
Video Production Quotes

There are 1422 quotes

"Most videos, maybe most of them, will use AI tools in the production."
"I love the freedom of making a video; it's so fun."
"Despite the over 150 hours I have spent on this video, simply investigating, this is the single most complex video I've produced to date."
"This is the most expensive video we've ever made."
"I think what made it do well was a lot of the other videos, 'Day in the Life' videos, there's a lot of people kind of talking and not showing."
"I feel so fortunate to be able to not be dripping in sweat when I film videos."
"We're shooting more car stuff, and one of the thoughts we had that turned out to be a great idea was to shoot the one Ford F-150 Lightning with the other F-150 Lightning."
"The video you guys had the most fun working on, honestly, Acura NSX."
"I hope that these videos make sense the way I've done them, the way I'm explaining what I'm doing."
"We have been absolutely knee-deep in an edit for an awesome video that I'm really excited to share with you guys."
"I'm incredibly proud of some of the videos we've uploaded."
"Good audio is crucial for high-end quality video; you have to record it to a separate audio source."
"After some further testing, I think I might have figured out why there is more noise when using that profile."
"Every great video starts with an idea, but turning that initial idea into a finished product can often feel like an overwhelming task."
"People will watch your video if it's jerky footage, they'll watch it if it's blurry here and there... but if the audio is bad, they won't watch because it's really annoying."
"Networking with music videos, as with most video, who you know is just as important as what you know."
"Over time, the content machine wears you down. You get bored of making the same kind of videos over and over again."
"It turns out, like most things, coming up with video ideas is a learnable, practicable skill."
"The numbers don't matter to me because I like making videos. I like making content."
"I make a difference. That's what you're trying to do. You're trying to create positive change in the world, and video can be very persuasive."
"If you want to grow your video business, you need to stop focusing on the product and start focusing on the problem you're solving."
"Hopefully this video has been helpful and you now have a stinger transition with track matte and your logo and your brand colors, and it's all looking amazing."
"I love making these videos. This is honestly my favorite kind of content."
"We have been doing videos in China for about four years, and I can guarantee there'll be a number of crazy comments on every video I do."
"Add fades at the beginning and end of the video for a polished look."
"His videos are really really watchable, beautifully produced, really entertaining."
"Thanks again for watching these very long videos, I've got a lot to say."
"There's more that goes into it than just turning on a camera."
"There is nothing passive about blocking damage and striking back if you choose to never fight an enemy then you aren't really playing at all."
"Part of the artistic craft of my videos is finding a story to tell."
"Bad sound, bad lighting, and bad visual effects... If you have bad visual effects, that will bring down the video as well."
"Just make 100 videos, improve something each time."
"What ways can you make your videos more engaging?"
"Instead of focusing on all these arbitrary vanity metrics, I just kind of focus on the one thing that gets me all that, which is make good videos."
"Bitrate is very straightforward, it's basically how good do you want your footage to look."
"I'm sorry to Seth because I like I said I just want to make videos where everybody in it... is enjoying and having a good time."
"There's many forms of video and it's not in or it's an and."
"I need someone to get my video release schedule back on track."
"Don't underestimate the power of color correcting."
"Some of my favorite videos... recorded entirely on a hacked Wii U."
"They'll take you to an area where there's approaching 50 videos that we've made."
"Editing is what's really going to crush you and what takes the most time."
"I want to provide criticism and feedback and tips and advice for your videos."
"The storytelling in this video is so freaking phenomenal, the editing is phenomenal."
"I always encourage the parents to say that you should support your children in whatever they're good at. You know whatever they are passionate about. If they have passion in something then they go forward with it."
"The ability for content creators to use copyrighted material to make their own videos…"
"If you guys enjoyed the video like the video as much as possible."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I'm all stuffed up because I have been treating myself poorly and not sleeping enough trying to get it done."
"Edit backwards to speed up your editing dramatically."
"We're going to make so much money from our spook tube videos and we're going to be able to afford all this stuff."
