
Teleportation Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Teleportation. I really think that digital teleportation is a possible future here and that is the optimistic future I want to shoot for."
"The nature of the anomaly: teleportation, instant travel between two locations without crossing the intervening space."
"I'm chilling... Oh my goodness, I can teleport."
"If I were to choose a superpower, it would definitely be teleportation."
"Many in the scientific Community believe that the aliens on other planets are using black holes as a kind of teleportation device."
"You can teleport anywhere, but time moves forward 10 years. Still worth it."
"Another strange ability seems to be teleportation... basically have you ever seen a spider jump before?"
"What the teleportation physics study that was released this year confirms is that it is possible for this kind of stargate technology to exist and to actually be put into practice."
"Wow wow wow wow wow wow what a move dude what a move he literally teleported me to his other game."
"Teleportation technology may seem light years away from actual realization, but Chinese scientists in 2017 were actually able to successfully teleport photons to a satellite 300 miles away."
"I made a portal so I could fast travel; turns out my stairs were very close."
"Ever since I started using the village teleports to get here I keep getting poisoned by tribesmen every single time."
"Once you've done it correctly, the door will roll back and you'll be teleported into the boss arena."
"I was so scared they're going to beam up the wrong guy."
"You can in theory teleport a creature 180 feet, and that's massive."
"Teleportation technology could change everything."
"Nightcrawler's teleportation comes with the risk of merging with objects or appearing where something already exists."
"Let's head back to base... the teleport was like a game changer."
"The teleportation chase sequences hit harder."
"The story of Gil Perez might just be what changes your mind about teleportation."
"Teleporters are something that is fun in Halo."
"Let's go ahead and teleport on out of here real quick."
"Teleportation would be the power, they can teleport somewhere, we can fly there because step flying takes my faster."
"If I could have any super power, it would be probably the ability to teleport."
"There it is, guys, there it is! And it teleports you to the middle of Lake Madison! What?!"
"Jane Foster turns into Valkyrie... Donald Blake teleports away."
"You grab a survivor mid-hide if you teleport to a locker they're currently climbing into."
"There is no range on teleporting back to the remnant."
"Relentless Hex: teleport 30 feet to a space adjacent to the hexed target."
"In the comics, Loki can teleport at will—no artifact needed, he can just do it."
"The ender staff allows you to teleport without taking damage... it's pretty cool, pretty social distance as well."
"The farming cape itself is actually very useful, mainly because the teleport is very close to a bank."
"Teleporters for teleporting your island to different locations? Yes please, I like that."
"The Phantoplasm dropped from this boss lets you craft a passage's toll which is an item that can teleport you 16 blocks through a surface."
"Quantum entanglement allows us to carry out teleportation."
"You can teleport a squad of Terminators right into the center of an enemy force."
"I want you to go through, I want to teleport you as soon as possible right now." - The Fly
"It's a really cool enchant because you can teleport all around but it just sacrifices some durability of the sword."
"If you had a power, what would it be and why? Teleport and time travel."
"Teleportation devices become a reality... it's all coming about through advances in biomedical 3D printing technology and plasma technology."
"If you die for some reason in between here you can just come back using the same teleporter."
"At this point we should not have to bring anything back because this thing is going to teleport so much faster now."
"The magic mirror acts as a temporary teleportation device - wherever you sneak while holding the mirror, you will set a teleportation spawn point."
"Vaulters: Location is no issue, we've got portals for that."
"He teleports around, he's a mover, he's a faker."
"Stargate teleporting, you dial in their address basically by renaming it and then you hit the button on the DHD, it opens up and you just jump through it."
"I think flying would be a great great power just being able to go wherever I want or just like teleporting."
"The warp pipe can make big plays on this board... Switching places with another player when you get randomly sent down a bad path by the banana junction is also a good reason to use the warp pipe."
"Teleportation is now available to the mainstream public."
"If you like teleportation and moving all over the battlefield, then this is the build for you."
