecraft is capable of carrying up to seven passengers to and from earth orbit and beyond."
"I just want to travel to space and that's it."
"That vision that I had in 1969, of seeing normal human beings traveling to space, it's finally beginning to happen."
"Starship is going to be the next human landing system for landing on the moon."
"It's really impressive that the human body can endure such long periods in space."
"The space shuttle program ended for a lot of reasons but its core idea of reusability is more popular than ever."
"A rapidly reusable orbital rocket is the holy grail of space."
"It's going to be cramped, dangerous, difficult, very hard work, and like I said, you might die."
"The BFR is the ultimate realization of the SpaceX vision: a large multi-purpose reusable rocket that makes space travel just as cheap as airplane travel."
"Can we achieve faster-than-light travel? That's the big question, isn't it?"
"Fly reusable rockets over and over instead of throwing them away."
"Join us today as we explore the brave new world that might lie ahead for astronomy as we enter the Starship era."
"The key to making Mars economical is the reusability of rockets."
"Against all odds, the crew of Apollo 13 returned safely."
"Reusability is the key to affordable space travel."
"The overarching optimization is what is the fastest time to a city on Mars and then subset, fastest time to a fully usable rocket, subset fastest time to orbit basically."
"My number one life goal is to go to space. It remains. That is what I want to do in life."
"Reusability will become so prolific and so the norm."
"How could one problem turn what was a simple happy cruise to the moon to the prospect of everyone being dead within about 10 hours?"
"As solid and reliable as the Soyuz has been, it's about time humans have some other, newer, and more comfortable options."
"NASA hired two incredible companies to come up with some truly exciting new rides to space."
"Things are going to move very fast... We're going to be building ships at both Boca and the Cape as fast as we can."
"During that time, the crew will experience about three to five G's during this re-entry phase."
"To once again have American launch capability to the International Space Station is wonderful."
"This deorbit burn is what will line the vehicle up and put it on that final trajectory to the landing site."