
DIY Tips Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"And now I'm going to come in with some brown and I'm going to dry brush on the white spray paint and can you believe it, look at this savings."
"Always go with monkey tight not gorilla tight on these... you just want to be sort of hand tight tight enough to hold it down and apply pressure."
"Creating those details is easier than you might think."
"Mounting doors doesn't have to be hard if you go about it the right way."
"If you're doing a DIY approach, the cooler is the reason I say not to buy reference."
"Changing out hardware can be really effective."
"Paint assuming that you can hit the car with paint and put a little bit of time into giving it a sand or a buff from whatever the hell needs to happen a product on paint is just just 10 out of 10 it'll last you a lifetime assuming you did it right."
"We're going to show you guys how to remove the tape um where we wanted to stop the resin so we're just going to peel it up and start folding it back and forward forth and it's just going to break off that seam."
"It's much easier to color sand and polish this drawer off of the car."
"Every time you go in and polish or color sand to get rid of scratches or imperfections in the paint you're removing that paint."
"And it's always a bonus when we've got the part of the car not attached to the car so that we can get around to all of the edges."
"Generally, when you grind yourself, it'll have more flavor."
"You can repair your own floor, eliminate squeaks for the rest of your life, and that is golden."
"Just add a little bit of homemade slime to your store-bought slime will make the biggest difference."
"Peel away the paper application for easy DIYs."
"Pro tip, guys: do a final sweep, go through and scan the surface, look for any little micro bubbles that might be sticking up, and the torch hammers those out right away."
"Don't skip the super glue step. That made all the difference."
"The problem is if you ignore the sanding steps, you wind up with an end product that doesn't look as good."
"Learn how to paint your sink. Choose your color—the sky’s the limit!"
"This video has inspired you and maybe giving you some ideas for how you want to make your studio."
"This video is all about improving these really simple and inexpensive devices."
"Not only we're going to be talking about templates and flush trim router bits we're going to show you some really cool tricks on how to make templates and what router bits to use to get your work done the fastest, the best, and the safest."
"Use clear caulking let it dry and then do your cut in."
"Just like that I can crimp barely barely crimp the edges of that."
"If you're a DIY or beginner and you have questions, I have answers."
"As easy as it is to work on an evo, when you're in there to do that camshaft, you might want to go ahead and consider upgrading your inner cam bearing."
"One kind of a pro tip is if you take the new one and as you take the bolts out, stick them in this in the holes of this one where they go."
"So anytime you are gonna end up doing some gel coat or fiberglass work, you need to make sure you have plenty of acetone because you use that to wipe down the surfaces before doing any gel coat or fiberglass work you want to make sure you remove any oils."
"If you want to set up a little home library or study of your own, I'll show you how you can do that with only a few hundred to a thousand bucks."
"I strive to make all of my projects look high-end, so I'm always trying to give you little tips along the way so that you can do the same."
"Using some spray paint I had laying around, I applied it to the areas I'll be cutting so I can see my markings easily."
"Sanding is key, sanding is paramount."
"When you're doing stuff like this, if you're not sure of where specific parts go back, take a picture of it. That way you'll have something to go back on as a reference."
"So there you go, that's my advice if you're going to go ahead and do some vinyl plastic dye color changes."
"Sometimes you just can't get into the salon... my purpose here is to show you ways to help minimize your chance of destroying your hair or messing up."
"If you want to solder, it's a good technique to learn because once you identify the sweet spots, you can go in there with a wire and solder a wire in place."
"I finally am tackling my botanical wall, my gallery wall, and I have some tips for you that I learned along the way."
"Drilling a pilot hole will ensure that your wood does not split when adding all of your screws."
"Don't worry if you don't have room for an eight-foot island, I'll show you how to make one change to fit the length of your space."
"We hope that you'll learn a few tips and tricks that'll help you build the book that you've been waiting to make and share with your whole family."
"The last thing that you need is two nickels; these will be spacers for how far apart each shiplap will be."
"I recommend the 20 gauge wire because it is a thicker, harder wire; your bracelet will be more durable."
"We've got loads of tricks, tips, and creative ideas to help you fix up your home."
"The important part is that you're cutting towards the closed edge; that's the most important part."
"Anything you really have that's a bit sturdy will work great for this project; you don't have to spend a lot of money."
"What you do is whenever you do this, you will actually create a little weak point in the plank so whenever you bend it backwards, it automatically breaks on the weak point."
"Hopefully this video gave you some ideas to help you choose... I really appreciate you watching."
"When you put your fitting on, give it a nice quarter turn as you push it on, and then hold it into place for at least 20 seconds."
"The key to a good fade coat is to apply light coats, let them dry, and assess the amount of fade you have."
"Baking soda... you sprinkle some on Krazy Glue and it instantly will set."