"Teleportation is real; scientists have actually been able to teleport an atom over 1400 kilometers using quantum teleportation."
"If I could have a superpower, I think it would be teleportation."
"It was the first object to be jaunted or teleported."
"Awakened Doa Doa no Mi could allow instant teleportation anywhere in the world as long as there's a door."
"We can teleport quantum mechanical states, but you and I have to take airplanes."
"One of the things they gave him was a teleportation stone. He decided to see what would happen if he threw it into the ocean. Ended up displacing the whole ocean and flooded the world. Game over."
"It's like he materialized or dematerialized, kind of like teleported."
"...it could Grant The Traveler the ability to go anywhere in the universe in the blink of an eye."
"Dude can teleport and beat you in one hit."
"In an age where drones deliver groceries and cars drive themselves, maybe the idea of teleporting humans isn't that farfetched anymore."
"Teleporting an entire moon is a big deal."
"...characters on this level have infinite speed... so their speed is infinite... it's basically teleportation."
"It's New York time, guys. Well, almost. This is where we're at. I wish we could just teleport there."
"Shanks used a magic warp zone to get to Marineford, appearing at the last but perfect minute."
"Hey guys, I can teleport now. Neat!"
"Let's go, we have nothing to do here," Goku uses his teleportation.
"So instead Shin tells everyone to grab onto him, teleporting the rest of the Kai's to Beerus's planet."
"Popo can teleport instantly to anywhere on Earth and even create life."
"I'm currently in Istanbul but with a click of a finger I'm back in London."
"Teleport assault allows you to pick up to a certain number of units that have the teleport assault keyword."
"Teleportation all the way! Instantaneous arrival, no travel time."
"Elijah was one of the prophets known for teleportation... he could go anywhere using the winds."
- Exploring the supernatural exploits of Elijah
"The sword can always just vanish itself back to its home base."
"Ah, I see we're not the only ones interested in annihilation. Look there!" She shouts, pointing her staff, energy spilling around them as Rita teleports her group upwards, appearing on the ship.
"All right, let's get out of here. Ready, teleport!"
"During this period of Despair, the surviving humans suddenly discovered many magical teleportation arrays had appeared."
"Time travel is not teleportation."
"Oh my god, he just teleported. That was unbelievable."
"If I could just snap my fingers and be in any place at any time, not only is that just good for travel in general, but also for safety reasons."
"I was getting some lag. Well, I want you to be able to teleport back to me because it doesn't work like... You don't teleport when you come back until it puts you way over there. So I'll stay here so you can teleport back once you come back through."
"It's their long-lost brother Number Five, he's got teleporting powers."
"I mean, teleportation is just never going to happen like from Star Trek or something like it's like you just instantly like you beam somewhere."
"Teleportation is better. It prevents accidents, gets you there quick."
"Just to be able to teleport like that, like, that's pretty cool."
"The Flying Thunder God (FTG) basically allows him to teleport himself, anything he's touching, or anything his chakra is touching to any location he's previously marked."
"With the power to open teleportation portals, this stone can take it’s user anywhere and everywhere to get them out of danger."
"If you teleported yourself back in time to that exact same location in 1943, you just fall straight into the water a little bit forward of the stem."
"Think about how much time you would save if you could just blip to a place."
"You can teleport from China to Europe because I'm the most powerful wizard ever."
"I feel like time manipulation would be fun. Just imagine traveling, you do an hour of traveling, whatever, about that resume, kind of like teleportation."
"Star Trek Discovery can traverse the galaxy instantaneously on a highway made of mushrooms."
"It allows Toto to switch the placement of two people or objects instantaneously."
"So there's evidence for the teleportation theory coming from two places, Lisa points out that the Savartha Elves, the dark elves of Norse mythology, can teleport."
"It's not so much a car this is a teleportation device."
"Teleportation isn't impossible, Tom. Nothing is impossible."
"The acceleration is super impressive. It's so aggressive, you put your foot down in it, it teleports in a straight line, basically."
