
Political Statements Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"One of Trump's most alarming and politically damaging comments is when he promises to pardon the January 6th insurrectionists."
"We know Putin lied when he said he wasn't preparing to invade Ukraine, and we are confident that Russia is willing to lie to try to justify their invasion."
"Joe Biden literally saying to black people they're not black unless they vote for him is an incredible pitch."
"Nobody wants to take your guns except for presidential candidates literally saying I'm coming to take your guns."
"No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage." - President Biden
"Nothing irritates me more than the president of the US saying it's not about Freedom it's about safety America is freedom"
"Joe Biden just says things that are overtly untrue."
"This is Putin's greatest mistake, he has reawoken a sleeping giant in Europe."
"I'm gonna legalize the weed. I think we're not far from it."
"What they'll do is you'll have a real video of Donald Trump saying we should condemn them totally."
"We don't want people for centuries saying you know Donald Trump was removed in a coup in the United States. No, we will remove him through the democratic process and democratic means."
"When they look at the statements made by the people standing behind those podiums, I think that has a huge effect."
"There's a difference between the statement 'Black Lives Matter' and the organization 'Black Lives Matter.'"
"There's no pretending anymore, it's a United States of Europe, it's an expansionist Europe."
"Let's just make it anti-war because everybody gets hung up on things. I'm not a republican, but I am anti-woke, alright? I'm based, whatever you want to call it."
"What Trump said may have been a little vainglorious, but that is the future."
"Biden's visit sends a clear message to Vladimir Putin on the stance of the United States."
"Democrats won't take him up on this, instead you'll get milk toast tepid statements."
"Donald Trump is real, and Joe Biden is communism. Facts."
"Trump is good at symbols; the wall represents a reaffirmation of the American identity."
"No government politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body."
"The President released a video statement, in which he again repeated that the election was stolen, told his supporters at the Capitol that he loved them, and ultimately suggested that they disperse."
"When I go to the red carpet I'll wear the let's go Brandon dress."
"I live it, it's all over Twitter, but it's coming directly from the President of the United States."
"We shouldn't apologize for wanting to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat."
"We must never forget." - Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
"I think this is an emergency, I think this is a crisis, I think we've had a crisis for some time on the Supreme Court."
"Hell yes, we're going to take your ar-15 your ak-47."
"Donald Trump saying a stronger time these people would be dead, death penalty."
"President Zielinski is absolutely right to continue to draw attention to the crimes of the past and very much of the present."
"Trump is a pro-russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world." - Sir Hey Lysenko
"We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. Former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one." - Mitch McConnell
"Trudeau characterized the unvaccinated before as racist and misogynist and insertist here."
"The API put out this strongly worded statement condemning Russia for the attack and casually noting that they'll probably have to sell a whole bunch of oil and gas for the good of the world."
"Mayor Lori Lightfoot boasting of decline in crime in her city while the murder rate is up 30 this year."
"No collusion... that's not what we learned this morning."
"Recently, when President Trump implicated violent video games in mass shootings, shares of major video game companies fell sharply."
"It's not a state, it's not free, and it's not associated."
"Advocacy for Palestinian freedom isn't the same as advocating for genocide against Jews."
"If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15."
"Democrats are saying that there is more to come after this next stimulus package."
"Barbaric Venture of Vladimir Putin must end in favor. Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win."
"Everything I've tried to do with the show so far is show that you could disagree with people and we can allow the conversation to happen."
"Joe Biden said that he wouldn't raise taxes. Look, we know giving away free money has consequences."
"It's difficult to make a movie about two gay lovers that doesn't also have political statements to make about homophobia."
"Calling for secession is treasonous it's traitorous right."
"No Nation can meet the challenges of today alone." - Dr. Andy Woods
"He has stressed the importance of a free and open Hong Kong under one country two systems in light of the extradition bill and he also mentioned the importance of the human rights situation in Xinjiang with the Uyghurs." - Host
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would also comment on the victory saying, 'The Russian army these days is demonstrating its best ability to show its back within Russia.'"
"Now, what is Trump saying? He would be willing to send $2,000 stimulus checks."
"Pregosian's bold statements raise more question marks about Putin and his policies."
"There are no plans for Kamala to come and check out the border."
"It's about incentives. When you tell people that you can come into the United States, they're going to believe you."
"So what's going on right now is Biden is saying hey wait a minute the price of gas is higher... it's simple economics."
"Elon is trying to... have hot takes which may be viewed as political... and just have this really casual relationship with communication."
"It's a mistake for Kyle Rittenhouse to come out and say that he's supporting Black Lives Matter or criticizing one side over the other. Probably should just avoid the polarization."
"In a world where we have a borderless economy, some countries are saying, our people can't do that. Is that not control to the max?"
"Shut down the administrative State, declare independence from China, grow the economy."
"The Cabal does not have control of the military we have freed the military and you know he did the salute to them and it could be it could be."
"Senator Ben Sasse put it plainly: 'The Chinese Communist Party has lied and will continue to lie about coronavirus to protect the regime.'"
"If Trump and his lawyers open the door and make some type of statement like they've never made comments like this before, he's always supported free and fair elections, if they make any arguments like that, then all of that can be led in."
"Jerusalem, Israel's capital... Please don't think that was Trump's idea... God is up to something."