"Audio quality is more important than video quality."
"Production quality, production quality, production quality."
"What a treat having someone else to do the editing for you, really."
"For a 10-minute video, you're looking at many, many hours."
"Content value matters more than production value."
"I basically got a video camera off eBay... and started uploading videos."
"Practice and time make talking to the camera easier."
"Ramping up major build videos: focusing on highly anticipated builds, seeking input from followers."
"Investing in lighting is crucial for great quality. Cameras feed off light, so it's one of the best investments you can make for better results."
"Audio is 50% of video, so don't overlook it. Get a good microphone and consider additional equipment like lighting to enhance your setup."
"So the biggest takeaway that I want you guys to get from this video is that you want to plan and think through story."
"I hope you all enjoyed this video. I hope you all learned something. I know it gets very hairy and very convoluted."
"I put a lot of effort into this video, gave me a long time to go through and find the names for everything."
"It's interesting always cuz like you know every brand deals different every every create is different every video is different"
"They literally just use free stock footage in their videos where they don't even have to show their face."
"There are no holidays there are no sick days if you're not putting out videos you're not you're not making money and you're not paying your bills and you're not growing."
"There will be a new video tomorrow, when I could be asked to edit it."
"Yes, you can make enough money to support a family with video."
"When you decide to start a YouTube channel, you are essentially deciding to start a production company."
"It's a journey, this video was such a journey."
"I see I never say no like a blanket no but uh I don't feel the urge to do it I mean I would rather do my music video that's fine if I have to do it for my song I will do it it's very awkward you know for me to be in front of a camera."
"The camera angles, the speed, the frame rates - everything in this is absolutely unbelievable."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the video, these are so hard to shoot but luckily I'm going to be able to splice some footage from other people who are going to volunteer it for me so I hope it all turns out."
"Great video is just as much in audio as it is visual."
"If it's just for web delivery, you can run through the entire process using just H.264."
"I'm vigilant on how user interaction is going to go throughout the video and I'm really cognizant of like are people going to continue watching."
"I adore this video team, I adore you guys and I'm not just saying this, I'm excited to keep watching this stuff you make because I already do."
"I really want this to be the most comprehensive video when it comes to creating video content on your mobile phone."
"We have a video coming very soon about the 100k PC."
"Everybody should be doing this if you're making YouTube videos or doing any types of videos. Planning and doing pre-production on your videos will help you up your production value."
"I'm proud of most of my videos now I'm happy like I learned how to color I learned how to like shoot with like color"
"This video in of itself took a lot of planning to get our schedules aligned."
"I also want to focus a little bit on doing some more fun video stuff."
"This is one of, if not the most important optimization within this entire video."
"If you can get a video that takes a month to make in half an hour...it's hard to ignore."
"Honestly, I haven't been able to film a video like this in so long. These are my favorite videos to watch, these are my favorite videos to film."
"My videos are always going to be in the context of my projects and the examples that they can provide."
"Using constant lights makes you look good, especially for video."
"The fact that we can make this video, that we have the energy to make this video, it's coming from like a place of privilege that we have the resources to make this video, it's coming from a place of privilege."
"I figured it would make a well-rounded video since it is a laptop I'm leaving for Jan."
"My videos and many other readers' videos are not meant to bring you down, they're meant to help you out as much as possible."
"Every car has a business plan and the videos we intend to shoot with it." - Tim Burton
"Thank you so much for Marathon canning with me for 20 hours this gives me a whole new video idea what if we did some non-stop canning for 24 hours type videos I don't know would that be something you'd be interested in."
"Thank you guys for helping me out with this video."
"It's funny as well because I didn't want to put the video out because I didn't have enough footage."
"I know doing an insert in a video like this is not professional... but I filmed this several times now."
"What makes a good video? Just like quality content."
"I love making videos and this has been nothing I expected when I started my Channel at 54."
"Transform your smartphone into a video creation powerhouse."
