
Divine Knowledge Quotes

There are 478 quotes

"I want to know God's thoughts; everything else is just details."
"Allah knows everything and we can rely on him."
"Allah knows what every female womb carries and by how much the wombs fall short or do exceed."
"Allah knows every newborn in the earth and in yourselves... and everything that dies."
"You are the great physician and what the doctors do not have the understanding or have not figured out, you have an answer for it."
"The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever."
"You could hate something but it could be good for you, and you can love something but it can be bad for you. And Allah knows and you don't know."
"For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets."
"Known to God are all His works from all eternity."
"Allah knows how we think because He created that intelligence."
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties."
"God's solid foundation stands, bearing this inscription: 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and, 'Let everyone who names the name of the Lord renounce all wickedness.'"
"God does not need to leave Heaven to know what's going on in the earth realm. His eyes are everywhere, and His wisdom is all-encompassing."
"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God."
"God has a superior energy called Yoga Maya by virtue of which he knows everything... not of one lifetime but our infinite lifetimes."
"God is omniscient, he knows all things before they ever happen."
"Mysticism is the belief that access to direct divine knowledge is available through surrendering the ego."
"The fact is this, that this God who knows everything is a god that is not silent."
"Prophecy itself is God's way of reminding us that he alone knows the future."
"God knows, He knows where you are, He knows how deep the pit is, He knows how tired your legs are from traveling this road"
"Just because God knows the choice you're gonna make doesn't make it your choice any less."
"If there's a God, that God absolutely knows what it would take."
"Ensure the great and mighty things which thou knowest not."
"The purpose of prayer is not to notify God of a need; our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask."
"The enemy never knows the full plan, only God knows the full plan."
"No one knows god but the one and only son who is himself god."
"God can predict the future far more accurately than you and I can recall the past."
"Because it's God, according to the Bible, knows the end from the beginning, I don't think any of this took him by surprise."
"To make it so that all of man knows the great red dragon's true form."
"If Jesus was God, he should have known the hour, and he mentions not even angels. Oh no."
"God knew that you would not enter heaven by your own righteousness."
"We judge motives... only God knows the heart."
"I'm actually trying to immerse myself in knowledge of God."
"Clearly advanced scientific knowledge that comes from God."
"Allah knows us better than we know ourselves."
"God knows the end from the beginning, we put our trust in Him."
"God knows your name, God knows your condition."
"I know what God can do because he haven't written here. I know what God won't do because he's in here. Are you kidding?"
"For then we would truly know the mind of god."
"You've got to be lit up with the knowledge of God."
"Be not ye therefore like unto them, for your heavenly father knows what things you have need of before you ask."
"The time is coming when the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord."
"Allah is the one who is all-knowing and the one who makes plans."
"It truly means that there is not a hair on your head that it does not know."
"You are a child of God, the world knew you on the day you came into the world, but God knew you before you were formed in the womb."
"Perhaps that is one way in which the promise of the Lord could be fulfilled that we shall one day 'see as we are seen and know as we are known.'"
"When you pray in the spirit, you speak mysteries, things you don't know but the Spirit of God does know."
"God knows what every single individual needs to hear in order to accept the truth of Jesus Christ."
"No AI can prophesy the way God does, no computer program can fathom the mysteries that the Almighty God can."
"Allah knows best and even psychologically or whatever you want to say, it makes sense."
"He knows you by name and he knows your pain and heartfelt desire."
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." - Habakkuk 2:14
"Ultimately God knows who you are he knows who you are now and he knows who he intended for you to be."
"Christ is this Divine Redeemer who provides the saving knowledge."
"Allah is all-knowing and all wise, he created human beings, he knows what is best for us."
"God knows your heart; God knows the hearts of men."
"What Boethius argues is that God doesn't have foreknowledge in the sense that we humans mean. What Boethius is saying is that foreknowledge implies that God is embedded in time."
"God knows your address and he has a book written about you in Psalms 139:16 says that each one of your days was written in a book before one of them came to pass."
"God created us, he knows what's best for us. If he sent down a religion and a way of life, then we need to listen and follow that religion."
"Faith is a form of knowledge revealed by God Himself who cannot deceive us."
"The Lord knows you, he knows your name, he knows the number of hairs on your head, and he cares for you."
"Let all our employment be to know God the more one knows him, the more one desires to know him."
"Your future may be hidden to you right now, but it's not hidden from God."
