
Spiritual Insight Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"Everything then ultimately is the self-luminous display of this pure consciousness."
"That is infinite, this is infinite; from that infinite, this infinite has come. Here itself, if you recognize that infinity, infinity alone remains. Om peace, peace, peace."
"I didn't understand the love of God until I had a child."
"Jesus doesn't judge us on our output but on our faithfulness."
"No one ever went away from Jesus but what it was night."
"There is not a single object of this world that gives you happiness and comfort except that it shall also cause pain and suffering proportional to the amount of comfort you get from it."
"Dreams are a revelation whenever you go to sleep and dream, God is giving you a revelation of what is happening in the spirit that you're not aware of."
"The secret of fruitfulness... is the secret of seeing Jesus."
"Being psychic is not enough... The real power comes in actually understanding the structure of the universe."
"The gospel takes burdens off. It doesn't put burdens on."
"At the level of enlightenment, you have freedom; it's not that you have free will, but you have freedom."
"The goodness of the Lord causes a person to repent."
"Complete fire. The wisdom and revelation tonight was truly a blessing. Glory to God."
"When we understand and realize that and start to think in a Kingdom minded way, everything changes."
"The greatest gift that being has given us is the opportunity to discover that we are one with it in our own way."
"It's difficult to talk about the cross because it's both totally on the inside... but it's also at the edge of the world."
"I'm a fruit inspector because the Bible says that you should know a tree by the fruit it bears."
"Dreams serve as a bridge between our mortal understanding and divine wisdom, offering glimpses into the vast potential of our lives."
"The Gospel...it all comes down to the gospel."
"My intuition brings all the karmic to the yard."
"The grandest part of religion is the most simple."
"You have God's attention, and it's a big deal."
"This third eye is the true esoteric deeper meaning behind the eye symbolism."
"Knowing what you're saved from, this is the good news."
"The wound is the place where the light enters you." - Rumi
"The enlightened person sees no work in work and work in no work."
"Remember the breakthroughs we seek are often closer than we think."
"Sometimes you don't need to have your own lamb when you can carry the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."
"None of it matters if you don't have Jesus he's the whole point he's the backbone of this whole operation."
"I think we can get inspiration and comfort from these people with near-death experiences."
"Perhaps the most important things for us to see clearly are who God is and who we really are." - Sister Michelle Craig
"God sees things very differently than we do."
"Your pain will turn into bliss, your delusions will turn into clear direct knowledge of who you are."
"The Gospel of Thomas challenges conventional interpretations of these ideas. Saying 3 declares, 'The Kingdom of God is within you and all around you.'"
"Do not look at his appearance, for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart."
"God's power is often most clearly seen in the contradictions of life."
"For the believer, believing is seeing." - Dr. David Jeremiah
"God's about to bring clarity into your situation. The veil is about to be removed."
"Parallel to you is an invisible realm that is feeding your realm."
"Prophecy is giving us a glimpse of what is already done."
"Never curse a crisis. It's a setup for your promotion."
"Ever heard the Bible verse, 'The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom'?"
"We don't regard one another anymore after the flesh. Now, if the world understood this, I think the world would blow up our walls and run in here to try to be like us."
"Stop gazing at where you last saw me. Religion always gazes at where it last saw God, but relationship moves beyond history to destiny."
"Suffering can be transformed into streams of grace."
"Understanding that God has a reason... is more important than you can imagine."
"You're bringing knowledge to the world, whether it's in a spiritual form or on this earthly plane."
"Ultimately, we're not even these people every single person that Jesus healed in the end guess what happened to him they died they're not here."
"No matter what happens in the world, no matter if there's war that breaks out, anything like that, anything that's meant to divide people, with spiritual eyes, can see straight through it."
"All of life is just a series of infinite portals."
"This brings your monthly reading to a close but I hope it gave you all of the insights you need to work through the blessings and the perceived blocks that are ahead for you"
"God is Not Placid he is not he is not temporary he is not casual he is focusing when he goes after something he will spend whatever it takes to bring it in."
"Understanding that our physical body is merely a host for our consciousness provides the necessary means to break through what has been termed the veil of our reality."
"The way religions complement one another is more important than the way they contradict."
"First impressions do not always count. The Prophet was in the right house but he saw the wrong thing."
"Great friendships, God knew exactly what he was doing when he made y'all." - From mi fisherman
"If you're not standing where God wants you to stand, it won't make any difference."
"God reveals to redeem, he doesn't reveal to disappoint you."
"If you are hungry, you are singly focused. Keep thine eyes single, and my whole body will be full of light of understanding."
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 5:7
"Know what is before your face and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you."
"Stop taking life so seriously. Achievements and possessions will pell into insignificance when your soul journeys back home to the light from which everything stems."
"Probably if I was there, especially without the knowledge that I have now, I would probably be one of those people that didn't recognize the messiah."