"I love creating content I love making videos it's always what I've been doing."
"Hey thank you very much again the squid game actually the squid game video was some of the most fun I've ever had making a video."
"Literally you need to stop the video and fix this problem right now."
"Videos like these take a very long time for me to make... so if you could do those things that would really help me out."
"Honestly, in the last few years of making videos pretty much daily I have never seen so much excitement and so much overwhelming interest in any kind of a scientific field until now."
"Making videos is not easy and it can get expensive very quickly."
"It's literally just if you make content that people will watch for, you can make up to a minute content if you have an average of a minute of people watching."
"We're going to close out the video with some glamour footage of our finished system."
"You just pop the mic into the camera and you just have really crispy audio."
"Being prepared before I make a video is a great way to actually learn how to do this stuff yourself."
"Every video is a new thing, it's a new research project."
"As of today, there are over 400 videos on my website with hundreds and hundreds of hours of material."
"I'm gonna put some bonus footage at the end of this video."
"Just go raw, go raw. Hold the phone, make it shaky, show bad lighting."
"But it's impossible when you've posted almost 2,000, I think it's like, excuse me, maybe it is, maybe this 2,000, maybe it's closer to 1,900 but a lot of videos."
"Move over YouTube animators, I'm just making YouTube videos."
"Guys, this video took me forever to make and there's still more videos of his I really want to cover."
"You can learn how to edit videos, how to shoot your video and how to script your videos on Skillshare among a plethora of other interesting topics."
"But there's obviously way more to a video's success than just the title, the thumbnail, the execution, the watchability, the entertainment factor, the click-worthy factor—everything goes into it that still requires experience."
"My videos are always going to be comprehensive to give you tons and tons of value."
"For video shooters, I find the XT three to be a very compelling upgrade."
"There'll be more videos coming out in the future as well."
"The videos just slowly got more more complex and obviously I just had to bring people on to figure it out how far in advance are you planning."
"It's our big big season, so we come out with two videos every single week on Sunday and Thursday."
"Your hard work paid off, publishing more videos contributed to your channel giving more views than usual."
"Like is Blair Witch Project quality? Is a Casey Neistat video, like what is subjective quality?"
"There are so many layers to this thing that I had to split this video into layers too."
"He actually has like a lot of creative stuff that he intertwines into his own videos and has clearly separated himself from the cookie cutter kind of guys who do the like very obvious versions of those like eating challenges and whatnot."
"When you record a video, you've got to amp it up because you're there to entertain people."
"Whenever I film a video that I don't feel like it's the best it can be, I always just kind of want to stop and stop forcing it."
"You just gotta keep making videos that people like to watch."
"In video mode, the D750 shines with its full-frame sensor and flat picture profile for excellent dynamic range."
"Probably the worst thing about video making and scripting is that I have to relive the moments I did on stream."
"This is what you remember: positions... then you want to press the little clock... that's keyframe."
"If there is this particular shot that I want to add in a video and it's gonna take like two hours, maybe don't do that because the video is passable without it."
"Thank you for watching and I can't wait to wait make a lot more videos for you in 2020, we're back."
"The best way to create these videos is by using a tool like in video."
"That was one of the weirdest videos we've ever made."
"Producing weekly videos has made me an incredibly efficient woodworker."
"It's actually kind of fun making videos again."
"This video was truly an absolute blast to make."
"The joy for me is in the process and in the video."
"I promise February will get settled and everything will go back to normal with my videos."
"This is going to be the first ever Paul's Hardware extra video."
"It really has taken me a long time to put this video together so all I ask is to return the favor by dropping the lac down below."
"My editor has disappeared without a trace. It's really strange because the Franklin DRC video was meant to come out quite a while ago but Andre the person editing it just disappeared."
"Seriously, without you we just have to create this same video over and over again, but you allow us to be creative and spicy and pushing your boundaries."
"I'm very happy now because I just realized I've been so caught up in just getting my videos done."
"I'm always looking for feedback to improve these videos."