"God knows dear friend I want you to know that God knows he knows your heart's desire he knows your pain he knows what you're going through."
"Can the Divine become ignorant in its Divine form?"
"Likewise, if that being has knowledge, will not be limited, not be bound, will be unlimited, all-knowing."
"God sees the heart. He knows, and He will let us know He knows."
"We know that you have the full story and you're the one who knows the whole truth and nothing but the truth." - Kenoi
"I thought it was because he doesn't know better. How do you know better than God?"
"God already knows what's perfect for you, for your best interest."
"Believe that man does not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend."
"Don't you know that your father in Heaven knows that you need these things?"
"God knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him."
"If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."
"The Lord has revealed everything to me."
"There's something one merciful in that God knows our humanity, He knows that entropy is real in a sinful world."
"God knew about you before your momma and daddy had you."
"God knows us better than we know ourselves."
"He alone knows the future because He alone determines the future."
"When you are in the grid, God's grid, and you are co-creating with God, this is when you are tapping into the field of God's infinite knowledge."
"Only the father knows when the last day will be."
"Jesus Christ's perfect theology: He modeled perfect knowledge of God."
"Jesus modeled perfect knowledge of God and the actions that followed."
"If you're afraid of what it is, let me tell you right now, he already knows."
"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no not the angels, not neither the son but the father in heaven"
"The Quran is the cosmic text, the uncreated revealed words of God that disclose in themselves the infinite meaning, the infinite knowledge of God."
"God is greater than our feelings and he knows everything."
"God knew your problems before you knew it."
"He loves His sheep. He knows them intimately."
"You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teachings."
"He knows our frame, He remembers we are dust"
"Lord, You have searched me and known Me."
"God made this choice knowing full well what it entails."
"God knows our thoughts before we think them."
"Not only is it important for us to know Him, it is equally important we know that He knows us."
"Prophecy will move you to grab the handle of faith as you realize, I serve a God who knows the end from the beginning."
"God knows you individually and so you might not experience all six of these."
"You don't need a college degree to be educated by our God who is Sovereign who knows all."
"Jesus can see things that our human reason can't see. He knows something has to happen in this woman's soul and character that requires him to stop."
"God knows all the outcomes, even those that would have been the outcomes had you not done them."
"God knows. He knows which circumstances will maximize his glory. He knows what you really need."
"Now we receive not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may know the things freely given to us by God."
"The mind of God sees every choice we're making, every step we take."
"You have all the divine information locked inside of you."
"God searches the hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts."
"He knows you intimately, deeply. He knows the number of hairs on your head."
"Before you knew God, God knew you."
"Allah's knowledge is timeless because he's timeless. And so, if he timelessly knows what I'm going to do in time, then his knowledge doesn't interfere with what's in time."
"Pentecost hymnography reflects the understanding of divine knowledge and the unity of tongues."
"Jesus knew John knew something. I know what John will know. Imma speak the word to John and when I speak the word to John, it will be a confirmation to John I'm the one."
"I release the gift of Revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of God."
"God sees the big picture. God sees the big picture. God sees the big picture."
"We've got a God that goes, 'I see it all, I've got everything.'"
"God operates in two dimensions: speech and thoughts."
"God knows you by name, he knows everything about you."
"God knows everything about the future, the past, and everything that is to know."
"God's challenge to the false gods includes knowing the future and understanding the past."
"God knows and God sees everything."
"The Superficial picture you might get...God's not surprised he figured this out all from the beginning."
"God cannot be all-knowing and all-powerful and not know that there was something defective about Lucifer."
"Your Heavenly Father knows what you need before you ask Him."
"God's got the most amazing Bible prophecy to say hey look I know things before they come to be"
"God says I declare from the end the beginning you're not going to get any stuff that's going to surprise me about you."
"The prophetic gives you advanced knowledge, divine intelligence."
"God's 'yada' of Jeremiah is personal. God is active in his knowing, his choosing."
"God knows everything because he created everything there is to know, and he's fully aware of all of it at the same time."
"The Holy Spirit knows things that we don't know."
"God's knowledge is immeasurable, instructional, and individual."
"God knows my every movement. You know my sitting down and my rising up."
"Since God knows everything, he knows the best about us."
"Now I know that you fear God, as if God did not know that in the beginning."
"He knows the desire of your heart."
"Your Heavenly Father knows all about you."
"That's the craziest thing ever, like talk about God truly knowing you before he forms you."
"The real knowledge is the knowledge of Allah, Islam, the Hereafter."