"God's thoughts towards your relationship are of good and not evil, so you should know that once God is giving you signs not to be with someone it is for good reason."
"Look past the mask and see God there. His hand is shining throughout the text."
"Compassion is the key that opens the door to miracles."
"Symbols are the true language of the soul, and to know how to interpret the meaning of the symbols of your dreams is of the utmost importance to the beginner."
"Just keep that in mind throughout this reading, that is a gift that you possess."
"The eyes in your heart help you see beyond what you see."
"I saw how simple Christianity is that it's not complicated at all."
"What is big in the world is little to God and what is little in the world is big in God."
"Blessing of truth and resolution - you're going to find the answer."
"Wisdom is the lost property of the believer, he takes it wherever he finds it."
"Embrace clarity and life-changing revelations for spiritual growth."
"A person can come to their senses and receive forgiveness for their sins."
"Eclipses speak to what a higher, more loving vision for your life might be."
"He suffered even as I, which suffering caused myself, even God, a god, to tremble because of pain."
"The 11th of March is going to be an important day because this is where you are going to basically have an important vision."
"God packages always look like a crisis on the outside but when you unwrap it you automatically level up."
"What Jesus is offering us... is the opportunity to see differently to see with new eyes."
"You need to discern now that Moses knows that God is holding something back from him. And he says, 'I want to see your kabode, that's what it says in Hebrew.'"
"Everything that God has placed in creation is a teaching tool, an illustration of something about God and His relationship with His people."
"But the Good News is much better than the bad news is bad."
"Consciousness eclipses all possibility of fear."
"The passage I really like... is Matthew 13... where the farmer... says, 'Presume wheat, not weeds.'"
"The chosen ones were right all along that this world is the Maya, it's the illusion."
"The only way out is in, that sacredness is present and available to us in every moment."
"I went up on the ceiling as I looked down at my body and saw the top of the heads of everybody in the room. It was a very calm, wrapped in love feeling."
"The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom."
"Even the darkest places hold a divine power to transform curses into blessings."
"Once we are in that heart area... we have to be able to see and love everyone unconditionally."
"Your heart knows it holds the secret knowledge."
"Happiness from the world outside obscures our inherent bliss within."
"Happiness is not in external possessions or activities but in the inner self."
"The entire world survives on a particle of the ocean of happiness within us."
"Life is an unfoldment, not accretion. What comes to us in the world without is what we already possess in the world within."
"Resistance, obstructions, and opposition could mean you are off your path. Get still and let the new idea come through."
"I think the problem is that we tend to look at things too much in terms of this world, rather than in terms of what's really going on in the other side."
"It's a blessing in disguise, their soul is showing you a lot of love."
"Legalism is the attempt to do through the acts of man what could only be accomplished through the cross."
"The only difference between you and me may yet be a few moments when you fail to see Christ in yourself and your brother."
"In the very act of being saved by him, we come to see. He's provided the vision by which we see him. That's the whole spiritual life."
"There's heaven in every moment if you're interested."
"No man can understand scripture until he is enlightened, and when he is enlightened, he does not need scripture."
"The reality is definitely sinking in to the point where, because I think... This is just me talking, this is my intuition... The cards aren't saying this yet, at least, but I definitely feel like there's a part of you that knows that."
"Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door to Ultimate Reality."
"I read this just a few weeks ago and it really spoke to me personally about my own life. I've hated pride for years but I got a new vision of how vicious and how evil pride is."
"When you pray, we've all had this... every time I encounter God in prayer, the first thought is, 'Why don't I do this more?'"
"If the Son of God really came here, would you recognize it?"
"Life becomes heavenly, it's a whole shift in perception."
"You will find within yourself the power to see yourself in the way that only you and God can see you."
"It's not always about age, it can be more about soul knowledge."
"The spiritual lesson is realizing that what you're looking to the external world for you need to look for in yourself."
"Visionary states of consciousness are good for the world... you become a kind of conduit or a translator for a transcendent realm."
"Many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, but they did not."
"Salvation is not enduring all your troubles so that you can go to heaven."
"Fasting expels toxins in the body but also exposes transgressions in the soul."
"The source of our trouble is not the sky or the earth, but the layer we throw upon God's creation." - Swami
"You don't need to see with those two beautiful eyes you already have. Those eyes are not gonna get you where you're going. It's that third eye, your intuition, that's gonna actually direct you and take you where you need to go."
"I think a very big spiritual blessing that I've been blessed with is to be able to kind of like, differentiate between teachings of man and teachings of like, eternal truths."
"God reveals mysteries to us through His Spirit, searching all things, even the deep things of God."
"We're here to essentially realize that we are divine."
"Father we just thank You and we do pray Father that through Your Holy Spirit You would make ever more clear these extremes that You have gone to on our behalf."
"I truly believe if you want to see you know real healing you want to see real forgiveness you want to see what God looks like in real life I feel like this is one of those moments."
"Living wisely is the best life. Wisdom is a gift from God."