"If you want to impeach this president yeah maybe you all need to be impeach."
"What he is saying is not racially charged it is flat out racist."
"Crucifixion is a public political statement."
"Trump's storm warning: the storm will come when least expected. It's unstoppable."
"Donald Trump never explicitly said storming the Capitol is now legal."
"You cannot erode further confidence and faith in the government."
"Hamas could renounce its stated goal of eliminating Israel, killing Jews, and repeating the atrocities of October 7th again and again."
"Government is unable to make that declaration for a host of reasons."
"You can't say you want to improve elections and talk about how you are a leader in the nation for free and safe and secure elections but then simultaneously do the very things that would undermine that status."
"If Trump said I want to hold up the aid until you Ukraine investigate corruption surrounding 2016 I failed to understand how that is any different."
"How do you say that you being at the border is worse than slavery? And that's why I kind of took it disrespectful. So, I did get some pushback, and I was told it was disrespectful."
"When the president gets up in front of the nation and says that they're doing everything they can to ensure that there is near certainty that there will be no civilians killed he is saying that because he can't say otherwise." - Daniel Hale
"Donald Trump is talking about cutting funds to the UN... we pay 22% of the operating budget and 28% of the peacekeeping budget."
"Protect my spaghetti, protect my family, this woman Georgia Maloney, she says we've got a simple mandate here."
"Hopefully that's something that people can forge over time with their partners."
"I don't think Trump is actually going to designate Antifa as a terror organization. He lies about almost all of his intentions and barely is able to get anything that he wants to get done."
"Just tell us what you want. So tax the rich okay fine take all their money do it."
"This is not an indictment of the people of China."
"The only way we're gonna lose this election is if the election is rigged."
"We need to follow the science, we need to follow the experts." - Democratic candidates like Jon Ossoff and Joe Biden
"When Malcolm X talked about black people deserving their own country away from the oppression of white people, he wasn’t talking about subjugating the white people."
"Putin lied to Macron, to the international community, and to his own people." - French Prime Minister Jean Castell
"I wanna see instead of seeing headlines of 'China bans bitcoin', I wanna see 'Bitcoin bans China'."
"Abolishing the police means abolishing the police." - Stating straightforwardly without sugar-coating.
"Jen Psaki suggested on Thursday that Vladimir Putin using chemical weapons was not a red line for the United States."
"If you want to save the Republic, you got to kill the empire."
"The crisis is we're burning up the planet and AOC says we're going to die in 12 years."
"With all of the talk you've heard where some states wanted 40,000 ventilators, I said that doesn't work."
"The three expansionist ideologies wanting each having a very open public statement to take over the world."
"Everything that Putin says has meaning and he has never... said things to bluff."
"Trump did say this is recorded. He said we're trying really hard to get another four years but if not I'll see you in 2024."
"Here's what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had to say about this overnight."
"If Putin were to get on the phone call and say, 'Hey Tony, I believe this, I think this,' nothing that Putin has ever articulated comes close to mirroring what Blinken is saying."
"Salvador's president naively taunts Economist Steve Henke after Bitcoin's price skyrockets."
"It's much easier to make the speeches than it is to finally make the judgments."
"The Balfour Declaration...one of the most impactful statements made in the last hundred years."
"You've been looking at things that you wouldn't have believed possible in our country." - President Trump
"For me, it's an honor if the Americans attack me." - Pope Francis
"Senator Marco Rubio says UFO threat should be taken seriously."
"Imagine the relief that the capital markets around the world would have if a presidential candidate for 2024 came out and said we are serious about reforming entitlements."
"Mass had become a political statement as much as necessity."
"Fashion definitely can be expressive, it definitely can have political notions."
"Donald Trump made it very clear and explicit what he was telling his supporters."
"In this election, this is a very, very important election. This could be, and I've said it and I've heard it and they have spoken it many times, this is our most important midterm election perhaps ever."
"The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists."
"If Barack Obama had said that... how long would that be like Banner headlines?"
"They tell us to our faces what they're doing."
"Outward displays of political statements really undermines the unity of what people enjoy about sport."
"The people in the country are angry and there's nothing wrong with saying that you've recalculated."
"And it's great to acknowledge the legitimacy of those words from the White House."
"There is no doubt this bill is going to save thousands of lives." - Senator Chris Murphy
"Nothing is coincidence. Have faith, Patriots."
"I mean, all lives matter. All right, all right, one is a terrorist organization and one's a racist [__] dog whistle, so we all good."
"I also take Nancy Pelosi's word for it. Never thought I would say that statement. But when's the last time Nancy and I agreed? This might be the one and only time Joe Biden bringing the country together."
"Open for good until things are bad, and then we're not open anymore."
"The United States government exists today in name only."
"The US is almost now openly saying we're going to overthrow your government."
"Not only is that just propaganda and fake," - Andrew Weber
"You constantly hear from politicians... saying we just need to build more homes."
"I think he's gonna say, 'Listen, I'm going to look at this.' And that's gonna freak people out."
"Former Canadian defense minister speaks out about aliens."
"The next time someone tells you they'll dismantle public education, you might just believe them."
"Klein's minimalism is a step back to something raw and primitive that balanced out the political statements of the 60s fashion."