
Spiritual Belief Quotes

There are 2512 quotes

"I believe that the South shaft functioned as a symbolic corridor for the soul of the king as the sun god Ra."
"You and your soul partner are destined because it's what the universe and spirit ordained."
"If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move."
"If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed...you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move."
"I do believe that human beings are divine... Human beings are made in the image of the divine."
"God is not cheap in grace. He is full of grace."
"Allah is describing that this is an experience unlike anything we can imagine in this world. This makes us understand what the prophet said, 'Heaven has never been imagined by a soul.'"
"The goodness of God leads you to repentance."
"Trust your inner voice. That sixth sense, or as some would say, God speaking to you from within."
"One drop of that blood is enough to redeem the whole world."
"You're going to melt into infinite love no matter what you do... and that is God's mercy for all of its creation."
"No weapon formed against me will prosper because God plus nothing equals everything you need."
"You are more than a conqueror. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."
"Every person is of infinite value, made in the image of God. You're more important than the sun. You know it's there. It doesn't know you're there."
"You're gonna wake up in heaven, you're gonna wake up with the whole next level."
"The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever."
"Everything we take to Jesus, it's easy for him, and forgiveness is instant when we go to Jesus."
"What you can see and what you can feel and what you can touch is not all there is to what exists."
"The nature of infinite intelligence is responsiveness, a response to all men."
"What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."
"The blood still works. You had to get bloody for it because the blessing is in what you're willing to bleed for."
"When Allah takes something away, it is to give you something better."
"The elements are entities themselves; fire, water, air, earth – all of them are alive."
"It's the deception of the enemy to cause us to think we can't hear from God. It's your birthright."
"All power is given unto me to bring heaven upon earth."
"That if he's good on the mountaintop, he's still good in the valley."
"I rather have the punishment of God now, than the eternal punishment of God later."
"The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you."
"The Spirit of God is going to reinforce your value, and then fear is gonna have to go."
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."
"You were born to do something great with your life. I am no different than you. No man or woman is different than you. We're the child of the same God."
"Prayer is about evoking a feeling which alters reality from a subatomic level."
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but the word will never pass away."
"I know where I'm from, I know where I'm going, and more importantly, I know that I'm known by the knower of all."
"A Sinister evil, perhaps Satan himself, is still inside the cathedral walls."
"God will meet you where you're at. Everybody will have a chance, and everybody, God will give you a chance to accept him before your eternal fate is sealed."
"I think energy continues; it shifts, it evolves."
"When you have an out-of-body experience, you're moving inward into the less dense core of the universe."
"God doesn't hate you, He loves you, He's for you, He has a plan for your life."
"God never has given us a reason to doubt His character or His promises."
"God works because God has ordained to work, and to take the weakest of men to do the greatest of things."
"Don't be dependent on the government to solve all your problems. Your only dependence should be on the Most High."
"God wants to unleash dreams in the earth... the dreams in many ways are the last days' language of the Holy Spirit."
"Allah has opened the door of risk for them that he didn't open for you, and he opened other doors for you."
"When we get to heaven, we're going to say we're home for the first time. And it goes on forever and ever."
"No man can do these miracles...except God be with him."
"The silence of God does not mean the absence of God."
"We are seeing that happen again in our times. And I believe that before the Lord comes for us, we are in a time of deep darkness, but at the same time, the Lord is showing forth the glory of His Son in the church."
"Really, it doesn't matter what any man says about you; it's what God says about you that counts. And if you'll believe what He says, faith will come."
"When the true God comes close, he makes creatures more luminous and more radiant and more beautiful and does not consume them."
"Bring me the sick, and I'll show you Jesus is real."
"You don't have to chase it; your goodness and mercy will follow you back."
"We are so much more than we can even imagine, and we are high vibrational beings to begin with. It is who we naturally are."
"Trust that you are being guided on your journey."
"Everything has always and always will be unfolding perfectly within divine timing both in him and in this connection."
"One of the most beautiful things about paradise, about Jannah, is that it never gets old."
"God's love is greater than anything that's in the world."
"If a mechanic took 47 years to work on your car and it was still broken, would you hire him for another four years?"
"Never doubt in the night what God showed you in the light."
"God wants you in heaven and God will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure you go to heaven."
"There's something spiritual to all this, and just know this: the Bible says that Satan is the one that traffics in fear."
"Ask Allah to forgive you and pardon you because there's nothing greater than forgiveness from Allah."
"I tell you the truth anyone who believes in me will do the same miracles I have done and even greater miracles because I am going to be with the father."