"Allah has the full moral picture. He has the full, complete understanding of the consequences of moral action."
"God always knows, his omniscience means that he knew about the economic downturn we're going through right now."
"...God knows every detail about the universe now and about the future."
"The future looks uncertain but God Specializes in knowing and predicting the future."
"God's knowledge is immediate, comprehensive, and without deterioration."
"God knows all of his children by name."
"If God showed you everything, you would go into flight-or-fight."
"Before I formed thee, I knew you."
"Don't worry, God knows who we are."
"There are certain things in the Quran which will make you think and reflect how does this Quran know this unless it's really from God."
"God alone knows the hearts of all the sons of men."
"What is the anointing but you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things." - 1 John 2:20
"The earth will be as full of the knowledge of the Lord Jesus as the Pacific Ocean is wet."
"A mystery is something that no one could know without God revealing it."
"God notices every little thing someone does and knows their name."
"He knows us far better than we know ourselves."
"God sees the end from the beginning."
"God knows my heart and he knows your heart too."
"The secrets of the Lord are for those who fear him."
"The Lamb and the Lion will lie down together in peace, and the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as waters that cover the sea."
"The things of God are not taught, they are caught."
"God makes a choice because God knows everything, he's omniscient, he knows everything. Because he knows everything he makes his sovereign choice."
"There is one in heaven who knows you by name and he knows everything about you."
"The Bible tells us that what makes the God of the Bible so absolutely radically unique is that he is the only one that knows the future in advance."
"We want to hide from God, and you think you can hide anything from God. He knows you through and through, but he still loves you."
"God knows your needs and desires."
"God knows everything that is happening and is about to happen. God knows everything. It doesn't mean that God is forcing someone."
"Allah knows your door before you utter it he knows it from your heart and Allah knows how you would have preferred to word your door."
"When God blesses you, he already knows the worst and the best about you."
"I alone comprehend the father, I alone perfectly understand the father, which means I alone am qualified to make God known to you."
"Just do your part and the Holy Spirit knows what's in their hearts and minds."
"Allah knows our secrets and he knows the real us."
"God has spread knowledge down upon the heads of all of his children throughout the face of the earth."
"The Holy Spirit knows everything about everything, and He has committed Himself to be your teacher."
"God knows everything about your life."
"Come As You Are full of Filth full of wrongdoings full of mistakes full of dirt full of ugliness full of nakedness come as you are because the Lord knows you more than you."
"This is revealed truth you couldn't work out, but we're called to know God better."
"The number one desire every believer ought to have is to know God and be in his perfect will."
"We can know God through ourselves and more specifically through the power of our imagination."
"For who can know the Lord's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him? But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ."
"Love and pleasure in worship come from knowing more about Allah. Pleasure in worship is contingent on love for Allah."
"We've got a lot more knowledge and we've studied a lot more knowledge and Allah has given us from that realm a lot more than what he's given others."
"To truly know Christ, you must be filled with the spirit."
"'On earth as it is in heaven is a glorious reminder that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.'"
"Allah exposes evidence-based knowledge based on your intentions, your work, your toiling."
"People can have faith and reason, and this knowledge was from God. So you should use your reason to understand your faith rather than simply saying because God said so."
"Eternal life, beloved, it's not just something that happens in the future. It's not just about living forever. Eternal life is a quality. And the quality of eternal life is to know God."
"No one has seen the Father except he who is from God."
"...for the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
"God knows the hairs of your head by number."
"So don't despair, my friends; the Lord knows you as you are right now."
"Whatever happens, Allah knows about it."
"No one can know God's thoughts except God's own spirit, and we have received God's spirit."
"God which comes out of the spirit of God then he enhances my knowledge."
"You can know Jesus Christ, and you can be known by Him, and that's the best thing in the world."
"Divine wisdom is the perfect factual knowledge of reality and the perfect situational insight and the omnipotent resolve that together will succeed in achieving His intended righteous goals."
"I have forgiveness from a person who knows everything I'm going to do wrong."
"Allah is the one who taught man what he did not know."
"Heaven is forever because forever is the time that you need to get to know God."
"Nobody knows anything about God, Allah, except for what He reveals about Himself."
"I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"The innate knowledge of God is embedded in self, so an individual cannot know God without knowing self."
"We must say Allah knows best because only Allah can confirm that an interpretation is correct."
"When the Messiah comes, the world will be filled with the knowledge of God like the water fills the ocean."
"This is life eternal, that they would know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."