"Jesus's compassion is still available for the earth to see today."
"The joy of the Lord is our strength, but if you read it backwards, the strength of the Lord is our joy."
"When Jesus saw her, what did He see? A woman who had temporarily succumbed to the weakness of the flesh but could be reclaimed through repentance and His Atonement."
"Listen to your intuition, the door to universal insight is opening."
"You may be beaten and left for dead emotionally, you may have been beaten down and left for dead financially, but the heavens over your life are opening up."
"Each one has a specific calling and no one can say 'I am more important than the other one.'"
"Truth is being revealed, deep insights are coming from heaven."
"The universe is trying to tell you something or get your attention."
"It's like a spiritual experience. I'm at the edge of the world."
"Sometimes people's rejection is God's protection."
"Spirit knows you're going to go out. Where did the thought come from to ask for it at that time?"
"Love broke in and saved men, which was breathtaking."
"God really did have a plan all along, and the story's not over."
"Gnosis tells me that you were supposed to awaken almost before those around you."
"Discernment is not knowing right from wrong, it's knowing right from almost right."
"The blessing is never at the entrance, it's always at the exit."
"Love covers. Doesn't mean it condones sin, but it wants to protect it."
"But they only knew, he replied, well whether he is a sinner or not I don't know. One thing I do know, I was blind, and now I see."
"It's not what you have it's what has you there's nothing wrong with possessions it's when possessions possess you."
"God can open one door and close another, speaking through circumstances."
"The universe wants to turn over, it wants to give you a clean slate, but it's up to you to let it."
"The replica will never be able to compare to what God really wants to release."
"This discovery magnifies the mercy and goodness of God."
"There are a lot of difficult things in scripture that can really affect us, but what has Jesus said about him that tells us who he is?"
"When they came to that stable, they said they were so overcome because they saw God in the stable that they gave their very, very best."
"May my God open your eyes to see every promise of scripture connected to the next level of your destiny."
"The wound is the place where the light enters you."
"The Holy Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets."
"Forgive these people for they know not what they do."
"Philosophy illuminates the spiritual continent on which the rest of us sleepily dwell."
"To trust a self that is rooted in ego will be folly. But when you truly know who you are, you can trust yourself from the soul level."
"The physical and the spiritual are a lot closer than we think."
"When all you have is God, He is all you've ever needed."
"God wants to give us the blueprints of heaven."
"If the eye is single, the body is full of light."
"Why do you look for the living among the dead?"
"Forgiveness is the fucking key to a whole new life."
"You gotta test people's Spirits; you will know a tree by its fruit."
"Energy doesn't lie, energy is direct and clear."
"God's whole creating universe is purposeful in every part."
"Trust your dreams, God speaks to us in different ways."
"The supernatural power of two to an agreement can do more than two million in discord."
"I know I said we were going to pull more tarot cards and oracle cards but we're actually past the 20 minute mark with this reading and it was all just downloads coming in connecting with the dream."
"You're gonna miss some blessings that God has in store for you."
"The process happens right now, and this eclipse will bring illumination to mind and soul."
"I want to remind people of love. That love is all there is, was, and never will be."
"There is always a blessing within the wound."
"Faith is something I like to call spiritual eyes common sense."
"Jesus is the lens through which we see the world in a totally different way."
"God Himself starts to speak to them in dreams."
"Do you know your answer could be sitting right next to you but you'll never know it until God is ready to reveal it."
"Even a genuine Seer may add to what they've received based on a mistake or imagination."
"Joseph turned aside and wept - reconciliation had already taken place."
"Your eyes are windows to your soul... make sure y'all stay woke."
"Being spiritual helps you see underneath the surface of things."
"Manifestation is not making something appear, it's realizing it's already here."
"Insight in Advaita Vedanta can throw the mind into Samadhi."
"There are higher things than the ego's will, and to those one must buy." - Carl Jung
"Forgiveness is simply seeing the false as false."
"The purpose of light is to grow, and the purpose of life is to grow."
"A spiritual awakening, seeing the signs clearly."
"Wishes coming true, intuitive breakthroughs."
"Mystics the world over seem to have perceived the universal hologram in the same spiral form."
"Now the wheels are interesting in Hebrew the word is ophanim."
"Many are the plans in the mind of a man but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."
"Damaged does not mean ruined. Cracks and scratches can highlight God's grace."
"God will expose something that isn't what you think it is."
"In emptiness, there is no form, no perception, no conception, no volition, no consciousness, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind."
"If you see these times as offering realization, it can be claimed. If you see these times as terrifying, you'll be terrified."
"Love is indeed the most powerful force in the universe."
"You're listening to your heart, you're very psychic at this time as well."
"Wisdom is not the enemy of Revelation, it supports it."
"Good preaching notices what God is doing now."
"Enlightenment will reveal everything to you."
"Sufism has a potential that kind of breaks through this institutionalized understanding."