"The greatest act of love God ever gave us was giving us the ability to choose."
"I think he really did believe in higher powers."
"The power of the Heavenly Iron Will is impenetrable."
"I'm believing for the power of God to be released over us."
"God consistently has spoken to his people through dreams."
"Your prayers are God's promises breathed out of a living heart."
"Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection was more than sufficient to pay the debt of sins."
"Your guardian angel is not going to abandon you. No, never."
"An impossible situation is the perfect setting for a miracle."
"Miracles can still happen, that blessings can still come."
"Nothing's wasted, God's gonna use everything."
"The power of God's word turns barrenness into fruitfulness."
"God said, 'I'm not going to remove the snakes. I'm just going to give the antidote.'"
"Everything that you lost will come back around full circle."
"The god of the impossible can remove and heal you and deliver you right now."
"God is a provider, it is inherent in his nature as his authentic self. He can't help but provide."
"Every sickness and every disease has to bow to the name of Jesus."
"Faith is the only language spoken in heaven, and destiny is obligated to concede to its demands."
"Faith is the only language the universe responds to."
"God still has a plan for you even if you're delayed."
"Faith in Avacyn provided protection, even if no angel was physically there."
"Marriage won't fix your lust issue; it's a heart issue."
"God wants to save us Himself. He wants us to call on Him and know He can do it."
"Pain is God's megaphone, and it directs you, it guides you. Pain never leaves you where it found you."
"God may not come when you want him but he'll be there right on time."
"God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself."
"You have what it takes. So listen up, you're working through deep soul patterns. Release any outdated beliefs that surface."
"Is he actually helping scientology's image at this point or is he hurting it?"
"Nothing is impossible to those who trust in the Lord."
"Your whole life is on a rhythm. God has a pace over your life."
"If you don't believe in the devil, you can very easily come to recognize him in the works that he does."
"Grace and mercy know every morning when they gonna listen."
"Know that deeply held desires of your heart and soul are coming to pass."
"Life has seasons too; trust in divine timing."
"Evil spirits are fallen angels, they are much smarter than we are."
"Maybe he is risen maybe death didn't have the final say maybe there's still hope after this maybe there's still more."
"I do not believe we are God, we are God's children."
"He loves us more than our own mother loves us."
"Mysticism is the belief that access to direct divine knowledge is available through surrendering the ego."
"Value the power that is released through your words."
"You have the power to mold the energy that creates worlds."
"Keep an eye out for all the signs that your loved ones are sending you."
"I think you have to remain open to [the idea] that there is this spiritual world that exists."
"Your heart has the final say, especially once it transmutes into your high heart."
"You've got to do these things because someone prayed for you."
"I think that the power of faith is a tremendous thing... faith can move mountains."
"When you give on earth, you're giving on earth, Christ is receiving it in heaven."
"Thank God for His mercy that says you're not punished."
"You have that much power because the god presence is in you."
"Every time I bring my tithe, I'm releasing a judicial testimony in Heaven."
"You're being helped from the Divine, even if you don't get spiritual."
"Not one of your words will fall to the ground without them coming to pass."
"Miracles can only occur where there is love."
"You can manifest the life you want, what you need will magically appear."
"God can do some incredible things through His saints if we simply have faith."
"Your scary place is where God is going to do the greatest work in your life."
"I trust in you Abba Father because you are forever faithful."
"God wants to bless you with the things you need in your life."
"In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of karma."
"When God closes a crazy door, he opens an insane window."
"If they are not sent by God, they will not be able to get near you."
"Whenever you pray for something, believe that you have received it, and it will be given to you."
"Stinginess hinders the flow of God's blessings."
"The soul is immortal, remember that. The body is just an avatar."
"We're all given talents, gifts, and abilities by God."
"God's miracles usually involve perfect timing."
"I believe that Jesus Christ is going to have a movement, and there'll be cities and territories and places where Heaven itself will be established, unshakable."
"God put him in this position and that his role is messianic"
"The body is a receiver of the signal... You're not messing with the signal, man."
"The gospel is the hope of Eternity with him."
"Bold believers aren't afraid of criticisms or demons; they fear grieving the Holy Spirit."
"If I serve a God who created the same things that I'm afraid of and he loves me logic says he's going to protect me."
"God is talking, because he disrupts the ordinary things by crafting a crisis."
"Confusion is a gift from God. The confusion is there to guide you."
"Your future is filled with marked moments, blessings, increase, promotion. God has already ordained before the foundation of the world the right people, the right opportunity, time and chance are coming together for you."