"The function of the video has become a long and unnecessary take down of a microphone."
"Adding b-roll to your video is very simple and smart to do."
"If I'm not having fun making videos, then what's the point?"
"I figured we could bring them out for another video."
"These videos really would not be possible without you."
"If someone comes to me... I'm like you're not gonna pick the perfect thing, you might as well just start making videos."
"We're not just here trying to make this video because we hate Dragon Ball, we obviously love it."
"Every single video is going to be extremely high quality."
"If you want to up the production quality of your project or on your YouTube channel, I honestly don't think you can find a camera that delivers much better image quality than the XT4."
"I've been so excited about the videos I've been filming."
"Huge shout out to autotempest.com for making videos like this possible."
"Did you know? Your opening frame is crucial for hooking the audience."
"This is a hugely powerful program and I use it on every single video I make."
"That video was incredible like truly just awesome like he really crushed it with that video from the sets to the people that he picked to the twists that they kind of had in it like unreal out of this world incredible video."
"Another video that I am also proud of... is when I did the sponsored video with Universal for the movie 'Nobody.' I'm very proud of that."
"The great thing about making hour-long videos about an amazing and complicated TV show is that the nature of this work makes it sort of perpetuate itself."
"Remember how excited I was about that open gate? Well, it also means that you have some flexibility in terms of anamorphic."
"But when I'm trying to make a video and there's like nothing but Pilgrim barking in the background..."
"His videos were the perfect balance of amateur and professional."
"This video that I'm working on is really going to be a lot."
"The video Jack is really, really kind of a product of the videos."
"In this video we are going to take a look behind the scenes"
"I know I've been doing some different types of concepts for my videos recently, but it's been really fun."
"Looking forward to making videos again... thank you for supporting my channel."
"Editing is probably the most important part about making videos and without decent software I probably would have made this video really bland and boring."
"So it's very hard to display that in video format, but I think they did a not bad job."
"Making YouTube videos is a serious career for tens of thousands of people now."
"Let's get right to the video and skip the tuning of my horn."
"Having a really clear sense of who you're creating for... is going to help you make better videos."
"Focus on creating valuable content, not just fancy equipment."
"I'm still going to be making videos like that, but now I'll have time to include a few more specialized videos."
"Probably one of the most legendary Smallmouth videos we've ever filmed on this channel."
"Charles has created hundreds of entertaining characters on camera for video and film with over 400 Corporate videos to his credit."
"That's how most of my video topics go, I'm like 'that's a weird thing let's make a video about it.'"
"Everybody has a different consumption style, and if you can create nutritional videos that cater to all those different consumption styles, you're going to be able to reach a wider audience."
"The camera man was a little bit sus there, I can't lie."
"So if you're a creator and you want music that you can use in your videos then that's definitely the place to go."
"My most recent video has been nominated for an award."
"This video obviously took a really long time to make so I do hope you guys did enjoy it."
"These videos literally would not be possible without their support."
"If you do really want to make videos, then practice. You can start now. I've seen some kids that are like 10, 11, making full livestream videos that they've all done themselves."
"If you're shooting video, the a 6400 wins when it comes to audio options."
"The best recommendation is to just constantly play with video, practice all the different settings that are offered for you."
"I really hope you like the videos because I work really hard on them."
"Yes, I had done this whole preliminary planning for a series of videos about Hammer films."
"Your videos inspire me to do other videos that I otherwise wouldn't do."
"It is a losing project because I didn't even have a sponsor on my video."
"30 days straight I ain't sleep from two to three. Uploading all months, we uploadin' all month so me and fast life Gracie about to knock out two videos today."
"These people spend hours upon hours upon hours recording editing and uploading these videos."
"I've got a lot to show you in these particular videos. I bring them to you each and every Tuesday."
"We are working full time to put videos out, time is short."
"Reducing the amount of filler in the first 30 seconds of the video is almost certainly a good thing for long-term viewer satisfaction."