
Ancient Mysteries Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Originally thought to ventilate the chambers, the air shafts are now believed to possibly serve a more symbolic purpose, possibly aligning with stars or celestial phenomena significant to Khufu's journey in the afterlife."
"We are obliged to consider the impossible because this monument is forcing us to consider the impossible."
"The Great Pyramid is the most precise structure on the planet that was supposedly built 4,500 years ago, and yet there are no tools to explain how it came to be."
"Despite extensive research, the true purpose behind the Nasca Lines remains shrouded in the secrets of an ancient civilization."
"In his quest to unravel the mysteries of the past, Graham Hancock has dedicated much of his work to the legendary city of Atlantis."
"The eye of the Sahara corresponds exactly to the descriptions of the concentric circles between land and ocean that are said to have once been Atlantis."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was almost intact when it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, and it became the subject of the famous legend of the Tutankhamun curse."
"The last sentence speaks of the operation of the sun and is the true mystery behind why the pharaohs were considered sun gods and why they expected to live on in a god-like immortal state in the astral realm after the bodies expired."
"This is real, in my opinion, that the giants were on the Earth in those days and afterward."
"We can all argue over how the megalithic walls of Saxe Juan were made, but we can't argue with the science."
"Can you imagine human beings 30 feet tall? Maybe that explains how the pyramids were built."
"The enduring mystery of the Nephilim: survival, extinction, or something more?"
"The serapium is like this smoking gun evidence for some other form of transportation."
"Being what we were taught about in school about the ancient Egyptians for how they moved any type of weight there's no explanation for the how they move stones of this magnitude not even remotely close not even remotely."
"It is certainly premature and honestly a bit foolish for anyone to rule it out and declare that it could not have been the location of Atlantis."
"Could places like Chaco Canyon, Puma Punku, and Teotihuacan be ancient roadmaps to the stars?"
"For him and others, Atlantis is not a fictional device but a truth which, if brought to light, would shatter everything we claim to know about pre-history and thus ourselves."
"SCP-1000: They made things we still can't comprehend."
"Hopefully as the evidence and knowledge regarding said sites grows we will hopefully one day fully decipher the mysteries of not only Cappadocia but our own past as a whole."
"Foreign there are many Mysteries to be found within ancient Egypt unexplained seemingly impossible Mysteries which litter the caverns tunnels flooded underground layers."
"For years archaeologists... weird ancient Rock paintings... depict aliens and UFOs."
"The Roman dodecahedrons: Mysterious ancient artifacts found in various locations, their purpose still unknown."
"Many believe that whoever built these structures received help from another race that was far superior at stone masonry than ancient humans."
"No one knows who exactly built them and for what purpose."
"The story of Atlantis and its disappearance into the sea raises questions about ancient civilizations."
"When you look at these ancient beings that are described in the ancient text and you look at the modern-day UFO accounts, you're probably really looking at the same beings."
"Yeah, aliens could have come and built them or the ancient Egyptians could have been aliens themselves."
"Nazca Lines, Stonehenge, and other structures suggest ancient astronaut visits."
"There's dark, ancient power to be found in the south, though you may think twice before meddling here. It may be necessary, for in the distant ocean, a formidable black arc of the druky has been spotted, its business unknown."
"Alien heroglyph in Egypt: Engravings on the wall of the Temple of Seti showing unmistakable vehicles... Helicopters, spaceships, submarines?"
"The secret Sphinx has confounded scientists for centuries, its mysteries lying deep within its ancient stone form."
"Could there have been an ancient nuclear war we've never been told about?"
"Some of the greatest secrets and mysteries of our ancient past, the answers are found here in Australia."
"The hallway isn't even wide enough for 2,000 men to carry this megalithic box, so how the heck did these boxes get in there?"
"Plato wrote about a landmass called Atlantis that disappeared approximately 12,000 years ago."
"The Great Pyramid's construction challenges defy conventional explanations, suggesting lost ancient high civilization."
"Could the pyramids really have been portals to other worlds powered by an unknown force?"
"While we can't say for sure if this thing ever functioned as a portal and allowed in otherworldly visitors, it's certainly one of the places on Earth that looks like it could have."
"The sheer size and weight of the structure it's Cardinal alignments perfect Symmetry and craftsmanship and geographical placement hint of an intelligent design far beyond the capacities of ancient and Modern Man."
"Indeed, an ancient and hidden extraterrestrial code in human DNA would be the most astonishing out-of-place artifact of all time."
"I like the idea that there is ancient extraterrestrial power on Earth."
"What would you do if the world around you was as strange and contradictory as ancient ruins filled with advanced technology?"
"Scientists have no idea how stones of this size were transported to the site and then manipulated into place because the stone isn't local."
"To this day, nobody is 100% sure what the Nazca lines were really used for."
"And now we're back where we started in the center of a ring of ancient stones, an inter-dimensional time capsule built tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"Baffling ruins hint at lost advanced civilizations."