"Our captivity is just about almost over, and I'm gonna prove that to you, I'm gonna prove it to you with two very important scripts that's gonna show you that the Most High is fighting for his people and he's getting ready to turn the tables."
"Why is a human being valuable? Because they have purpose, they have meaning, and that value comes from God."
"I think the veil... is getting very, very thin."
"God always provides, financially and spiritually."
"God will give you what you asked for or something better."
"The time of grace for the wicked has thinned out, and one after the other shall fall down suddenly."
"God often sends for us not for his benefit but for ours."
"Who in the world is this who speaks to the elements and they listen? Well, that would be God."
"He wanted me to understand at my very core that He has all power to lift me or anyone else, even the least."
"None of his plans, none of his schemes will prosper."
"Witchcraft is a balancing act. It's always a balancing act."
"Bob believed she was his guardian angel and was looking out for him."
"When we say we are going to enter into something that requires something of us, God will give us a privilege beyond what we would have had."
"Life was great, six-figure salary in my 20s in San Francisco, come on, that's a great life, right?"
"Guardian angel idea has biblical support... It's not just children, it's everybody that is going to be saved."
"I definitely feel like I received a miracle."
"The angels of God are God's messengers, enforcers, ministers, and they're heavily used in scripture."
"Success is ultimately in the hands of Allah."
"God uses and redeems the darkness for good and glorifying things."
"Strange and meaningful coincidences keep me feeling like there's something out there that cares."
"You can't fear man and trust God. If you're going to have faith in God, you cannot fear man. The two cancel each other out. Faith and fear cancel each other out."
"I believe there's one more round coming, one more round for the purposes and plans of God."
"If this Earthly tent we live in is dissolved then we have a building not made with hands Eternal in the heavens."
"With all of our heart let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."
"Faith keeps us free, prayer makes us strong and God alone is the author of life and the giver of grace."
"Trust that your prayers have been heard and are being responded to by the angels and the universal energies."
"True Unity will only come when we acknowledge truly who God is and we choose to follow him and live for him."
"Know that the universe has heard you. You have put your plan and your intentions into effect."
"It won't be by your might or your power but by the power of God."
"This has to be a true miracle... thousands of people are witnessing it."
"Surrendering to divine timing: They surrender to the divine timing of the universe."
"My faith is not that God is going to do the specific thing I ask Him. He will reward the faith."
"No man can open a door that God has closed and no man can close a door that God has opened."
"We're trying to spread this truth that we're going to see people again."
"He loves you, even if you say you don't care."
"Divine timing plays a huge role in this situation."
"Nothing can happen in your life that's not God's will for your life."
"Everything that has been stolen from you... the enemy must return sevenfold."
"You shall live and not die, if only to declare the word of the Lord."
"Praying in the name of Jesus changes everything."
"There is a force, energy, consciousness, divine thread I believe that connects all spiritually to all of us to something greater than ourselves."
"Allah is too shy that when a man raises his hands up to him to let those hands come back rejected and empty."
"Miracles correct retroactively and progressively."
"Miracles upon Miracles upon Miracles will come into your life."
"The um has never actually been weak rather it is the um has been unappreciative of the fact that Allah decides the outcome as he wishes."
"Every blessing we receive is a gift of his Divine will."
"He forgives all our iniquities and he heals all our diseases."
"The name of Jesus is the only thing that can save you from these demons."
"Our light does not die with the prime Naaru, it shines within each of us."
"God has a purpose for me. God has a purpose for you."
"As long as you looking and you believe that a man is God you're gonna always be under the jurisdiction of what we call a ruler God that's not the Creator."
"If you do not know where to turn it's not a coincidence that you're watching this show right now because I've said this many times but there's no word for coincidence in the Hebrew Scripture which I believe is the holy language of Yahweh."
"I feel like their soul very much knows this. It could be like written into their soul."
"This is your time to receive the highest love of all."
"Thank you for preserving her this season. I declare miracles and manifestations."
"Believing matters and God says that you are justified by faith, not by works."
"The reason you're where you are is because you are a choice bride, and God will only give you to his best."
"Some of your manifestations they're actually going to start working."
"Once you realize you're made in the image and likeness of God, that your body is designed to be young and healthy forever, will that change our world? Yes."
"God will use your enemies to pay you for what you would have did for free."
"It's so neat that the Lord said the truth of this is going to be passed on person to person."
"Every action, every interaction, they realize they're accountable to a higher Force."