
Fan Behavior Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't. They do not deserve to be defended."
"Get a bit frustrated...that's what most Newcastle fans do."
"Honestly, not exaggerating, probably 45,000 of those people were chanting 'F*** you Baker' during the game."
"Football undeniably has some very cult-like tendencies."
"It's kind of representative of what the anime fandom can basically be: people take a lot of defense and they take it personal when you don't like something that they like."
"A fanboy is someone who's incapable of self or system critique."
"Everything has a fanboy, every product, every brand, every person, every team."
"Fanboys put the product or service ahead of fellow consumers."
"Give Andy Dalton a chance. Don't go nuts on Twitter after one three-and-out. Don't boo next week against Cincinnati. Give the man a chance. You will see Justin Fields in time."
"I'm an over human being like everybody else, you know I don't show up to everybody else's house or their jobs if I'm a fan of them."
"This [incident] kind of reared its head again in the NBA this season with spitting on people and throwing water bottles at people."
"His overall luck is around 1 in 80 billion not over one run or anything over his entire speedrunning career this is statistically impossible."
"It's super irresponsible to send your fan base after people doing their job."
"TSM fans treat lesser LCS teams the way they're treated by the international scene."
"Caitlyn Clark's legit like the Beatles...they're following everywhere buses."
"Certain TMNT fans get insanely tribal over their personal favorite."
"He is like a badass, he's over there just cheering for Giannis to miss his free throw." - Fan dedication
"History shows time after time regardless of literally whatever a celebrity may do, there's a good population of people that just will blindly support them anyway."
"It's pretty simple: players don't belong in the stands, and fans don't belong on the court."
"I don't know if it's like the AFTV thing and over the years about how cocky their fans are and just... I just can't put it into words how much I hate them."
"Some people really do worship her and were crying so I'm going into debt to get floor tickets because they want to get that close to her. It's idolatry in its highest form."
"No United fan should be damaging anything today. It's just... it doesn't help, it doesn't help our cause."
"This culture of investing all your free time into someone you idolize has made people overly protective of their favorite celebrities."
"Please don't make the mistake that rock fans have made so so many times of hating on the exact people who are doing the most to put the genre back on top."
"People will say negative stuff to get your attention and then when you smack back at them, they're like, 'No, no, no, dude, I'm your biggest fan.'"
"I'm not saying all Barcelona fans and all Real Madrid fans are bad."
"Streamers and their fans love to deny the most obvious things imaginable that they've explicitly said and create these completely untenable narratives all the time."
"Arsenal fans demanding the public execution of Granit Xhaka, more storming of the pitch, swearing at the fence."
"He's familiar with the streets, he's familiar with New York, but he's a Knicks fan harassing Kevin Durant who's on the Nets. He's like a super fan, a super troll."
"Liverpool fans always... well, no, no, Liverpool fans don't always do anything." - Paul
"If you turn on a manager or player, you need to remember just how hypocritical that will be."
"Now I got people streaming 'I'm geeking' slow down, like who does that?"
"From my understanding, Dream's fan base has had a history of doxing and harassing people who criticize Dream and who Dream has called out in the past."
"Trey Young's balding chants are echoing throughout Madison Square Garden."
"Deep into a game and [] [] on him for it is like is that the like thing you have to go to of everything."
"Respect and admire someone for their craft, but [__] are you doing?"
"Penelope wasn't just Amanda's number one fan this is the type of person who would probably wear the skin of the person they idolize if given the opportunity."
"I honestly hope that you find those people on YouTube and you support them and you subscribe and you are engaging under all their videos."
"Football fans let themselves down when it comes to calling out bad refereeing."
"I see some real hatred out there, JJ. I'm talking about, I see some ugliness from fans that I didn't know existed."
"Beyonce fans are [ __ ] crazy, y'all are reporting people."
"Most fans generally respect the boundaries and privacy of the person they're supporting but there's always exceptions to the rule."
"There's also that side that will just trash on it for being popular. At the end of the day, neither one does a benefit, neither one does, especially the people who just trash on it for being popular."
"Abuse is never okay, but fans and pundits should be able to have a fair opinion that is sport-based."
"Scousers deserve this after the amount of arrogance they showed when they won the Champions League in Premier League, behave like greatest team ever." - Barron
"In January 2019, it was reported that there had been no incidents of racist chanting by Beta fans in all of 2018."
"Them fans gonna start throwing stuff on the court bro, it's gonna get wild."
"I don't think as her fans she would be happy with you sending death threats."
"No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans."
"Fan engagement is what makes sports great, but it can be negative at times."
"Football fans can often have very short memories."
"For deku and for all normal people consuming someone's blood or hurting them in any way is not the way you express your love."
"In 2016 this deranged fan shined a laser right into Hardin's eyes."
"Authorities in Martin County, Florida say that a disgruntled Philadelphia Eagles fan got his wings clipped this week after he went full Birdbrain inside of a local Firehouse."
"His fans flocked to Drake's Instagram account and spam the number four in Roman numerals that is so petty man."
"I mean, I did not get killed by Oakland Raider fans. Those were probably some of the best well-behaved Oakland Raider people ever."
"You're rewarding negative fan behavior."
"It was reported by Dave Meltzer, the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, that a lot of fans left prior to the match."
"Sometimes fans, they can be the problem too at these shows like why are you there if you're just there to be bored at home?"
"If nothing happens and there's no consequences to this type of action, is the precedent going to be set where fan Wars are going to happen in real life?"
"Celebrities need to take accountability for their fans' actions."
"I want everybody just to relax, I know the Beehive gets crazy when it comes to defending Beyonce."
"It's a shame that you've seen Roma fans act like that, and it's not fair on a referee."