"Have you ever been like 'Wow, I wish I could be over there now'? No problem, we've got you covered."
"Noah has just used teleportation magic."
"Gandalf cannot teleport, no one can teleport in this world."
"I hope teleportation happens in some kind of form or fashion in the next 50 years. I'll be dead."
"The most incredible technology for transporting things and people could be teleportation."
"...this staff could teleport his level 3 character up to three times per combat. Yeah, you read that right, per combat."
"if this Stargate works the same way as the ones in the television show we would be able to travel between these locations in just a few moments."
"Picture this: you were just minding your own business when suddenly you and your friend found yourselves teleported into a completely different world."
"Or any other version of teleportation, and a superweapon might be a fairly mundane transporter like we see in Star Trek, just one able to beam nuclear bombs from your magazines into an enemy ship or bunker, the Asgard use this trick against the Wraith in Stargate Atlantis."
"The complete nonchalance that Goku shows when instant transmitting with the transporter is just too perfect."
"He can teleport across time and space, fly at unthinkable speeds, and warp reality around him."
"I think teleportation exists. I think my dad's immediate goal in inviting me to teleport was to show that if teleportation was safe for his son, it was safe for anybody's child."
"Maris is able to distract Moro and teleport him back to Namek."
"In the digital world, the most important distance is the distance between two points in a network... and you can teleport around in the digital world."
"Imagine being teleported to 2035."
"I want to be the first person in history that can teleport himself."
"Nobody is convinced that they're really teleporting themselves around."
"They just introduced teleportation."
"Blue Gojo's blue uh it allows sucking [ __ ] that that but it also allows him to teleport so like he can create negative pocket space that him to like move his body across like massive spaces of distance and to teleport would be so nice teleporting is good."
"Did you see that? He just teleports out of nowhere!"
"We need those Star Trek teleporters right now, seriously."
"Is he teleporting, Captain? He's inside the building."
"Makima can instantly teleport to a location through rats that form the gateway for it to pass through."
"The Atlasics... I just really like powers like that would be great if I could teleport places."
"I would still teleport in a heartbeat."
"The main danger surrounding stems from the fact that he seems to be able to teleport."
"If this Togo box really teleports people then I want to go to Hawaii!"
"Just with a snap of the fingers, the card will teleport from one pile to another."
"Some type of portal like Harry Potter and Company, you know you touch the cup and boom there you are, you're in Lane one."
"The young man was immensely satisfied with this ability that can instantly teleport to any point of perception through a spatial Rift."
"Nightcrawler could save everybody because he can grab you, poof poof poof poof poof."
"T is for teleportation, a mode of transportation that changed the world once it was perfected."
"Imagine you had the ability to teleport wherever you wanted in the world."
"An individual could step instantly from one place to another by folding space, regardless of the intervening distances."
"Who's to say that when you teleport back, you're gonna be the same person?"
"Teleportation is still fraught with danger. A few misplaced decimal points and your squad can find themselves now a permanent part of the ground."
"Teleportation... we've actually attained it at the atomic level."
"Teleportation is really a cornerstone of quantum information theory and variations on the idea also often come up."
"The ability to move between two points in space near instantaneously is nothing short of a technological miracle."
"Teleportation! Please let it work."
"Let's imagine the year is now 2037, and teleportation has finally been invented, hooray!"
"Quantum teleportation is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the quantum state of one particle can be transferred to another distant particle without physically transmitting the particle itself."
"Teleporting is really freaking powerful."
"If you have one on Mars and you have one on Earth, if you go into one, you walk out of the other."
"Witnesses claimed to see a greenish fog enveloping the ship before it vanished and reappeared hundreds of miles away."
"Entanglement actually allows teleportation of information quantum information from one location to another."
"I swear to God, this is some magic thing where they can teleport places. I'm going to freak out."
"Teleport anywhere or travel through time? I'll teleport, not easy, that one."
"I just wanna teleport myself into there just so that I can look after Hunter."