"They offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which human curiosity and Imagination continue to engage with ancient Mysteries and the enigmatic realm of unidentified objects."
"This site stands alone as just jaw-dropping proof that something well beyond our understanding was happening and it was happening deep in antiquity."
"With the discovery of a stone box during an excavation on the Nile, one could get on the trail of the mystery."
"If these Suramarian texts and the guardians journals are true, and the Temple really was built on an ancient structure, then you may discover the entrance to forgotten complex of Titanic origin."
"The Great Pyramid is the Hall of Records in a certain sense."
"Abdel Hakeem Ayan has brought very controversial but extremely compelling knowledge to bear regarding profound implications of these astounding ancient constructions."
"Unraveling the mysteries of Atlantis through ancient texts and modern science."
"Could ancient extraterrestrials be responsible?"
"Some of the stones are of such magnitude, modern machinery is incapable of putting them there." - Philip Coppens
"How the Egyptian pyramids were built is one of the greatest mysteries in archaeology."
"Egypt is famous throughout the world for its Mysteries and its ancient past."
"So then, what if some of these structures, such as the Ellora caves, the Egyptian pyramids, and many other places, were actually built by the same civilization?"
"Ancient Egypt is full of riddles that today we still struggle to understand."
"Did glacial waters create the ruts or have aliens been carting materials through our land long before we were here?"
"Nobody knows what the geoglyphs mean, who built them, or what purpose they served."
"The Voynich Manuscript" transcends mere curiosity. It challenges our understanding of ancient civilizations, their knowledge, and the ways of documenting the world around them.
"Legend has it that there is a maze below the pores of the Sphinx that leads to the mystery shrouded Hall of Records."
"I'm not actually making an argument for the existence of Atlantis, but I'm asking the question: when we look at Plato's relatively detailed account, can we dismiss the idea based upon a geological refutation?"
"Things older than humanity itself might still lurk in the shadows."
"I'm almost more interested now in how the pyramids built Egypt than how the Egyptians built the pyramids."
"The mysteries of antiquity have seemingly perished; the faith, however, of the golden age— the first religion of man—can never wholly die."
"Pyramids interconnected by design, transforming the Earth's electromagnetic power, and serving as gateways for otherworldly travelers."
"How did our ancient ancestors figure out these identical building techniques completely independent of each other when we still have no idea how they did it to this day?"
"The pyramids were orchestrated by another dimension; the heavy lifting was done through levitation and vibrational frequency."
"Gigantic triangles made of stone, geomagnetic phenomenon, the possibility of an extraterrestrial encounter with humans thousands of years ago."
"This theory, proposed by British researcher Robert Temple, is based on the Sphinx's head, which is proportionally smaller than its body."
"The immense age of some of the out of place artifacts make their existences simply impossible to explain."
"But if the moving, hoisting, and setting off such massive stones was so incredibly difficult, then who or what placed them there?"
"We're close to something big here," Dr. Sorenson whispered. "The key to unlocking the secrets of the ancients."
"If Elon Musk had dedicated a specific amount of resources to figuring out how the Egyptians did it, he'd be able to do it."
"The ancient mysteries of the Nazca will most likely remain undisturbed forever."
"The mysterious Sri Lankan Stargate is located in the city of Anuradhapura."
"Some of the things they created were so astonishing that we're still mystified by some of them today."
"The fact that Mariette did not find any mummified bulls in these boxes has led many people to speculate."
"The Colossi of Memnon, a mystery like no other."
"Who and how did Gobekli Tepe get built? Like, it didn't just appear out of nowhere."
"There is a rumor that there is an ancient lost hall of records from ancient Egypt similar to the Library of Alexandria containing all the secrets and knowledge of the ancient world."
"Whether one embraces these interpretations as a plausible explanation or approaches them with skepticism, they offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which human curiosity and imagination continue to engage with ancient mysteries."
"Above all, the imposing pyramids are among the greatest mysteries of antiquity."
"The Mysteries encapsulate certain ideas about the afterlife and the world of archaic and classical Greece."
"Why was this false door created? How was it created with such precision? What tools were utilized by ancient man to achieve these feats of ancient engineering?"
"As you stare at the strange monolith, you wonder what its purpose could have been. Was this once the foundation of Atlantis?"
"We have no idea how they built the pyramids, we have a clue how they built Machu Picchu, we have a clue how they got the gold to blend into the glass in the Chartres Cathedral to make the beautiful Reds."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza... filled with strange secrets."
"Is it possible we had help? Are we the greatest mystery of all time?"
"The possibility of pyramids being in Antarctica is one that many people have entertained for years now."
"Scientists and archaeologists continue to speculate about the function of the ancient machines."
"I really do think that at some point, maybe there were giants in this world."
"There's just a part of us that loves the idea of like ancient evil books containing unspeakable things."