"Do you like the idea of suddenly finding yourself on the other side of the world through a gap in space-time?"
"Teleportation will expand the boundaries of the universe in an unprecedented way for each of us."
"I just think teleportation is cool, being able to go anywhere around the world you want in the minute of seconds."
"Loki teleports away; Thor attacks Loki and does zero damage because Loki teleported away."
"The transporter effect: beaming people to other locations with no apparent loss of molecules, other than when required for story purposes."
"Through a mere blink, I found myself in a totally different place."
"I'm a teleporter," she said, giving me a look that said, 'what the hell did you think it was?'
"I understand the theory; you can't teleport somewhere you've never been, so you'll use my memory to target the spell."
"If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Teleportation."
"Very much looking forward to Grey Knights in this new edition, toned down in some ways from ninth but streamlined and super teleportation."
"Those who have been teleported receive various advantages."
"Harry knew that apparating meant disappearing from one place and reappearing almost instantly in another."
"Teleport, you know, deconstruct something to molecular level, transmit the data, and reconstruct it exactly at another location."
"The worst part about inventing teleportation is suddenly you're able to travel the whole galaxy, and the first thing you learn is you're the last guy to invent teleportation."
"Here and there, there and here, make myself disappear."
"What's really going to happen if people can teleport?"
"What superpower would you like to have? Teleportation."
"But when I'm a magician, I can teleport to where my dad is."
"It just feels like you've been teleported somewhere."
"I'd rather have a teleporter than a time machine."
"She can teleport the distance very far away, any place on the earth can be instantly reached."
"He can actually teleport... His range is about five miles."
"Teleporting really is incredible."
"Could Scotty really beam us up after all?"
"I'll just fold space onto itself and teleport through it."
"Within the blinking of an eye, they can travel vast distances."
"Can somebody create teleportation already? That would be nice."
"We're entering a day and age where you'll be able to teleport yourself to places."
"Night Mask has powers which allow him to teleport from anywhere to anywhere else in space."
"Don't underestimate Manifold; he is a masterful teleporter."
"Teleportation... we've actually obtained it at the atomic level."
"She's also capable of translocation, able to teleport herself pretty much wherever she wants."
"If I had a superpower, it would probably be to travel in time or teleportation."
"Quantum teleportation is the stuff of science fiction and movies, and it's pretty much something that was, classically, essentially impossible."
"The state has been teleported. You needed to send only the information of which light shone, and the state is on the other side of the ocean."
"Teleportation is incredibly useful, although it's seemingly super dangerous."
"Portals would absolutely change the world, imagine instant teleportation of goods, materials, personnel at little real cost."
"Teleporting forward means death," S recalls a saying from his past.
"The Hirashin was my father's signature jutsu; it allowed him to instantly move to anywhere he had placed a special sealing formula."
"It's like a teleporter in Star Trek, but your destination is the same point you left from."
"Lockjaw is like transporting, so he's half translucent. I love this set."
"He's insanely faster and can just teleport and can time travel."
"If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I always pick teleportation."
"The far away trees can teleport you to different places."
"That had been the Hiraishin no Jutsu, no doubt about it."
"Turns out the parcel pyxis is a god dog and teleports Jade across space-time."
"I would love to be able to teleport anywhere that I wanted at any time."
"When you shoot the aliens with it, they get teleported back to their home planet, and they're entirely unharmed."
"Would you rather only be able to walk everywhere but never feel fatigued or teleport anywhere instantly but feel just as fatigued as if you'd walked the same distance?"
"Enter a warp pipe to instantly teleport to the other pipe."
"You put me on a plane, really you put me in any moving... I'm gonna fall asleep. I don't travel, I teleport because I close my eyes and when I open them, I am where I'm supposed to be."
"It's like Star Trek or something, beam me up, Scotty."
"Abra finally wakes up and uses all of its stored power to teleport Ash and Misty away."
"I would probably teleport to either Disney World or New Zealand."
"If I could teleport myself, that's one place I would love to be teleported to."